V O L U M E 2 1, NO. 5, MAY
ADVANCED FEATURES DESIGNED INTO THE MODEL " B " INCLUDE... CONVENIENCE Direct reading wavelength scale ΓΜ IT 1000 millimicrons . , . readings reproduc I to great accuracy. 1 Direct reading transmission and abso* (optical density) scales on large easily-read meter. Continuously variable slits for smooth, precise settings. 4-Position sensitivity multiplier permits read ings to be made on most advantageous portion of scale. Four position cell carriage permits quick posi tioning of any of 4 cells by an external control.
ACCURACY! Photometric accuracy to 0.5% transmission or 1 % absorbance. Negligible stray light—stray light effects com pletely eliminated between 360 and 1000 milli microns . . . less than V/2% even at 320 milli microns. Resolution—permits less than 5 millimicron band width over most of spectral range. VERSATIUTV: Liquid, solid and gaseous samples may be analyzed. Monochromatic light beam is easily brought outside the instrument for long path measure ments and special uses. Accommodates large cells up to 50 m. m. path length in standard cell carrier. Interchangeable photocells—red or blue-sensi tive to utilize the high resolving power of the Model " B " . Easily-attached Model " B " accessories will be available for special types of measurements and for added convenience and accuracy. Write for details.
N o f e simplicity
controls. A/so nofe the sloping panel that permits easy readability of scales from both sitting and standing positions.
The new Model " B " Spectrophotometer is by far the outstanding routine instrument available. It provides advance ments pioneered in the Beckman Quartz and Infrared Spectro photometers but never before offered in a low priced instru ment. These advantages are important because they combine simplicity, convenience and versatility without sacrificing ac curacy and reliability. The Model "B" has better ultraviolet performance ... better resolution . . . better wavelength and photometric ac curacy . . . and more freedom from stray light than any other instrument in its field. A descriptive bulletin on the Beckman Model " B " Spectrophotometer will gladly be sent on request. Write today. Beckman Instruments, National Technical Laboratories, South Pasadena f j , California.
INSTRUMENTS CONTROL M O D E R N INDUSTRIES ptf Meters and Hectrodes—Spectrophotometers—Radiation Meters —Special Analytical Instruments