BEYOND THE FLYLEAF - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

ASTM Standards on Textile Materials (With Related Information) . Prepared by ASTM Committee D-13 on Textile Materials, xii + 574 pages. American Socie...
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BEYOND THE FLYLEAF ASTM S t a n d a r d s oan Textile Materials iWifh Related Information). Prepared B y A.STM C o m m i t t e e D-13 on Textile Materials, x i i -f 5 7 4 pages. American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia -3, Pa., 1949. S4.50 (papex). Reviewed by Julian F . S m i t h , Olfice of NT aval Research. Γ Κ Ε 3 4 1 members of Committee D-13, through, their 21 subcommittees, have g u a r d e d well t l i e higli standard for stand­ a r d s maintained! by true ASTM. Their care a n d skill are manifest in the 51 standards a n d 33- tentative standards (cotton 23; w o o l 1 1 ; rayOTi and silk 9 ; asbestos 7; gla_ss 6; bast a r i d leaf fibers 5 ; general and test methods 2 2 ) for 1949. Accessory f e a t u r e s are presented in t h r e e glossaries, IL appendixes, three papers o n x-ray stucLies, a n d several lists of publications and «of committee officers or members. T h e s e JFeatures rank high in utility a s supporting material for the standards, and even as reference sources on their own. The three glossaries a p p e n d e d to DL23-49 ( Definitions of Terms) constitute a solid base for imutual understanding through· use o f ternns in their accepted meanings. It is inconvenient that there

a r e 12 separate alphabetic sequences in D123-49 a n d its appendixes; an index would b e helpful as a sort of "basic Eng­ lish" for textile technology. Any one w h o still thinks "ASTM Stand­ ards on Textile Materials" is a book solely for those who make and use textile specifi­ cations should take a second look. Liberal citation of supporting literature throughout t h e text and tables makes t h e volume a reference tool for textile technologists in many interests other than standards. S o a p s and D e t e r g e n t s . E. G. THOMSSEN AND J O H N W . M C C U T C H E O N . 511 pages.

MacNair-Dorland Co., New York, 1949. $9.00. Reviewed by Robert D. Void. Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California. L I K E its 12-year old predecessor, "Modern Soap Making" by Thomssen and Kemp, this book is a summary of t h e empirical facts pertinent to the soap industry. It contains general information on source, availability, composition, and soap-making characteristics of a variety of fats a n d oils both in the text and in a 30-page appendix, descriptions of equipment, soap boiling practice, product formulations, a rather sketchy account of synthetic detergents,

and a summary of procedures for analyti­ cal control tests. T h e book will appeal most strongly tc the practical operator and is useful alsc as a n interpretation of soap makers' jargor for t h e uninitiated. T h e authors emphasize their intention to dwell o n the practica rather than the theoretical aspects of soapmaking, a n d adhere so tenaciously to this design that despite 30 years of investigation of phase equilibria in soap systems, even the word "phase" does n o t appear any­ w h e r e in t h e book. Similarly, t h e whole theory of detergency, as presented in a single paragraph on page 1 5 , is hopelessly antiquated and cites only t h e same 1908 reference as in t h e earlier book. A large part of the text is identical with the 1937 volume. T h e "modernization" consists essentially in expansion of certain sections in which the market has become exceedingly competitive—as for example shampoo formulas, specialized formula­ tions for industrial use, a n d for the sani­ tary chemicals field. Space for this ex­ pansion is obtained by an entirely accept­ able contraction of the section on analytical methods. Cation-active and nonelectrolytic synthetic detergents receive only t h e barest mention. Descriptions of soap-making operations are a d e q u a t e to b e of considerable assist­ ance to practical operators and also to professional cliemists endeavoring to serve the soap industry, and to both these groups the book will, despite its defects, prove useful almost to the point of indispensability. H e m a t i n Compounds and Bile Pigments. R. L E M B E R G AND J. W . LEGGE. 749

pages. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 2 1 5 Fourth Ave., N e w York 3 , Ν. Υ. $ 1 5 . Reviewed by John T . Edsall, University Laboratory of Physical Chemistry R e ­ lated to Medicine and Public fleaith, Harvard University.













