Beckman Instruments, Inc. - American Chemical Society

Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and The Swedish. Association of Technical Physicists, Stockholm, Sweden. Contact: H. von. Koch, secretar...
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NEWS union tee


straight union


union elbow straight union reducer

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European Conference on Electron Microscopy, Delft, Netherlands. Contact: Prof. J. B. Le Poole, Mijnbouwplein 11, Delft, Netherlands.

Sept. 7 ^T " tO 1 0

1 I I 1 I

Fifteenth Calorimetry Conference, Gatlinburg, Tenn. Contact: Dr J · · P-.McCullough, Chairman, U. S. Bureau of Mines, Box 1321, Bartlesville, Okla., or Dr. D . W. Osborne, program chairman, Argonne National Laboratory, P.O. Box 299, Lemont, 111. Page 61 A, June.

Sept. 11 ι

138th National Meeting, American Chemical Society, New York City, N . Y . Page 43 A, August.

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straight bulkhead union bulkhead reducer union

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bulkhead reducer union

bulkhead elbow



Sth International Instruments and Measurements Conference, T h e Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and The Swedish Association of Technical Physicists, Stockholm, Sweden. Contact: H . von Koch, secretary general, I & M Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 70, Sweden. Page 43 A, Feb.


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Third ISA Instrument-Automation Conference and Exhibit and 15tn Annua l Meeting, New York Coliseum, New York, Ν . Υ. Contact: William H . Kushnick, executive director, Instrument Society of America, 313 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. Page 38 A, July.

_ . η Oct. 3 » c



bulkhead reducer elbow

male adaptor


simplify tubing c o n n e c t i o n s with Vari-Grip* Teflon Fittings No need to labor over glass ball joints or other intricate fittings or connectors with the new Beckman Vari-Grip* Teflon Tube Fittings. Simply insert glass or metal tubing into fitting and tighten nut for a perfect compression seal. Fitting design permits considerable variation in tube size. Since Teflon is more inert than glass it is unaffected by most liquids and gases. 53 A complete listing of time-saving Beckman Vari-Grip Fittings by size, type, and price is available from authorized Beckman laboratory apparatus dealers. Or write for Data File 15-9-0!).



Scientific and ProcessInstruments Division ^TRADEMARK, Bli

Beckman Instrumenta, Inc. 2500 FuUerton Road, Fullertart, California

Circie no. 39 on Readers' Service Card 84 A



Fall Meeting, Semiconductor Analytical Group, International Divis on ' °^ Merck a n d Co., New York City. Sponsor, Semiconductor Analytical Group. Contact: J. M . Morris, Metal Hydrides, Inc. 12-24 Congress St., Beverly, Mass. Page 41 A, July. Chemical Exposition USA 1960. Hotel Statler-Hilton, New York, N . Y. Sponsor: New York Section, ACS, Contact: E. P. Connolly, Connolly and Leopold, Hotel Sheraton-Atlantic, New York, N . Y.




_ . Oct. 4 . y TO '

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10th Annual Instrument Symposium and Research Equipment Exhibit, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Contact: James B. Davis, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda 14, M d . Page 50 A, June.

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Fourth Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Reactor Technology—First Conference on Nuclear Reactor Chemistry, Gatlinburg, Tenn. Sponsor: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Contact: C. D . Susano, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box Y, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Page 54 A, J u n e ; page 63 A, Sept.

1 I

Panel Discussion on E n d Group Analysis. Philadelphia Textile Institute. Sponsor: Analytical Group, Philadelphia Section, ACS. Speakers: L. H . Phifer, American Viscose, and Allen Weiss, Rohm & Haas. Contact: J. A. Devlin, E . I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., 3500 Grays Ferry Ave., Philadelphia 44, Pa.

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Fall meeting, Gulf Coast Spectroscopic Group, Fontainebleau Motor Hotel, New Orleans. Contact: H . N . Morrow, DelhiTaylor Oil Corp., P.O. Box 40667, Corpus Christi, Tex.

Oct. 1 3

Oct. 1 4

Society for Applied Spectroscopy (New York Section) Esso R e ­ search Center. Subject: plant tour and talk, "Study of Spectroscopic Emission Sources." Speaker: Marvin Margoshes, N a tional Bureau of Standards. Contact: John Hansen, Esso R e search Center, Linden, N . J.


Oct. 1 2 to 14

t h Ottawa Symposium on Applied Spectroscopy, Canadian Association for Applied Spectroscopy, Ottawa, Canada. Contact: C. R. Langdon, program chairman, Aluminium Company of Canada, Ltd., Arvida, Que. Page 70 A, Sept.

Oct. 19 to 26—Second Interkama International Congress and Exhibit for Instrumentation and Automation, Dusseldorf, Germany. Contact: Nordwestdeutschen Austellungs, Gesellschaft, M B H , Dusseldorf, Ehrenhof 4, Germany. Oct. 21—Fourth Annual Symposium on Advances in Tracer Methodology. Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago. Sponsor: Baird-Atomic, Inc., and New England Nuclear Corp. Contact: Baird-Atomic, Inc., 33 Universitv Rd., Cambridge, Mass. Page 72 A, Sept. Oct. 24 to 26—Eighth Detroit Anachem Conference. Wayne State University, De­ troit, Mich. Contact: M. D. Cooper, Chemistry Department, General Motors Corp., Warren, Mich. Page 33 A, July. Oct. 31 to Nov. 2—13th Annual Conference on Electrical Techniques in Medicine and Biology, Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, D . C. Sponsors: Instrument Society of f · r t doming tvenfS