Better Evolution Through Chemistry: Rapid ... - ACS Publications

found it in fossils and populations separated for millions of years (2). ... evolutionary tinkering with normal cellular machinery (7). ... 0. 1000. 2...
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Chapter 17

Better Evolution Through Chemistry: Rapid Evolution Driven by Human Changes to the Chemical Environment Stephen R. Palumbi Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

Evolution occurs when phenotypic variation among organisms causes differences in reproductive success, and when these phenotype differences are passed on to offspring. Human mediated changes in local and global environments can dramatically change levels of natural selection and can lead to rapid evolutionary change. Examples of pesticide and antibiotic resistance have grown along with the use of these chemicals in agriculture in medicine, especially when evolutionary arms races occur. Though small organisms with fast generation times are most likely to provide clear examples of rapid evolution, there are examples among larger-bodied species including humans. A pervasive chemical modification of the environment due to increased CO2 levels is threatening a wide array of plant and animal life. Though some species are already evolving in the face of such changes, climate shifts due to CO2 increases are occurring ten times faster than during a typical glacial cycle. Species with long generation times, or complex morphological traits are least likely to evolve fast enough to keep pace with this rapid evolutionary challenge.

© 2009 American Chemical Society In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


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334 Charles Darwin laid out the basic rules by which populations evolve, emphasizing that three major elements are required: variation among individuals, a link between variation and reproductive fitness, and heritability of the variation across generations (see 1 for review). Darwin traveled the world to accumulate evidence for the evolution of populations by natural selection, and found it in fossils and populations separated for millions of years (2). But 150 years later, we can often see evolution occurring on our very doorsteps and can document rates of evolutionary change that would have astounded Darwin. Some of these examples of rapid evolutionary change derive from the strong impact humans have on the environment. By changing environments on local or global scales, human activity exerts new selective forces, or strengthens forces that might have been already acting (1,3). Study of the evolutionary responses to human environmental change have provided key examples of adaptive evolution. In many cases, rapid adaptation is seen among pest or disease species, and sparks a complex response from human industry that often results in an evolutionary arms race. Increasing attention is focused on the ecological effects of global climate change - with a major question being whether species are likely to evolve fast enough to keep up with current environmental shifts.

Down on the Farm Agricultural uses of pesticides have increased tremendously from the beginnings of this industry in the 1950's. Annual expenditures on pesticides nearly doubled in the United States from 1980 to 2000, with increases in herbicide, insecticide and fungicide use (Figure 1; 4). At the same time, the number of insect species that have evolved resistance to at least one insecticide has reached about 500 by the year 2000, with some insects evolving powerful resistance to multiple, commonly used chemicals (5,6). Study of the molecular mechanisms of resistance shows some cases of evolutionary tinkering with normal cellular machinery (7). For example, resistance to the BT toxin Cry1Ac, genetically engineered into cotton, derives from evolution of a cadherin receptor gene so that it no longer binds to the toxin molecule (8,9). Other genetic changes include the upregulation of genes that detoxify pesticides, or the duplication of these genes so that they can produce more product. However, the availability of genome sequences from some insects also makes it possible to discover more radical adaptive evolution.

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


Millions of dollars spent

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8000 7000 6000

Herbicides Insecticides Fungicides

5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1980





Figure 1: U.S. agricultural expeditures on pesticides have grown steadily. Data are from reference 4. In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster the mobile genetic element Doc1420 has recently jumped from gene to gene. When such an element moves in the genome and inserts itself inside a different gene, it often disrupts that gene's transcription. In one case, however, Doc1420 inserted itself inside the second exon of a particular fly gene, creating a new gene that contained the original first exon and a modifed second exon made up by half the original second exon and half by the mobile element itself (Figure 2). Over the past few decades, the frequency of this altered gene in the D. melanogaster population has increased remarkably, suggesting that it provides some selective advantage. Further work has shown that the new gene confers strong resistance to organophosphate insecticides (10). In this case, a radical genetic change appears to be adaptive in the presence of a modified chemical environment.

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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Figure 2: A gene in Drosophila (a) has had a transposable element Doc1420 inserted into the second exon (b), generating a new gene that confers organophosphate resistance, is evolving rapidly, and has increased in abundance in the past few decades (Reproduced with permission from reference 10. Copyright 2005 AAAS.)

