BEYOND THE FLYLEAF - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - The text includes for each chemical a general discussion of trends in production levels and costs, of outlines of the processes used ...
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Industrial Chemistry, 5 t h e d . E . RAY­

of organic chemistry is, therefore, far from complete. Pubishing Corp., 330 West 42nd St., T h e r e will, apparently, b e n o English New York, Ν . Υ. 1949. $7.00. R e ­ viewed by H . E. Silcox, Merck & Co., translation of Volumes I I I and I V , b u t "it is planned to continue this series in Eng­ Inc. lish with V o l u m e V." I N THE enormous task of revising this well Descriptions of laboratory preparations known book t h e author h a s succeeded in are given in abstract style, a n d include maintaining a clear, well organized read­ references to t h e original literature. T h e able text. T h e book i s an elementary yield is stated in most instances. T h e treatise for t h e s t u d e n t a n d general cumulative subject index will probably read* r. b e found more useful b y most readers than In so far as possible t h e several chemi­ the systematic survey w h i c h indexes reac­ cal industries are h a n d l e d as units, thus tions by t h e W e y g a n d system. showing a clear interrelationship among H o w m u c h assistance t h e research man the chemicals produced within a given in­ will derive from this particular volume is dustry. T h e text includes for each chemi­ problematical, for t h e coverage is admit­ cal a g e n c n l discussion of trends in pro­ tedly restricted. T h e translation appears duction levels a n d costs, of outlines of t h e to b e well done, and p r i n t and paper arc processes used commercially, of equip­ good. ment a n d raw material requirements, of the underlying chemical and engineering Chemical Industries principles, a n d of t h e major uses which have b e e n developed for t h e chemical. T h e twenty-second edition, enlarged and Each chapter has its o w n bibliography. revised, of "Chemical Industries" is avail­ An excellent picture h a s been presented able from Leonard Hill, L t d . , 17, Stratford for the older, more firmly established Place, London, W . l , England, for $4.20. fields, such a s the production of sulfuric This 350-page volume includes a classified acid. However, the newer fields have been index to chemicals a n d r a w materials, to handled more sketchily and here t h e in­ plant a n d construction materials, power formation appears somewhat out of date. production tables, water treatment This is understandable i n that these newer methods, a glossary of pharmaceuticals fields a r e currently undergoing change at and perfumery raw materials, a n d lists of a rapid rate a n d much o f t h e information trade names, among o t h e r useful features concerning t h e m is not being made avail­ to those connected with chemical process able for general publication. industries. The book is recommended t o those w h o desire a general insight into t h e chemical Fatigue in Industry industry and to those w h o w a n t prelimi­ " T h e F a t i g u e Allowance in Industrial nary information in particular fields. T i m e Study" is t h e title of a 66-page booklet b y Matthew A. Payne, practicing mechanical a n d industrial engineer. It is Synthetic Methods of O r g a n i c Chemis­ described as " a searching, practical, con­ try, A T h e s a u r u s . Vol. I I . W . T H E I L HEIMER. Translated from t h e German structive analysis striking directly a t t h e by A . Ingberman in collaboration with weakest link i n modern time study prac­ the author, xii -f 3 2 4 pages. Intertice," a n d is r e c o m m e n d e d for industrial science Publishers, Inc., N e w York, engineers, time study engineers, industrial 1949. $7.50. Reviewed b y Nathan L. relations men, union officials, workload Drake, University of Maryland. arbitrators, a n d plant supervisors. C h a p ­ V O L U M E II of this series is a continuation ters are included on t h e nature of fatigue, of Theilheimer's classification of prepara­ the purpose, determination, a n d applica­ tive methods whose defjription has ap­ tion of fatigue allowance, and discussions peared in recent literature. and conclusions, as well a s a fatigue allow­ Inasmuch a s t h e third volume of this ance program. Copies a r e available from series h a s already appeared i n t h e original the author a t 13777 Euclid Ave., East German and has been reviewed recently Cleveland 12, Ohio, for $2.50. (C&EN, page 3144, 1949), this discussion will n o t include consideration of the Extraction Problems method of classification employed; that subject has been adequately covered in T h e November 1949 Bulletin of t h e the reference cited. Virginia Polytechnic Institute is devoted Unfortunately V o l u m e II consists "sub­ to "Graphical Methods a s Applied to E x ­ stantially of abstracts of English, French, traction Problems" b y F r e d W . Bull, asso­ and Swiss papers published in 1945 and ciate professor, and G u i d o J. Coli, instruc­ 1946, and—with few exceptions—of only tor in chemical engineering. This is N o . those methods of American authors that 72 in t h e Engineering Experiment Station were used also i n laboratories of other Series a n d is written primarily for use b y countries." T h e coverage of t h e literature students who are being introduced to t h e MOND R I E G E L .







solution of extraction problems. It i s avail­ able for 5 0 cents from t h e Virginia Poly­ technic Institute, Blacksburg, Va.


C a t h o d i c Protection


A symposium o n cathodic protection h a s been published b y the Electrochemical Society and the National Association o f Corrosion Engineers. T h e papers consti­ tute a review of t h e state of development of t h e basic principles of cathodic protec­ tion and their application t o the control of corrosion. The 203-page book contains diagrams, tables, references, and illustra­ tions. It is available from N A C E , 9 1 9 Milam Bldg., Houston 2 , Tex., for $6.00 to members of t h e two organizations and for $ 8 . 0 0 t o others.


5iè^ëvtr AtYSIS 4epende«t




Allyl Chloride a n d Other Allyl Halides. 1 3 6 pages. Shell Chemical Corp., 5 0 0 Fifth Ave., N e w York 18, Ν . Υ. Avail­ able o n letterhead request. 'Analar' Standards for Laboratory Chemi­ cals. 4th ed. 3 2 0 pages. British Drug Houses, Ltd., Graham Street, London, N . l . $1.47. Annual Reports o f the Society of C h e m i ­ c a l Industry on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XXXIII, 1948. 7 4 2 pages. Society of Chemical Industry, 5 6 Victoria St., London, S.W.I. $3.50. A.S.T.M. Standards on Petroleum Prod­ ucts a n d Lubricants (with Related I n ­ formation), November 1949. xvi -+7 3 5 pages. American Society for Test­ ing Materials, 1 9 1 6 Race St., Philadel­ phia 3 , Pa. $5.50 paper cover, $6.15 cloth cover. Chemistry and Metallurgy of Miscellane­ o u s Materials—Thermodynamics· L. L . Quill, editor, xxii -|- 329 pages. M c ­ Graw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 3 3 0 West 4 2 n d St., N e w York 1 8 , Ν . Υ. $3.00. D a t a Book on Hydrocarbons—Application to Process Engineering. J. B. M A X ­ W E L L , viii -|- 2 5 9 pages. E>. V a n N o s trand Co., Inc., 250 Fourth Ave., N e w York, Ν . Υ. $5.00. Fortschritte der Chemischen Forschung. F . G. Fischer, H . W. Kohlschutter, K L . Schafer, and H . Mayer-Kaupp, editors. 4 1 6 pages. Springer-Verlag, BerlinCharlottenburg 2 , Jepensstrasse 1. $8.60. Fundamentals of Chemistry and Applica­
