Bibliography of chemistry, and chemical technology textbooks in the

Journal of Chemical Education. Advanced Search .... Bibliography of chemistry, and chemical technology textbooks in the Spanish and Portuguese languag...
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ATTEE request of Science Service, through its

Director, Watson Davis, who has been cooperating with the Division of Cultural Relations of the U. S. State Department in the sponsorship of the translation and publications of textbooks in Spanish and Portuguese for the aid of the educational work in the Latin American countries, a committee was appointed by the American Chemical Society in 1947 to submit recommendations as to titles of books in the field of Chemistry and Chemical Technology which should be translated. This committee consists of E. H. McClelland, W. E. White, C. M. Alter, and Wallace R. Brode (Chairman). As the first step in making such recommendations, it was felt essential to know what had been translated, what was under process of translation, and what had been prepared in the original in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries. Regardless of the nationality of the original author, the ultimate objective should be to complement and supplement existing material and not to duplicate. A recent Bibliography of Spanish Books in Chemistry was published in Barcelona by Serralach,' which is more extensive than previous bibliographies. An almost equal number of titles has been obtained by extensive survey of Spanish and Portuguese publications, reviews, catalogues, and personal correspondence. The list presented below represents a combination of all available sources with the elimination of some texts known to be out of print or considerably opdated. In preparation of this list, the author wishes to acknowledge information from earlier Bibliographies and suggestions from Dr. V. Deulofeu (Buenos Aires), Dr. J. Ancizar-Sordo (Bogota), Dr. Bergstrom Lourengo (SBo Paulo), Miss Elizabeth Beaman (Massachuestts Institute of Technology), and representatives of American Scientific Publishing houses, as well as the other members of the American Chemical Society Committee. In addition to providing a guide to the committee, this list should be of use to Latin American scientists in informing them of the existence of certain texts. It should also serve as a guide in selection of Spanish or Portuguese books for American scientific libraries who endeavor to obtain original treatises or maintaining foreign language material and to be a guide to those

who would undertake translations or to know in which field such books are needed. It has been difficult to check on all references and many are incomplete. It is hoped that omissions and corrections as well as new additions and suggested translation needs will be sent to the author so as to maintain a complete and current list. Readers may be interested in comparing this with the Book-Exhibit list which appeared in the March, 1949 issue of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATIOX.

SERRALACH, MARIA,"Bibliografia Qulmica," University of Barcelona, Imprenta Cleras6, Barcelona, Spain, 1946. Reviewed by Margie H. Hale, J. CHEM.EDUC.,24, 620 (1947).

10. Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry

OUTLINE 1. General Chemistry (a) Popular (b) General Text 2.


Inorganic Chemistry ( a ) Texts (b) Laboratory Practices Analysis ( a ) Theories of Analytical Chemistry ( b ) General Treatises (c) Microchemistry and Microanalysis ( d ) Electro chemical Methods (e) Volumetric Analysis (f) Conductivity-Polarographic Methods (g) Optical Method~EmissionSpectroscopy (h) Colorimetric Analysis (i) Agriculture .. ( j ) Food (k) Poisons ( 1 ) Reagents ( m ) Rocks, Minerals (n) Drugs Organic Chemistry (a) Texts ( b ) Laboratory Practices (e) Organic Analysis Biochemistry Physical Chemistry ( a ) Texts ( b ) Laboratory Practices Colloids Electrochemistry (a) Texts ( b ) Laboratory Practices



5. 6.

7. 8.


