berolzheimer alchemical and historical reproductions - ACS Publications

27, 1935. The Alchemist, Douglas (86). The Alchemist, Wijck (204). Alchimist, Heerschop (314). L'Alchimiste, Delaroche (409). The Alchemist, Wijck (51...
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VOL. 31, NO. 1




I n response to a request from those who wish the complete list to date, the following information is given: These prints of famous paintings and engravings were started in the August, 1931,issue, and appear monthly thereafter in our volumes for the subsequent years. Orders for photographic prints 8 by IO inches at $I.SO, and 16 by 20 inches at $4, specifying the numbers here indicated and titles as given, should be sent with advance ayment to D. D. Beroleheimer, 50 East 41st St., New York, N. Y. These photographs are not Carrie in stock, but are ordered only on receipt of remittance. Purchase of these photographs does not confer any rights of publication of these reproductions. Special arrangements must be made with Mr. Berolzheimer to obtain such rights. Prints and enlargements can be supplied in black and white only; velvet, matt, or glossy finish. Prints in color cannot be supplied. An additional reproduction will be published each month. The complete list of reproductions published heretofore follows. The figures in arentheses following the name of the artist denote the page on which the respective reproduction wi 1 be found.



Vol. 23, 1931 1. Medieval Pharmacy, Castle of Saint Angelo (966) 2. Le Chimiste, Teniers (967) 3. The Laboratory, Hunt (966) 4. Rumford, Gainsborough (967) 5. L’Alchimiste en Meditation, Wijck (1333) 6. L’Alchimiste, Teniers (1074) 7. Lavoisier and His Wife, David (1175) 8. Impossible, Pynas (1174) 9. L’Alchimiste, Teniers (1310) 10. The Alchemical Makine of a Medicine, Diemer (1074) 11. Joseph Priestley, Humphrey (1311) 12. The Arrest of Lavoisier, Langenmantel (1175) 13. The Alchemist, Than (1311) L’ Alchimiste, Teniers (1310) 14. 15. The Elixir of Life, Lomax (1316) Y

19. 20 * 21. 22. 23.

Vol. 24, 1932 Rudolph 11, Emperor of Germany, in the Laboratory of His Alchymist, 1576, Brozik (157) The Goldmaker, Breughel (363) The Alchemist, Vedder (431) The Alchemist, Eichinger (564) L’Alchimiste, Isabey (645) Dr. Faustus, Rembrandt (1201) The Alchemist, Ostade (1393) Le Chymiste, Teniers (1427)

24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

vol. 25, 1933 Le Jeune Chimiste, Teniers (103) The Alchemist, Hellmer (177) The Alchemist, Ostade (302) A Birmingham Toast, Gillray (423) Dumourier Dining in State, Gillray (423) The Dutch Chymists, Stem (562) Der Alchemist, Teniers (644) Fraunhofer, Wimmer (783) Gold, Tourrier (940) The Alchymists, Teniers (1041)

16. 17. 18.

34. A Spanish Pharmacy, Jimenez y Aranda (1138) 35 The Alchymist, Wijck (1195) The Alchymist, Teniers (1323) 36. 9

Vol. 26, 1934 37. The Alchimist, Mieris (112) 38. Die Herstellun von Gebranten Wassern, Weiditz (2075 39. Der Alchymist im Laboratorium, Wijck (332) 40. Alchemia, Beham (419) 41. Paracelsus, Rubens (528) 42. Alchymist mit Gehilfen, Heerschop (645) 43. Berthold Schwartz, Custos (802) 44. Chemical Laboratory, Paris, 1760 (884) 45. Laboratorium des Alchymisten, Wijck (967) 46. Faraday in His Laboratory, Moore (1110) 47. Le Grimoire de Hypocrate, Teniers (1157) 48. Laboratory of A. d’Ailly, Jelgerhuis (1279) Vol. 27, 1935 49. The Alchemist, Douglas (86) 50. The Alchemist, Wijck (204) 51. Alchimist, Heerschop (314) 52. L’Alchimiste, Delaroche (409) 53. The Alchemist, Wijck (518) 54. Liebig’s Laboratory, Trautschold (631) 55. Liebi ‘s Laboratory, Trautschold (758 an! 1104) 56. Steel Foundry, Meunier (882) 57. Der Alchimist, Spitzweg (996) 58. L’Alchimista, Stradano (1119) 59. Az Alchymista, Rijckaert (1316) 60. Chemist in His Laboratory, Rijckaert (1465) Vol. 28, 1936 61. Faust and Mephistopheles, Jacomin (129) 62. The Alchemist, Artist Unknown (241) 63. The Alchymist, Wright (280) 64. The Metal Workers, Tomb of Rekhrni-Re‘ (413)


65. Der Alchimist, Duxa (572)

66. Distillation, Brunswig (677) 67. Brand and the Discovery of Phosphorus (788) 68. De Goudzoeker, Steen (914) The Dissolution, Gillray (1037) 69. 70. The Explosion, Sorgh (1197) 71. L‘Alchimiste Surpris par l’Aube, Brunin (1315) 72. Medieval Distilling in a Medicinal Garden, Brunswig (1445)

73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81.

82. 83. 84.


86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94* 95. 96.

vel. 29, 1937 Shop of an Alchemist, Teniers (74) Rumford Stove, Gillray (166) The Alchemist, Teniers (345) Alchemist Lecturing on the Elixir of Life, Scott (459) The Alchemist, Isabey (554) Partin Laboratory, Deutsches Museum (7105 The Alchemist, Rabinovitch (776) Der Alchimist, Schmidt (945) The Alchymist, Wijck (1039) L’Alchimiste, Poel (1134) L’Alchimiste, Brunin (1276) Cherubs in the Alchemist’s Workshop, Teniers (1388) vol. 30, 1938 The Alchemist, Heerscho (70) Die Apothekerkueche, Jeierhuis (145) Distilling Oven, Brunswig (269) The Alchemist, Wyeth (427) Alchemist, Abington Abbey (500) The Man Who Could Make Gold, Howe (631) The Alchemist, Artist Unknown (834) Alchymist, Wijck (933) The Alchemist, Teniers (992) The Love Philtre, Bundy (1162) The Alchemist, Weiland (1255) Roger Bacon, Pyle (1389)