U. S. Government Printine Office. Washinc- ... reserves, position taken by the United States. ... The U. S. Stssl Corporation: Ill. Foriunr, 13, 92, 1...
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Space does not permit the enumeration of all the chemical facts known about Yellowstone. Nor is i t to be imagined that the knowledge we already have can fully explain all the chemical phenomena found there.

Much remains to be discovered, and chemists who aid in the solution of the many unsolved problems will contribute to a better understanding and greater appreciation of this remarkable region.


(1) ALLEN, E. T. A N D A. L. DAY, "Hot springs of the Yellowstone National Park." Carnexie Institute of Washinaon. D. C.. . Washington, D. C., 19% 525 pp. (2) BAUER,C. M., "A preliminary paper on the geology of the Yellowstone National Park." U. S. Deot. of the Interior. ~ a t i o n a park i ServiceT ~eliow&one~ & k Wyoming. . (A preliminary paper for the use of ranger naturalists.) 15 pp. (3) Howhno, A. D., "Yellowstone through the ages." Columbia ~


University Press. New Yark City, 1938, 64 pp. (4) W. E.. "Death Gulch in 1888. 1897. and in 1936." . . KEARNS. Ycllmrtonc Nature N o h , 13, Nos. 9 and 10, 52 (1936). (5) KNOWLTON. F. H., "The fossil forests of the Yellowstone Na-


tional Park." U. S. Government Printine ~" Office. Washinc- -~-" ton. D.C., '1929, 29 pp. F. R., YeZlovlstonc Nalurc Notes, 15, Nos. 9 and (6) OBBRHANSLBY, 10.49 (1938). ~








1 (19110)through 18 (19118)

HUBERT N. ALYEA Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey


Sand into #ass Forfunr. 1. 69. 1930 i f e b r u o r y ) . Chcmieal com. position ol elnrr rsra mefctial rourecr, mnnufacture. art;-tie illnrrr h r e . 8 lpicturcs. Pogrhr: rou motrriolt. prrrrrrrr, Wodunr. 20


Diamond r. emerald, ruby, and sapphire. Farlunr, 1. 49, 1930 (March). Diamond Jim Bmdy, emerald, ruby, sapphire, Diamond syndicate, prices. 8 colored plates. Popular: propartier, economics.


25 mi".

603. Aluminum Co. of America. Fortunr. I, 68. 1930 ( b l o r r h ) . Ilall'r process cnrly orpnniraliau. Aluminum Co. e o l v a fabnraltog field.


Petroleum. Fonunc.. 1.. 47.. 1930 .f A.4 r i l L Oil resources. the refiner., over-produetioo, restriction. ~ h cTexas carioration. Ibid., 1, 49. Corporate history, production etatirtics. Prospecting. IUd.. 1. 51. Location ol oil. Drilling for oil. Ibid., 1. 62. Dtib,

* Contribution from the Frick Chemical Laboratom of Princetan University. t The purpme of this bibliography and its methcd of compilation are outlined in Part I, J. CHEM.Eouc., 13.76-81 (1936). See also Part 11. ibid.. 13. 540-544 (1936). f All of the artides from Fortune Manazifline are ~ o o u l a r :and some contain very little textbook chemisiry. But the-author has found them invaluable as sourw-material both fur himself and for the student interested in the geological, geographical, economic. and financial aswcts of industrial chemisuv. I n addition. the photographs and chared plates are superb. $ Numbers 1-300 are res&wl lor C h i m t w l b . U e l o l l u r & d Engrneenng; numbers 301600, for I n d u r l r i o l und E n y i n t r r i q Chrmislry; numbers 601-900, for Forfume .\fagozinc.

mechanics of drilling, rejuvenating. ReBning. D i d . , 1. 55. Distillation, cracking, condensation of natural gas, hydrogenation. Shipping. Pipink 13 pictures, 2 portraits, 2 colored maps* of oil wells and dirttibution. Pa9ul.x hislow, row molnial. ~rocrrscr. Copper briefly considered. F m u n r . 1. 70, 1930 ( A p r i l ) . Copper before the war, cost and ptiee, Africa" copper. World'. Record Hill. Ibid.. 1, 71. Formation of Utah Copper land, discovery, organization of Utah Copper Co.. production, miners. Daniel Jackl i n ~ . Life. financine. interest in A f t-i r~ ~ ~~-.. . ~~. ~-~ -. war service in uolo=ives. 6 pieturns, bneeolored plate*of the Brigham open pit mine. Populor: hisloricnl, row molrrinl$. cconomicr. 35 mi". Gold, metal, and money. Fovlurr, 1, 38, 1930 (Mar). East Afti"ao miner, indu~ttialu s a s , other source., necessity for gold reserves, position taken by the United States. Emropean action. ID pictures, 2 colored p l a t e . Popular: proparliar, rconomicr, Iuroncr, ~




chcminry. 35 mi*.

