Bioactive Fibers and Polymers - American Chemical Society

Department of Agriculture, 1100 Robert E. Lee Boulevard, New. Orleans, LA .... 1. Preserving the fibrous form of gauze/nonwoven while retaining its st...
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Chapter 8

Carboxymethylation-Cotton for Wound Care Management D. V. Parikh

Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on July 12, 2016 | Publication Date: August 10, 2001 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2001-0792.ch008

Southern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1100 Robert E. Lee Boulevard, New Orleans, LA 70124 Chronic wounds are not easy to heal. Research in wound physiology has shown that healing is accelerated when the wounds are kept in a moist condition. Since 1989 moist wound dressings based on calcium alginates have been made commercially available. While alginate dressings produce accelerated healing they are very expensive. The present work is on developing less expensive dressings from chemically modified cotton, which would heal wounds under moist conditions. Chemical modification of cotton (carboxymethylation, CM-cotton) was carried out by treating cotton gauze or nonwoven with caustic and monochloroacetic acid in 80/20 ethanol/water media. The results have shown a promise of highly swellable, highly water retentive CM-cotton dressings that remain moist at 98.6°F. The C M ­ dressings have passed preliminary animal safety evaluations. A successful development of the CM-cotton dressings may prove possible, if such dressings are effective in tests on wound healing. Such dressings, if efficacious, should be economical to produce. The principal function of a wound dressing is to provide an optimal healing environment for a wound, since the latter must be protected from infection and further damage. In general, infection impedes wound healing by damaging the tissue and promoting excessive inflammation. Traditionally, wounds have been kept dry by covering them with a dry dressing. However, recent research in wound physiology has shown that healing is accelerated when the wound is kept in a moist condition. This enhances migration of healthy skin cells. Since 1989 moist wound dressings based on calcium alginates have been made commercially available. While alginate dressings produce accelerated healing they are very expensive. The present work is on developing less expensive dressings from chemically modified cotton, which would heal wounds under moist conditions. Fresh wounds initially produce a large amount of fluid exudate, which provides a fertile environment for bacterial growth and infection. Thus, an efficient absorption of fluid exudate, while maintaining a sterile environment at the wound site, is preferable. Furthermore, an occlusive dressing (defined as the relative ability of a wound dressing to transmit gases and water vapor from a wound surface to the atmosphere.) appears to

© 2001 American Chemical Society

Edwards and Vigo; Bioactive Fibers and Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.


116 function by limiting tissue desiccation and secondary damage. B y maintaining a moist environment, the epidermal barrier function is rapidly restored. Interestingly, this effect may be noted by the faster rate of epithelialization in moist climates compared with that in an arid one [1,2]. A n ideal moist wound dressing should perform the following functions: 1. 2. 3.

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Maintain a moist environment at the wound site to enhance healing but without maceration condition. Absorb fluid exudate. Protect the wound site from bacterial contamination by providing a barrier to bacteria. Be non-adherent so that the wound is not traumatized when the dressing is changed. Easy to apply and easy to remove.

The moist environment is also conducive to migration of defensive and reparative cells such as macrophages. In an uncomplicated wound such as a donor site, occlusion may decrease the incidence of infection. It is suggested that the scar left by an occlusively dressed wound is more cosmetically acceptable than that left by an exposed wound [3,4]. A n exploratory project was undertaken to develop cotton gauze and cotton nonwoven (NW) with high swelling, high water retention, and high total water uptake capabilities, with a view to developing a moist dressing. Our research approach was to chemically modify cotton gauze through a carboxymethylation [CM] process while still maintaining its gauze or nonwoven structure intact. Depending on the nature of the substituent and the degree of substitution (DS)*, cellulose ethers may be soluble in water. The solubility of cellulose ethers in water also depends to a great extent on the uniformity of substitution. Since both the DS and the uniform distribution of substituents affect absorbency properties and thus the end uses of the cellulose ethers, a proper control of these variables demands considerable attention in the manufacturing process. The final product and its quality depend also on factors which are inherent to the cellulose structure or to the reagents used in the preparation. Such factors are cellulose accessibility, hydroxyl group reactivity and reagent reactivity. ^ Cell - (OH) + η C1CH C 0 H 3



N a C


(OCH C0 Na)„ 2


C e ^

+ η NaCl (OH) .„ 3

The conventional two-stage carboxymethylation in aqueous media, which consists of sequential treatment first with monochloroacetic acid [MCA], air drying, followed by a treatment with caustic and a final thorough washing [5,6,7], was tried first, however, it did not preserve the swelling and gelling characteristics of CM-cotton. Apparently, the * DS reflects the average number of carboxymethyl [-CH COONa] groups per 2

anhydroglucose unit of cellulose. Edwards and Vigo; Bioactive Fibers and Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

117 process is suitable only for low DS gauze. With medium to high DS, the product itself gets partially or folly dissolved during the final washing, anhydroglucose unit of cellulose.

