Binary Carbon Sulfides Based on the .alpha.-C3S5 Subunit and

Redox Properties of C6S8 and C3S5 (n = 0, 1, 2): Stable Radicals and Unusual ... Jonathan G. Breitzer, Dana D. Dlott, Lawrence K. Iwaki, Sean M. Kirkp...
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Inorg. Chem. 1994,33, 4537-4544

Binary Carbon Sulfides Based on the a-C3S5 Subunit and Related C-S-0, C-S-N Compounds




Collin P. Galloway,"Daniel D. DoxseeJ Dieter Fenske,' Thomas B. Rauchfuss,*" Scott R. Wilson,? and Xiaoguang Yang? School of Chemical Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, and Institut fur Anorganische Chemie, Universitat Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany

Received February 15, 1994@ The synthesis and characterizationof molecular carbon sulfides including C3S8, c6s&c6s10, and c6s12 are described. The reaction of 2 equivs of S2C12 with (NBuq)2[Zn(C3S5)2] (1) affords a 2:1 mixture of C3Sg and c6s12. Treatment of this mixture with excess Hg(0Ac)z gives the soluble yellow species C3S70. This compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P i with a = 4.204(2) A, b = 8.942(5) A, c = 12.017(6)A, a = 103.02(4)",p = 96.64(4)", y = 90.47(4)",and Z = 2. The oxidation of 1 with 2 equiv of S02C12 and subsequent extraction of the orange solid with CS2 yielded the dimer C6s10. Raman spectra indicate that the crude oxidation product is modified upon extraction, possibly by break-up of the polymer (C3S5)n. Treatment of c6s10 with 2 equivs of Hg(OAc)2 results in rearrangement of the central C4S4 ring in addition to a C=S to C=O exchange, to give a 1,4,5,6tetrathiacycloheptadiene ring. C6SgO2 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P211c. with a = 15.461 (6) A, b = 9.648(3)A, c = 7.852(1)A, p = 98.71(2)",and Z = 4. The 13CNMR spectrum of C6S802exhibits resonances at 6 187.0, 137.5, and 130.8 in agreement with the crystal structure. Treatment of 1 with 4 equivs of HC1 at -78 "C gave the metastable C3S5H2 as characterized by 'H NMR,FDMS, and IR spectroscopies,as well as its conversion to C3S5Me2. This dithiol evolves H2S, giving a new compound of the formula c6sg. This species was converted with Hg(0Ac)z to C6S6O2, which is formulated as a derivative of a c-1,2-S2C4 compound based on spectroscopic and elemental analysis data. Treatment of (BU)2[Zn(C&)2] with 4 equiv of SOzC12 gave the sulfenyl chloride C3S5C12, which in turn reacts with LiN(SiMe3)2 and Me3SiN3 to give C&,[N(SiMe3)2]2 and C3SsNC1, respectively.

Chart 1

Introduction Compositions of two elements are among the most fundamental classes of matter.' Binary molecular phases are common for the hydrides of the main group elements, e.g., hydrocarbons and boranes, but otherwise such stoichiometrically simple families of molecules remain quite rare. In this context, the potential scope of carbon sulfide chemistry is considerable, given the fact that C-C, S-S, and C-S bonds are thermochemically robust. The C-C, C-S, and S-S (divalent sulfur) bond dissociation energies are 356 (diamond), 272 (C~HSSH),and 226 kJ1mol (SS), r e s p e ~ t i v e l y . ~Not , ~ only are carbon sulfides expected to enjoy significant thermal stability, but they are also derived from abundant and inexpensive resources. These general considerations motivated our interest in the preparation of new carbon sulfides. C-S cores are found in a variety of electronic materials, prominent representatives being the tetrathiafulvalenes and metallodithiolene~.~Poly(carbon subsulfide) displays high electrical conductivity, reminiscent of (SN),, and there would be interest in the development of more processible analogues of (C3S2),.5 The carbon sulfides are thus promising precursors to new inorganic polymers. Carbon sulfides also have an +

University of Illinois.

* Universit2t Karlsruhe.

