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Been waiting long for your samples to dissolve? Your brand new AA sits idle while you dissolve samples by techniques that haven't changed in a century. Doing acid digestions over a hot plate is tedious, hazardous, time consuming . . . and totally unecessary!
The CEM system is ideal for sample digestions in nitric, hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids. It puts you on the cutting edge of laboratory technology with maximum safety, ease of use, lower blanks and reduced acid usage.
The CEM Microwave Digestion System reduces AA ICP sample preparation time from hours to just minutes without generating clouds of acid fumes. The system uses closed vessels of PFA Teflon ' which are specially designed for safety at high pressure. The CEM Microwave Digestion System holds a carousel of 12 such vessels. Each vessel has a control valve which opens if excess pressure builds up. These closed vessels allow the acids used for sample digestion to reach temperatures well above their normal boiling point.
And it's a system that drastically cuts the time you spend waiting for dissolutions. If you'd like more information, or if you want to talk to us about your application, call us now at
800/334-6317. (In NC, call 704/821-7015.)
Dramatic reductions in sample preparation time are achieved by a combination of rapid microwave heating and elevated digestion temperature. The Microwave Digestion System can be programmed to automatically carry out a digestion in various stages. This frees the operator to attend to other duties while the digestion is taking place.
P. O. Box 200 Matthews, NC 28106 CIRCLE 25 ON READER SERVICE CARD