Behavior of Trimethylene Sulfide in Heptane and Naphtha Solutions

fides were investigated with the. Trimethylene suljide readily reacts with mer- curic chloride, methyl iodide, potassium per- manganate, and 30 per ce...
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Behavior of Trimethylene Sulfide in Heptane and Naphtha Solutions R. W. BOSTAND M. W. CONN,University of N o r t h Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Tu' A p r e v i o u s paper t h e

vents, several recrystallizations Trimethylene suljide readily reacts with merauthors r e p o r t e d the bewere n e c e s s a r y . By u s i n g curic chloride, methyl iodide, potassium perhavior of certain thiophanes a 0.237 molar solution of mermanganate, and 30 per cent hydrogen peroxide in hydrocarbon s o l u t i o n s (1). curic chloride in alcohol it was giving stable derivatices. Bromine gives a prodIn the present paper are given possible to detect trimethyluct which readily decomposes at -15' C. the results obtained on a lower e n e s u l f i d e in concentrations member of the thiophane series, of 40 parts per million. TriMercuric iodide does not react. A-itric and using the same solvents and the methylene sulfide forms a monohydrochloric acids give highly polymerized prodreagents (with the addition of salt w i t h m e r c u r i c chloride ucts. The polymers f r o m hydrochloric acid h y d r o c h l o r i c acid) that were u n d e r t h e above conditions, exhibit colloidal properties in aqueous medium. used in the previous study. whereas e t h y l sulfide f o r m s A member of the alkyl sulThis member of the thiophane series behaves like mainly the di- salt; thiophene fides and the thiophene series was does not react. the higher members of this series in that it restudied along with trimethylh I E R C U R I C IODIDE. A SOIUsembles the alkyl sulfides more than thiophene ene sulfide, u s i n g t h e s a m e tion of the sulfide in the hydroin its chemical properties. It diflers f r o m tetraconditions throughout. The carbon was treated with a satumethylene and pentamethylene sulfides in its compounds used in t h i s comrated solution of mercuric iodide p a r a t i v e s t u d y were ethyl behacior with concentrated nitric and concentrated in absolute alcohol. Trimethylsulfide and thiophene. One-half ene sulfide did not react with hydrochloric acids. m o l a r s o l u t i o n s of t h e sult h i s r e a g e n t , nor did thiofides were investigated with the Dhene. Ethvl sulfide vielded a following reagents: mercuric chloride, mercuric iodide, 30 compound which was isolated as previously described by per cent hydrogen peroxide in glacial acetic acid, nitric acid Bost and Conn ( I ) . With this reagent, trimethylene sulfide (sp. gr., 1.42), potassium permanganate, bromine in carbon differs from tetramethylene and pentamethylene sulfides. tetrachloride, methyl iodide, and hydrochloric acid. The NITRICACID. To 5 ml. of the hydrocarbon solution of solvents used were pure n-heptane and three different naph- the sulfide in an apparatus, as previously described ( I ) , was thas. The heptane was obtained from the Eastman Kodak added an equivalent amount of nitric acid (sp. gr., 1.42) Company and boiled a t 98" to 98.5' C. The naphthas were to form the sulfone. Better results were obtained with obtained from oil companies. The physical characteristics ethyl sulfide when fuming acid was used, A precipitate of these naphthas have been previously given ( 1 ) . The tri- was obtained with trimethylene sulfide, but it was neither methylene sulfide was prepared in this laboratory. It boiled the expected sulfone nor the sulfoxide of trimethylene sula t 94.5' to 95.5" C. fide. The authors were unable to obtain a pure sample, Trimethylene sulfide exhibits a peculiar behavior with and attempts to prove the constitution of the compound concentrated nitric and concentrated hydrochloric acids which v:ere futile. The product is apparently a polymer or a mixis not shown with tetramethylene and pentamethylene sul- ture of polymers of trimethylene sulfide which may be acfides; neither ethyl sulfide nor thiophene shows this tend- companied by partial oxidation. The sulfone of ethyl ency. It seems, therefore, that strong acids favor poly- sulfide was obtained, but thiophene failed to yield a product. merization of this sulfide. Trimethylene sulfide differs from HYDROCHLORIC ACID. A 10-ml. portion of the sulfide in tetramethylene and pentamethylene sulfides in that it does heptane (approx. 1.5 molar) and 2 ml. of concentrated hynot yield an addition product with mercuric iodide under drochloric acid (sp. gr., 1.18) were placed in a 12-inch (30.5the conditions observed. The sulfide yields a ready pre- cm.) tube. The tube was surrounded by a freezing mixture cipitate with methyl iodide, whereas tetramethylene and and hydrochloric acid gas passed in for 30 minutes. This pentamethylene sulfides require considerable time for such was sufficient for complete saturation. While cold, the tubes were sealed and left standing a few days. By this formation. The nature of the polymerized product of trimethylene time the aqueous portion in the tube containing the trimethylsulfide produced by the action of concentrated hydrochloric ene sulfide was a very viscous, clear liquid, adhering to the acid on the sulfide was studied. Its behavior with certain walls of the tube, and it could not be removed by vigorous electrolytes in aqueous medium is given in Table I. I n shaking. TThen the tube was opened and treated with Table I1 are given data on the derivatives of trimethylene water, a heavy, flocculent, snow-white precipitate was obsulfide and ethyl sulfide in heptane and naphtha solutions. tained. It was not possible to filter this product. It melted completely a t 100" C., but, when held a t 80" C. for 2 hours, EXPERIMEKTAL PROCEDCRE the compound liquefied and wouId not solidify on cooling. MERCURIC CHLORIDE.To a solution of the sulfide in Attempted distillation resulted in decomposition with the 5 ml. of the hydrocarbon was added an equivalent amount evolution of hydrogen sulfide and some unsaturated prodof mercuric chloride dissolved in absolute alcohol. The ucts. The precipitate was washed once with water by deprecipitate was filtered and dried in a vacuum desiccator cantation. A second treatment with water effected its disovernight. Usually the melting point was not altered by persion in the aqueous medium. It was possible to reprecipirecrystallization from absolute alcohol when heptane was tate the product quickly in its original form by addition of used as a solvent, but, when the naphthas were used as sol- certain electrolytes. By repeatedly washing the precipi526