@Abstractpublished in Advance ACS Abstracts, August 1, 1994. ( 1 ) Greenwood, N.; Earnshaw, A. Chemistry of the Elements; Pergamon Press: Oxford, U.K., 1984. (2) Dassent, W. E. Inorganic Energetics; Penguin: Middlesex, U.K., 1970. (3) Steudel, R. Top. Curr. Chem. 1982, 102, 149. (4) Organic Superconductors; Williams, J. M., et al., Eds.; PrenticeHall: (Engl. Transl.) Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1992. (5) Krivoshei, I. V.; Skorobogatov,V. M. Russ. Chem. Rev. (Engl. Transl.) 1981, 50, 397.

important place in coordination chemist& thiocarbon ligands which have received study include CS32- and its perthiolate CSd2-,' tetrathiaoxalate C2S42-,839 c2s6,6-'0 two isomers of C3S52-,11and tetrathiosquarate12 C4S42- (Chart 1). As we show in this paper, the coordination complexes of these species could be employed for the the preparation of new carbon sulfides. (6) Gattow, G.; Behrendt, W. Carbon Sulfides and Their Inorganic and Complex Chemistry; G. Thieme: Stuttgart, Germany, 1977. (7) Coucouvanis, D.; Draganjac, M. J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1982,104,6820. ( 8 ) Harris, H. A.; h i s , D. R.; Dahl, L. F. J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1991,113, 8602. (9) Jeroschewski, P. Z. Chem. 1981,21,412. Lund, H.: Hoyer, E.; Hazell, R. G. Acta Chem. Scand. 1982, B36, 329. Bacher, A. D.; Sens, I.; Muller, U. Z. Naturforsch. 1992, 47B, 702. (10) North, T. E.; Thoden, J. B.; Bjamason, A.; Dahl, L. F. Organometallics 1992, 11, 4338. (1 1) Olk,R.-M.;Olk,B.; Dietzsch, W.; Kirmse, R.; Hoyer, E. Coord. Chem. Rev. 1992, 117, 99. (12) Gotzfried, F.; Beck, W.; Lerf, A,; Sebald, A. Angew Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 1979,18,463;Angew Chem. 1979,91,499. Gotzfried, F.; Grenz, R.; Urban, G.; Beck, W. Chem. Ber. 1985, 118, 4179. Grenz, R.; Gotfried, F.; Urban, G.; Beck, W. Chem. Ber. 1986, 119, 1217.

0020-166919411333-4537$04.50/00 1994 American Chemical Society

4538 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 33, No. 20, 1994

Galloway et al.

Most known binary carbon sulfides are comprised of three subunits: the two-connecting thiocarbonyl (CS), two-connecting S, units ( x 1. l), and the four-connecting C=C fragment; Le., they can be classified with the formula S,(CS),(Cz),. One isomer of C9S9 does not conform to this pattem, as it features hypervalent 3-coordinated sulfur centers. l3 Tetrahedral carbon has not yet been observed in binary carbon sulfides although a complex of “c2s66-” has been described.1° Mass spectrometric experiments, especially those utilizing neutralization-reionization techniques, have identified the linear molecules C2S2 and c&, as well as benzotrithiete (c6s6) and two isomers of CS3.14 A major breakthrough in thiocarbon chemistry resulted from the development of an efficient synthesis of 2-thioxo-1,3dithiole-4,5-dithi01ate~~,~~ (eq 1). In two preliminary reports, we 48-

+ 4 cs2

C S ~+~ c3sS2-


have shown how this anion can be converted to c3s8, c6s10, and c6s12 via oxidative coupling and electrophilic sulfiding.16 A more recent paper summarizes the syntheses of carbon sulfides from the second (“/3”) form of C3Ss2-.17 In this paper, we describe new or improved syntheses of four carbon sulfides derived from a-C3SS2-. These results are complemented by the preparation of a series of oxo derivatives of carbon sulfides. These new C-S-0 compounds exhibit improved solubility, which has allowed a more complete characterization than is possible with the binary systems. Finally, we report the preparation of C3SsC12 and its conversion to nitrogen-containing heterocycles.

Results and Discussion C3Ss and C6S12. The reaction of Cp2TiC3S5 with SzCl2 affords a mixture of C& and c&2, along with poorly soluble yellow solids, which we assume are polymeric.16 For this application, the Ti-containing reagent is prepared from CpzTiC12 by a chelate transfer reaction with [Zn(C3S5)2I2-. A still more efficient route to carbon sulfides uses this zinc complex directly. In this procedure, the precipitated product consists only of carbon sulfides, as established by the absence of YCH bands in its IR spectrum. It has the stoichiometry ‘‘C3S7’’ on the basis of elemental analysis, corresponding to a 2:l mixture of C3S8 and c6s12 (eq 2). The utility of the Zn reagent rests in the high


+ 2 S2C12



+ 112 C&12 + ZnCt42’


Figure 1. The structure of C&

sa (three views).


