Benso LABORATORIES Inc. - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

18 May 2012 - 1960, 52, 11, 32A-32A. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increase image size Free first page. Vie...
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Trouble-free ... designed for ease of operation and ease of mind. Accurate . . . will maintain original discharge rate indefinitely. Durable ... valveless hydraulic p u m p and Teflon diaphragm. Safe . . . anti-siphoning head.

Series SV

1l'/2"x5'/2" 6'Λ" high

Model SV-1 SV-4

M a x . Discharge 32 oz/hr 120 oz/hr

RPM 6 20

Series SV pumps will o p e r a t e against a maximum back pressure of 1 0 0 psl. Series LV Simplex 1 2 " χ 13' high

Model LV-7 IV-10

Max. Discharge 240 o z / h r 320 o z / h r

RPM 43 57

Series LV D u p l e x 1 8 " χ 1 3 " χ 8'

Model M a x . Discharge RPM LV-7D 240 o z / h r ea. head 43 ÎV-10D 320 o z / h r ea. head 57 • Both heads on Duplex models are i n d e p e n d e n t l y adjustable from zero to full discharge rate. • All Series LV pumps w i l l o p e r a t e against a maximum back pressure of 125 psi. (Can be o p e r a t e d up to 200 psi when higher pressure discharge t u b i n g is used.)


127 Old Country Rd. Carle Place, L. Ι., Ν. Υ.

which meet all military require­ ments. Paint manufacturers must supply materials meeting all require­ ments of these specifications. For civilian-owned buildings as well as the military, two approaches must be handled at the same time— the aesthetic and the practical angles. These and other factors, such as costs, were taken into account in evaluating the project. T h e three common characteristics of a good fire retardant paint—by the mech­ anisms of reflectance, dissipation, and absorption—must be com­ pounded into the paint so that the painted product is pleasing to the eye, no more expensive to buy or apply, and as easily spread as conventional paints. Reflection of the darker paints can be increased by incorporating special infrared re­ flecting pigments, especially im­ portant because the majority of the thermal energy released in a nuclear explosion is in the infrared range. Dissipation can be accomplished by putting into the paint film certain conductive metal pigments which scatter or dissipate the incident energy entering the film. Absorp­ tion-type fire retardant paints are of the intumescent variety which absorb enough incident energy to decompose and liberate inert gases such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, a n d water vapor, which cause the film to foam and form ah insulating layer on the surface of the wood. There are so many variables in any fire that there are no absolute values. T h e army had to settle for a set of controlled conditions and then try to correlate these with actual experi­ ence. T h e screening work was done in a specially designed cabinet under standardized conditions, checking fire resistance of untreated wood, common paint, and the same wood treated with fire retardant paint. O n e of the important characteristics of a good protective coating—the ability to be effective for the service life of the paint—was determined by a long-range program in outdoor service and periodically checked for fire retardancy in the cabinet. Many factors are involved in the selection of a standard fire retardant paint. Not the least of these is the raw material aspect. Isano oil, for instance, presently being used in

Circle No. 19 on Readers' Service Card 32 A





external- paint, is imported from North Africa, whereas a domestically produced oil would be more logistically desirable. Considerable work on molecular rearrangement of home-produced material is under way at Ft. Belvoir, Va., and at the USDA Southern Utilization R e ­ search Branch in New Orleans, La. Both groups have come u p with fire retardant paints meeting ci­ vilian and military requirements of competitive cost, spreading rates, and labor costs comparable to pres­ ently specified house paints, and with a service life equal to or better than conventional products. Dow Chemical Co. has recently an­ nounced a line of fire-retardant phosphorus compounds. T h e army, government, and independent re­ searchers are investigating the fire retardant properties of new pigments and vehicles such as alkyds, polyurethanes, and epoxy vehicles, with a study of optimum pigment com­ binations. Basic Formulation Specified by Miller's Group Ingredient Mineral spirits 60% Silicone solution Aluminum stéarate Mono-ammonium phosphate 60% Alkyd vehicle 70% Chlorinated paraffin Starch Turkey red oil Zinc borate Titanium dioxide 8% Lead naphthenate 2% Mn naphthenate

Pounds per 100 Gallons 105 3 2 100 346 55 142 3 210 2200 22 9

Although this passive attack on an active problem is not the entire answer, it represents a good start in helping to thwart or at least retard a critical set of circumstances. J.B.P.

High-Stepping Urethane I o A LADY, the heel lift on her shoe is one of the little things that count a lot. If it is run-over, she is considered ill-groomed. Its unnoticed loss can ruin a good pair of shoes, (Continued on page 34 A)