BEYOND THE FLYLEAF - Chemical & Engineering News Archive

Nov 5, 2010 - IN this volume the organic chemist has been presented with a most complete assemblage of the theoretical and practical considerations pe...
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BEYOND T H E FLYLEAF Distillation. Technique of Organic Chem­ istry. Vol. I V . Arnold Weiss berger, editor, xxvii -f- 668 pages. Interscience Publishers, I n c . , 2 5 0 Fifth Ave., N e w York 1, IN. Y. 1951. $14. Reviewed by A. E . ScHUBEivr, General Electric Co. I N this volume the organic chemist has been presented with a most complete as­ semblage o f the theoretical a n d practical considerations pertaining to distillation. A very competent group of contributors, each a specialist in his field, has covered p r a c ­ tically evcr-y point involved in t h e design, construction, and operation of fractionating equipment for u s e in laboratory work. The chapter o n theory covers t h e sub­ ject .so comprehensively that it will be useful to cheinical engineers as supple­ mental material to t h e usual books from which distillation is taught. This c h a p t e r is the first: work which has brought to­ gether in condensed form the voluminous literature o n batch distillation theory, a n d the treatment o f this subject is thorough from t h e analytical point of view a n d prac­ tical for application. The construction a n d operation of labo­ ratory columns a r e reduced to simple terms by the d a t a , and information in t h e c h a p t e r covering ordinary fractional distillation. T h e selection of packing materials, lengths





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and diameters of columns, still-pots, reflux-ratio devices, and other column auxiliaries is m a d e relatively easy, since t h e available choices h a v e been discussed. T h e inexperienced chemist will find m u c h practical help in the section of this chapter covering procedure. T h e treatment of extractive distillation in t h e chapter on extractive and azeotropic distillation is of v a l u e in indicating the usefulness of this t e c h n i q u e in separations. Since this unit operation is applied on laboratory scale w i t h extreme difficulty, and because t h e f u n d a m e n t a l d a t a on systems other than a few h y d r o c a r b o n separations are not available, t h e organic chemist cannot b e expected to make appli­ cation of extractive distillation except as p a r t of a process development program. Azeotropic distillation, on t h e other h a n d , can b e readily applied to laboratory sepa­ rations, and t h e theory and p r a c t i c e of this type of distillation will b e very useful. T h e other c h a p t e r s of t h e book cover liquefied gases and low-boiling liquids, dis­ tillation under m o d e r a t e v a c u u m , distilla­ tion u n d e r high v a c u u m , and sublimation, which are all s o m e w h a t specialized aspects of t h e subject of distillation. In all cases, however, t h e completeness of t h e treat­ m e n t of these topics leaves t h e r e a d e r fully equipped to u n d e r t a k e work in t h e s e fields, and t h e references to specific m a n u ­ facturers' items in m a n y places in t h e book are particularly helpful. This book will b e useful to chemical research and d e v e l o p m e n t workers in all fields of organic chemistry, and the editor a n d his contributors a r e to be c o m m e n d e d for putting together such a complete vol­ ume. T h e material will go b e y o n d t h e needs of most laboratory workers, w h o a r e mainly concerned w i t h batch distillation u n d e r simple conditions, b u t the occa­ sional really difficult p r o b l e m can be solved by utilizing t h e information included. Fundamental Mechanisms of Photo­ graphic Sensitivity. J. W . Mitchell, editor, viii -f- 3 4 7 pages. A c a d e m i c Press, Inc., 125 E a s t 23rd St., N e w York 10, Ν. Υ. 1 9 5 1 . $9.50. Reviewed b y T . H. J A M E S , E a s t m a n Kodak Co. T H I S book is m a d e u p of 4 8 p a p e r s w h i c h w e r e presented at a n international con­ ference held at t h e University of Bristol in March, 1950. T h e p a p e r s are g r o u p e d i n five sections: physical properties of silver a n d alkali halides, production and p r o p ­ erties of silver h a l i d e grains in p h o t o ­ graphic emulsions, p h o t o g r a p h i c sensitivity, latent image formation, a n d nuclear track emulsions. T h e p a p e r s are of u n e q u a l quality, b u t this is t o be expected for a book m a d e u p of symposium p a p e r s . N o discussion of t h e p a p e r s is recorded, b u t Mitchell has m a d e u s e of t h e discussion in a paper o n " L a t t i c e Defects a n d L a t e n t I m a g e Formation in Silver Halides" w h i c h