Single-Stage Development A single-stage C M process was developed in 80/20 ethanol/water that preserves swelling/gelling capabilities until the gauze/nonwoven is wetted in water or until used as a wound dressing. The major merits of the single-stage development were in:

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1. 2. 3.

Preserving the fibrous form of gauze/nonwoven while retaining its strength. Custom etherification to produce low-to-high DS cotton, and Imparting desired properties of improved moisture regain, high bound water, high total water uptake, and swellability.

Table 1 shows the superiority of the single-stage development over the two-stage C M process.

Table I. Two-stage versus single-stage carboxymethylation Two-stage Features Single-stage Features C M development in water

C M development in alcohol

Good for low-medium- and highDS



Not suitable for medium to high DS cotton

Preserves swelling

Good for low DS

Scale-Up: Laboratory Package Dyeing Machine Bleached absorbent gauze or hydroentangled nonwoven (NW) cotton fabric was carboxymethylated in a yarn dyeing machine. The machine, which was built of stainless steel, had gaskets/packings of rubber. Rubber packings were affected by ethyl alcohol. They had to be replaced by Teflon packings. Teflon packings are stable up to 500°F and are inert to ethanol. A pump in the machine was capable of circulating solution in the package vessel so that the solution was in continuous flow

Edwards and Vigo; Bioactive Fibers and Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.


Table II Formulation (in gms) for Water Soluble CM-Gauze #104 Chemicals


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FIRST STEP: Caustic soda (5%, W / V ) - 5 0 % Solution




S E C O N D STEP: Monochloracetic acid (6% W / V )


Caustic soda (5%, W / V ) - 5 0 % Solution






W/V= weight/volume Typically nine gauze rolls weighing 0.7 lbs. were packed in tub. Alcoholic 1200 g of 50% caustic solution was added. Temperature was raised from 80 °F to 100 °F while circulating the solution for 15 minutes. Second step solutions were added. Initial p H was 9.31, final p H was 9.41. Reaction at 150-155 °F was continued for five hours. Formulation was drained. Gauze rolls were washed with ethanol containing 350 mL H A C for 15 minutes at 110°F. Two 90/20 ethanol/water washes, 15 minutes each were carried out. Gauze rolls were hyroextracted and dried. Recovery of ethanol is a must.

Edwards and Vigo; Bioactive Fibers and Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.


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through the cotton gauze. This circulation helped in imparting a uniform degree of substitution to the cotton cellulose.

In the single-stage development, adding chemicals in two steps was found to be beneficial. Cotton gauze was first treated with alcoholic caustic soda for 15 minutes at 100° F [to swell cotton and increase accessible hydroxyl groups] before treating it in the same bath with alcoholic monochloroacetic acid for 4 to 5 hours at 155 +/- 3° F [refer to formulation in Table II]. Temperature and p H of the solution were continuously monitored. At the end of the reaction time, the bath was drained, the gauze quenched with acetic acid, and the CM-gauze was thoroughly washed in 90/10 ethanol/water to make it free from the residual alkalinity, unreacted chemicals, sodium chloride, and acetate byproducts. Purity of the CM-cellulose was ensured by giving an additional wash. The reaction parameters can be varied to produce CM-cellulose with different DS. By suitably controlling DS, we were able to develop CM-products as shown in Tables III and IV.

Table III.

Sample Code

CM-Cotton Products




Medium 0.150-0.180

Surface Gelling of hydroentangled cotton nonwoven


Medium-High 0.287-0.310

Water soluble cotton gauze rolls. Initially gelling and then subsequently dispersing in water


Medium 0.150-0.180

Surface gelling cotton gauze rolls.


Post treated C M #104 with diethylene glycol or higher molecular weight glycols or with Kymene (A trade product, wet crosslinked from Hercules) will be highly water absorbent and with high wet gauze integrity.

Edwards and Vigo; Bioactive Fibers and Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

120 Table I V . Product Developments Low DS (0.002-0.003

No surface gelling -Hygroscopic


Surface gelling -Yarn/gauze strength unaltered.


Highly gelling Subsequently disperses in H 0 2

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High DS after treated (PTCM)

Crosslinker Kymene R or P E G , D E G , or Glycerol

Sterilization and Safety Evaluation Health Since the CM-cotton developments were designed for healthcare applications, the CM-products were sterilized with ethylene oxide (EO). The products passed the cell culture, primary skin irritation and intracutaneous irritation tests. Safety evaluation on an animal model is yet to be completed. No adverse toxicological or environmental factors are reported for cellulose ethers in general. In fact, some purified carboxymethylcelluloses, methylcelluloses, and hydroxypropylcelluloses are approved as direct food additive [8]. A significant use of CM-cellulose is also found in pharmaceuticals for skin care products such as ointments, lotions, and creams [9],

Absorbency and Moisture Retentive Properties Percent moisture regain, absorbency factor (water/gauze, g/g), and water retention (g/g) by a centrifuge test of various C M samples are shown in Table V . Sample # 104 has very high moisture regain (21.2%) and high water retention (10.99 g/g). The results suggest that a swellable CM-cotton may also be an absorbent for physiological liquids such as urine, blood, and perspiration. Table V I shows the water retained in samples [Dunk-N-Drain test] at zero minute and after oven drying at 100° F at different intervals of time up to 150 minutes. Sample # 104 retained 54 g of water vs. 0.15 g in control gauze, after drying for 150 minutes. Since the healthy human body temperature is around 98.6° F, we used a drying temperature of 100° F. The test data have shown that the CM-dressings maintain a moist environment at 100° F.

