Beyond the Flyleaf - Chemical & Engineering ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - Introduction to the Chemistry of the Silicones . Eugene G. Rochow . x + 137 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16...
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the Flyleaf Introduction to t h e Chemistry of the Sili­ cones. Eugene G. Rochoiv. χ -f- 137 pages. J o h n Wiley iso-Valeraldehyde B.P. 91.0 (CH3) 2 CHCH 2 CHO 93. δ


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the purpose of the book and is omitted. T h e discussion of control charts occupies more than three q u a r t e r s of t h e volume. The remaining q u a r t e r is devoted mainly to acceptance sampling plans with chapters on the economics of statistical quality control and o n the organization of quality control programs. Errors of fact a p p e a r to be almost entirely confined t o incidental statements apart from t h e main current of t h e argument and no one of t h e m is serious enough to deserve specific comment. One fact, recognized b y Mr. G r a n t , deserves greater emphasis a n d use. Much in t h e literature of quality control a n d some of the discussion in the present work could be simplified by making use of t h e fact t h a t a sample from a lot offers n o direct evidence on the quality of t h e remainder of t h e lot. T h e possible deductions a h o u t the uninspected portion of a lot a r e exactly those which can be obtained b y considering t h e uninspected portion a s another sample from the same process which produced the sample inspected. A knowledge of the existence of the control, chart m e t h o d a n d of purposefully designed acceptance sampling plans and, to a large extent, a n appreciation of their value were spread during the war. Some advances were m a d e during the war in control chart techniques, a n d several new and important acceptance sampling plans became available. Grant's discussion of control charts leaves nothing t o be desired in detail or coverage. With respect to sampling plans, comparable detail is physically impossible. Nevertheless, few presently available methods fail t o receive some discussion. Particularly i n h i s discussion of control charts, Grant h a s introduced problems tackled a n d solved in manufacturing plants. T h e presentation of the d a t a and the method of solution is followed b y a discussion of the principles involved, the generality of t h e method, and possible alternative a t t a c k s . More refined techniques which a r e n o t expected t o be part of the repertoire of the quality control engineer a r e not mentioned a s alternatives. "Statistical Quality Control" is designed as a textbook with a large n u m b e r of problems for t h e student a n d is, a t the same time, written at a level which is sure to make i t most popular a m o n g workers in the field and a m o n g others who should know w h a t statistical quality control has to offer.


FLYLEAF work the authors have discussed the use of penicillin in t h e various branches of medicine a n d surgery. Although there is a certain a m o u n t of repetition a n d some difference of opinion, there is uniformity of thought regarding t h e fundamental principles of penicillin therapy. T h i s is a good book a n d should be useful for senior medical students, interns, a n d practicing physicians. T h e paper is of good quality, and the binding of t h e best grade washable verminproof cloth.

H A R R I S O N F. F L I P P I N

Recent Groundwater Investigations in the Netherlands. . W. F. J. M. Krul and F. A. Liefrinck. 78 pages. Monographs on t h e Progress of Research in Holland. / . it. Houwink a n d J. A. A. Ketelaar, editors. Vol. V. Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., 215 F o u r t h Ave;., New York 3, N. V., 1046. SI..r)0.




Contents of the April issue of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry include: Construction and Design Laboratories Introduction.


of Research





R. W. C A I R N S

Design of Facilities for Research. P . C. SMITH

A Large Industrial Research Laboratory. D . M. B E A C H

Process Engineering Research Laboratory. G. M . D A R B Y , E . J. R O B E R T S , A N D J. E>. G R O T H E

University or College Laboratory. C. S. ADAMS

T h e Perkin Medal. Introduction. Synthetic Vitamins and •Human N u t r i tion.


R . R. W I L L I A M S


of Insecticides.

H. L . H A L L E R

Selection of Centrifuges for Chemical Processing.

J . C. S M I T H

Lignin for Reinforcing Rubber.

J. J .


Synthetic Lubricant Fluids from Branched-Clmin Diesters Physical and Chemical Properties of P u r e Diesters.

E. BRIEB, H. F. K I D -

D E R , C. M. M U R P H Y , AND W . A. Z i s MAN

Development of Additives a n d Lubricating Oil Compositions. D. C. A T K I N S , J R . , H . R. B A K E R , M U R P H Y , AND W . A. ZISMAN



A Small Grease K e t t l e . E . A. BERGMANN Synthetic Low T e m p e r a t u r e Greases from Aliphatic Diesters. G. M . H A I N , D . T . J O K E S , R . L. M E R K E R , AND W. A. Z I S MAN

Laboratory Machine for t h e Continuous Production of Grease. G. M . H A I N AND E. E . S T O N E

Octane Ratings of Agricultural


F u e l s . C . F . E L D E R , F . R. T H U R Y , A N D RICHARD W I E B E

Penicillin—Its Practical Application. Sir Alexander Fleming, editor, x + 380 pages. Blakiston Co., 1012 Walnut St., Philadelphia 5, Pa., 1946. S7.

Effect of Q u a n t i t y of Black a n d Softener

J- HIS book is n o t a continuous textbook on penicillin b u t rather a compilation of independent articles by a group of distinguished English contributors. I n this

Vapor Pressure of Pure Substances. O r ganic a n d Inorganic Compounds. D . R .


on G R - S . L. R . S P E R B E R G , L. A. B L I S S , AND J. F . S V E T L I K

Device for E v a u l a t i n g Surface Cracking of GR-S.

M . C. T H R O D A H L


Creaming Neoprene Latex.

H . K. L I V -