Bio-Rad - American Chemical Society

Complete information and appli cations on Bio-Rad's ... tailed information on every phase of ion exchange technology, in ... Technology. Laws and regu...
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Chemicals Metal-Free D i c h r o m a t e Solution A metal-free dichromate replacement can be added directly to sulfuric acid for sensitive glass cleaning needs. Premeasured packages make 5 pints of solution with sulfuric acid. $1.45 per package. Godax Laboratories 431 Oxygen and Nitrogen Standards

(Bio-Rad) Bio-Rad is the best single source for ion exchange materials and technology. 67 resins, gels, crys­ tals and celluloses. 7 closely cont r o l l e d mesh r a n g e s f r o m 16 (1190 μ ) to minus 400 (