Technical Physics

( a ) Texts ( b ) Catalogs and Yearbooks 9:


12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Chemical Materials and Processes ( a ) Fats or Greases; Oils; Soaps; Adhesives (b) Phamceutieals, Cosmetics, Perfumes (e) Textile Industry; Dyeing ( d ) Wood; Paper (e) Rubber; Cellulose; Artificial Silk (f) Celluloids, Resins, and Artificid Plastic Materials ( g ) Paints, Varnishes, and Lacquers ( h ) Ceramics, Glass, and Cement ( i ) Tanneries; Tanned Leather ( j ) Fuels, Petroleum, and Lubricants (k) Explosives; War Gases and Illuminating Gases ( 1 ) Photography ( m ) Inks ( n ) Foods Metallurgy and Metallography Physical Constants; Agendas; Problems History of Chemistry Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Bibliographies Publishing Houses (Spain) Publishing Houses (Latin America) Author Index

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates that book is in process of translation. English titles in parentheses indicate books undergoing translation or for which the Spanish or Portuguese titles were hot known. Original language publishers of such books may also he indicated in parentheses. All books are in Spanish unless indicated as in Portuguese. 1. General Chemistry (a) Popular ARAVENA, H., Moderna Clasificaeio'n de 10s Elemtos. 2nd ed., 182 pp., Chileen Biblio Series, 1945 J. H., AzUobiorafia de la Tierra. (CowardBRADLEY, McCenn, Inc., New York, 1935.) Editorial Sudsmericana, Buenos Aires, 1943 J. M., B r e w Nocioncs de Nomenclatura y CAVANILLAS, Fmmulacio'n Qutmiea. 2nd ed., Dossat, Madrid, 1946 CITRINO,C., El Tesom que Guardan lo8 Atoms. El Ateneo, 1946 Reeeitwio Industl.ia1 (Bibl. Cult. GERLING,WERNER, TBc. No. 5). 3rd ed., 576 pp., Edicoes e Publ. Brasil, SXo Paulo, 1947 (Portuguese) GREILING,W., La Quimica &onquista a1 M u d . Trans. by J. S. BLANES, 512 pp., Marin, 1942 Enoerla Ateneo. 1946 Gnoss. . -B.. La ~ ~Ato'mica. ~ El ~ ~ n o s s ;B., A. homba Atdmica. 2nd ed., 34 pp., Kosmos, Sio Paulo, 1948 (Portuguese) HARRISON, G. R., Atom8 en Acei6n. Editorial Sudsmericana, Buenos Aires, 1944 HAYNES,W., El Frente Quimiw. Emece Editores, ~ u e n o sAires, 1945 MARTIN,A. J., La Energia At6mica. El Ateneo, 1947 MEBns. R. B.. La Bomba At6mica. (Chilean Biblio 1945 ~eri&),16 MEYER,Quimica Popular MILLIUN, R. A., Electram, Protones, Fotones, Neutwnes y Rayos Cbsrnicos. Espasa-Calpe, 1946 de la S-RE, H. W., La Energla Ato'mica a1 Sennenn&o Guerra. El Ateneo, 1946 STOKLEY,J., La Ciacia Rehaw Nueslro M u d . Emece Editores, Buenos Aires, 1944 TEIBAUD,J., Vida y Trammulaeiacs de los Atoms. Espasa-Cdpe, Buenos Aires, 1947 VA~CONCEWS, E., m~ G. GEISSNER, Reeeitu6rio Indmtrial. 462 pp., Porto Alegre, Liv. Globo, 1946 (Portuguese)


