BEYOND THE FLYLEAF - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Chemistry and Biology of Proteins . FELIX HALKOWITZ. xii + 374 pages. Academic Press, Inc., 125 East 23rd St., New York 10, N. Y. $5.50. Reviewed by ...
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dehydrogenated structures, their omission is regrettable. As for spectroscopic data, visually o b ­ served maxima are often determined in Europe by aid of copper-ammonium filters and d o not coincide with photoelectrically determined maxima. Absorption coeffi­ cients, p p . 349—61, should b e compared with available U. S. data before receiving unqualified acceptance. T h e legend for Figure 31 is jumbled. The translation is good w i t h f e w errors o f significance, though astacene for tetraketo compound is deplorable. T h e book will long remain a standard for the known chemical structures of carotenoids.

conducted to determine the retentions, distributions, and rates of elimination of three alpha particle-emitting elements— Po, Ra, and Pu—following various routes by ROBERT W A R N E R , N e w York Uni­ of administration to laboratory animals. versity College of Medicine. Also included arc r e s u l t of parallel e x ­ T H E essential facts bearing o n the "pro­ periments done to deter, nine the early tein problem," or the structure of proteins toxicities of these three elements i n rats. in the most general sense, are drawn from Results and observations are recorded in a variety of fields of investigation. As a detail as well as descriptions of techniques result most books on proteins have been and analytical procedures. The back­ collaborative efforts or have covered only ground literature is summarized. a portion of the field. Dr. Haurowitz has Consolidation and summarization of data An Outline of Scientific Criminology. NIGEL M O R L A X D . 2 6 7 pages. Philo­ taken all proteins as his province and has have not been effected to any great degree. sophical Librarv, Inc., 1 5 East 4 0 t h worked t h e material bearing on them, Rather, experiments are dealt with indi­ St., N e w York 16, Ν . Υ. $4.75. R e ­ from both chemical and biological points vidually and large quantities of data are viewed by J. H. M A T H E W S , University of view, into a considered whole. The included. This volume is particularly use­ of Wisconsin. particular value of the book lies in this ful as a reference work for those in re­ complete presentation of the field from lated fields. As a source of descriptions A s A popular treatise o n criminal iden­ the point o f view of o n e man. While ex­ of methodology and technique, as a back­ tification b y scientific methods this book perimental detail has been given adequate ground for the general subject of radio­ ranks among t h e very best if not t h e best. attention, t h e author has not shrunk from active toxicities and hazards, as -well as As a textbook for the training of experts speculative argument. He has produced the symptoms which are found in this it would b e quite inadequate. It is a book a well written and highly readable book. type of radiation damage, it is also useful, about crime detection rather than of crime The introduction and use of the word detection, though in many places it a t ­ but in a somewhat more limited fashion. "constellation" to describe the specific tempts t o be t h e latter. T h e author, o b ­ configuration of the peptide chains in a viously not trained in scientific methods, C a r o t e n o i d s . P. KARRER A N D E. JUCKER, has nevertheless read very extensively. protein molecule is a useful addition to translated and revised by E. A. the language of the protein chemist. The chapters o n forensic ballistics a n d 3 8 4 pages. Elsevier Publishing Co., 250 In the initial chapters, t h e evidence on t h e microscope and camera are n o t Fifth Ave., N e w York 1, Ν. Υ. 1950. from physical and organic chemistry is S8.50. Reviewed b y G. MACKINNÏEY, tip to date. Some of his statements c o n ­ University of California. considered and discussed in terms of cerning t h e "lie detector" would b e i n ­ modern views of the structure of globular teresting if true and t h e chemist will b e R E S E A R C H on carotenoids is controversial, proteins. After a survey of various types intrigued by t h e statement: " T h e truth exacting, and abundantly satisfying. Our of proteins and their combination with serum m a y b e considered perfect w h e n knowledge of carotenoid chemistry is other substances, the author turns to their the unusual reactions of an unknown X firmly based on massive contributions biological properties. This material on the quality i n certain classes of human beings from three men. I n spite of their prerole of proteins as enzymes, hormones, have b e e n overcome. Sixty per cent o f eminent work, the field remains o p e n to toxins, a n d immunologically active com­ those under t h e stimulant ( s i c ) will react anyone with