Paper and power. F a l m e , 1.65, 1930 ( M a r l . International Paper Company timber, activities, paper power, steps io making newaptint. 10 picture.. Po9ulor: mu malariolr, processes, economics, no chcmi r n y . 25 min. A bovrgeois engine. Forlunc, 1, 64, 1930 (June). Diesel engine, advantages. limitations, marine engines, electric power. semistatloo. ary power, aircraft, lommotives, automobiles. 2 pictures, 1 portrait, 1 diagram* of cylinders in action. Papulor: h%r~oricol, propert k .


Allied shemicaland dye. Fo'arluna.1.81. 1930 (June). Unrommunicative, its leaders, 192C~30,almf, allied products, nitrogen fixation details and statistics, Allied forcer. Mevcr and Weber. PoDulac

hisloricol, procesrrr, groduor, ecanomirs, fmonciol. Chemical: rc search. 3 0 m i n . Properties r. principles. Forl%nc. 1. 84, 1930 Lfun4. Pure vs. applied science. Lavoisier, Frary phmgene, Langmvir tungsten.

nraenntc sprays, soybean, pest-resistant crop, farm by-products, Department organization. 25 pictures. 6 colored plates. Popwinr:

quacks, some common cancers. 6 pictures. Populor: hislaricol, proparfirs. Biological. I hr. Koppers. Forlure, 15. 66, 1937 ( A w i l ) . W i d d u n g coal byproducts, coke's progress, war, changing interests, Sovthern mining. engineering utilities. Rust succeeded by Tierney, coal, coke, gas, tar derivatives. 11 pictures, 5 colored plates, 4 portraits. Populor: hirlmicnl. mw molbriolr.. . Oror~ssds. . .Omduls. aconomirr. lilllc cham-

praducfr, prapmics. 5 0 mi". Colgate-Palmolive-Poet. F a l m c . 13, 120. 1936 (APliO. Firencia1


comeback, extensive products, rise of Colgnte, Pdmolive soap, soap production costs, advertising, competitive markets for soaps and creams. world markets. 17 oictures. PoOulor: Oloducts. cronomirs. Bnonciol, no chmirlry. 40 mi*. The U. S. Steal Corporation: Fortune, 13. 126, 1836 ( A p r i l ) . Soeial interest. ~ r i e e and labor oolideo have affected national economy, current history, npedal demands of zutomohile industry, government action. 2 pictures. 4 graphs showing price movemeots.

ishy. 4 0 m i n . 720. Armstrong cork. Forrunr, IS, 102, 1937 ( M n y ) . Lancaater, Penn-


sylvania: cork from S ~ a i n .linseed oil. comonnv's develooment.

Popular: cmromim, no rhamis1ry. I h*. 20 min.

Tho wonders of diet. P m L n r , 13.86, 1936 (Mar). Motley human diets, reactions of the stomach, dietary fads, reducing, vitamins. Appendix: diet primer, the 5 foods, food into weight, digestion, allergy. 9 pietures. 6 colored plates, 3 portraits. 1 exeellent colored chart' showin. caloric value of common foods. PoOulor: .OroOerties. .

Scrap is an issue. Faiunc, 15, 119. 1937 ( M o y ) . Value of scrap Iron, u r in furnaces, types of junk dealers' scrap, history, finanrial handling 6 excellent pictures,* 3 portraits. Popular: hidoricol,

Biolapical. 40 mi%.