DE PRANDO,M., La Bomba Ato'mica. IntroVELASCO duceih a1 Estudio de la Energia AMmica. El Ateneo. 1947 ( b ) General Text AUGIS. S. J.. Los Tilanes de la Quimica. 330 DD.. ~ e x i c o 19h4 , P~deticasde @timica BABOR, J . A., AND A. LEARMAN, Manuel Marin, 1947 General. Trans. by J. IRARZ, , General. BABOR,J. A,, UD A. L E H R ~ NQuimica 3rd ed., trans. by J. IBARZ, Manuel Marin, 1944 BERARDI, I., Elementos de Qutmica. 2 vols., 1941 BERMEJOVIDA,L., Elementos de Quimiea General y Descriptiva. 3rd ed., Puhl. 1922 BLOCHMANN, R., Introduecikn a la Quimica Ezperimental. Trans. from German 5th ed. by A. G~RCIA BANUS,Labor, 1941 CUZL~SO Prdctico de Quimica. BODE,J., AND J. LUDWIG, Trans. by J . GONZALES-CAMPO, Manuel Marin, 1941 BORTH,C., La Obra de las Quimicas Modems. El Ateneo Practimm de CLAWRA,J. M., AND R. PORTILLO, Quimica. 3rd ed., Saeta, 1941 CONCILIO, G., Quimica (serie Cienti). 2nd ed., 208 p., Cl&ssico Cientifico. Sio Paulo (Portuguese) "DEMING,H. G. (General Chemisl~y,John Wiley & Sons), UTEHA. 1947 *DEMING, H. G. (Laboratoq, Manual of G m a l Chemistry, John Wiley R- Sons), UTEHA, 1946 CUTSO de Quimica ESTALELLA, FOWLER,G., Ezpe~irnenlm Quimieos de Cdtedra. Trans. bv E. JIMENO GIL. 636 DO.. Manuel Marin

.. .

JIMENO GIL, E., Qutmica General. Saeta, 1944 Tmtado de Qulmica. LAYILIA,F., AND A. ROCASOLANO, Zatgozs, 1942 LEWIS. J. B.. Quimieo G m a l . Trans. bv F. M.

noble)) Lorn TAMAYO, M., Quimiea para Mkdieos. 4th ed., GrBfica Administrativa, Madrid, 1944 MACEDO, L., Quimica. 3 vols., 3rd ed., 144, 200, snd 204 on.., Cia. Editor National. Rio de Janeiro. 1948 (Portuguese) MECKLENBURG, W., do de Quimica. 2nd re vised ed., trans. by E. MOLES,Gustavo Gili, 1941 MENA,M. E., Introduccio'n a1 Estudio de la Quimica. 269 pp., Atlante, 1943 W., Compendia de Quimica G m a l . Trans. OSTWALD, from 6th German ed. bv E. MOLES.Manuel Marin.



Havana, 1942 PUIG,I., CUTSO G m a l de Quimica. 7th ed., 784 pp., Manuel Marin, 1945 PUIG,I., Quimica Escolar. 349 pp., Manuel Marin PUIG. I.. Vademcurn del Quimiw. 6th ed.. 272 DD.. ~ k n u k Marin l PUIG, I., Curso Genelo1de Quimiea. 4th ed., 586 pp., Pub. Globo, Porto Alegre 1945 (Portuguese) PUIG,I., &$mica Protica. 488 pp., Pub. Globo, Porto Algere, 1938 (Portuguese) &us MIRO,A,, Curso Experimental de Qutmica. 2nd ed., Srteta, 1940 ROCASOIANO, A,, DEG., Quimica para d d i w s naturalistas. Saeta, 1941 Sne, E., S. J., Quimica General S&n la Teolja de Ins


Valenetas Postivos y negatives. 2 vols., Casals, 1943 E., Qutmiea-la Serie Col. 2nd ed., 238 S m s FILHO, pp., Pub. Briguet, Rio de Jeneiro, 1947 (Portuguese) SIMASFILHO,E., Quhica-$a Serie Col. 242pp., Pub. Briguet, Rio de Janeiro, 1945 (Portuguese) Quimica General. 2nd ed. SMITH,A,, AND J. KENDALL, trans. by E. JIMENOAND M. MARQUINA, 756 pp., Manuel Marin, 1943 THOMS,H., Curso de Quimica General y Aplicada. Trans. of 9th German ed. by A. BALTA,E. SOLER ~ N R. D CUSI. Labor VITORIA,E., Manual de Quimiea Moderna. 13th ed., Casals, 1944 v o ANTROPOFP, ~ A,, Introduen'h Ezperimalal a la Qutmiea. Trans. from 4th German ed. by E. LATORRE, Edic. Nueva Epoca, 1945 *WATKEYS. C. W. ( A n 07ientolion i n Science). Pub. ~ d a n e cSito ; Paulo, (Portuguese) *WENDT,G., Quimica. 247 pp., EspassrCalpe, Argentina (John Wiley & Sons, 1946) Inorganic Chemistry