May, 1933

I N D U S T R I h L A N D E pu' G I N E E R I N G C H E JI I S T R Y


mercuric chloride solution gave a copious, white precipitate which shrinks a t 110' C. and partially melts a t 118' C. The addition product of trimethylene sulfide and mercuric chloride shrinks from 92' to 95' C. Similar but impure products were obtained with trimethylene sulfide in naphthas 1, 3, and 7 with hydrochloric acid. TABLEI. BEHAVIOR OF (CsH6S), WITH ELECTROLYTES 1ii Contrary to the behavior of trimethylene sulfide with AQUEOUS MEDIUM hydrochloric acid under the above described conditions, PEPTIZED tetramethylene, pentamethylene, and ethyl sulfides were ELECTROLYTE AFTER ADDED PECTIZED WASHINGREPSECIPITATED recovered from the tubes unchanged. Thiophene imparted HCl Yes Yes Yes a black color to the hydrochloric acid portion of the tube. Yes NaCi Yes Yes Yes KCl Yes Yes POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE. The method employed in Yes Yes BaCh Yes this oxidation was essentially that employed in a previous Yes NO ... HgClz Yes Yes Yes paper (1). Trimethylene sulfide readily yielded the expected h-0 Na,SOd NO ... KzS04 sulfone. When heptane was used as a solvent, usually one NO ... NazCOa Yes crystallization was sufficient, whereas in the caee of the Yes K O ... KzCOJ No ... Yes KCNS naphthas from two to four recrystallizations were necessary. ... Yes NHINOI No Yes CuSO4 KO Thiophene gave no definite products. Yes N a 2 S20I N O ... NaGH30z KO ... HYDROGEK PEROXIDE. A 10-ml. portion of the hydrocarbon solution of the sulfide was treated with the equivaSince this behavior with these electrolytes gave no indi- lent of 30 per cent hydrogen peroxide dissolved in glacial cation about the nature of the charge on the dispersed phase, acetic acid to form the sulfone. The reaction product was i t was necessary to make this determination by cataphoresis heated on a steam bath for 3 hours and then transferred to experiments. A portion of the product was dispersed in an evaporating dish, and the acid-solvent mixture was rewater and placed in a U-tube equipped with platinum elec- moved. The residue was taken up in anhydrous ether, and trodes. A potential gradient of one volt per centimeter was the latter removed in a vacuum desiccator. When naphthas imposed across the system for 48 hours. At this time con- were used as solvents, three or four recrystallizations were siderable precipitate had accumulated on the positive pole, necessary. Trimethylene and ethyl sulfides yield sulfones; thiophene does not. but as soon as the circuit was broken it disappeared. Solubility tests in many of the ordinary solvents were METHYLIODIDE. To a 5-ml. portion of the sulfide in made. It was insoluble in ethyl and methyl alcohols, ace- hydrocarbon solution was added the equivalent amount of tone, ether, petroleum ether, benzene, toluene, chloroform, methyl iodide to form the iodomethylate. Trimethylene carbon tetrachloride, ethyl acetate, pyridine, bromobenzene, sulfide yielded a ready precipitate. It differed from tetraand acetic acid. It was very slightly soluble in carbon methylene and pentamethylene sulfides in that it was necesdisulfide. sary for these sulfides to stand 24 hours before precipitation Treatment of the heptane portion of the sealed tube with began, and several days before it was complete. The melttate it was found that it could be dispersed in the aqueous medium again, and by addition of the electrolyte to this redispersed system it was possible to reprecipitate the original product. Table I shows the behavior of this compound with several electrolytes.











