thur H. Thomas Co. 90 ... Roland Gohlke, Dow Chemical Company engineer, using Bendix Mass Spectrometer to identify compounds ... Permit effective bake...
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Product Capsules meter in waterproof ever-ready case with shoulder strap. 3 lb. Analytical Measurements, Inc. 70 Photography Equipment, Time Lapse.

Circle 82-1 for brochure on instrument for photographing automatically, under a microscope, any material that has a time change in structure. Aloe Scientific. 82-1 Pipets. Bulletin available on ThomasSeligson automatic pipet that eliminates individual sampling pipets and repeated filling of dilution pipets. Arthur H. Thomas Co. 90 Polarimeters. Bulletin available on Photovolt Corp. photoelectric polarimeters ("Lumetron" model 402-EP). 57-3 Polarographs. Bulletin available on the "Polarotrace" that provides speedy, direct or derivative operation in cathode-ray polarography. Southern Instruments Computer Div. 98-2 Radioactivity Instruments. Circle 6 for bulletin that provides a technical description of procedures used in the radioisotopic derivative method as applied in quantitative analysis. NuclearChicago Corp. 6 Radioactivity Instruments. Circle indicated numbers for bulletins on the following: "Tri-Carb" liquid scintillation spectrometers, 12-1 ; "AutoGamma" sample changers, 12-2; windowless and "Flo-Window" counters for geiger and proportional operation, 12-3; and completely transistorized proportional counting amplifiers, 12-4. Packard Instrument Co., Inc. 12-1 to 4 Recorders. Automatic, self-balancing potentiometric recorder measures voltages or current and graphically records them as a function of time. E. II. Sargent & Co. 59

Roland Gohlke, Dow Chemical Company engineer, using Bendix Mass Spectrometer to identify compounds emerging from a gas chromatograph.

NOW BENDIX* TIME-OF-FLIGHT MASS SPECTROMETER RECORDS MASS SPECTRA T h e ability to r e c o r d either mass spectra or mass ratios further widens the versatility of the Bendix Mass Spectrometer. T h e speed and ease of using this new Analog O u t p u t System are illustrated by the following example: During a recent routine analysis performed at our Research Laboratories Division, one h u n d r e d mass spectra were recorded on a direct w r i t i n g r e c o r d e r in less t h a n two hours. These were the mass spectra

of the eluted components of a mixture being separated by a gas chromatograph and fed continuously into the Bendix Spectrometer for identification. For complete details contact the Cincinnati Division, Dept. C2, 3130 Wasson Road, Cincinnati 8, Ohio. Export Sales: Bendix International Division, 205 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. Canada: Computing Devices of Canada, Ltd., Box 508, O t t a w a 4, Ontario.


Recorders. Varian Assoc, Instrument Div. offers complete specifications and standard options on strip chart recorders. 98-1 Refractometers. Detailed literature available on Abbe refractometers for liquids and solids by transmitted and reflected light. Carl Zeiss, Inc. 75-3 Seal-Cribs. Bulletin available on new Bethlehem Apparatus Co., Inc., sealcribs for glass tubing. 67 Shakers. Burrell Corp. offers bulletin on various models of laboratory shakers that simulate wrist action. 7 4 Spectrographs. Jarréll-Ash convertible Ebert spectrographs switch to (Continued on page 133 A)



> Chromatograph output identification.

• RUGGED—The Dow Chemical Company experienced only ' / l of one percent downtime for maintenance during the first six months of operation. • FAST—10,000 mass spectra per second. • HIGH RESOLUTION —Usoble adjacent mass resolution beyond 500 a.m.u. • VARIOUS OUTPUTS—Oscilloscope used alone or in combination with ion pulse counting or recording outputs.

• Molecular beam analysis, including solids' analysis and high temperature research. Fast reaction studies such rocket exhaust analysis.


Analysis of ions created outside the mass spectrometer. Negative ion studies. Simple, rapid analysis.