( a ) Texts AMBIELLE, P., QuimicaInorgdnica. 2nd ed., El Ateneo BJERRUM,N., AND L. EBERT, Quimica Inorgdnica. Trans. by J. PLAJANINI,Labor Drsmo, U. A,, A m h i w y sus Sales, E! Ateneo EFHRAIM,F., Qulmiea Inmgdnica. 2nd Spanish ed., trans, by J. SUREDA BLANES, Manuel Marin, 1940 GAL ME^, P. J., Qulmzca Inorgdnica. Salvat, 1946 GROSSI,A., Elemenlos de Quimica Inorgdnica. 1941 MELLOR, J. W., Quimica Inorgdnica M o d m a . Trans. by ALCJDES CALDAS, 1090 pp., Pub. Globo, Porto Alegre, 1947 (Portuguese) MELLOR,J. W., Qutmica Inorgdnica Modem&, 1946 MONTEQUI, R., Quimica Inorgdnica. 3rd ed., Madrid, 1940 Quimica Inorgdnica. NOVFLLIA,, AND A. DE PRADO, El Ateneo QuhicaIn07gdnica P A R ~ SG., D., AND J. W. MELLOR, Moderna. El Ateneo, Buenos Aires, 1942 (Theoretical PHILBRIC, F. A., AND E. J. HOLMYARD, and Inorganic Chemistry) PODESTA, R., Quimica Inorgdnica Modema. 231 pp., El Ateneo, 1947 RIESENFELD,E., Quimiea Inorgdnica. Trans. by MARTINSAURAB, 800 pp., Manuel Marin, 1945 SCHWARZENBACH, G., Quimiea General e Inorgdnim. Trans. from 2nd German ed. by V. IRANZO AND M. G. DE CELIS,341 pp., Maple1 Marin, 1945 SMITH,A,, Introdueeidn a la QuCmica Inorgdnica (b) Laboratory Practices ANGELINA,N., Quimiea Prdtica (reconhen'mato de aniontes e cationtes). 190 pp., Pub. Brasil, Sito Paulo, 1945 (Portuguese) BILTZ, F. AND G., Prddieos de Qutmica Inorgdnica. Trans. from 4th German ed. by C. LANASARRATE, Manuel Marin, 1922 CLAVER,S. M., AND V. F. MARTINEZ,P~obkmasde Quimica. El Ateneo, 1946 DE CELIS, M. G., P16dims de Quimica Inorgdnica. Saeta, 1942 QDINTELA.D. M.. 1' Coderno de OuZmica Pdtica " 294 pp.; Pub. ~ d r n a do l ~ o m e r c i o , - ~ de i o Janeiro, 1941 (Portuguese) ~ S E N F E L D , E. H., P r d d i m de Qulmica Inwgdnica. 2nd ed.. trans. bv J. M. PLAJANINI. Labor, 1942 ROMP*,H., Quimiia Inorgdnim ~xpenmental: Trans. by C. BWSQDETS, Editorial Am, 1944 SMITH,A,, Quimim I w g d n i m Ezperimenlal S P R A O ~N,. G., Pr4dim de Laboratorio. Ediciones del Tridente S. A. C. e. I.