molecular ion was not observed, but a mlz 328 peak, corresponding to c&+, is present in its mass spectrum, while it is absent in the spectrum for C3S8. The mass spectra of c3s8 and c&12both feature strong peaks corresponding to C3s6’. This ion is seen in the mass spectrum of other C-S compounds derived from u - C ~ S ~ ~such - , as C&O. We speculate that C3S6+ has a bicyclic structure and is related to other cyclic 7-n-esystems such as S3C2(CF3)2+ and S ~ C Z ( C O Z M ~ ) ~ + : ~ ~


solubility of (NBuq)2ZnCl4 in the reaction medium, which allows easy separation from the precipitated carbon sulfides. The mixture of C3S8 and c6s12 from eq 2 can be separated by virtue of the greater solubility of the octasulfide in CHzC12. Solutions of C3Ss are slightly unstable with respect to c6s12 via a photochemical process that can be easily minimized. The E1 mass spectra of C3S8 and c6s12 are similar, but the fragmentation pattems differ in important details. The molecular ion for c& was observed dong with the fragments c&+and Saf and several smaller fragments. In the case of c6s12, the (13) Brown, J. P.;Gay, T. B. J. Chem. SOC., Perkin Trans. 11974,866. Hansen, L. K.;Hordvik, A. J. Chem. SOC., Chem. Commun. 1974, 800. (14) Sulzle, D.; Beye, N.; Fangh&el, E.; Schwa, H. Chem. Ber. 1990, 123, 2069. Sulzle, D.; Egsgaard, H.; Carlson,L.; Schwa, H. J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1990, 112, 3750. (15) Steimecke, G.; Sieler, H.-J.; Kirmse, R.; Dietzsch, W.; Hoyer, E. Phosphorus Sulfur 1982,12, 231. (16) Yang, X.; Rauchfuss, T. B.; Wilson, S. R . J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1989, 111, 3465. Yang, X.; Rauchfuss, T. B.; Wilson, S.R. J. Chem. SOC., Chem. Commun. 1990,34.


(17) Doxsee, D. D.; Galloway, C.P.;Rauchfuss, T.B.; Wilson, S.R.; Yang, X. Inorg. Chem. 1993,32, 5461.

The IR spectra of C3S8 and c6s12 are quite similar and are dominated by strong YC-S bands at 1055 and 1064 cm-’, respectively. The greatest difference appears in the YSS region. Bands attributable to YC-C were not observed, nor were they seen in the IR spectra of 1,3,4,6-tetrathiapentalene-2,5-dithione ( D z symmetry) ~ and C3S5Me2, although they were observed in their Raman spectra.lg The structure of c6s12 was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction (Figure 1). The molecule adopts a crown structure reminiscent of Sa wherein the two C=C units replace S atoms. Thus, the Sac4 core adopts a crown conformation of approximate Cz, symmetry. The average S-S bond distance (2.061 A) and S-S-S angle (106.8’) are very similar to the corresponding values for many forms of elemental sulfur, e.g. orthorhombic s, (2.051 A, 108.1’) and s.5 (2.057 A, 102.2’).20 The most striking aspect of the structure is the presence of nearly eclipsed (18) Cameron, T. S.;Haddon, R. C.;Mattar, S.M.;Parsons,S.;Passmore, J.; Ramirez, A. P.J. Chem. SOC., Chem Commun. 1991, 358. (19) Kmg, W. P.;Bloch, A. N.;Cowan, D. 0. J. Chem. SOC., Chem. Commun.1977, 660. (20) Donohue, J. The Structure of the Elements; John Wiley & Sons: New

York, 1974.

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 33, No. 20, 1994 4539

Binary Carbon Sulfides Based on the a-C3S5 Subunit and mutually parallel (1 1.85") C3S5 units with an interplanar distance of 3.88 8, for S(6) and S(10). The two C3S5 subunits are well suited for van der Waals interactions in view of the similar (Pauling) electronegativities of carbon (2.55) and sulfur (2.58).2 The delocalized bonding in the C3S5 moieties should enhance the polarizability of its constituent atoms which in turn would strengthen this interaction. The intramolecular x-JC interaction in c6s12 is reminiscent of the intermolecular n-x interactions seen in partially oxidized complexes of the type M(C3S5)2n-.21 C&O. Sulfuryl chloride readily converts (NBu&[Zn(C&)2] to a yellow-orange solid analyzing as [C3S51n. The precipitated solid is transparent in the range 2500-3500 cm-', demonstrating the absence of hydrocarbons. The solid is insoluble in most organic solvents but is slightly soluble in CSz. In fact, this crude solid crystallizes upon being slurried in CS2. We suggest that the initial precipitate is largely polymeric and that recrystallization in CS2 promotes the conversion to the dimer (eq 3). The


J ys


Figure 2. A side view of the structure of CsSlo. (3)

