Beckman® scientific instruments - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 16, 2012 - Anal. Chem. , 1956, 28 (4), pp 3A–3A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60112a701. Publication Date: April 1956. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an...
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Double-beam convenience...

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Double-monoch romator performance... Single-beam accuracy... ... and easy as


The world off the infrared is at your fingertips with the new Beckman IR-4 Spectrophotometer!

Here's t h e ultimate in resolution, accuracy, sim­ plicity, a n d flexibility of operation in a single infrared instrument—the Beckman IR-4. Operate it double-beam, you get unsurpassed resolution and speed ; operate it single-beam, you get accuracy equalling t h e best single-beam in­ s t r u m e n t s . I t s unique, double-monochromator de­ sign provides twice t h e dispersion, and twice t h e energy, of comparable single monochromators. This means twice the resolution, or up to four times the scanning speed for the same resolution. And it produces radiation t h a t is truly monochro­ matic—stray light is negligible with all optics! W h a t ' s more, t h e IR-4 can be operated b y any­ one. P u s h a button—it r u n s t h e curve automati­ cally ; stops a t t h e s t a r t i n g point for the next r u n automatically ; even realigns t h e c h a r t paper — automatically! Here's t h e instrument t h a t truly puts t h e world of infrared a t your fingertips ! Write Beckman Instruments, Inc., Scientific In­ struments, Fullerton, California for additional information. Ask for Data File 2L-4-15.


scientific instruments

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