Beyond the Flyleaf - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - facebook · twitter · Email Alerts ... Chapter 2 (63 pages) is devoted to the synthetic waxes, hydrogenated oils, fatty acids, alcohols, ...
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Commercial Waxes, Natural and Synthetic. H. Bennett, editor. Ix -f 5Χ'Λ pact's. Chemical Publishing Co.. Brooklyn, \ . Y., 194^. Price. Sll.OO. 1 HIS hook is for those at all interested in the sources, properties, and uses made of these substances by various industries. The subject matter of the seven chapter- is a.- fol­ lows: Chapter 1 (9e practical significance of the «xtent of this surface. Experimental data, obtained from studies of gao or vapor adso.ption and heat




New Text

New Text New Text

New Text These n e w organics, fungicides a n d ul­ t r a - p u r e inorganics are now a v a i l a b l e either in c o m m e r c i a l , semi-commercial, or l a b o r a t o r y quantities—for your w a r



a n d p o s t - w a r research. If you d o not have the latest booklet describing these interesting compounds, w r i t e for your copy today*





2 3, N O .

STREET j %, Ν . Υ .


2 5,



New Text Oberth, Heritiaiiii Wege zur Raumschiffahrt. 3. Aufl . von "Die Rakete zu den Planentenr aumen. ' ' Munchen, Oldenbourg, | 1929. xi, 431 p .

Sang@r9 Eiigen


Raketen-Flugtechnik. Miinchen, Oldenbourg, 1933. ix, 222 ρ




At the request of several industrial concerns the above enemyorigin titles are being reprinted without delay because of their basic importance and timeliness in A m e r i c a n research on the subject of rockets. They are in addition t o the 500 foreign scien­ tific and technical works announced i n our January Catalog No. 5, now available upon request, w h i c h lists

141 Enemy-Origin

Items Published

Since 1941 and Not Available




for Purchase in the United


Published under License from the U. S. Office of Alien Property Custodian

Have you ordered your copy of —

SpeosaS Libraries ^sssûiataoïs.. Sûien©e-¥©ûSinei@gy l r s n p a Patent Index to Chemical Abstracts, 1907-1936. J. W. Edwards, 1944. v, 479 p. (Lithoprinted from typewritten copy.) Cloth 7 ^ χ 10%


Jo W e E P W A i t O S , Publisher

New Text

ι 404

"Publishers of Reprints of Basic Foreign Scientific Publications Otherwise Unobtainable'

1 C H E M I C A L

BEYOND THE FLYLEAF of wetting on coal are presented and the theoretical bases of the methods are critically examined. The changes in internal surface caused by heating coals to higher tempera­ tures are also reported. An interesting dis­ cussion is given of the rolation of the ultrafine structure of coal to its strength and elas­ tic constants. X-ray studios of coals, cokes, and chare are reported in the second group of four papers, which, together with the discussion, cover 94 pages. One of the papers describes x-ray diffraction technique for identification of noncoal minerals in coal. Another paper presents in considerable detail the experimen­ tal evidence in support of a turbostratic struc­ ture of coal analogous to t h a t proposed by R. E. Warren for carbon black. A warning is sounded in the discussion against accepting the theory in detail until much further work is done. Preliminary reports are included on iow-angle scattering of x-rays by various coals and on the crystalling- of certain highash coals. Two papers on optical properties of coal make up the third group of papers. The first of these is an interesting presentation of the data on which was based the Melchett medal lecture by C. A. Seyler in 1941. The surpris­ ing but apparently necessary conclusion of Seyler's work is that there exist in the coal substance components with reflecting powers differing from one another in a quantumlike manner. In the fourth group of papers, preliminary reports are given on: (1) the magnetic properties of coal, (2) the infrared spectrum of coal, (3) the use of the electron microscope for the study of coal, (4) a new technique for demonstrating the plasticity of coal, and (5) the electrical conductivity of carbonized coals. The preliminary results in most cases d o not permit evaluation of the significance of the methods of study used. Further re­ sults will be awaited with interest. In the foreword to the Proceedings, Evan Williams stated: "Speaking on behalf of the coal industry, I wish to say t h a t we attach the greatest importance to long range and funda­ mental investigations into the nature and properties of coal." Tho papers in the vol­ ume under review must be recognized as contributions on which the importance en­ visaged by Sir Evan will later be demon­ strated. TT TT T H. H. LOWBY

Lead Poisoning. Abraham CatUaroic and Max Trumper. xiii + 257 pages. The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore 2, Md., 1944. Price, $3.00. I N this latest contribution to the evermounting literature on lead poisoning, we have a short and concise résumé of the subject. The authors have fortunately selected only the most pertinent facts necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the nature, prevention, and management of lead poisoning, and they state in the preface: " I n presenting this information, we have sought to reflect the consensus of authoritative opinion. However, on many controversial issues, we have indicated our personal opinion, based on the study of hundreds ο workers exposed to lead hazards in vaiious industries." A N D



New Text Dear Mister Engineer: We received your letter and did something about it.'In fact, we obtained sketches a n d written ideas from 250 engineers, and then designed t h e new Master-Enclosed Rotameter. I t i s fully enclosed—it is rigid—it will come apart readily—it is highly accurate. Don't believe us—send for Bulletin 25-D, which gives the complete and instructive details. This illustration shows how easily the meter comes apart, and how simply the Hanged packing glands may be tightened without opening the meter.