OroOnlics. . . . cconomics...tinoxrid. 25 mi". Tho benevolent St. Joe. Forlunr. 15.92, 1937 (June). St. Joseph

The U. S. Stssl Corporation: Ill. Foriunr, 13, 92, 1936 ( M a y ) . Employees, corporate philosophy, welfare and warfare, bark wage of national importance, breakdown of the system, ncddent prevention, housing. 9 pictures. Popular: aranomics. no chnnirhy. 1 h ~ . Name, Sshenley; age, three. Forlxrc, 13,99, 1936 ( M a y ) . Policy, management, making whiskey, history, costs. 7 pictures, 3 colored plater, 4 portrait% Populnr: proccsrcs, reanomirr, fmoncc, no rham-

Lead Co. price slash, lead bclt geology, production, rise, price rtrueture, Appendix: zinc and gold economics. Ibid., page 146. Pay, s t . Joseph labor, lead poisoning 10 picture., 2 portraits. Popalor: row ma*rialr, e c a m m i c s , f i n o ~ i n l .45 min. Smoke. Forlune, 15, 100, 1937 ( J u r c ) . Some chemical smokes, world smokes, smoke survey in U.S. A.. damages. smoke eliminators. abatement, London smoke. 3 pictures. Populor: proprrlirr. Chrmi-

irlry. 5 0 min.

cal. 2 0 n i n .

Owens a&, and why. Forlsnr, 13. 112, 1936 ( M a y ) . Glau bottler, r i r of Owenr-Illinois, construction blocks, glau fiber bats. 6 pietures, 2 colored plates.* Populnr: procrrrcs, groducls, no


charnixfry. 30 mi". $57,0oO,OoO for valves.

Forlunc, 13, 76, 1936 (June). Crane 16 pictures.* 4 portraits. F o p d m : Produrrs, economics, no chamisfry. Enninccrinn: cguipm n l dcsian. 30 min. U. S. Steel Carooration. N. F a n u n .. 13.. 113.. 1936 (June). . . TNhv u. s. steel has pleased neither stockholders, customers, nor employers: will present olanr sdve its dilemma. M v o n Tnvlar. 4 iictures. 18 p i r t r a i t s . Popular: fmoncrol, no rhcm&y. 1 hr. Men, yen, and -shines. F a l m r , 14, 67. 1936 (Seplmmbd. valvco, their use in chemical industry.

Japrnerc efficiency, geography, monopolintie industtie% Mitsui control, natural rerourrca. ehcap labor, fiosx$clnl eonlml Japan's industries cotton. r a w *ilk, rayon. v,uulcns. rheminlr, crrrmic, 3 ~.irlurrs . 10 .ourtrait% 6 excellent mlorcd chart. ' I'obulor: row

morniols, produas, cronomirs, fmnnrc. 45 min.

The proof of the pudding. F m l m r , 14, 76. 1936 ( S e m d c r ) . Japanese profits 1935, efficiency balancer Lack of raw matetiall, yen depredation, export baom, trade restriction%, Mnnehukuo, national budget. 7 pictures. Popular: row molcriolr, economics. fiwnrc, no

chmmirfry. 45 min. Element nvmber forty-two. Forlunc, 14, 105. 1936 (Oclob~r). Climax Molybdenum owns 95 per cent. of all in sight, discovery, mining, history, compositions of special pteel., monopoly. 10 picture., 3 portraits. Fapulor: row molrriols, produclr. pmpwlirr,

ccanamicr.. .firanre. *om# rhamistrv. 50 mi". "I Am What Mr. Roosevelt Calls pn Economic Royalist." E. T. W m x Forlunc. 14, 118, 1936 (Orrobn). Financial problems in managing the National Steel Corporation. 2 pictures, 3 superb colored plated showing steel factories. Populov: finance, M chcmi s W . 40 mi". The rolling tire. F a l u n r . 14.98, 1936 (Nosembar). Rubber profit^. Commerce Clause effects, Akron, tire men, price cutting, cotton, plantation, better tires, management and labor. 12 pictures, 3 portraits, one colored. Papwlol: hiaorirol, propcnics, cronomira.fmonc~, no chcmialn. I hr. 3 0 mi%. Anaconda: I. Farunc, 14, 82, 1936 (Dcrcmb~r). Copper statistier, international Anaconda, Butte prorpuity, smelters, refinen, discovery of copper a t Butte, use of Anaconda, Chile, mergers, end t o exoansion. Comer: world sommoditr. Ibid.. 94. Prices.

marks, propaganda, cheap, mars terror. g-r, developmentof ma=ks, phydalogieal effect. 22 pictures, 1 diagram of mask Populor:

drodudr... O,od8* C h n n i ~ a l . 5 0 mi". . Anaconda: n. P a l u n r . 15, 70. 1087 (lonuor)).