Edwards and Vigo; Bioactive Fibers and Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.


Table V. Moisture Regain, Absorbency Factor, Water Retained after Centrifugation

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Gauze Roll

% Moisture Regain

Water soluble #104


Dunk-N-Drain Centrifuge Absorbency Absorbency Factor, g/g Factor, g/g





Surface Gelling #109





Hygroscopic #106





Untreated Control




*Part of the sample may be lost.

Table VI. Drying at 100°F. Dunk-n-Drain Samples Water, (g) -after dryingfor the specified time Sample code

Bone DryWt.(g)


30 Min

60 Min

150 min

Control Gauze
























Edwards and Vigo; Bioactive Fibers and Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.


Since a burn dressing has to be multifunctional, i.e., antimicrobial, highly absorbent, moist, and non-adherent, and since Silvadene and silver nitrate are used on burn patients for their antimicrobial property, we studied silver nitrate retention at 100 F. Table VI1 shows silver nitrate retained on C M samples subsequent to drying at 100 F. Again, the data indicate possible suitability of C M samples for moist healing as well as for treating a burn patient whose immune system may be compromised. (No burn patients have actually used this dressing). 0


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Table VII. Drying at 100°F. Dunk-n-Drain in 0.5% Silver Nitrate Silver Nitrate, (g) -after dryingfor the specified time Sample code

Bone Dry Wt


•Δ hr.

2 hrs.

3 hrs.

5 hrs.

Control Gauze




























Wicking and absorbency properties of the C M samples are shown in Table VIII. It is very interesting to note that the wicking height of sample # 104 is less than that of the untreated control. Hydration of the outer surface of CM-cotton, results in the formation of a viscous gel layer that inhibits further wetting or wicking. In other words, the phenomenon of gel-blocking occurs.

Calcium-CM-cotton: Future Directions Since 1989 some of the moist wound dressings based on calcium alginates have become available to treat chronic wounds. Modern alginate dressings are a blend of calcium alginate and sodium alginate which, on contact with blood or exudate, release calcium ions in exchange for sodium, thereby increasing the local calcium ion concentration and thus stimulating both platelet activation and whole blood coagulation. In the process of ion exchange calcium ion is converted to soluble sodium ion (yield sodium alginate), producing a hydrogel that absorbs wound exudate, while providing a moist wound environment [10]. CM-cotton presently produced is a 100% sodium salt

Edwards and Vigo; Bioactive Fibers and Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.



Table VIII. Rates: Wicking and Water Absorbtion (7 χ 1" strips) Sample

Sample wt. (g)

Control Gauze



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Wicking Time Height (in.) (Sec.)

Water Absorbed (g)

10 60

1.00 2.50


10 60

0.25 2.00


10 60

1.00 3.00


10 60

2.50 4.25


of CM-cotton. We partially converted sodium salt of CM-cotton into calcium-CMcotton and obtained some preliminary samples. It is possible to produce dressings with varying ratios of calcium and sodium compositions. If these dressings (calcium/sodiumCM-cotton) are applied on dry non-exudating wounds no absorption takes place, and no gel is formed, and there is no benefit of the dressing. These dressings are useful mainly on exudating wounds. Additional research and extensive clinical evaluation will be required to fully exploit this development. However, it is easy to envisage that a successful development of such products (calcium/sodium-CM-products), may cost less and be competitive to alginate dressings.

Summary A highly swellable, highly water retentive cotton fiber gauze or nonwoven may be obtained by partial carboxymethylation with a degree of substitution in which the fiber does not lose strength but absorbs fluid when wet. Such carboxymethylation is obtained by treating a cotton gauze or nonwoven roll in alcoholic caustic and monochloroacetic acid using 80/20 ethanol/water. The C M fabric may be sterilized by ethylene oxide. The CM-cotton thus produced has passed preliminary safety evaluation tests. Post treating CM-gauze with polyethylene glycol or crosslinking with a wet crosslinker imparts the desired wet integrity to the fabric, while maintaining high water retentivity. The C M cotton appears to be a potential candidate for use as moist bandage and dressings especially on burn patients. Efficacy tests will be planned for these products.

Acknowledgements The author gratefully acknowledges Dr. Clark Welch and Dr. A.P.S. Sawhney of our laboratories for their helpful and constructive comments on this manuscript.

Edwards and Vigo; Bioactive Fibers and Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.


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