The newest addition. To the most innovative answer system in the UV. High performance for the dollar and the availability of over 40 designmatched accessory units have made the Beckman Series 24/25 UV Spectrophotometers the standard for answeroriented systems worldwide. Now, in that tradition of versatile value, we're proud to announce the addition to our line of the Series 34/35 UV instruments. These new spectrophotometers offer a broad range of convenience, performance, and precision design features previously unavailable on a medium-priced unit. For example, 34/35 instruments employ a common optical system with a common beam aperture to make microsampling as accurate as macrosampling.
The 35 also incorporates a programmable slit system to provide a constant signal-to-noise ratio at all wavelengths. And they introduce a major design improvement —automatic absorbance overrange detection. If samples are run beyond the concentration ranges of your chemistry, the unit provides an audio and visual indication that dilution is required. Additional features include: a functional 0-3 absorbance range; derivative recording for detecting minor impurities; expanded scales for the chart system; fast scanning speeds for survey work; and time-constant selection to maintain a high signal-to-noise ratio when operating in the expanded scale mode. CIRCLE 30 O N READER SERVICE CARD
As for service, applications assistance and support —well, at Beckman they've been part of our U V answer systems since 1941. So if you've been looking for the final answer to high performance at a medium price, check out the complete Beckman line of UV spectrophotometers and accessories. Then tailor-make the one system that fits your needs exactly. For full information, contact Scientific Instruments Division, Beckman Instruments, Inc., P.O. Box C-19600, Irvine, California 92713. Innovation in UV since 1941.