llysis Theories of'Analytica1 Chemistry KLOPSTOCK, M., Tdenim de 10s Mdtodos de Andlisis Clhicos, Labor, 1943 General Treatises Andlisis Quimico Cuantitatiuo. Trans. by A. GARCIA BANUS,EspassrCalpe, 1922 Vol. 1 1. P E C ~ A NH. N ,YON, Fundamentos Te6riws 2. HONIGSCHMID, O., AND E. ZINTL, Andlisis GrauimUrio Vol. 2 W., Andlisis Volumdt~ico 3. SCHLENKE, 4. HEULE,F. W., Introdueeih a1 Andlisis Elemenlal Orgdnico ANDRESOR AND T. H. HAZLEHURST, Andlisis Cuantitat i m Pan-Am., B. A,, 1946 Corn ReBABOR,J. A., AND J. K. W. MACALPINE, solver Problemas Numkicos en Andlisis Cualitatiuo. 123 pp., Manuel Marin DE CELA, J., Andlisis y Ensayos Quimieos IndusBALTA Irides. Bosch Mdtodos de Andlisis Quimiw BER~~LUNGE-D'ANs, Industrial. From 8th German ed., 5 tomes in 6 volumes. (In process of publication.) Labor, 1944 F., Andlisis Inorgdnico Cualitativo SisteRU~CARONS, mdtiw. Manuel Marin, 1944 F., AND F. ARNICHES, Andlisis y Araneel BDSCARONS, de Productos Quhicos. Herder, 1936 CASARESGIL, J., Tmtado de Andlisis Quimico. 2 vols., 4th ed., Victoriano Suarez, 1932, 1935 CHIESA,A., Quimiea Analilia Aplieada y Control de Fdbricas. Vol. 1, El Ateneo, 1947 CLASSEN, A,, Tmtado de Andlisis Quhieo Cuantitativo y Cualilativo. Trans. from 7th German ed. by JosS ESTALELLA.Gu~tavoGili, 1924 Andlisis Q u h i c o CLOWES,F., AND J. B. COLEMAN, Cuantitetivo. El Ateneo, 1947 CURTMAN,L. J., Qutmim AnaNtica Cualitativa. Trans. by EDWARDO LINS,584 pp., A Casa do Livro, Rio de Janeiro, 1947 (Portuguese) CURTMAN, L. J., Andisis Quimieo Cualitativo. 3rd ed., t r h s . by CLAROALLUE,Msnuel Marin, 1945 DA SILVA.F. N... Aponlamntos de Quimica Analttica. . 1946 Emos, J., AND M. SPIENA,Andlisis de Laboratorio. El Ateneo, 1943 FRESENIUS, C. R., T~atadode Andlisis Q u h i c a Cualitativa y Cuantitativa. 2 vols., trans. by VICENTE PESET,Puhul, 1920 Andlisis CualiHOGNESS, T. R., AND W. C. JOHNSON, tativa. Trans., Univ. Puerto Rico, 1948 HOLSTEIN,J. R., Metodos de Andlisis Quimico de Aezdos. Arg. A. Quillet, 272 pp., 1945 I. M., AND E. B. SANDEL, Tralado de QuC KOLTHOFF, mica Cuanlitativa, Genwale Inorgdnica. Tram. by PRELAT,El Ateneo, 1948 LEITE,0. C., Quimica AnalUica Cualitaliva-Pespuiza de aniontes e cationtes. 100 pp., Alba, Ria de Jmeiro, 1942 (Portuguese) U., Dosagem e Rewnhen'mentos. 300 LESSAJUNIOR, pp., Pub. Livraria Pam Tadas, Rio de Janeiro, 1940 (Portuguese) M., V. DE, Pontes de Quimim Analitica. MESQ~TA 190 pp., 2nd ed., Liv. Francisoo Alves, Rio de Janeiro, 1944 (Portuguese) R., Andli~isInmgdnico Cualitativo (Tenrla MONTEQUI, y Pr&tim). Madrid, 1945 R O D ~ V E PINHEIRO, S J . C., Andlises Cualilati~(~ Inwgdnica. 237 pp., Pub. Plaeido e Silvs, Curitiba, Brasil, 1929 (Portuguese) STREBINOER, R., P74dim.3 de Quimim Amlitim Cualilativa. Morata, Madrid 1942

JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION TREADWELL, F. P., AND W. T. HALL,Tmtado de QuG ANGELINO, N., Elementas de Analtse Mineral Cualilamica Analtlica. 2 vols., trans. from 5th ed. by tiua. 120 pp., Liv. Lusitana, Sgo Paulo, 1941 AND CUR0 ALLUE, 1420 pp., EMlLIo JIMENO (Portumesel Manuel Merin, 1944-45 TREADWELL, F. P., and W. T. HALL,Quimica Analtlim. 2 vols., trans. by ALFONSOPONTES,MEDEIROS CALDAS, 1568 pp., Pub. GuanaFILHO,AND ALCIDES (n) Drugs bara, Rio de Janeiro, 1944-47 (Portuguese) COSTA,A. F., AND J. CARDOSODO VALE, Mblodos de VILUVECCHIA, G. V., Tmtado de Quimim Analitica An4lise & Plantas w m Alcaloides (Prdctim de Aplimda. 2 vols., J. ESTALELU'Sversion, 2nd ed. Farmawgnasia). Noticias Farmaceuticas by T o m s ESTALELLA, Gustavo Gili, 1945 4. Organic Chemistry Andlisis Qutmico WILLARD, H. H., AND N. H. FURMAN, Cunntitatiuo. Trans. from 2nd ed. by FUNcrsco ( a ) Texts VERICAT. Manuel Marin, B u s c a ~ o ~AND s JUAN AMBIELLE. . P...~ Quimica del Carbono. 2nd ed.. El 1944 Ateneo ( c ) Microchemistry and Microan?lysis BARGER,J., Qutmim Orgdnica para Estudiantes de BACHMARQUET, H., Andisis Miw~puimiwCualitaMedicinn. Trans. by ANTONIOGRACIAB m u s AND tivo. Bosch, 1942 FERNANDO CALVET, Bosch, 1935 *BELLING, J. (The Use of the Miwascope). Servico de H., Reduccidm e HidrogenaBAUER,R., AND WIELAND, Infarmacio Agrfoola, Rio de Janeiro (Portuguese) ei6n de los Compuestos Orgdnicos. Trans. by GARCIA MARTINI. A,. MdtDdDllu ManinulaCiones Miwwuimims. BANUS,Espasa-Calpe ~ a s a r i o 1925 , N. E., Prdcticas de Quimim Orgdnica. 246 BUEHRER, MOELLER,J., Guta pwa Ensayos Mimo-Farma. pp., Pub. Guaira, S&oPaulo (Portuguese) mgn6siws. Trans. by J. ASTFADA,Labor, Buenas Concruo. G.. AND A. F. Ju~~~o.Comvendio&Qutmiea Aires Orgdnica. 312 pp., 2nd ed., pub. cidssieo ci&Sfioa, Mimom&das. Salvat, 1929 PINCUSSEN, Sio Paulo, 1946 (Portuguese) v m NIEUWENBURG, C. J., Manual de Andlisis CualitaFERNANDEZ, O., AND J. GIUL, T~atadode Quimica tivo Sistemdtico po7 Medio de las Modernas ReacOrgdnim Pura y Aplimda a las Ciacias Mbdicas. eiones a la Gota. Trans. by E. JIMENO, Manuel 3 vols.: Toledo, 1924, 1928 Marin, 1934 *FIESEE,L. F., AND M. FIESER, (Organic Chemistry, ( d ) Electrochemical M'etbods D. C. Heath) Atlante, Mexico, 1948 HILTNER,W., Pmelims del Andlisis Poleneiombtriw. GARcfA~u~co.M.. Tratado de Quimica O?odnica. Trans. by A. GARCIABANUS,Manuel Mmin, 1936 4 vols., 3rd id., Mexico, 194143 *MANTELL, C. L. (Indudrial Electrochemistry). Pub. HAUPTMANN, H., Introdup% 6 Qutmica Orgdnica. 306 Reverte, Barcelona pp., Pub. Renascenpa, Sio Paulo, 1947 (Portuguese) (c) Volumetric Analysis HOLLEMAN, A. F., Tratado de Quimiea Orgdnim. 