Public Heath and Evolution Insecticides have often been used for public health purposes, and have resulted in both widespread chemical usage and widespread evolution. The first use of DDT to control an arthropod infestation came in Naples in 1944. It was used by the invading Allied army to stop an infestation of lice that transmitted typhus (3). Such was the success of this program, that DDT was subsequently used all over the world to control insect vectors of disease. Malaria was just about eradicated in the United States in the 1950s by a combination of DDT and wetland drainage. However, attempts to repeat this success on the global scale largely failed because of the rapid evolution of DDT resistance by mosquitoes. In addition, the single celled blood parasite that causes malaria in humans (Plasmodium falciparum) has also evolved resistance to a battery of drugs used to treat it (see the readable review in 11). Today, malaria remains a critical global disease, with over 1 million deaths a year attributed to drug resistant Plasmodium (see 12). Recently a new strategy

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


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has been deployed that has had some success. DDT is again being used to combat mosquitoes, but now the treatment does not involve wholesale spraying, but instead focuses on mosquito netting impregnated with DDT. This approach provides local protection against mosquitoes without exposing the whole mosquito population to such high DDT levels that DDT resistance quickly evolves. In addition, a new natural product based drug, Artemisin, appears to be effective in combating even multi-drug resistant Plasmodium. In Rwanda, treatment with DDT nets and Artemisin has helped drop hospital cases of malaria from 10,000 a year to under 4,000 cases a year (13). However, signs of evolution are already occurring and partial resistance to Artemisin has been recorded (14).

Evolutionary Arms Races Evolutionary co-adaptation of predator and prey is a common occurrence in the history of life. This can lead to evolutionary arms races in which the evolution of better predation ability exerts selective pressure on prey for better escape, which exerts selection on the predator for higher abilities, etc. Similar evolutionary arms races have played out between disease microorganisms and human antibiotic use. In these cases, powerful antibiotics are invented and used widely, leading to selection on bacterial disease populations to adapt to them. The failure of antibiotics then leads to a search for a new antibiotic, which, when used widely, generates new adaptation, etc. A long series of adaptive evolutionary changes and antibiotic shifts has occurred during treatment of Staphylococcus aureas infections (Table I). At first, penicillin was nearly completely effective against these infections. But rising resistance rates in the 1950s caused a wholesale switch by hospitals to using a second drug, methicillin. Methicillin resistance was first reported in Cairo in 1961, and has been increasing steadily in the last few decades. People with a Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) infection were treated with vancomycin instead. By the 2000s, MRSA became so common that methicillin is now rarely used. Vancomycin resistance in S. aureus was reported in Japan in 1996, and in 2000 a new drug, Linezolid, was approved for use against vancomycin resistant MRSA. Linezolid resistance was reported in 2002, and incidence of resistant infections, while usually under 1% by 2008, appears to be growing.

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


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Table I: History of Antibiotic Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus Infections. Year 1943 1947 1960s 1961 1980s 1990s 1996 2000 2002 2006

Antibiotic history Penicillin widely available First resistance reported Switch to Methicillin Methicillin resistance reported Methicillin resistance increasing, use of Vancomycin begins Methicillin resistance up to 35%, Vancomycin use increasing Vancomycin resistance reported Linezolid approved Linezolid resistance reported Linezolid resistance rates 0.1% - 4% in hospitals

These shifts in drugs mean that S. aureus infections are currently still treatable, but just as in other evolutionary arms races, the cycle of antibiotic -> resistance evolution -> new antibiotic generates escalation. For bacteria, the escalation is in the strength of antibiotic resistance. For the human community, escalation often means increases in cost of health care. Partially these increases come from increased hospital stays when an infection is resistant to treatment. Other costs, however, include the drugs themselves, which are expensive to develop and produce. Though Table II is by no means a broad survey of prescription costs, one internet supplier of pharmaceuticals in 2008 lists the perdose price of drugs used to combat S. aureus as a low of $0.69 for non-resistant infections, up to $42.75 for Linezolid. This nearly two-order of magnitude increase is part of the human price for antibiotic resistance. Other costs are also high. MRSA is a serious disease with a high mortality rate, and aggressive treatment is required. Kim et al. (15) list the average cost of treating MRSA infections contracted outside of hospitals at about $14,700 per case (16). The 100,000 out-of-hospital cases of MRSA cost about $1.4 billion. Overall, treating antibiotic resistance of S. aureus has been estimated to cost $24-$30 billion a year in the United States (3). Table II: Survey of Prescription Costs per Dose from Internet Sources Name Amoxicillin Methicillin Vancomycin Linezolid

cost/#doses $69.00 / 100 off the market $186.50 / 28 $855.00 / 20

cost per dose $0.69 N/A $6.64 $42.75

SOURCE: Prices from April, 2008.

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


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Evolution Writ Large The forgoing examples have some strong similarities. In most cases, the species involved are small-bodied with short generation times and large population sizes. These traits tend to enhance the ability of a population to respond to strong natural selection quickly. However, evidence of evolution of larger species also exists, even in humans. Among traits that may be considered adaptive in humans, one that received considerable study is the ability to digest lactose, the major sugar contained in milk. Most people express the major gene during infancy. However, after weaning, the gene (called lactase) is largely shut off in most humans. An exception occurs in populations of northern European origin, in which a single substitution in the regulatory region of the lactase gene is thought to retain the expression of this protein into adulthood, and to confer the ability to comfortably digest a diet high in dairy products. These populations also show a strong archeological record of cattle husbandry, and a strong element of dairy products in adult diets. A map of the prevalence of the allele that retains lactase production is very similar to the map of prevalence of cattle raising in Europe (Figure 3), suggesting that a change in diet sparked the evolution of this metabolic change, and that evolution by natural selection in the human population over the past 10,000 years is responsible for the ability of northern European adults to digest lactose (17). However, another possibility exists: that lactase expression changed for other reasons, just by random genetic drift, for example. If this were true, then a high dairy diet might have been permitted by a prior genetic change. These two possibilities boil down to asking which came first, widespread cattle farming or the allele for adult lactase expression? Recently, this question was directly answered in a study of the DNA of bones from northern European populations of 5,000 - 7,000 years ago. Though there were only 8 alleles of the lactase gene characterized in this study from this period, only one had the substitution that shows it to confer adult expression of lactase (18). Thus the gene was present but not yet prevalent when cattle raising was first spreading widely in northern Europe. This evidence suggests that diet shifted before genetic evolution occurred, and that natural selection for adult digestion of lactose was responsible for the high frequency of this allele.