Raman spectrum of the product after extraction exhibits a new band in the V ~ region S at 512 cm-'. The rate of dissolution of the polymer in CS2 appears to decrease when the S02C12 reaction is conducted at higher temperatures, indicating a greater proportion of the polymer. The EMS of C6SlO and c6s12 are similar in that the c&+and c6sg+peaks were observed but no molecular ion was present. However, in contrast to the spectra of c6s12 and C ~ S Sonly , a weak Sg+ peak was observed in the mass spectrum of c6s10, indicating the absence of polysulfide linkages. We found that samples of [C3S5In that had not been slumed with CS2 were less reactive toward Hg( O A C ) (see ~ below). The molecular structure of the CS2 solvate of C6s10 (Figures 2 and 3) c o n f i i s the presence of two planar C3S5 subunits interconnected by persulfide bonds. Centrosymmetry is crystallographically imposed. The S4 and the C3S5 planes are connected by 101" angles (Table 1). The monoclinic lattice of c6s~O~.~c~2 consists of layers formed by stacking of c3s5 rings (distance between C3S5 rings is ca. 3.5 8,) such that each c6s10 molecule engages in n-x interactions with four other C6s10 molecules. The sheets thus formed are joined by S. *S contacts (3.83 A) between thione groups. This interconnection pattern defines an array of infinite channels along the c axis which are partially occupied by CS2 molecules. CaSg. Given the high reactivity of [Zn(C3S5)2I2- toward electrophiles, we investigated its protonation. A red dichloromethane slurry of (NBu4)2[Zn(C3&)2] reacts rapidly with anhydrous hydrogen chloride, even at -78 "C. After sufficient hydrogen chloride was used to discharge the deep red color of the starting zinc complex, we obtained a bright yellow precipitate of the dithiol C3S5H2. This species exhibits a weak IR band (21) Cassoux, P.; Valade, L.; Kobayashi, H.; Kobayashi, A,; Clark,R. A,; Underhill, A. E. Coord. Chem. Rev. 1991, 110, 115.

Figure 3. View of a portion of the C&o unit cell.

at 2498 cm-' assigned to VSH and a molecular ion in its FD mass spectrum. The 'H NMR spectrum of fresh CDC13 solutions of this species features a single line at 3.75 ppm. Solutions of C ~ S ~ H in Zthe presence of base react with methyl iodide to give the known C3SsMe2 in high yield (eq 4).

The thermal lability of C3S5H2 was indicated by the appearance of several new peaks in its IH NMR spectrum after several

4540 Inorganic Chemistry, VoE. 33, No. 20, I994 Table 1. Selected Bond Distances

Galloway et al.

(A) and Angles (deg) for c6s12,

CnSio, CaSsOz, and c870 c6slz




S5-C2 Cl-C3 S3-C1 Sl-S2 s3-c3 Cl-C2 S4-C1 s4-S5’ 05-C5 C3-C7 S2-C3 S8-C7 Sl-S2 s1--s2 S2-S3 S5-C1 c1*2 c2-s 1 C2-S7 s7-c3

1.634(5) 1.340(6) 1.754(5) 2.06 l(2) 1.635(3) 1.349(3) 1.757(2) 2.0757(9) 1.207(3) 1.346(3) 1.762(2) 1.768(2) 2.0479(9) 2.0529( 14) 2.0620( 14) 1.769(26) 1.3518(32) 1.765 l(25) 1.7501(26) 1.781 l(27)

97.3(2) 102.0(1) 124.7(4) 105.62(7) 97.7(1) 101.52(8) 127.7(2)

c3--s4-c5 Sl-S2-C3 s2-c3-c7 C7-S8-C9 S2-Sl-Sl4 S6-C3-57 Cl-C2--sl C2-Sl-S2 s 1-s2-s3

96.6(1) 101.73(9) 126.1(2) 99.4(1) 106.31(4) 111.93(14) 126.44(14) 104.35(9) 103.78(6)

s11 II

B c2


5;: i6 s y’\ I

s10 p y 4


clt,c3s2-s1 s3

Cl-S4-C2 c 1-s3-s2 s 3 - c 1-c3 Sl-S2-S3 c1-s 1-c3 S5’--s4-C1 s 4 - c 1-c2

I /sa-s9 s7

S4‘-S5, SICcl:





c23: 1 I

f r

a n B

m i t t a

n C




s5-s4 c6s10









Figure 4. IR spectra of C6s10 and C6SsO2 (top). -S




minutes at room temperature. cis-Dimercaptoethylene, a compound similar to C3S5H2, is also thermally unstable.22 Solid samples of C3S5H2 darken after 1-2 days, concomitant with evolution of hydrogen sulfide. When the protonation of [ Z I I ( C ~ S ~ ) ~was ] ~ -conducted at room temperature, followed by heating, we obtained a red-brown powder analyzing as c6s8 (eq 5 ) .


dissolution of the carbon sulfide concomitant with the deposition of a brown solid which likely contains HgS.23 The yield from this reaction is -60% on the basis of the percent c3sS in ‘‘C3s7)’ (eq 6). As for the other C-S-0 compounds described below,