HgClz HgIz


CdT6S.HgCL White powder Alcohol Very unstable product, if formed a t all Produr.' b U..-AO L :ILlC.ULILlC.U J-..L:c-> Highly polymerized products exhibiting colloidal behavior in aqueous medium 0




92 -95 (shrinks)


H302 CHiI

Long slender needles



Long slender needles








Orange-yellow ppt., yery unatable




119.5 ( 2 )

\\ 0 0 // C3H6S

b 0





HgClz HgIz

(CzHo)zS.2HgCIz (CzHdzS.HgI2 0


Colorless needles Lemon-yellow needles. decompose on standing


62 (approx.) ( 6 )

C:olorless leaflets, darken on standing



Colorless leaflets, darken on standing



Cdorless leaflets, darken on standing




0 HrOr Ha02 CHaI Rrt

(CzHa)zQ= 0 Li,mon-yelloa. oil (CzHa)zS~xCHsI Red oil a t ordinary temp. Oil unstable a t ordinary temperature


4- 6 (,3)



ing points of the products obtained when heptane was used as a solvent were not altered by recrystallization from absolute alcohol; however, repeated recrystallizations were necessary when the naphthas were used as solvents. Ethyl sulfide gives an oil under the above conditions but thiophene does not react. BROMINE.Ten-milliliter portions of the sulfides in hydrocarbon solutions were treated with bromine dissolved in carbon tetrachloride. Trimethylene sulfide readily yields the dibromide in the form of an orange-yellow precipitate. This product is highly unstable, as is also that of ethyl sulfide, These compounds decompose even a t -15' C., evolving hydrogen bromide. Thiophene failed to yield any product.

Vol. 25, No. 5

LITERATURE CITED (1) Bost and Conn, IND.EKG.CHEM.,23, 93 (1931).

(2) Faragher, Morrell, and Comay, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 51, 2774 (1929). (3) Pummerer, Ber., 43, 1407 (1910). (4) Saytzeff, Ann., 167, 153 (1867). ( 5 ) Smiles, J. Chem. SOC.,77, 163 (1900). RECEIVED November 11, 1932. This paper contains results obtained in a n investigation of "The Preparation and Properties of Thiophanes," listed as Project 4 1 of t h e American Petroleum Institute. Financial assistance in thls work was received from a research fund of t h e American Petroleum Institute donated by John D. Rockefeller. This fund was administered by t h e Institute with the codperation of the Central Petroleum Committee of the National Research Council. M. W. Conn was a n American Petroleum Institute Fellow.

Absorption of Carbon Dioxide in Sodium Carbonate- Bicarbonate Solutions 1. Equilibrium in System Carbon Dioxide-Sodium Carbonate-Sodium Bicarbonate-Water C. R. HARTE,JR.,E. M. BAKER,AND H. H. PURCELL, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.


ARBON dioxide of high purity is obtained from flue gases (or other gases containing carbon dioxide) by a process in which the carbon dioxide is separated from the other constituents of the flue gas by m e a n s of a liquid absorption medium which preferentially absorbs the carbon dioxide. An aqueous sodium carbonate-bicarbonate solution is a liquid absorption medium commonly employed. Accurate design of ab-

Experimen ts have been performed to determine the equilibrium relationship between temperature, partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the gas phase, and chemical composition of the liquid, for a range of conditions approximating those encountered in the absorption process as operated in practice. The results of these experiments have been correlated with the work of McCoy and Smith (3) and a n empirical equation, x 2 c1.29

SP(1 - X)(185 - t )

has been developed. which the absorption is to take place and (1) the equilibrium w h i c h tends t o be established between the carbon dioxide concentration in the gas and the concentration of carbonate and bicarbonate in the liquid, and (2) the rate a t which carbon dioxide tends to be absorbed from the gas by the liquid. The present article treats the question of equilibrium; another article will consider the question of absorption rate. The reversible reaction Na,COs

+ COZ + &O

= 2NaHCOs


is utilized in the absorption process for producing essentially pure carbon dioxide from flue gas (which contains approximately 18 per cent carbon dioxide, 80 per cent nitrogen, and the balance carbon monoxide, oxygen, sulfur compounds, and organic matter). The process involves two stages. I n the first stage, the flue gas is exposed t o an aqueous solution containing sodium carbonate under conditions which favor the formation of sodium bicarbonate according to Equation 1; carbon dioxide is removed from the flue gas and is


stored in the liquid as sodium b i c a r b o n a t e . In the second stage, the l i q u i d is removed from contact with the flue gas a n d i s subjected to conditions which f a v o r the decomposit i o n of sodium b i c a r b o n a t e with the formation of sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide, and w a t e r ; the carbon dioxide is evolved from the solution accompanied only by water vapor, which i s easily removed by condensation. To the designer


know just where the reaction represented by Equation 1 will balance for the different conditions which are likely to be encountered when the equipment is put ihto operation. WORKOF EARLIERINVESTIGATORS The system under consideration consists of a gas phase and a liquid phase; it is a two-phase system containing three components. Application of the familiar phase rule of Gibbs reveals that there are three degrees of freedom; it follows that, when the system is a t equilibrium, the ratio of sodium bicarbonate to sodium carbonate, the temperature, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the gas, the total sodium concentration in the liquid, and all other variables are fixed if any three independent variables are fixed. An equation showing the equilibrium relationship between certain variables has been developed from theoretical considerations by McCoy and Smith ( 3 ) : 2X'C 3 M S P (1 X)
