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Balances. High sensitivity, precision analytical balances feature digital readout from 0.0000 to 1.1000 gram. Weights above 1 gram to a maximum of 200 grams can be obtained with any standard set of weights. Request liter ature on Models 340-D and 640-D. Voland Corp., 27 Centre Ave., New Ro chelle, Ν. Υ. 10802 625
Electrophoresis. Procedure for sepa ration and staining of serum glycopro teins is the subject of Technical Bulle tin 143. E-C Apparatus Corp., 222 S. 40 St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104 627
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Thermocouple Kit. This kit contains all components necessary to construct thermocouple probes for cryogenic through high temperature service. Micro-miniature, standard, and heavy duty thermocouples can be built. Re quest Product Bulletin 695. Omega Engineering, Inc., P. 0. Box 47, Springdale, Conn. 06879 624
Chronoamperometry. Application Data Sheet EC-8109 describes a potential-sweep chronoamperometry method which uses the Electroscan 30 to detect fumaric acid that has been added to foods as an acidulant. Beckman Scientific and Process Instruments Division, 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634 626
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Fluoride Analysis. Specifications for the Anafluor Continuous Fluoride Ana lyzer are included in an illustrated 6-page brochure, Specification 17S4000. Fischer & Porter Co., 142 Jacksonville Rd., Warminster, Pa. 18974 622
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Infrared Spectrometry. Internal re flection spectrometry (ATR) attach ment, Model 7, is discussed in Data Sheet No. 18. Wilks Scientific Corp., South Norwalk, Conn. 06854 623
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Micro-Volume Gas Valves. Microvolume valves for sampling and switch ing operations in gas chromatography are described in 4-page Bulletin 6602. Applications, illustrations, price list, and ordering instructions are included. Carle Instruments, Inc., 532 S. Rose St., Anaheim, Calif. 92805 621
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Infrared Spectrometry. Data Sheet 017 lists prices for the company's NaGl and KBr infrared windows. Harshaw Chemical Co., 1945 E. 97 St., Cleve land, Ohio 44106 628
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