606 JANDER, G., Andlisis VolumAtrico. Trans, by J. pp., 5th ed. in Spanish, trans. by J. PASCUAL VILA, MERCADAL, Labor, 1944 Manuel Marin, 1947 (f) Conductivity-Polarographic Methods KABRER,P., T~atodode Quimica O~gdnica. 1098 pp., PORTILW,M. R., Fumiamentos y AplicaeiDnes & la 2nd ed. in Spanish, trans. by C. TORRES,Manuel Polarografia Consejo Sup. Invest. Cientif., 1945 Marin. 1944 (g) Optical Methods-Emission Spectroscopy M I ~ I L L &H., Tratado ~ L m e n t a lde Quimica Orgdnica. BAR CELL^ MATUTANO, J. R., Introduenen6na la E s p w 448 pp., Hermanes, 1945 tropuimica e m Indicaeih de Otros Mdlodoa 6ptims & NOYELLI,A,, Guia de Trabajos Mbdims de Quimica Inter& a la Quimica AnalUica. Manuel Marin, Orgdnica. Buenos Aires, 1937 1946 NOYELLI,A,, AND DE PWO, Q u h i c a Orgdnica. El DE AZCONA, Andlisis Espedropimico de Emisih. LOPEZ Ateneo Madrid, 1944 NOVELLAS, R., Las Bases.Orgdnicas Vegetales. (Los ( h ) Colorimetric Analysis ' Alcaloides) 1940 *LANCE, B., Andlisis Colorim&ri@. Manuel Mmin Pmc, I., Quimica Orgdnica. Manuel Marin MARENZI, A. D., Fotometrto y Aplicaeion a1 Andlisis ROHTE, O., Prele&s de Teemlogia Org3nim. 304 pp., Biol6cico. Buenos Aires, 1941 Inst. Nac. do Livro, Rio de Janeiro, 1947 (Portu(i) ~gricul&re guese) J. A,, Tratado de Quimica Analitica CuantitaMAZZA, ROHTE, O., Quimica Organics. Pimenta de Mello Labor, Buenos tioa Aplicada a la Quimiea Agrtwla. Ltda., Rio de Janeiro, 1929 (Portuguese) Aires SARNYA,M., Quimica Orgcnica Alifdtica. 3 "01s. ( j ) Food Vols. 1 and 2, 622 pp., Vol. 3 (Guia de trabalhos CASAREB, L. J., ATUlliSiS de Alimalos. Madrid, 1942 pr&icos), 66 pp., Instituto Nacional do Livro, Min. Andlisis de Alimatos. Alonso Martinez, COMENGE, da Educa$Bo, Ria de Janeira, 1947 (Portuguese) Madrid Tmtado de Quhiea SCELENK, W., AND E. BERGMANN, *WINTON, A. L., AND K. B. WINTON,(Analysis of Food, Orgdnica. 2 vole., Morata, 1940-43 John Wiley &Sons), HASA, B. A,, 1947 TERRA,B., Quimica Org&nica. 2 vols., 3rd. ed., 710 pp., Pub. Cientifiea. Ria de Janeiro, 1946 (Partu(k) Poisons B u s , L., Qutmica de 10s Venaos. Salvat, 1941 &&e) SABALITSHKA,T., Andlisis Qutmiw-Tozicol6pim. TORRES,GONZALEZ, C., Tralado de Quimica Orgdnica. Lsbar 2 vols., SEATA, Madrid, 1945 V I ~ E I AE. , P., El Aeetileno. Casala, 1913 ( 1 ) Reagents VITORIA,E. P., Quhica del Carbono. 2nd. ed., Cssals, WICHERS,E., et al. (Committee on Analytical Re1940 agents, American Chemical Society) Normas & ZAPPI,E. V., Tratado de Quimica Orgdnica. 6 vols., puveza de 10s Reactivoa para Andisis Qutmicos. El Ateneo, Buenos Aires, 194147 Trans. and edited bv D. C n s r ~ n r oBUSQUETS. 2nd ed., SADAG, ~arcelbna,1948 ( b Laboratory Practices ( m ) Rock and Minerals *BUTT, A. H. (Organic Synthesis II, John Wiley &

