
Page 1. VOL. 4, NO. 4. Usss 0% CRLORINE ... ural gases for the preparation of amyl alcohol, ethylene chlorhydrin and ... "A Manual of Dyeing," Kuecht,...
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VOL. 4, NO. 4



was in the manufacture of benzaldehyde in the German dye industry. The uses in inorganic chemical manufactures include the synthesis of hydrochloric acid by either of two methods, the direct union of hydrogen and chlorine or the decomposition of steam in the presence of chlorine; the manufacture of sulfur chloride, anhydrous aluminum chloride, and ferric chloride. The uses in organic chemical manufactures are much more numerous and include many reactions in the dye industry, the manufacture of carbon tetrachloride and other chloriue solvents; the chlorination of rubber, wax, naphthalene; the cracking of petroleums with anhydrous aluminum chloride; the bleaching of refined petroleums; the chlorination of natural gases for the preparation of amyl alcohol, ethylene chlorhydrin and ethylene glycol; the chlorination of benzene for the production of monochlorbenzene, paradichlorbenzene, and phenol. The over-large capacity of the chloriue industry, both in United States of America and abroad, is a stimulation to constant effort to find new uses, hut the great chemical activity of the element is often a bar to use on a practical scale. It is extremely destructive of nearly all kinds of apparatus. A revolution in its uses can be predicted when some substance entirely suitable for apparatus can be had that will withstand the action of this element and its compound, hydrochloric acid. In concluding, we see that the element has from the date of its discovery attracted the attention of great scientists; has helped to revolutionize several industries; is an indispensable sanitary agent; can be used to cure or to kill; is a part of our daily lives, and a sentinel of our civilization.

Bibliography "Concerning the Bleaching Industxy." Bleachers' Assodation, Ltd. Manchester, 1925.

"A Manual of Dyeing," Kuecht, Rawson, and Loewenthal. Vol. I, Griffin & Co., London, 1917. "Chlorination of Water," Race. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1918. 8' Chlorine Control Apparatus," Wallace & Tiernan Co., Inc.. Newark, N. J., 1919. "Dictionary of Applied Chemistry: Thorpe. Vol. 11. Longmans, Grem & Co., New Yark, 1921.

Morgan Gives Fund for Sleeping Sickness Hospital. A gift of $200,000 presented by J. Pierpont Morgan will enable the Neurological Institute to devote a whole floor of the new hospital they are building to the study and care of cases of encephalitis lethargica, commonly known as sleeping sickness. This will be the first hospital section of the kind to he devoted exdusively to sleeping sickness and places better facilities at the disposal of the medical profession than have hitherto been possible for the study of this much dreaded and little understood disease. The gift is a memorial to Mr. Morgan's wife, the late Jane Grew Morgan.-Scimrca Sm'ce