beyond questionlike a ι proved I formula
CH2(COOC2H5)2 + CICH2COOC2H5 + C 2 H 5 ONa = CH(COOC 2 H 5 ) 2 · CH2COOC2H5 + C2H5OH + NaC I j
Nf^ft Model 120—I of 4 5 models available
For mo» e than 4 0 years laboratory people have been justified in relying o n Freas. During many of these y ears w e w e r e unable to produce Freas units as fast as they were called for· N o w , after L otable expansion, w e can ship most m o d e l s from, stock. Freas q yality, far from being compromised, has actuallybeen improve d. *Ask your t iboratory supply dealer about Freas ovens, incubators or* sterilizers.
Write for CATALOG 3 3 1 A
Precision Scientific Compamj 3727 West Cortland Street
Chicago 47
«TïïM^ily^i^irKivs ΐ'ΐτ-^rnr VOLUME
3 2,