Bioavailability Considerations in Planning Dietary Intake Studies

Dec 26, 1991 - Chapter DOI: 10.1021/bk-1991-0445.ch002. ACS Symposium Series , Vol. 445. ISBN13: 9780841218888eISBN: 9780841213012. Publication ...
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Chapter 2

Bioavailability Considerations in Planning Dietary Intake Studies Bo Lönnerdal

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Departments of Nutrition and Internal Medicine, University of California, Davis, CA 95616

Dietary intake studies yield data on the total amount of trace elements taken in from various food items. Frequently these intake data are compared to RDA's and the diet may be considered adequate or inadequate with regard to trace elements. In the case of many trace elements, however, bioavailability is quite different from one dietary source to another. Thus, the ability of various diets to meet the biological need for a particular element may be over- or underestimated. Information on the bioavailability of trace elements from single dietary items and combined meals in humans is therefore required to properly assess the adequacy of trace elements provided in the diet. When such data are available, dietary intake studies will result in more appropriate information and subsequent recommendations.

Dietary intake studies are commonly used to assess intake of individual nutrients in populations at risk and are subsequently utilized to formulate recommendations. Depending on the situation, these recommendations may be for supplemental foods, changes in dietary habits/food combinations or fortification of food items with individual nutrients. It is therefore important that the data obtained are as reliable as possible. For many nutrients, assessment of the quantities consumed will give a reasonable estimate of how well they will meet the requirements of certain groups or populations. A condition that needs to be fulfilled, however, is that the effects of processing, storage and cooking on the particular nutrient are accounted for; i.e., that the nutrient content of the food as consumed is used. For several nutrients, however, the constituents of the food will have marked effects on the absorption and utilization of the nutrient. This is particularly relevant for minerals and trace elements such as calcium, iron, zinc and copper. For example, iron as non-heme iron in a cereal-based meal may be absorbed to only 2% while heme iron from meat may be absorbed to 30% (1). Thus, iron bioavailability will be strongly affected by the composition of the meal/diet 0097-6156/91AM45-0016$06.00/0 © 1991 American Chemical Society In Biological Trace Element Research; Subramanian, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.



Planning Dietary Intake Studies

in which the iron is consumed, and the total amount of iron in the diet will not be the dominant determinant of whether the requirement will be adequately covered or not. While some consideration of bioavailability was made when the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA's) were established, it is unusual for bioavailability to be taken into account when dietary intakes are assessed. As a consequence, evaluation of whether or not a diet will provide adequate quantities of nutrients (often compared to the R D A ' s ) rests on shaky ground. A n example of this is given in Table I, which demonstrates the absorbed amount of zinc from four typical diets for young children. If we assume that the R D A for children, 5 mg, is ingested, these diets would provide 1.5,1.0,1.0 or 0.7 mg available zinc, respectively.

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Table I. Zinc Absorption from Different Diets Diet Milk, homogenized Milk, cereal mixed formula Meat-based composite meal Soy formula a

Amount Ingested

Amount Absorbed


5 mg

1.5 mg



1.0 mg

20 14

5 mg 5 mg

1.0 mg 0.7 mg

% Absorbed


D a t a from references 2 and 3.

It is obvious that it would be of considerable value if some factors that influence nutrient bioavailability could be quantified in dietary intake studies. With a factorial approach, absorbable (bioavailable) nutrient intake could be estimated. In this paper, I have attempted to describe some of the major dietary factors that affect trace element bioavailability. By compiling such information, it should be possible to establish better dietary assessments. Inhibitors of Trace Element Absorption Phytate. The highly negatively charged phytic acid, or inositol hexaphosphate, which is present in many plants such as cereals and legumes, is known to form insoluble complexes, phytates, with minerals and trace elements (4). Since the human gastrointestinal tract is unable to hydrolyze phytate, these mineral-phytate complexes will remain through the passage of the gut and consequently have a negative effect on mineral and trace element bioavailability. A negative effect of phytate on the absorption of zinc (5,6) and iron {7,8) has been demonstrated in several animal models. Isotope studies in humans have shown that when phytic acid is added to a liquid diet, zinc absorption is reduced by 50% (9). Similarly, addition of phytic acid to cow's milk formula at a level similar to that of soy formula reduced zinc absorption by 50% and made it equal to that for soy formula (10). Addition of phytate to white bread has been shown to reduce both zinc (11) and iron absorption (12). The effect of phytate appears to be dose-dependent (12) and no adaptation to high intakes seems to occur in humans (13). While it could be