New Text lATBOft© ο ΡΈΜΜΑ,


2 3,



2 5,




still plays an important part at Corning—par­

This book reiterates again the thesis taken by many authorities—namely, that since lead poisoning may appear in t h e guise of so many nonspecific signs and symptoms, it is essential for the clinician to have a thorough appreciation of the pathological physiology and clinical manifestations of lead poisoning, as well as of the significance and limitations of findings obtained by laboratory methods. Specialists in this field will find that the treat­ ment of t h e subject matter is not too critical, but since there is an ample bibliography, reference t o the original source material may­ be had. One feature of this book which is especially desirable is the bringing together in tabular form of the data of various authors on the levels of lead in tissues, excreta, foods, etc. T h e context may be roughly divided into four major sections: (1) absorption, transportation, deposition, and excretion of lead, with a special chapter on the lead con­ tent of blood, body fluids, and excreta; (2) pathology and pathological physiology; (3) clinical manifestations; (4) treatment. In addition, there are also chapters of more specialized interest, such as analytical meth­ ods for determining lead, lead products in industry, and a discussion of the occurrence of chronic lead poisoning in various indus­ tries. This book should have its greatest appeal to the industrial physician.

ticularly in the m a k i n g of laboratory glassware.


New Text Over 2 2 0 0 e m p l o y e e s of Cornimg Glass W o r k s have entered the Armed Forces. But the m e n C o r n i n g could least afford to l o s e , the o n e s hardest to replace, are the lamp s h o p craftsmen. For despite automatic machines, despite im­ proved g l a s s m a k i n g techniques, h a n d work

It is in t h e l a m p s h o p that most o f this hand fabrication is d o n e . H e r e is w h e r e the skill o f

New Lignite Deposit Described

the glass b l o w e r is at its highest. Here is where

As part of a program to alleviate wartime fuel shortages in the Pacific Northwest, the Bureau of Mines has conducted tests which show that a lignite deposit in Lewis County, Wash., can be developed to furnish fuel for an industrial plant, providing such facilities are located relatively near the coal bed. A copy of the publication, Report of In­ vestigations 3795, "Preparation Tests of Lignite from a Deposit near Toledo, Lewis County, Washington", by H . F. Yancey and M . R. Geer, may be obtained without charge from the Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior, Washington 25, D. C.

experience counts most. Streamlined


tion and s p e e d assembly l i n e s are out of the question here. Each craftsman is a factory in himself. Since t h e outbreak o f the War, the lamp shop has been o n e of the busiest spots at Corning Glass W o r k s . Operating twenty-four hours a day and w i t h increased capacity, i t still faces an e n o r m o u s b a c k l o g of h i g h priority orders. That is w h y , temporarily, you may have t o wait for P y r e x , V y c o r or Corning brand glass­ ware that may require l a m p s h o p fabrication. T h a t is w h y delivery o n special items may b e delayed. W h e n P e a c e returns, and lamp s h o p opera­ tion b e c o m e s normal, C o m i n g craftsmen ca.11 apply their skill and increased k n o w l e d g e t o the fabrication

o f special


Radiant Heating "Thermal Environment and Radiant Heat­ ing" is che second part of the series of bulle­ tins on radiant heating and cooling to be pre­ pared by the Cornell University Engineering Experiment Station at Ithaca, Ν . Υ. The paper is written by C. O. Mackey and may be obtained from the experiment station for forty cents by requesting Bulletin 33.

for the

Nation's laboratories.


References on Yeast

"Pyrex," "Vycor/1 and "Coming" are registered trade­ marks and indicate manufacture by C O R N I N G G L A S S W O R K S , C O R N I N G , Ν.Ύ.

Office of Marketing Services, W a r Food Administration, has compiled "Selected References on Yeast" for the convenience and aid of manufacturers of yeast and those deal­ ing with the utilization of yeast. The 353page mimeographed book is edited by C D . Stephany and Harry W. von Loesecke and contains a subject index and list of journals. BEYOND THE FLYLEAF CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 1 8






(Situations Wanted Continued) C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R : H.C'h.K.. '23. 2AF. lî'/j years' experience research, pilot plant development and design. Eastern location. Box 80--T-2, Chem. & EnR. News, Easton, Pa. E N E R G E T I C YOUNG I N D U S T R I A L Sales Executive single, Canadian, Chemical Engineering graduate. Desires Canadian or Foreign service sales representative position with progressive American Company. Box 114-T-2, Chem.