I H E substances discussed i n this compre­ hensive monograph a r e of central impor­ tance to t h e biochemist, a n d have fur­ nished fascinating and fundamental p r o b ­ lems to t h e physical chemist and the or­ ganic chemist. Important reviews of some aspects of the field have recently been published by Theorell, W y m a n , a n d Granick; b u t this book by Lemberg a n d Legge is unique in the breadth of its range. T h e discussion of porphyrin chemistry near the beginning is limited in scope, as com­ pared with the great treatise of H. Fischer, but is adequate as a foundation for t h e later chapters. T h e discussion of bile pigments is outstanding for its detailed and critical discussion, as might be ex­ pected in view of Lemberg's eminent con­ tributions in this field; this contribution is particularly valuable because of the con­ fusion and the numerous errors in t h e literature on bile pigments. Then follow chapters on hematin compounds, hemo­ globin, the hematin enzymes, hemoglobin catabolism, hemoglobin and porphyrin syn­ thesis, and on t h e role of pyrrole pigments in evolution. T h e discussion throughout is amazingly comprehensive, and at t h e same time critical; the authors take a defiAND



aite and carefully considered stand o n almost every controversial issue, in a field w h e r e controversial issues a b o u n d . E v e n w h e n t h e reader m a y disagree with t h e conclusions reached, he must consider t h e m with t h e utmost care before reject­ ing them. The organic structural chemistry of all the compounds concerned is carefully con­ sidered as far as present knowledge p e r ­ mits. T h e discussion of physical chemis­ try is also thorough and critical, notably in such subjects as t h e nature of t h e link­ a g e between heme and globin in hemo­ globin, a n d t h e formation of intermediates in t h e combination of hemoglobin with oxygen a n d carbon monoxide and in t h e enzyme substrate complexes of catalase a n d peroxidase. T h e r e is also a large a m o u n t of material of interest to t h e clini­ cian concerned with the metabolism of h e m e compounds a n d bile pigments. The comprehensive bibliography con­ tains more t h a n 3,000 references; t h e litera­ t u r e appears to have been thoroughly r e ­ viewed up to about t h e e n d of 1947, a n d references t o a number of the more im­ portant contributions made in 1948 h a v e b e e n introduced into t h e text or footnotes. T h i s is a volume which, i n spite of its h i g h price, must b e considered a necessity for any worker seriously concerned with t h e field which it covers.

manufacturer and t h e pharmacist, to his equipment, to t h e materials he has avail­ able t o service his accounts, a n d to the activities h e carries on in t h e pharma­ cist's behalf. It is suitable for general adult audiences, especially pharmaceuti­ cal groups.

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Fertilizer in the Northwest A bulletin entitled "The Fertilizer In­ dustry in the Pacific Northwest" has been published by Raw Materials Survey, 701 Woodlark Bldg., Portland 5, Ore. This is a short, factual study of t h e Pacific Northwest fertilizer industry. T h e primary producers of fertilizer chemicals and their representatives serving the Northwest area and the mixing plants and distributors in position t o enter t h e lower Columbia River Basin market a r e listed. Marketing proce­ dure, from primary producer to ultimate consumer is outlined. Total consumption of all fertilizers for the three Northwest states is tabulated. This total is broken down to t h e a m o u n t of "mixed" and the amount of "simple" fertilizers used by each state. These totals are in turn re­ duced to the a m o u n t of each type of mix and t o t h e amounts of each type of simple fertilizer. Future growth of t h e fertilizer industrv is discussed.

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Macmillan Co., 60 Fifth Ave., New York 1 1 , Ν . Υ. $2.50. Reports in Industrial Engineering. 61 pages. Columbia University Libraries, New York, Ν. Υ. $2.00. Safety i n Petroleum Refining a n d Related I n d u s t r i e s . GEORGE ARMISTEAD, J R . 416

Pharmaceutical Film "Behind t h e Window," a documentary film (black a n d white, sound, 40 minutes, 16-mm. ) dramatizing the partnership b e ­ tween t h e nation's pharmacists and t h e pharmaceutical manufacturer, is obtain­ able for group showings from E. R. Squibb & Sons, 7 4 5 Fifth Ave., New York 22, Ν. Υ. This film shows in detail research development, a n d mass production in t h e field of antibiotics. The manufacture of other products, such as anesthetic ether, is shown with special emphasis o n m e t h ­ ods of quality control throughout every phase of production. Attention is given to t h e training a n d indoctrination of the manufacturer's field representative, the all-important service link between the V O L U M E

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pages. Security Publishing Corp., 1200 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D . C. $10. Scientific a n d Technical Abbreviations, Signs, and Symbols. 2nd ed. Ο . Τ. Z I M M E R M A N A N D IRVIN L A VINE, xiv -+-

541 pages. Industrial Research Service, Dover, Ν. Η . $8.00. Selected Government Research Reports, Vol. 2 , Paints. 70" pages. Director of Publications ( P 2 ) , E M . Stationery Of­ fice, 4 2 9 Oxford Street, London, W . l . 70 cents. Source-book of Biological Names and Terms.





pages. C. C Thomas, Publisher, 327 East Lawrence St., Springfield, 111. $4.50. Transactions of t h e Chemical Engineering Division, American Society for Engi­ neering Education, 1948 ( P a r t 2 ) . 432 pages. Chemical Engineering Depart­ ment, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa. $2.00.


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