In Biological Trace Element Research; Subramanian, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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argued that added purified phytic acid may not exert the same affect as phytate present in foods, several studies have shown that removal of phytate from a particular food or meal has a positive effect on trace element absorption. Dephytinization by either precipitation methods or by phytase treatment resulted in a significant increase in zinc absorption in infant rhesus monkeys (14). Similarly, removal of phytate from bran had an enhancing effect on iron absorption in humans (15). A negative correlation between the phytate content of the diet and trace element absorption was suggested already by McCance et al. in 1943 (16). Since that time, many studies have demonstrated trace element deficiencies in populations with high dietary intake of phytate. It has been suggested that there is a threshold effect, i.e. that the effect of phytate on trace element absorption is not exerted until a particular [phytate]/[trace element] ratio is exceeded. This ratio has been suggested to be 12.5:1 or 15:1 based on results from experimental animals (17,18). However, Sandstrom (79) has shown that the effect of phytate on zinc absorption in humans can be expressed as a curvilinear function and that ratios of phytate to zinc between 5:1 and 10:1 also can inhibit zinc absorption. This will be dependent on the diet used; for example, phytate in a formula diet inhibited zinc absorption at a molar ratio of phytate:zinc of 4:1 (10). In addition, the study of Hallberg et al. (72), in which the dose-dependency of phytic acid inhibition of iron absorption was investigated, demonstrated that even low amounts of phytate had a significant negative effect. Thus, it appears that quantitation of phytate in dietary intake studies would be helpful when it comes to assessing trace element bioavailability. Unfortunately, the situation is complicated by the fact that abundance of one cation may have a negative effect on the bioavailability of another one, so that not only dietary phytate but also the ratio of some minerals and trace elements to phytate must be considered. For example, a high level of dietary calcium may precipitate more of a calcium-zinc-phytate complex (4) and therefore reduce zinc bioavailability to a greater extent than anticipated when phytate only is taken into account. It has therefore been proposed that zinc bioavailability can be predicted by a [Ca] x [phytate]/[Zn] ratio (20). However, while a high ratio has been shown to impair zinc absorption in experimental animals, there is little support for this occurring in human subjects (10,19). The total content of phytate in the diet may, however, not be directly proportional to the inhibitory effect. Different types of food preparation, such as baking, fermentation and extrusion cooking, can actually cause a dephosphorylation of phytate, so that inositols with fewer phosphate groups are formed (27). It has been shown that inositols with four or fewer phosphate groups do not inhibit mineral or trace element absorption (22). Thus, the use of methods that analyze "total" phytate, which includes these forms of phytates, will over-estimate the inhibitory effect, provided that they constitute a significant proportion of the total content. This emphasizes that both the content of inhibitory components and the method of food preparation should be taken into account when assessing "bioavailable" trace elements from the diet. Minerals and Trace Elements Calcium was previously mentioned to possibly affect trace element bioavailability negatively by facilitating formation of calcium-phytate-protein complexes, thereby co-precipitating trace elements such as zinc and iron. It has recently been shown that calcium can also have a direct inhibitory effect on iron absorption. Barton et al. (23) showed that addition of calcium to

In Biological Trace Element Research; Subramanian, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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Planning Dietary Intake Studies

