Bendix Corporation - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 22, 2012 - Bendix Corporation. Anal. Chem. , 1968, 40 (8), pp 68A–68A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60264a758. Publication Date: July 1968. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Just because this is the world's fastest Mass Spectrometer doesn't mean you can't use it in general analytical labs.

T h e Bendix® Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer is a versatile analytical instrument that can be used in over 25 different research and analysis areas. Now with unit mass resolution of 700 ( Μ / Δ Μ ) , it's accurate enough to use in general applications for both organic and inorganic work. Use it, for example, in monitoring chromatograph output. Laser vaporization. Organic structure analysis and identification. Thermo­ dynamic studies. Shock tube research, combustion analysis and fast reaction studies, too. Through it all, you'll see unequalled speed—10,000 to 100,000 measurements per second. Mass range up to 5,000 amu. Detectability of 1 to 5 ppm. and sensi­ tivity to 1 0 " torr or better. And thanks to the exclusive magnetic electron mul­

tiplier, you can have oscilloscope and analog/recorder readout simultaneously. In addition to measuring positive or negative ions, you can have up to six analog/recorder channels. With each one scanning a separate peak or group of peaks with the oscilloscope viewing the full spectrum—all at the same time. You can also add the total output integrator to integrate the spectrumorany partof it. Ease of operation? The Bendix TOF Mass Spectrometer wins hands down here, too. No difficult alignment or stringent geometric conditions are re­ quired. Ion source, flight tube and highgain magnetic electron multiplier detec­ tor are all in a single, straight tube. Almost any kind of inlet system is easily adapted. Laser microprobe, mo­ lecular leak, direct inlet, ion molecule

source, fast reaction, hot filament, Knudsen cell and gas chromatograph manifold included. It's all been proven in hundreds of installations in major universities and private industry throughout the world. Isn't now the time to let a Bendix TOF Mass Spectrometer prove itself to you? Bendix scientific instruments— including mass spectrometers, atomic absorption and flame spectrophotom­ eters, polarimeters, polarographic sys­ tems and electron multipliers—are used in over 100 areas of research and analy­ sis. For more information on any of our instruments, write: The Bendix Cor­ p o r a t i o n , Scientific I n s t r u m e n t s Division, 3625 Hauck Road, Cincin­ nati, Ohio 45241. Or phone (513) 772-1600.

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