BETHLEHEM Apparatus Company, Inc

64A. Filter Paper Guide. Guide available that enumerates dozens of commercial products and processes and tells which specific grades of filter paper a...
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Product Capsules such organic substances as dyes a n d intermediates. Easily assembled and disassembled. A. S. Aloe Co., 56δ5 Kingsbury, St. Louis 12, Missouri.

65 A-1 Filler P a p e r s . Booklet available on synthetic fiber papers for chromatog­ r a p h y and special filtrations. Papers are m a d e from polyvinylchloridè, cellulose acetate, teflon, zein a n d other materials. H . Reeve Angel & Co., Inc., 52 D u a n e St., N . Y . 7, Ν . Υ. 64Α Filter Paper G u i d e . Guide available t h a t enumerates dozens of commercial products and processes a n d tells which specific grades of filter paper are most widely used. T h e E a t o n - D i k e m a n Co., M t . Holly Springs, P a . 62A-2 Fiuorimeters. Descriptive bulletin on photoelectric fiuorimeters available. U n i t is designed for stability a n d linear response over a wide range of sensitivi­ ties. Provides precise, reliable meas­ urements, especially for low concen­ trations in micro or macro volumes, c o m p a n y states. F a r r a n d Optical Co., Inc., Bronx Blvd. & E . 238 St., Ν . Υ. 70, Ν . Υ. 28Α

Fiuorimeters. Bulletin available on line-operated multiplifier fluorescence meters possessing high-sensitivity for measurement of low concentrations (full-scale for 0.001 microgram quinine sulphate). P h o t o v o l t Corp., 95 M a d i ­ son Ave., Ν . Υ 15, Ν . Υ . 30Α-3 Fiuorimeters. K l e t t fiuorimeters are cited as being designed for the rapid and accurate determination of thiamin, riboflavin, and other substances which fluoresce in solution. K l e t t Mfg. Co., 179 E . 87 St., Ν . Υ., Χ . Υ. 66Α-2 F u n n e l s , Porcelain. Catalog available on procelain funnels obtainable in a variety of styles and sizes. Coors Porcelain Co., Golden, Colorado.

66A-3 Gas Chromatographs. Data file available on new, compact, inexpensive gas chromatograph, designed specifi­ cally to analyze gases and mixtures of liquids t h a t boil below 80° C. In­ s t r u m e n t is cited as being fast, accurate, simple in design and easy to use. Scientific I n s t r u m e n t s Div., Beckman Instruments, Inc., Pullerton, Calif.

55A··.hottest Oxy-Gas Hand Torch

The Bethlehem "POLYMIX FOR W O R K I N G H A R D GLASS USED FOR LABORATORY APPARATUS (incl. 1 0 0 mm. tubing)—AND Q U A R T Z .

.•-£ v

Also for silver soldering, brazing, metal w o r k i n g . •

Noiseless—surprisingly light weight

Operates o n l o w pressure gas

Intense h e a t i n g capacity

Ask for Bulletin



Other glassworking equipment described in Cat. C-HA.

Ask for it.

Far further information, circle numbers 46 A-1, 46 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 53 A

46 A

67A-1 G l a s s w o r k i n g Lathes. Catalog avail­ able on glassworking lab-lathe. Spe­ cifications: self-centering sleeve grip chuck; length between chucks 3 6 " ; total chuck capacity 0" to 14"; radial clearance 8". Bethlehem A p p a r a t u s Co., Inc., Hellertown, Pennsylvania.

14 A-1 Grinders. Unit grinds K B r pellets and Nujol mulls, mixes powders, and grinds samples to homogeneous powders a u t o ­ matically. Spex Industries, Inc., 80-56 230 St., Queens Village 27, Ν . Υ.

62 A-1 Homogenizers. T h e VirTis " 4 5 " provides from 100 to 45,000 r.p.m. and can be equipped to handle volumes from 0.2 to 450 ml. T h e VirTis " 2 3 " provides speeds from 100 to 23,000 r.p.m. and can handle volumes from 0.2 to 200 ml. Detailed information available. E . Machlett & Son, 220 E a s t 23rd St., N . Y. 10, Ν . Υ . 33Α-1 Hot Plates. Bulletin available on low cost portable h o t plate. Diameter (top plate and base), 8 inches. Power rating, 660 watts. Laboratory E q u i p ­ ment Division, Lindberg Engineering Co., 2474 West H u b b a r d St., Chicago 12, 111. 65A-2 Instrument B e n c h e s . 20-page illus­ trated catalog available on company's universal instrument bench t h a t con­ sists of over 60 components of various types t h a t can be assembled into hundreds of different combinations. Used for sedimentation tests, particle size determinations, turbidity tests, photometry, etc. Mever-Opticraft, Inc., 39 West 60th St., Ν . Ϋ. 23, Ν . Υ .

17A Mount on any Glass Lathe or use manually

Price $65.00

Glassware Washers. Details avail­ able on complete unit m a d e entirely of stainless steel, featuring t h e powered brush washer. J e t pressure rinsing through jet tubes provides m a x i m u m action, volume a n d pressure, company states. Chicago A p p a r a t u s Co., 1735 N o r t h Ashland Ave., Chicago 22, 111.

Laboratory B e n c h e s . C o m p a n y de­ signs and builds laboratory or shop benches to meet specific requirements. Hallowell Shop E q u i p m e n t Division, S t a n d a r d Pressed Steel Co., Jenkintown 71, P a . 23A Laboratory Equipment. Circle indi­ cated numbers for complete technical and descriptive d a t a on t h e following laboratory equipment: stopper lubri­ cant, 26A-1 ; wetting agent, 26A-2 ; sam­ pling gun, 26A-3; mercury sweeper, 2ΘΑ-4; magnetic spatula, 26A-5; ad(Continued on page 47 A) ANALYTICAL