human milk had a marked negative effect on iron absorption in the rat and that the previously high bioavailability of iron from human milk became similar to that from cow's milk, which is higher in calcium. Subsequent studies in humans have confirmed this inhibitory effect. Dawson-Hughes et al. (24) showed that a calcium supplement of 500 mg decreased iron absorption to 43-46% of the absorption value for the meal without calcium supplement. Hallberg et al. (25) added calcium to the bread in a breakfast meal and found a reduction in iron absorption of 59% when 165 mg calcium was added. It is therefore possible that a high calcium intake, particularly when taken as a supplement, could have a negative influence on iron bioavailability. Further studies are needed to quantify this inhibitory effect and to study the possible mechanism(s). A similar negative effect is not observed for zinc absorption; studies in human subjects given high doses of calcium (500 mg) did not show any effect on zinc absorption (24). Trace elements have the capacity to competitively interact with each other at the level of absorption. The reason for this is that several trace elements form coordination complexes in aqueous solution that are structurally similar and therefore can compete for absorptive pathways (26). Examples of such interactions are copper-zinc and iron-manganese. Another type of interaction is when trace elements compete for carrier ligands within the mucosal cell, as is likely to be the case for iron and zinc. In both these types of interactions, an inordinately high level of one trace element may inhibit the absorption of another. This may be of particular relevance for food items that are fortified with trace elements, such as iron. It has been shown that high levels of iron can have a negative effect on zinc absorption (27,28), although the effect appears less pronounced when these elements are present in or given with a meal than what it is in aqueous solution (28). For example, infants fed iron-fortified formula were described to have lower plasma zinc levels than infants fed the same formula without iron (29). It has recently been shown that high levels of dietary manganese inhibit iron absorption in humans in a dose-dependent manner (30). Thus, some consideration should be taken to the ratio of trace elements in the diet when considering bioavailability, particularly when supplementation or fortification is used. Phenolic Compounds Tannic acid,which is present in tea, coffee, red wine and some vegetables, is one example from a diverse group of phenolic substances that form complexes with trace elements, particularly iron. Most of this complexes are insoluble and will have a negative influence on trace element bioavailability; however, there are also soluble complexes. The effect of such phenolic compounds on iron absorption has recently been studied systematically in human subjects. Brune et al. (57) found that tannic acid strongly inhibits iron absorption in a dose-dependent manner. Gallic acid had the same effect per galloyl groups (tannic acid has 10 galloyl groups), while chlorogenic acid had less of an effect and catechin no effect on iron absorption. These observations are likely to explain the negative effect of tea (52), coffee (55) and some red wines (high in tannates) (34) on iron bioavailability. Coffee It is well-known that coffee exerts a negative effect on iron absorption in humans (33,35). When coffee was added to a breakfast meal, iron absorption was reduced by 40% as compared to when no coffee was given. Brune et al.

In Biological Trace Element Research; Subramanian, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.


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(31) showed that the negative effect of coffee on iron bioavailability was primarily due to its content of tannic acid, but in part also to chlorogenic acid and phytate. In a study in Costa Rica, women drinking several cups of coffee per day during pregnancy and lactation were shown to have a higher incidence of anemia and lower milk iron than women not drinking coffee (36). A study in rats showed similar results and also that decaffeinated coffee produced the same effect (57), suggesting that caffeine was not the inhibitory component. It should be noted that iron absorption did not appear to be impaired by the coffee, but that liver iron was increased. This suggests that a component(s) of coffee interfered with iron metabolism in that iron mobilization from liver was reduced, resulting in low hemoglobin values. Thus, the role of coffee in iron absorption and metabolism needs to be evaluated further. Zinc metabolism does not appear to be affected by coffee consumption, at least in experimental animals (57). Dietary Fiber It is often assumed that dietary fiber has a negative effect on trace element bioavailability. While several studies support this opinion (38,39), it should be emphasized that the type of dietary fiber needs to be defined and examined more closely. Recent studies on the effect of different types of fiber on iron absorption in human subjects strongly suggest that it is the phytate content of fiber that is the major inhibitory factor (15,38). Several types of dietary fiber which do not contain phytate had no negative influence on iron bioavailability (40,41). In addition, dephytinization of bran reduced the negative effect of bran on iron absorption significantly (15). Similar results have been obtained for zinc (11). Several types of fiber that do not contain phytate, such as cellulose (9), beet pulp fiber (42) and pectin (43) have been shown to have no effect on zinc absorption. Thus, phytate content would be a more relevant dietary factor to assess than fiber, as it concerns trace element bioavailability. Enhancers of Trace Element Absorption Protein. Dietary protein can affect trace element bioavailability in two principal ways; either specifically such that one protein source has a more (or less) positive effect on absorption than another or generally in that the total protein level in a meal affects trace element absorption. One example of the first category is meat - it is well-known that a protein component of meat, the so-called "meat-factor" enhances the absorption of non-heme iron (1). Several studies have attempted to define this component and it appears that cysteine (or cysteine-containing peptides) formed during digestion is largely responsible for this effect (44). Free cysteine may not have the same effect as it easily becomes oxidized, while peptide-bound cysteine may be protected until released in the gut, where it could chelate iron and facilitate its absorption (44). Meat has also been shown to have a positive effect on zinc absorption, but for this element it seems more likely that this is the result of a high zinc content of meat rather than by a specific component enhancing zinc absorption (45). Individual proteins have been shown to affect trace element bioavailability to varying extent. Using bovine serum albumin as a reference protein, Hurrell et al. (46) found that casein, whey protein and soy protein resulted in lower iron absorption than from serum albumin. Subsequent studies have suggested that other components of the protein sources, such as

