BEL-ART PRODUCTS - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Publication Date: January 1971. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem. 1971, 43, 1, 50A-50A. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's fi...
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to implement these teaching activities. The present volume (Volume I) cov­ ering nmr and ir spectrometry and a projected volume covering mass, esr, and uv spectrometry grew out of sum­ mer institutes at Salford, England. They are a welcome addition to the list. The strong features of Volume I are the extensive correlation tables and a num­ ber of worked-out problems (11 for nmr and 14 for ir). The decisions to split the presentation into two volumes and to include the rather specialized esr technique seem unwise, considering the consequent cost increase. The second volume will contain prob­ lems involving the combined use of the methods presented. In my experience, it is the complementary aspects of the spectral probes that make their use so effective and catch the students' inter­ est. The emphasis on this complemen­ tarity and on a "Sherlock Holmes" ap­ proach to structure elucidation should come as early as possible, even at some initial sacrifice in expertise in an indi­ vidual area.

The Destruction of Organic Matter. T. T. Gorsuch. viii + 151 pages. Pergamon Press, Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, Ν. Υ. 10523. 1970. $7.50


Reviewed by Ε. B. Sandell, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 55455


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Now that the determination of trace elements in biomaterials is experiencing an upsurge, this monograph appears at an opportune time. It falls in that category of books whose authors have been able to draw on their own experi­ ence as well as on the contents of li­ brary shelves. The studies of Gorsuch on losses of trace elements in the de­ struction of organic matter, based on the use of radioactive nuclides, are well known. This method is examined. Ac­ counts arc given of wet oxidation, dry oxidation, oxidative fusion, and cog­ nate methods, with comparison of their advantages and drawbacks. More than half of the monograph deals with the behavior (recovery) of some 50 individual metals and metal­ loids, particularly at trace levels in the destruction of organic matter. The working analyst will be grateful for suc­ cinct directions for the more important decomposition procedures: digestion with nitric-sulfuric acid, perchloric acid mixtures and sulfuric acid-hydrogen peroxide, and by dry ashing. This book is a valuable source of in­ formation, eclectic in approach, and compact in presentation.

Circle No. 21 on Readers' Service Card






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