man Inc. Separation of Free Fatty Acids in. Margarine. J. D. Stuart, U of Con- necticut ... Vane, Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc. ... Study of the Niagara Rive...
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Advances in HPLC Chairperson: man Inc.

R. M. Jachens, What-

Separation of Free Fatty Acids in Margarine. J. D. Stuart, U of Connecticut Characteristics of a Method to Identify P T H Amino Acids by HPLC. B. G. Archer, Altex Scientific Inc. U s e of Derivatives in the H P L C Analysis of Retinoids and T h e i r Metabolites. C. J. L. Buggé, F. M. Vane, Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc. Separation of Phospholipid D e rivatives by HPLC. N. Salem, National Institutes of Health Determination of Captopril by HPLC w i t h E l e c t r o c h e m i c a l D e tection. P . Yeh, Squibb Institute for Medical Research Assay for Chlorambucil by H P L C . M. Zakaria, P . Brown, U of Rhode Island Automated Vitamin Assay by H P L C . D. Swafford, Laboratory Data Control Recent Advances in Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy—Flame and Flameless Chairperson: R. G. Schleicher, Instrumentation Labs. Sample Introduction P r o c e d u r e s in Atomic Spectroscopy. R. Browner, A. B o o m and M. S. Black, Georgia Institute of Technology D e v e l o p m e n t of Hydride Generation Methods for Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. W. B. Robbins, Union Camp The D e t e r m i n a t i o n of Calcium in Cement by Internal-Standard Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. J. Sotera, Instrumentation Laboratory, Inc. Current Environmental Applications of Flame Atomic Absorption. S. Katz, Rutgers U Organic Priority Pollutants by Gas Chromatography P a p e r s to be announced. Infrared and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Chairperson: J. J. Elliott, Exxon Research and Engineering Co. Glass-Capillary GC-FTIR. W.




Ledig, M. Jacobs, J. Waldradt, International Flavor and Fragrances FTIR Studies of Polymer D e g r a dation. B. Bulkin, E. M. Pearce, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute Infrared Laser Techniques for S t u d y i n g the Mechanism and Dyn a m i c s of Gas Phase Reactions. Ε. Β. Priestley, Exxon Research and Engineering Co. T h e Characterization of Sur­ faces U s i n g Diffuse Reflection FTIR. F. Smith, Union Carbide

Contemporary Approaches to the Analysis of Polymeric Materials Chairperson: D. J. Freed, Bell Labo­ ratories Polymer Pyrolysis w i t h Inter­ faced Fused Silica Capillary Gas C h r o m a t o g r a p h y - M a s s Spectros­ copy. P. C. Uden, Ju-Li Fan, G. D. Riska, U of Massachusetts Carbon-13 Studies of Polymers. F. C. Schilling, Bell Laboratories T h e Microstructure of Polymers as D e t e r m i n e d by Analytical Pyrol­ ysis. S. Liebman, Research and Devel­ opment Center, Armstrong Cork Co. Paper to be announced.

Thursday Afternoon, Nov. 20 Aquatic Environmental Analysis by GC/MS Chairperson: W. Budde, U.S. Envi­ ronmental Protection Agency Skills Required for Aquatic En­ vironmental Analysis by G C / M S . D. C. DeJongh, Finnigan Institute Study of the N i a g a r a River Wa­ tershed. R. Hites, Indiana U Environmental Application of Quantitative G C / M S . B. Colby, Sys­ tem Science & Software Analysis of T C D D U s i n g G C / M S . M. Gross, U of Nebraska

HPLC of Peptides and Proteins Chairperson: S. Stein, Roche Institute of Molecular Biology High P e r f o r m a n c e Anion E x ­ c h a n g e Chromatography of P r o ­ teins. F. Régnier, G. Vanacek, P u r d u e U Factors Affecting Retention and