Aonmnda mcrgcrr. b r a s market, modern alloya. maoazrmmf. r a l c ~drvelub,menf d uiclurcs. I s u w b colored olatcs of cooocc fsbnration. P,orlor: Pioneer withut profit. F a l u r r , 15. 83, 1937 (Pelnuary). E. G. Budd bvilds all steel avtomohile bodies and stainless steel trains. expansionin Europe, depression, r i r of stainleusfeel. Budd personnel. 9 pictures, 6 portraits. PoPulor: fnnncc, no chamisfry. 50 mi*. Cancer: tho weat dlrlmssa. Falrmr, 15. 112, 1937 (March). Doctor-patient problemo, r-areh fuodr, histmy of cancer, death rates, normal tissue, tumors nod cancer eella, noninfectious, virus or not, heredity, irritation, eaoeereauoing agents, treatment by X ray.

The American Viscose Corp. Forlrrc. 16, 38. 1937 ( J u l y ) . Biggest rayon producers. London owned, financial history. manvfaetvring details, American promotion, competition, research development. 10 pictures. Also "And who will weave it?" Ibid., page 44: Burlington Mills rayon fabric. financial development. profits, %uceero. 4 eolored plates. 1 p o r f d f . Fopulor: hisrorirol,

raw morrriolr, I lrr r 0 mi. ....

prorcssrr, products, cconomics, fnanrc.



"Cryhg and crying" (oil). Forhnr, 16, 60, 1937 ( J u l y ) . Oil well supply man, location of wells, National Supply Company, distributor of oil well equipment, climbs phenomenally, tough competition, selling practices, deeper wells, unit pumps. 17 pictures. Populor: ~ ~ a d u dbnoncial. r. nochamislrr. 55 min. Grand Coulee. Forrurr, 16. 79, 1937 ( J u l y ) . Statistics on the Grend Coulee Dzm. 17 pictures, 1 colored plate. 1 map. See also: APortfolia of AcwDePl Reconstmction. Ibid., 14, 76. 1936 (Novembar). Other government eoostruetions. 13 pictures. Union Bag and Paper Corp. Faluna. 16. 46. 1937 ( A u z u n ) . Bag markets. financial mismanaaement and rucmu. 1930 orerident. other personnel, Southern pilp, cost of production, machines, th; future. 7 pietures. 2 colored plater, 1 portrait. Fopulnr: mw mo-

Icrinls, cronomicr, pnoncio1, no rhrmiary. M mi*. Theymag hare neededolygen. Fmlunr. 16.61.1937 ( A u g u n ) . Forfrnc prapore~and defends theory that pilots' emon a t high altitudes are caused by oxygen deficiency. 3 pictures. Chemical: properties, rrrcnrrh. 30 m i l . Gvlf Oil. Forixnr. 16, 78. 19.17 ( O r m b r r , . I'm col~rptiwr,.\lclloo 081 y r u v l h ol Ctrlf Oll.Sjentifi..~,rulpn.ting.1)mkr scrroglhcn. mar-

kcungaod rcformsGulf Oil. m South Amcnm 20 pictures. I colored .t h t c .. I .onn nit. I cvlorcd ma^' u l Gulf 0.1 in thr wurld. P o ~ u b r : m w molarinlr, rc&omirr, no c h h i r l r y . 45 n i n . Economics of paper. Fonunr. 16,110,1937 (October). Tremendous consum~tion.~roblemr,timber, ~ o f f w w drdr, hi3torv and modern diseou&es, iniegrnted mills. kinds of pap& &tom&. Paper U. Piftasn Paper Companies, Ibid., 132, 1937 (Nosember). No arsipnm a t . 4 pictures. 1 diagram of papcr-making machine. 3 colored maps* showing world forests nnd paper capacities. PoPulor: raw

malniolr.. .drocrssrs.. .broduclr. cconomirs. no chrmirlw. 40 mix. *731. Painting restoration. Forlunr, 16, 127, 1937 ( N o a r d d . Paor

