BEYOND THE FLYLEAF - ACS Publications - American Chemical

The Physical Chemistry of Dyeing . THOMAS VICKERSTAFF. viii + 416 pages. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N. Y. 1950. $7.50...
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of viii

Dyeing. 4-


pages. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 2 5 0 Fifth Ave., N e w York 1, Ν . Υ. 1950. $7.50. Reviewed by D . E. MARNON, General Dyestuff Corp. T H I S book represents a valuable exten­ sion of t h e field of physical chemistry into the phenomenon of dyeing. T h e author has presented in general and in specific fundamental concepts w h i c h are directly related to the application of color to tex­ tiles. T h e introduction of such funda­ mental principles into t h e art of dyeing can only lead to a more profound under­ standing of the forces involved, hence t o a better appreciation of t h e methods r e ­ quired for proper application. It is unfortunate that some delay has occurred in publishing this work. Some of the concepts presented might be more fully expanded a n d explained in light of the extensive work of t h e past few years on n e w synthetic fibers. T h e "solid solu­ tion" theory of the dyeing of cellulose ace­ tate has apparently gained more impor­ tance in view of t h e dyeing of acetate, nylon, Dacron, Dynel, a n d several otber synthetics with both acetate types a n d w i t h naphthols. I t is to b e appreciated that considerable work w a s carried out with direct colors for cellulose. This is perhaps d u e to their solubility characteristics which contribute greatly t o such a study. T h e reader should not, however, forget that perhaps only 1 0 % of t h e cotton dyed today in t h e Ü. S. employs these colors. These figures should not detract from the value of such a fundamental study, b u t merely indicate that m u c h remains to b e done before w e fully understand t h e phenomenon of dyeing. T h i s reviewer feels that this book has a very definite place in t h e fundamental d y e research laboratories of the world. It will b e best appreciated b y those scientists w h o have a proper appreciation of basic research and also realize the correct importance of t h e types of dyes covered. It might be misleading to the student of dyestuffs w h o w o u l d n o t have the proper perspective of t h e field of dyeing becaxise of this emphasis o n direct color dyeing. T h e author is t o b e complimented f o r . such an excellent treatise, particularly for t h e bibliographies which appear at the e n d o f each chapter. Exhibit Techniques. H e l e n Miles Davis, editor, iv -J- 1 1 2 pages. Science Service, 1719 Ν St., N . W . , Washington 6, D . C. 1951. $2.00. Reviewed b y W . T . READ, Department of t h e Army. T H E opening sentence of this little book, "An exhibit of scientific work tells a story," is its theme and its purpose. T h e contin­ ued interest of young people i n science is evidenced b y numerous science fairs in V O L U M E

2 9,

N O . 52

high schools and colleges and t h e exhibits which are a part of the Westinghouse and other talent searches. This book is based largely o n the experience of the editor and a number of scholarship winners, and is rounded out by suggestions from mu­ seums, hints from popular books, and an extensive bibliography. In very brief form this book assembles the essentials of exhibit techniques and constitutes an ex­ cellent guide for science teachers and students as well as those devoted t o sci­ entific hobbies. It may also b e read with profit by industrial and governmental ex­ hibitors. Point Film Cure.

Defects. Their Causes and






pages. Reinhold Publishing Corp., 3 3 0 West 42nd St., N e w York 18, Ν. Υ. 1951.

$ 1 2 . R e v i e w e d by G. G. SWARD,

National Paint, Varnish, a n d Lacquer Association. O T H E R books on paint defects are of t h e question-and-answer type. They deal with specific cases that painters have met. Textbooks o n paints often have sections on defects but this is t h e first book that tries to cover the waterfront so far as I know. The s c o p e is broader than t h e tide i m ­ plies. I t deals not only with film defects but also with undesirable changes that develop in t h e liquid paint during storage, and with defects that arise from improper tools or workmanship. These often have a direct bearing on film defects a n d are properly included. But some of t h e topics have little or n o relation to film defects; e.g., leakage of wooden casks, costs, fire prevention in the paint shop, and physio­ logical effects of paint ingredients. This last named topic takes u p 41 pages. The author must have h a d different readers in mind when discussing different defects. Often the explanation becomes a discussion o f formulation;—of the advan­ tages o r disadvantages of certain r a w materials or methods of manufacture, while here and there h e directs his re­ marks t o t h e practical finisher. Thus, t h e book combines a reference for t h e paint chemist with instructions for t h e painter, a good combination for t h e troubleshooter.

British Appraisal of American Pharmaceutical Industry A survey of production in the American pharmaceutical industry w a s conducted last December by a British t e a m which visited the United States a n d toured 17 organizations, studied their plants, a n d talked with management a n d employees. The write-up of this survey i s contained in an attractively prepared 7 0 - p a g e book­ let called "Pharmaceuticals." T h e British team w a s composed of 10 representatives of leading British pharmaceutical firms.


2 4, 1 9 5 1

Purpose of the survey was to investigate compounding or processing, tableting, bot­ tling, ainpouling, sterilization, and pack­ aging, as defined in British terms of ref­ erence and to make recommendations for increasing productivity in the British in­ dustry. Copies ot the report can be purchased from t h e Intelligence Officer, Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, 1 6 6 Piccadilly, London W . l , England for 4 2 cents.

IMEW BOOKS ASTM Standards on Bituminous Materials •for Highway Construction, Waterproof­ ing, and Roofing. Sponsored by A S T M Committee D - 4 o n Road a n d Paving Materials, ASTM Committee D - 8 o n Bituminous Waterproofing a n d Roofing Materials, xi -f- 3 2 9 pages. American Society for Testing Materials, 1 9 1 6 Race St., Philadelphia 3 , Pa. $3.25. T h e Chemical Activities of Bacteria. EKNEST F . G A L E .

2 1 3 pages.


Press, Inc., 125 East 23rd St., N e w York 10, Ν. Υ. $2.50. Chemical Trade Names and Commercial Synonyms.





279 pages. D . V a n Nostrand Co., 2 5 0 Fourth Ave., N e w York 10, Ν . Υ. $ 5 . 5 0 . A Symposium on Phosphorus Metabolism. Vol. 1. Sponsored by the McCollumPratt Institute of T h e Johns Hopkins University. W m . D . McElroy and Bentley Glass, eds. xv + 7 6 2 pages. The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore 18, Md. $ 1 0 .

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