Bell & Howell - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 18, 2012 - Bell & Howell. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (7), pp 51A–51A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60163a744. Publication Date: June 1960. ACS Legacy Archive...
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NEWS throe days. Pre-registration is urged. Rares for accommodations at the Del Prado Hotel start at §8 for single oc­ cupancy and S10 for double occupancy. There are various other hotels and mo­ tels in the vicinity. Fun her information and pre-registraiion forms can be obtained from W. C. McCrone Associates, 501 East 32nd St.. Chicago 16, 111. Historical Chemical Instruments Sought

and a mass spectrometer


MATCHLESS PERFORMANCE A N D VERSATILITY CKC's n e w 21-110 Series Mass Spectrometer distinguishes mass differences which no other commercial mass spec­ t r o m e t e r can detect. F u r t h e r m o r e , this double-focusing type i n s t r u m e n t can be used for qualitative a n d quantita­ tive analyses of metals a n d other solids, as well as liquids and gases. The 21-110 will analyze high molecular weight substances and differentiate in any m a s s range ion species having almost coincidental masses.

The United States Committee of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of the Sciences is look­ ing for information on scientific instru­ ments of historical importance. Hav­ ing agreed to participate in a world­ wide inventory of such instruments, the Committee is trying as a first step to locate those of which there is not common awareness. For purposes of the inventory, an in­ strument of historic importance is de­ fined as one which has been the basis for an important scientific discovery. Anyone who knows of any instrument which seems deserving of inclusion in the inventory, and who knows of the whereabouts of the instrument, is iirsed to contact the Committee. Com­ munications should be addressed to Robert P. Multhauf, Head Curator, Department, of Science and Technology, Smithsonian Institution, U. S. National Museum, Washington 25, D. C.

Scintillator Conference Planned An Internationa" Conference on Or­ ganic Scintillation Detectors will be held at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Ν. Μ., Aug. 15 to 17. The program for Aug. 15 and 16 will include a fundamental review as well as new advances in the field of solid, liquid, and plastic organic scintillator development. Also covered will be theories of the scintillation process, in­ strumentation, small sample counting techniques, and construction and ap­ plications of giant detectors. Applica­ tions in biology, medicine, chemistry, physics, and industry will also be in­ cluded. Persons interested in present­ ing papers should contact Dr. F. New­ ton Hayes, Los Alamos Scientific Lab­ oratory, Los Alamos, N. M. On Aug. 17, the program will consist of a guided tour of the unclassified areas of Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. .Further general information can be obtained from the conference general chairman, Dr. Guido H. Daub, Chem­ istry Department, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Ν. Μ. Circle Να. 156 on Readers' Service Card



interchangeable ion sources and de­ tectors—Five modular ion-sources (housing shown above): gas ion source, radio frequency spark, thermal emission, crucible and Knudsen cell. Five modular iondetectors : photographic plate, electrometer, electron multiplier, isotope ratio detector, and combi­ nations of these — conversions can be made easily by operator.

Highest resolving power — Actual photo-plate record shows three mass spectral lines at m/e 28. The two closest peaks represent ions of CO and N2. The mass difference between them is 0.01123. The 21-110 has resolv­ ing power greatly in excess of the one part in 2500 required to resolve these two massés.

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Analytical & Control Division


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