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


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Figure 3: The distribution (dark shading) of prehistoric cattle ranching (a) and the genetic variant of the lactase gene promoter that allows it to be expressed in adults (b).The dashed line in b shows the region of intense cattle ranching activity from a. (Adapted with permission from reference 17. Copyright 2003 Nature Publishing Group.)

Climate Change and the Evolutionary Marathon One of the most prevalent human-made chemicals is CO2, produced so prodigiously that levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and the oceans are far higher than they would be naturally. The resulting increases in global temperature, caused by greenhouse heating of the atmosphere, have begun to change overall temperature levels, the extent of arctic sea ice and sea level (19). Though these changes in climate have just begun, populations are beginning to evolve as a

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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341 result (19,20). One example, involves the shift in wintering grounds of the European blackcap, a small bird that breeds in southern Germany and typically winters in Spain. Recently, warming of Great Britain has allowed a population of blackcaps to successfully overwinter there, a behavioral shift to climate change (21). Because individuals that overwinter in England arrive earlier on the breeding ground than those that overwinter in Spain, members of the English subpopulation tend to breed assortatively with one another, and produce more offspring. Over time, such a reproductive advantage may increase the English group relative to the Spanish group or even generate a new species (22). A second example comes from the Canadian Yukon, where temperatures have been increasing by an average of 2° C per decade. In this environment, as Spring weather has come more quickly, red squirrels have been breeding sooner. An analysis of phenotypic variance suggests that much of this shift is due to acclimation of individuals in response to temperature. But a substantial fraction (about 13%) of the response is genetically based, showing evolution for earlier breeding in this population (23). These examples will probably be followed by others in which climate changes induce evolutionary shifts in populations. However, of concern is the rate at which evolution due to climatic changes can occur, and whether global warming, ocean acidification and sea level rise will outstrip the ability of populations to evolve. The environment of the recent 2.5 million years has been replete with climate changes as glacial cycles have come and gone. One possibility is that current animal, plant and other species have already been subjected to many rounds of global climate change, and that the ones that persist now are the ones that can evolve quickly enough to persist. However, current climate changes are far faster than glacial cycles. For example, global temperatures increased about 7° C over the past 10,000 years since that last glaciation, an average rate of about 0.07° C per century (rates in individual habitats will vary). By contrast, global temperature has increased about 0.8° C in the past 110 years, ten times faster than glacial rates. So far, there is no general theory that can estimate the maximum rate of evolution that can be sustained by a population, and so there is no way to predict which species may be left behind in the upcoming evolutionary marathon. However, examples of rapid evolutionary change, and basic evolutionary principles, suggest the kinds of species or traits that are likely to evolve most quickly. Species with short generation times, large population sizes and small body size show the fastest rates of evolution in human-altered environments. Disease organisms, weeds and pests show high ability to adapt. Larger species with smaller populations and longer generation times can also evolve, but here the best examples come from behavioral shifts (such as migration pathways) or shifts in simple traits such as lactose digestion. Complex morphological or life history traits that depend on many genes are less likely to evolve quickly in small-population, long-generation species. These are the species, including most of the large animals and plants, that are most at risk of extinction due to poor ability to adapt evolutionarily to global change.

In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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342 The implications of these simple evolutionary rules are not particularly surprising: the species or traits that can evolve the most quickly are most likely to be able to change during rapid climate shifts. The species or traits that can evolve the most quickly form a list which is also not that surprising evolutionary biologists have long known the basic rules by which evolutionary rates are set (24). The same theoretical framework for evolution also suggests some caveats to the above: species or traits with very low genetic variation will also be slow to evolve, for example, no matter what their generation time or population size. Nevertheless, the same traits that tend to place species at risk ecologically also tend to result in slow evolution. The combination of these ecological and evolutionary constraints creates a list of species at risk ecologically that is very similar to the list that is at risk evolutionarily: large bodied species with long generation times and small populations. Species such as these - for example, large mammals, birds and reptiles - are not the only ones at ecological risk due to climate change, but they are the ones also least likely to be able to mount an evolutionary response just at the time when one is needed most.

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In Chemical Evolution II: From the Origins of Life to Modern Society; Zaikowski, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.