tissues so that a chemist or technician can quickly obtain useful information or details for analysis ... is determined) is covered in systems us- ing...
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NEW BOOKS tissues so that a chemist or technician can quickly obtain useful information or details for analysis. The Determination of Collagen and Elastin provides a great deal of infor­ mation on their presence in fluids and tissues, their isolation and measurement with good information on the deter­ mination of hydroxyproline. Applica­ tions of these methods and words of caution are presented. The determination of p-glucuronidases is thoroughly covered so that one can understand the terminology chemistry, substrate preparation, and enzyme assays. The latter are dis­ cussed in fluids and tissues (whole and in micro sections.) The presentation of the electron probe analyzer and applications is clearly described and should influence some analysts with special problems to consider this exciting field. Preparative zonal centrifugation pre­ sents some excellent diagrams showing the use of liquid density gradients to stabilize particle zones in gravitational fields using dynamically loaded zonal centrifuge rotors. Means for collect­ ing and measuring fractions are pre­ sented. The materials handled and scanned are heterogeneous particle populations. Methods are clearly pre­ sented for selectively preparing large amounts of subcellular particles. Radiorespirometry (refers to a type of experiment in which the rate and extent of evolution of respiratory 1 4 C 0 2 by a system, metabolizing 1 4 C uni­ formly or specifically labeled substrates, is determined) is covered in systems us­ ing microorganisms, cells, enzymes, plants, and small animals. Many appli­ cations are presented, such as identifi­ cation and estimation of metabolic pathways or detection of alteration of a pathway. Phosphorimetry as an analytical aid to measuring small concentrations 0.1 to 10 nanograms/ml of certain com­ pounds is well presented in all details from hardware to isolation and mea­ surement techniques. Each chapter is begun with a good table of contents and is ended with an up to date list of references. The book is covered by a good author and subject index and is capped with a cumulative index (Volumes 1-15) of authors and subject. This last volume of the series is superb. Research workers, analysts, and students should know where to find this volume when they are con­ cerned with one of its topics. The more affluent should have it in their book collection. By current standards the valuable material within and the thorough coverage make it a bargain.



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