he wrote after the conclusion of t h e con­ ference. T h e book will b e of more interest to t h e specialist than to t h e general reader, since most of t h e papers a i m specifically at p r e ­ senting t h e results of t h e authors' research on t h e particular p r o b l e m s . A f e w p a p e r s are of m o r e general s c o p e a n d p r e s e n t an integrated picture of t h e present state oJ k n o w l e d g e in the fields of optical sensiti­ zation, chemical sensitization, a n d t h e u s e of p h o t o g r a p h i c emulsions in t h e investi­ gation of problems in n u c l e a r physics a n d cosmic rays. T h e b o o k is p r i n t e d o n p a p e r of satisfactory quality a n d is well illus­ trated. X-Ray Crystallography Monograph. J. B o u m a n , editor. xv -f- 3 7 5 p a g e s . North-Holland P u b l i s h i n g Co., Amster­ d a m ; Interscience Publishers, I n c . , 2 5 0 Fifth Ave., N e w York 1, Ν . Υ. 1 9 5 1 . $11. Reviewed b y A. J. K I N G , Syra­ cuse University. 1 IÎJS is the third v o l u m e in a series of monographs on theoretical and applied physics e d i t e d by J. d e Boer, H . Brinkm a n , a n d I I . B. G. Casimir. T h e m o n o g r a p h is a review of t h e individual r e searches of its 14 contributors w o r k i n g at t h e Delft X-ray Institutes. In its 2 5 c h a p ters a n u m b e r of examples of t h e application of x-ray crystallographic m e t h o d s a r e clescribed. A survey of t h e results of p a r allel workers in e a c h field is included in t h e discussion. T h e material is classified u n d e r e i g h t separate headings. P a r t A ( B o u m a n , d e Jong, v a n Reijen, a n d M a y ) covers t h e reciprocal lattice, F o u r i e r and intensity space, t h e function of Patterson, t h e theory a n d use of t h e retigraph, t e r m i n a tion effects of F o u r i e r syntheses, b r e a d t h of Debye-Scherrer lines, a n d calculation of pole figures of c u b i c lattices. Part Β ( B o u m a n , Arlman, Burgers, T a n Koen Hiok, and L e b b i n k ) deals w i t h d i s ­ tortions in crystals, a simplified theory of diffuse spots, a s t u d y of single crystals of tin, lattice defects in silver chloride crys­ tals, and sheared a l u m i n u m single crystals. Part C ( Sandee, M a y , a n d Burgers ) concerns itself w i t h t w i n n i n g a n d r a t e of nucleation during t h e recrystallization of aluminum. Part D (Burgers, Mesritz, a n d K o o y ) gives t h e results of investigations of p h o t o ­ graphic emulsions, particularly a s t u d y of t h e alleged lattice dilation of silver b r o ­ m i d e d u r i n g exposure, t h e ripening of sil­ ver bromide emulsions, a n d t h e effect of C d and P b halides on t h e p h o t o sensitiv­ ity of silver halides. Part Ε ( P r i n s ) describes t h e experi­ mental methods u s e d a n d discusses t h e r e ­ sults of an investigation of t h e a m o r p h o u s s t a t e of H g , Sb, S e , a n d S. Part F (deWolff) is a discussion of t h e principles of errors involved in q u a n t i t a ­ tive measurements b y t h e p o w d e r m e t h o d a n d describes a m u l t i p l e Guinier c a m e r a w i t h adjustable c u r v a t u r e crystal m o n o c h r o m a t e r designed for u s e in s u c h m e a s ­ urements. Part G ( A r l e m a n a n d G o p p e l ) covers