In Biological Trace Element Research; Subramanian, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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Planning Dietary Intake Studies

organic phosphate may have been responsible for most of the negative effects observed (47). Thus, not only the protein structure itself, such as its content of cysteine, will affect trace element absorption, but also other organic and inorganic constituents associated with protein. While there appears to be some effect of protein source on zinc absorption, it does not affect it as much as iron absorption. Casein in cow's milk has been shown to have a negative effect on zinc absorption (10), possibly by formation of casein phosphopeptides that inhibit zinc absorption or by inorganic constituents of the casein micelle, such as colloidal calcium phosphate (48). It is evident that further work is needed on the effects of various proteins on trace element absorption before any factorial approach can be used in dietary intake studies. A general positive effect of protein level of a meal on zinc absorption has been demonstrated (19). It should be cautioned that this could also be explained by an increase in zinc level, as zinc is bound to dietary proteins. It is possible, however, that amino acids and small peptides formed during digestion will chelate zinc and aid in its absorption (49). Thus, a higher level of protein may increase chelation and subsequent absorption of zinc. While this has not been systematically studied for iron, a similar effect would be expected to occur. Organic Acids Ascorbic acid is known to enhance iron absorption (1), both by reducing ferric iron to absorbable ferrous iron and by chelating this reduced iron. This stimulatory effect on iron bioavailability is so strong that it can overcome the negative effect of phytate (72). There is some limit to this effect, however. Gillooly et al. (50) showed that ascorbic acid addition to cow's milk formula increased iron absorption in humans in a dose-dependent manner, while similar additions to soy formula had an enhancing effect on iron absorption, but to a much more modest extent. Thus, the ascorbic acid intake should be assessed in dietary intake studies and be used as a factor when assessing iron bioavailability. In contrast, ascorbic acid has been shown to have no effect at all on zinc absorption (51,52). Other organic acids, such as citrate, malate and fumarate, can have a positive effect on trace element bioavailability (53). This effect is likely to occur by chelation of the trace element via negatively charged carboxylate groups so that the element is kept in solution and subsequently absorbed. It is also possible that these anions can affect ion fluxes across the mucosal barrier and thus affect trace element absorption (54). This could possibly explain the higher concentrations of citrate needed for an enhancing effect; while 15 mg of ascorbate stimulated iron absorption, more than 35 mg of citrate was needed to achieve a similar effect. It is also obvious that organic acids, such as citrate, are less capable of counteracting the negative effect of phytate on trace element bioavailability (10,50). Conclusion Quantitation of the dietary intakes of phytate, ascorbic acid, calcium and tannates is likely to be valuable when establishing "bioavailable nutrients" in the diet. Other factors such as protein, meat, organic acids and competing trace elements would also be of value, although their quantitative importance is less pronounced. By taking both negative and positive factors into account, more accurate assessments should be feasible, particularly in areas such as India where iron intake sometimes can be reasonable but iron status is poor

In Biological Trace Element Research; Subramanian, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.




due to a low intake of ascorbic acid. Factorial estimates should be followed by experiments in human subjects to validate the approach. This can be combined with studies of "typical" meals in different regions to obtain data for the factors in the relevant dietary context. Such studies have been performed for "Western" (55), Southeast Asian (56) and Latin American diets (57,58). With proper validation, more accurate estimates of the capacity of various diets to meet nutrient requirements will be obtained.

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In Biological Trace Element Research; Subramanian, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.