. .

OCTOBER, 1949 Sons), Gili, 1947 * C m n o ~ r s ,N. D., Mawo y Semirniwo M&&s en la Qulmiea Orgdnica. Manuel Marin DIELS,Manual de Qutmica O~gdnica. 367 pp., Trans. by 0. C. JIMENEZ. Manuel Marin, 1945 F., AND E. WIELAND,P r d d i m de GATTERMANN, Qulmica Orgdnica. 2nd ed., trans. by J. CEREZO, 458 pp., Manuel Marin, 1945 *GILMAN, H., (Organic Synthesis I , John Wiley & Sons), Gili, 1947 GINI, L. C., Qulmica O~gdnicaIndustrial. El Atenm, Buenos Aires, 1945 HENLE,F. W., Prddicas de Qulmica Orgdnica. Trans. VILA, from the 3rd German ed. by J. PASCUAL Labor, 1931 *HICK~NB~TTOM, W. J., Reaeeidn dde 10s Compuestos Orgdnicos, Manuel Mrtrin J o a p u b DE BARRIOLA,AutodiddZi~de Qwlrniea Pdct i u . 2nd ed., Manuel Marin, 334 pp. MORTON, A. A,, Tdcniea de Laboratorio de Qutrnica Orgdnica. Manuel Merin, Barcelona, 1948 ORTHNER, L., AND L. REICAEL,Prddicas de Qutrnica Orgdnica. Trans. from the 2nd German ed. by CESARPI SUNER,Labor, 1934 Rmmn, H., Preparacidn de P~odulioQutmica O~gdnicos. Albatros, 1946 RorAnN. C. -A,., AND F. GIRAL. ~ - ~, ~ ~ , Prmaracih de Productos Q u t m i m y Qutmico-Farmachticos. 3 vols., Atlante, Mexico, 1947 ILOMPP, H., Quimica Orgdnica en Tubo de Ensayo. Trans. by C. Busquets, Ars, 1944 TORRES,GONZALEZ, C., Pdctica8 de Qulmica Orgdnica. ~ a e t a 1942 , VALLEJO,F. J., Ezperimentos Sacillos de Qulmica Orgdnica. 176 pp., Pan-Am., 1946 VITORIA,S.J., EDUARDO, Prddicas QuZrnim. 5th ed., Casals, 1942 VITORIA,S.J., EDUARDI,Qulrnica del Carbdri. 3rd ed., 1000 pp., Casals, 1948 Organic Analysis CLARW,,H. T., Andlisis Orgdnico Cualitativo y CuanliMarin, 1945 tativo. Trans. by D. J. CASTEJON, J., Andisis Orgdnico Funcionul. G ~ A PEREIRA, L Victoriano Suarea, 1913 KAMM, O., Andlisis Orgdnico Cualitntiuo. Trans. from 1st American ed. by EUSEBIOLASALA, Poblet, 1930 *MIDDLETON, H. (Systematic Cualitotive Orgdnic Andlisis). 2nd ed. (Arnold) 1943 SANCHEZ,J. A,, Qulmica. Analitica Funeional de Medicamentos Orgdnicos. 2 vols., El Atenm, 1941 STAUDINGER, H., lntroduccidn alr'Andli$is O~gdnico Cualitatiuo. Trans. from 2nd German ed. by Josd CEREZO, Labor, 1935 FR.E., Compuestos de Carbao. Trans. from WESTON, 3rd English ed. by GUILLERMO BENAVENTE, PERELW, 1918 ~


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