BIN-FLO - ACS Publications

raphy of Ozone" deals with the inor ganic and qrganic reactions and chemi cal kinetics of ozone. Dept. IEC, Il linois Institute of Technology, 35 West...
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Lead-Filled Epoxy. A technical bul­ letin on a lead-filled epoxy casting ma­ terial has been issued by the manufac­ turer. The bulletin emphasizes the resin's usefulness in fabricating radio­ activity-shielding containers and struc­ tures, and lists such applications as instrument housings and pipe and valve fittings. Dept. IEC, Marblette Corp., 87 80th St., Long Island City 1, Ν. Υ.

meet severe or unusual conditions in processing or operation, such as ex­ treme heat, abrasive action, corrosion, or other problems beyond the capabili­ ties of conventional materials. Dept. IEC, Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, Ν. Υ. 95 Methyl Acetoacetate. D a t a sheet is available on methyl acetoacetate, rela­ tively new specialized solvent used in organic synthesis. Dept. IEC, Aceto Chemical Co., Inc., Flushing, Ν. Υ.


Lithium. Up-to-date facts and figures on lithium and other alkali metals (cesium and rubidium) have been com­ piled in a 24-page brochure with six charts and 14 illustrations. Principal sources of lithium developed and un­ developed are given. Dept. IEC, Montgary Explorations Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Can. 93


Oil Field Chemical. A controlled solu­ bility phosphate used in the downhole treatment of producing oil wells is de­ scribed in a new bulletin now available. Bull. 4W11, Dept. IEC, Calgon Co.. Dept. 241, Hagan Building, Pittsburgh 40, Pa. 97

Magnesium Alloys. Booklet describ­ ing properties, uses, applications, and advantages of magnesium has been published by manufacturer. Magne­ sium alloys properties and applications are discussed. Dept. IEC, White Metal Rolling & Stamping Corp., 88 Moultrie St., Brooklyn 22, Ν. Υ. 94

Ozone. Third volume of "Bibliog­ raphy of Ozone" deals with the inor­ ganic and qrganic reactions and chemi­ cal kinetics of ozone. Dept. IEC, Il­ linois Institute of Technology, 35 West 33rd St., Chicago 16, III. 98 Paint Handbook. Comprehensive handbook covers emulsions for use as paint vehicles. Dept. IEC, Colton Chemical Co., 1747 Chester Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio. 99

Materials for Severe Process Condi­ tions. A new publication features technical information on materials to

Petrochemicals. Company's line of petrochemicals for the paint, plastics, rubber, chemical, petroleum, detergent, agricultural, and other industries is outlined in 24-page general product brochure. Dept. IEC, Amoco Chemi­ cals Corp., 910 South Michigan Ave., Chicago 80, III. 100 Polyethylene Glycols. New 54-page booklet on the properties, applications, storage, specifications, and testing of Carbowax polyethylene glycols has been published by Union Carbide Chemicals Co. Carbowax polyethylene glycols are water-soluble, nonvolatile, unctuous liquids and solids used for water-soluble lubricants, cosmetics, ointments, emulsifying agents, adhesives, and paper coatings. Dept. IEC, Union Carbide Chemicals Co., 30 East 4