restorations, preservation of martcrpieerr; use of X-my, infm-red. ultra-violet, chemical analysis, photomicrography; some delicate rc~forationn. 3 pictures, 6 excellent eolored phtcr.* 3 portraits. PoOulor: 9roccsrcs. 3 5 m i n . Chemical industry. Forlunr, 16, 82, 1937 (Dcrmmbrr). Modern research methods: Midgley, Kettering, I. Ctit. Tables. LeBlane Soda: cheap necessity. contemporarieo of LeBlane, industries revolutionized by its di&ovay, now outmoded. Chemical industry: creates bettcr-than-nature products from common substance>. knows whither it goes. Chemical industry: its youth, growth by demand, rise in U. S. A. Chemical indvstry policies: shift in products, efficiency, lower price%co6peration. products on demand, legal impetus, fashions, does not want war. Industrial chemistry Ibid., page 162. First synthetic dye discovered, Solvay process for alkali super cede^ LeElane's. petroleum ir distilled, electrolysis gsinr importance. Prasch mines sulfur, sulfuric neid, chlorine, ammonia and nitrozeo. 3 oietures. 2 colored. dates.. 1 chart* of .orindoal . . hvdroen. . . raw materials. Papulnr: hirioricol, maw nzolwinls, ~ o c c s r c r products. ,



W o t n l i c s . economics. Chcmicol: rescorch. I hr. 20 w i n . 733. South America U. Peru. Forlwzr, 17.48, 1938 (January). Mininfure South America, trade balance; life in Sicmar, mountains, e a s t ; ~


&Reprintsof this article may still he obtained, st fifteen cents apiece, from

Porlunr. 135 East 42nd Street, New York City.


economies. U. S. capital, foreign capital: politics, improvement.. Popdor: row molerials, economics, no rhcmirlry. I hr. 30 mi". Sonth American I: The Continent. Ibid.. 16. 92, 1937 (Dccrmbn). N O alrignmln,. Coal at e profit: Island Creek. F a n n r , 17, 88, 1938 (March). Wert Virginia mine, profits, coal demand, poor location, g w d coal, history of mine, prices, problems. government regulntioo. 3 pietures. 6 colored dates. Pobulo*: row moleriols. economicr. lillk chamistry. I hr. South America llI: Chile. Porlrmc. 17.74, 1938 (Moy). Crmtemporeneous picture, war collapse, the people, atandard of living, social problem, Guggenheim copper, industry, foreign investments, reorganization of the nation, agriedture, wages, politic$. future. 9 pictures, 3 colored plates, 1 colored portrait. Popular: row molrrialr, ~ronomirr. I h,. I S mi". Blintabbatey Plonatim, B P ~ . Fml%m,17.53, 1938 (Juna). Hudson

.. . - .

na nb Inb Nb Vb

VIa Vlb

M b


cadmiu&, fellu&m, selenium.; world prices, future. 4 pictures. 10 colored plate.. 3 portraits. Po9ular: hislorical, row molrrinlr, p o c rrr,r r. m n.m r. r. . rhrmirnl s .mix .n... ..i. ........... 4.. ....., -. ..., . The deepest holein the world. Ibrlune. 18.50.1938 (July). Statirticson oil wdl K. C.L. A-2 inCalifornia, possibility of 25.000 feet wells. oil prospecting methods, digging technic, progress in drilling K. C. I,. A-2. 1 picture, exeellent e m u - ~ b i o n *of the hole. Popular: proccrrcr, economics. Enpinecrinp: ryuipmanl &sign. 20 mi". Corn Products. Forrwc. 18, 55. 1938 (Scplanrbefl. Biggest refining industry, rtatirticr, evolution of Corn Products Refining Co.. overseas bu=iness, the procesn,* price of corn and tapioca, candy, earnings. 9 pictures, 1 colored e h s n * of corn products. ~apwlor: wocrssra.. .4rodurls. rronomics. 50 mi". In the light of Polaroid. F a l u n r , Is, 74, 1938 (Scphmber). Vnrt outlet for Polaroid, objects viewed through Polaroid, history of its development, haw i t works, headlights, prospects. 6 picture., 1 colored plate. 1 diagram. Popular: hislmical, mducrs, firopnlicr. cronamim. 3omin. 740. Inland Steel. Porrunc, 18. 40, 1938 (Onobr). Mills at Inland Harbor, Indiana, 1938 price cut starts ofeel war. growth of Inland Steel, subridiaries, business, eosfr of steel,* extras, basic rules, 1938 prices, future. 1 pieture, 7 colored plates,* 1 colored map* on the strategy of steel. Papuler: hiaaricol, row molerialr, rcoromici, financial. so mi".

SUBJECT INDEX Starred (*) articles are recommended. Articles in parentheses () furnish incidental information only. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Group 0


(Arranged arcording to the Periodic Table) Jmrt gases.-(*654). He,-(*610, 634).


