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B E L - A R T techniques for the growth and charac terization of epitaxial films, including thickness determination, electrical properties, and crystallography perfec tion; reviews the various types and methods of diffusion, and the experi mental procedures for determining dif fusion coefficients; and states the methods for the growth and characteri zation of oxide and nitride films. This volume contains both an author index and a subject index.
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Advances in Organic Geochemistry. G. D. Hobson and G. C. Spears, Editors, χ + 577 pages. Pergamon Press, Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, Ν. Υ. 10523. 1970. $21
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This book is composed of papers pre sented at the Third International Meet ing on Organic Geochemistry, which took place in London, in September 1966. The papers were presented by scientists eminent in their field, and the contents provide a fund of information and informed opinion which will be valuable to all concerned in advanced study and research. The topics under consideration are of importance to per sonnel of all companies operating oil fields, as well as to organizations in volved in coal mining and oil shale de velopment. In addition to those ob viously concerned with major aspects of the subject there are others—such as soil chemists and those concerned with study of, and research in, natural or ganic matter—who will find topics of interest in the book and will derive benefit from certain of the papers. This volume contains both author and subject indexes. The Computation of Chemical Equilib ria. F. Van Zeggeren and S. H. Storey, xii + 176 pages. Cam bridge University Press, 32 East 57th Street, New York, Ν. Υ. 10022. 1970. $8.50
This book represents a major contri bution to the literature of the thermo dynamics of complex chemical equilib ria. It should be welcomed by work ers already in the field because it pro vides a critical survey of the analytical techniques developed in many different countries and laboratories over the last quarter century. The authors derive the equations describing equilibria in different types of system and outline the effect of variation of the parame ters of the system on the equilibrium composition. They discuss critically the available methods of solution of the chemical equilibrium problem, both in the minimization and nonlinear equa tions form, and indicate the factors that should be taken into account in se
U. S. Government Publications
Radiotracer Procedures for Mechanistic Studies in Air Pollution Research (PB-187 722). October 1969. 41 pages.
Develops radiotracer techniques for stoichiometric studies of photochemical reactions associated with atmospheric smog formation. Analytical Study of Contaminant and Atmospheric Sensor, Phase I (N6937876). September 1969. 137 pages.
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