BECCO's high-purity Peracetic Acid is available for immediate delivery

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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BECCO's high-purity Peracetic Acid is available for immediate delivery! Seems that t h e r e a r e still a few people who don't know they can get immediate delivery on high-purity Peracetic Acid. Fact is, commercial quantities of Becco's Peracetic a r e available right now, in a solution, of the following typical composition-uncontaminated with a n y other organic material: CH3C0OOH . . . . 4 0 % CH3CO0H . . . . 3 9 % H 2 S0 4 . . . . 1 % H20... .15% H202. . . . 5 % (Plus a stabilizer, 500 ppm)

Becco research has studied m a n y epoxidation techniques a n d stands ready now, as always, to help you use high-purity Peraeetie Acid t o meet y o u r particular epoxidation require­ ments. For example, u n d e r reaction conditions developed b y Becco, high yields of epoxides a r e obtainable from a wide variety of difficult-to-epoxidize olefinics. Moreover, this versatile oxidant has proved superior in trie production of amine oxides, sulfones, metal salts, etc.




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