Bicyclic Homologs of Piperazine. VII.1 Synthesis and Analgesic

Bicyclic Homologs of Piperazine. VII.1 Synthesis and Analgesic Activity of 3-Aralkenyl-8-propionyl-3,8-diazabicyclo[3.2.1]octanes. Giorgio Cignarella,...
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pheiiyl t ried iii the 3-oxy series had been dclet erious. I17horeas the %oxy series had requirrd 2- or I-substit 11t i o i i oii t he pyrrolidine ring, t he libcia-oxy series s u f f ~ r > slight t o (Lompletc loss of activity 0 1 1 ring suhstitutior1 additiotial to 1,X-, i n the order 3-, 2 - , 1-. 'Thew ar(s i i i t cresting idatioiiships i r i i lit. iiida-oxygeti seriw bctn-cvti heaviness of t'-all;ylatioii, gradatioii i i i zn-it tcisionic. rharacter. aiid loss of activity. i i i d a I-:thcrifirat i o i i scoiiiiiigly iiiuzzles c.oiisidcrably t 1irs:ct iiitcraczt ioiis of 2-alkylat ion. I,'iiiaIly, efforts of alteratioiis i l l S-subst itlit ioii ar(8 i i i w l i sliai-pcr i t i thr mefa-oxygeii scrics ihaii it1 the

Acknowledgment. - 'I'he authors thank L h . li. L. 13om-nian aiid 111..IT. 11. Crooks, ,Jr., for helpful ad\-iccl and consultatioii. 1 1 1 , . 1:. €1. Olivcr for the iiiicro.\I. Tanner for the physical measureI.: Richards for help ill the rctsolutioii of the parent coinpouiid, aiid lliss 1,. Scotti. Miss .I Was, and ALrs. S . Stsiiat for important participation i i i the pharniacologic~aln-ork.

Bicyclic Homologs of Piperazine. Y1l.l Synthesis aiid Analgesic Activity of 3-Aralkenyl-8-propionyl-3,8-diazabicyclo[3.2.l]octanes

\Vjih the aim of eiihaiiciiig the aiialgesic iwtivity of 3-ciii1~a~myl-8-propioli~~l-~~,~-ifi:izabic~cloj3.2.1]oct~atie (l), 25 derivatives were qxthesized ill which t,lie 8-aralkeiiyl group was vnrioii>ly modified. Some of these comp(Jl1~ldSexhibited ail analgesic pot,eiic)- romparable with that of 1. 111the preccedirig paper of this sericls.' t h e synthesis of stitutioiis oil the aroiiiatic ring (2-12) and on the ethylanalgesic3 :,(,*lll,j,

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