Bernard Palissy, sixteenth-century scientist-Correction

SMITH COLLEGE. Bibliography. (1) Cm. PAUL-ANTOINE,. "Bernard Palissy." Paris. 1844. (2) AWDIAT. LOUIS, "Bernard Palissy." Paris. 1868; 1888. (3) ST...
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THE REFINING OF MESOTHORIUM-CORRECTION DEAREDITOR: In my article "The Refining of Mesothorium" in the July issue of the JOURNAL, there is a mistake in Figure 1, page 1272. Under the column marked Half-life Period the value 10.6 hr. should be inserted directly opposite Th-B; the 60 min. should be opposite Th-C. HERMAN SCHLUNDT UNIVERSITY OF



BERNARD PALISSY, SIXTEENTH-CENTURY SCIENTISTCORRECTION DEAREDITOR: A criticism of my article "Bernard Palissy, Sixteenth-Century Scientist," pages 104459 of the June, 1931, issue of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, has come to me and i t is one for which I alone am t o blame; i. e., the omission of the bibliography. Of course I have it, every reference and quotation, page and line, but for some reason, entirely unfounded, I did not associate bibliography with this short paper. For those who may be interested, I am herewith submitting it. The accompanying photograph is of the statue of Bernard Palissy in the churchyard of St. Germain-desPr&, Paris. This photograph arrived too late to be published with the article itself. MARYLOUISEFOSTER SMITHCOLLEGE

Bibliography ( 1 ) Cm. PAUL-ANTOINE, "Bernard Palissy." Paris. 1844. ( 2 ) AWDIAT.LOUIS,"Bernard Palissy." Paris. 1868; 1888. (3) ST.FOND, FAUJAS DE, "Pali~sy,"Paris, 1777. 1642