HI--*732 (*023). N 1 , 4 1 2 , (-32. 834. 883, 670). K,%48. Cu,-805, 627, 9 1 4 (645, 823, 735, 736). A g . 4 6 1 , 656, $689 (*838, 'I%). A u , 4 0 6 , %33, %53,672, 690, %96, *716, (722, 730). Be,-(602, 623, 631). M& 6 (-,2'1. 668). Ca,--29, 844, (*097). R a . 4 6 5 . Znr(*889, 722. 736). Cd.-(730). 8.-$046. A1.403. 074. (002, 645, 088). Si,-(*%lo, $612, *669). Glassr*601, 617, 620, 637, 666, 063, 708, 739. Csramiw.-709. Silicates.424, 071, 684. (668). Sn,-439, 070. Pbr722. (678, %89, 700). Ammonia,-%15, -43, 062, -32, (*609). HNO2,-(634). Bertilizers,-*643, (735). Nlhsto crploslress%15. -43, -92, (-78. 735). P.-(634). As,-(700). 0 - 7 W,-(*6lO). 0,-728, (-54). S,-*616, '732. HISOI,--732, ('618, 034). Se,-(730). Te,-(738). Halogens,-821. C I . 4 1 2 . "132, (*610, 834, 676). 8 , 4 2 1 . Be,--010. 622, 823. 824, *628, 640. 657. 062. 694, *698, 704. 708. 712, 717, 721, 740. N i 7 Special *Lloys.-622, 640, 711. 717, 740, (603, '648, 673, 702).

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Carbon, oxides, and carbonates. C . 4 0 2 , *810. 688. 887, 718, (*623). COI-%42. 18341. Carbonates.-*629. 644. 1663. -32).

-..-.. me.


..., .... waxes, soaps, and oil*. 032. 701, (635, 720). Boods. 703, (*610, *023, '842. -48. 070). See General Organic. Fuels. 826, 877, 719. C o d - 4 1 8 . 635. 659, 734. Diesel.408, *680. Oil,404,019.835.847,725,729. *732,737. General Oraanic. Alcohals.493. (*610, $854). Beverages.430. W65, 060. 088. 693, 895, 705. Coal-tar derivatives (-91. 719). Cork.-720. Corn products.-738. Hydrocarbons,-(%23, '054). Paints,-603. '681, (-78). Plaatien,-*699, ('610. 623. -91). R u b b e r . 4 1 4 , 664, 713, (016). Textiler.478. 082. Tohaeeo,493.

MISCELLANEOUS 601, '817,731. Biographical. 075, 681, (810). Branches of chemistry. Biochemistry-%I, *841, 601, 718. 722. 728. Photocheminm,-*038, *641. 739, (620. '731). General Inorganic. Apparatus,-707. Cement.-%84, (726). Shelter,(668, 624). Smoke.-723. Water,--&% Natural resources. United State=,-004, 018, 622, 624. '833, W47, *848, 650, 658, 659, *689. 722, 729. Other c o u n t r i e ~ . 4 1 4 . 619, 836, *6.53, *709,710.733,736. (006, *627,631, *843,673,686.729.736), War. 056, 867,879. 683. '115. Art.

MAGIC and SCIENCE of NATURAL HEALING WATERS OSKAR BAUDISCH State Research Institute, of the Saratoga Spa, S a r a t o p Springs, New


natural healing waters are not very highly esteemed in this country. I have one advantage, however, in that I write not as a physician, but only as a simple chemist. Since inorganic and analytical chemistry have profited remarkably by the interest and the ex(Translation by Professor C. F. Schreiber, Yale University.) perimental work put into natural mineral waters by the HE writer has been assigned the task of discussing founders of modem chemistry (Scheele, Berzelius, the nature and application of natural healing Liebig, Fresenius) the chemist has nothing to be waters. I am fully aware that this is not only a ashamed of. Let me just mention the discovery of diicult but also a rather thankless undertaking., - since caesium and rubidium in the waters of Diirkheim (GerPresented before a meeting of Sigma Xi a t Rensselaer Poly- many) by Bunsen in 1860. It is not without sign& came that the analysis of a natural water is still one of technic Institute, Troy, N. Y., December 9, 1938.

"Es ist immer schon, wenn man das Unbegreifliche als wirklich vor sich sieht."-Xoethe. "It delights us whenever the inconceivable becomes reality before our very eyes."