pages. Charles C Thomas, 301-327 East mans, Green & Co., 55 Fifth Ave, New the techniques used and the results ob­ Lawrence Ave., Springfield, 111. 1951. York 3, Ν. Υ. 1951. $1.40. tained in a study of the degree of crystal$6.00. The Surface Chemistry of Solids. S. J. linity of natural rubber. Microscopy, Principles and Appli­ GREGG, ix -f 297 pages. Reinhold Pub­ Part H (Kreger) gives the results of an Phase cations. ALVA H. BENNETT, H E L E N lishing Corp., 330 West 42nd St., Newinvestigation of a number of plant waxes JUI^JNIK, HAROLD OSTERBERC, AND OSCAR York 18, Ν. Υ. 1951. $8.50. arid includes chapters on the submicroW. RICHARDS, xiii -\- 320 pages. John Tables for Microscopic Identification of scopic structure of wax rods in sugar cane, Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., Ore Mineral. \V. UYTENBOGAARDT. 249 New York 16, Ν. Υ. 1951. $7.50. pages. Princeton University Press, the chain structure of starch, and the de­ Princeton, N. J. 1951. $5.00. sign of the micro-diffraction camera used Quantitative Organic Microanalysis. A L STEYERAIARK. xii -j- 3S9 -pages. T h e Textbook of Organic Chemistry. CARL h. in these studies. Blakiston Co., 1012 Walnut St., Phila­ NOLLKH. 643 pages. \V. B. Saunders Although the monograph is not a text delphia 5, Pa. 1951. $7.00. Co., West Washington Sq., Philadelphia as its title may suggest, it will be found Science for Everyday Use. VICTOR C. 5, Pa. 1951. $5.75. of use to those whose particular interest SMITH AND Β. Β. VANCE. 744 pages. Trace Elements in Plants and Animals. J. B . Lippincott Co., 227 South 6th St., 2nd edition. WAI.TKH STILES. 200 lies in the fields ol application covered by Philadelphia 5, Pa. 1951. $3.20. pages. Cambridge Universitv Press, the authors. Statistical Methods for Chemists. W. J. Cambridge, Mass. 1951. $3.00. YOUDEN. x + 126 pages. John Wiley & Wood Preservation during the Last Fifty Correction Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York Years. VAN CHOENOU H. BROESE AND In our review of "German-English and 16, Ν. Υ. 1951. $3.00. H. W. L. VAN D E N RISCIIEN. 318 pages. English-German Dictionary for Scientists" Surface Chemistry; An Introduction to I t s Stechert-IIaliicr, Inc., 31 East 10th St., Principles and Applications. ALBERT New York 3, Ν. Υ. 1951. $8.00. by O. W. Leibiger and 1. S. Leibiger EKNEST ALEXANDER. 77 pages. Long­ (Continued on page 4644) which appeared on page 3034 of the July 23, 1951, issue the number of pages con­ tained in the volume was incorrectly stated as 360. This error occurred because the two sections of the book were num­ bered separately and in looking at the second section the last page number was assumed to be the total number of pages; instead it was the total for the second sec­ N ^ ^ V ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ' V ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' » ^ ^ ^ * tion. The total should be 741 pages.




Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. Vol. 2. G. K. Kollefson, editor, and H. E. Powell, associate editor, ix -\- -162 pages. Annual Reviews, Inc., Stanlord, Calif. 1951. $6.00. Basic Organic Chemistry. JULIUS HAE







use . . .



332 pages. Blakiston Co., 1012 Walnut St., Philadelphia 5, Pa. 1951. $4.50. Copper in Stainless Steels. No. 9 Welding Research Council Bulletin Series. HEL­ THIELSCH.




Research Council of the Engineering Foundation. 29 West 39th St., New York 18, X. Y. 1951. $1.00. The High Pressure Mercury Vapour Dis­ charge. W. ELENBAAS.


185 pages. I n -

terscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, Ν. Υ. 1951. $4.00. Industrial Furnaces. 4th edition. Vol. 1. W. THINKS, xi -f- 526 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16, Ν. Υ. 1951. $10. Manpower Resources and Utilization. A . J. JAFFE AND CHARLES D. STEWART.

ix + 532 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16, Ν. Y. 1951. $6.50. Microbial Decomposition of Cellulose. RALPH

G. H. SIU. xi


531 pages.

Reinhold Publishing Corp., 330 West 42nd St., New York 18, Ν. Υ. 1951. $10. The Nature of Disease Institute, Third Annual Report.

J. E. R


lviii -f- 451 pages. Messrs. William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd 9 9 Great Russell St., London, W.C. 1, Eng­ land. 1951. 21s. Nobel, the Man and His Prizes. Edited by the Nobel Foundation. 620 pages. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Okla. 1951. $6.00. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 31. R. S. Schreiber, editor-in-chief. 122 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16, Ν. Υ. 1951. $2.75. Outline of Fundamental Pharmacology. DAVID FIELDING MARSH, V O L U M E

2 9,


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S A X , toxicologist, General Schenectady, New York



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