simple equipment a n d taking pounds is selected and organized, in so correctly, but t h e other 407c possess s o m e proper precautions. Carotenoids are exfar as possible, to yield information on chemical antidote that has y e t to b e ana­ tremely labile. Percentage composition, proteins rather than on these biological lyzed a n d conquered b y t h e refinements m.p., spectroscopic constants, and chromasystems a s such. Finally, an interesting in the truth serum." Fortunately this tographic purity all are modified by the speculative picture is assembled of the sample is not typical of t h e w h o l e book. least carelessness in handling. T h e authors mechanism of the biosynthesis of proteins. The 1 2 plates seem to h a v e been thrown are therefore fully entitled to adhere to In spite of the inclusion of some 1500 in for good measure, as there is n o refer­ rigorous standards and to view the least references, the book is not merely a survey ence to them i n the text. deviation with distrust. of the literature. Each chapter develops a Karrer is by common consent ranked self-contained argument, so that the book German-English Technical a n d Engineer­ among the great European organic chemwill fulfill its intended function as a text ing Dictionary. L o i n s D E VRIES. xiv -$ists. T h e traditional standards c a n rarely for graduate students. This combination 928 pages. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 3 3 0 have been upheld more brilliantly, but of a highly readable text and a thorough West 42nd St., N e w York, Ν . Υ. 1 9 5 0 . though excellent they can stifle at times. introduction to the literature should also $20. Reviewed by T . E . R. SINGER, This book will b e a standard text (not make t h e book valuable to workers in Consultant, N e w York, Ν . Υ. the standard as others claim) for many related fields of biology and chemistry. years t o come. Points selected for illustraI N THIS period when many multilingual tion are restricted by space allotted and dictionaries in special fields are b e i n g Biological Studies with Polonium, may appear distorted. published it is unusual t o find a general Radium, and Plutonium. Robert M. Fink, editor, xvi - 4 - 4 1 1 pages. VI-3 Other distinguished chemists have pretechnical dictionary of this kind. It m a y McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 3 3 0 West pared α-carotene ( p a g e 1 5 2 ) but their best b e described, briefly, as an up-to42nd St., N e w York, Ν. Υ. $3.75. Re­ methods "do not furnish pure products." date American counterpart of t h e w r ellv i e w e d by W I L L I A M P. NORRIS, Argonne Readers will agree with the translation known dictionary by W e b e l , published in National Laboratory. that their methods "are hardly used/* England some years a g o . A moderate 1 HIS v o l u m e is a compilation of the work S-carotene has not been crystallized, "so number of chemical terms are included, done at the University of Rochester as a that its existence cannot b e regarde*! as though there are many technical terms of section o f the biological program of the proved." T h e student to whom this is interest to t h e chemical engineer, t h e Manhattan Project during t h e war years the standard text learns nothing of phytopetroleum refinery worker, t h e metallur­ and is published as a part of the National fluene or f-carotene which undoubtedly gist, and the geologist. T h e selection of Nuclear Energy Series. exist though uncrystallized. If they be two-, three-, and even four-part compound Experiments are described which were intermediates in t h e biosynthesis of more words included, where the resulting mcanChemistry and Biology of Proteins. FELIX HALKOWITZ. xii + 3 7 4 pages. Aca­ demic Press, Inc., 125 East 23rd St., N e w York 10, Ν. Υ. $5.50. Reviewed





ing is not t h e one that might be expected, is excellent. Thirty-six pages of abbrevia­ tions are given, a very valuable feature with their increasingly common and con­ fusing use in all languages. This work will b e useful for t h e engineering student, and for the translator w h o has occasional technical subjects to translate.

Syntans and Newer Methods of Tanning. PHIU?






ments, South Lancaster, Mass. 1950. 128 pages. $6.00. Reviewed by F . O. SCHMIDT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I H I S small book attempts primarily to bring together technical information, in abbreviated form, of some of the more important modern synthetic tannins of commerce. T h e second half deals with various n e w methods of tanning and with anahtical methods useful to the tanner. As a summary of methods, without d e ­ tailed discussion of the many variables which must b e considered by the prac­ tical tanner, t h e book is competently done and will b e a valuable handbook for leather technologists. Suggestions for n e w material for a n early revision are solicited.


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