Biobased Industrial Products from Soybean Biorefinery - ACS

Nov 22, 2013 - These activities are motivated by the desire for a sustainable resource supply, enhanced national security, and macroeconomic benefits ...
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Chapter 21

Biobased Industrial Products from Soybean Biorefinery Downloaded by UNIV OF AUCKLAND on October 29, 2014 | Publication Date (Web): November 22, 2013 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2013-1144.ch021

E. Hablot, D. Graiver, and R. Narayan* Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, U.S.A. *E-mail: [email protected]

The use of biomass as raw materials for the production of fuels and chemicals to displace fossil resources has been the focus of many research activities in recent years. These activities are motivated by the desire for a sustainable resource supply, enhanced national security, and macroeconomic benefits for rural communities and the society at large. The use of plastic materials in the modern world has been increasing rapidly due to the relatively low cost of production and specific set of properties that can be derived from them. Until recently crude oil was the major source of these basic chemicals and value-added polymeric materials. Sustainable economics requires a similar wide range of processes that can utilize every component of these renewable resources. In our work with soybeans, we have used all parts of the bean (meal, oil and hulls) as a source of materials that can be converted economically to value-added products. The focus of this paper is to provide a few examples of this biorefinery concept that includes a catalyzed ozonation process of oil triglycerides to produce polyols, the conversion process of proteins in the meal to rigid polyurethane foams and the production of isocyanate-free polyurethanes from dimer acids. We will also review a novel silylation process that yields moisture activated RTV coatings from vegetable oils.

© 2013 American Chemical Society In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Introduction The use of biomass as raw materials for production of fuels and chemicals to displace fossil resources has been the focus of many research activities in recent years. These activities are motivated by the possibility of positive contributions to a sustainable resource supply and macroeconomic benefits for local communities and the society at large. Much of these activities are directed following the biorefinery concept which integrates biomass conversion and equipment to produce fuels, energy and chemicals. Industrial biorefineries have been identified as the most promising route to the creation of a new domestic biobased industry. By producing a large range of products, a biorefinery can take advantage of the diversity in biomass components and intermediates to increase the value derived from the biomass feedstock. Furthermore, a viable biorefinery should produce low-volume but high-value chemicals with high profit margins as well as high-volume but low-value products such as biofuel and commodity products. The biofuel can be used to meet the national energy needs as well as providing energy for in-house use to reduce process costs and minimize CO2 emission from fossil fuel. Soybean is an attractive candidate for such biorefinery transformation since it is readily available and its relatively low price ($430/T in the USA in 2010 (1)). The soybean is primarily an industrial crop cultivated for its oil and proteins and both can be used as raw materials for industrial products and intermediates. A typical soybean composition is presented in Figure 1. Although the exact composition of the bean depends on many variables including trait, climate, soil, geographical location, maturity, the extraction process, etc. it is apparent that the protein content in the bean is almost twice the content of the oil (about 38% compared with only 18% oil). Despite the relatively low oil content in the bean, soybeans are the largest single source of edible oil and account for 52% of the total oil seed production of the world. According to FAO estimates over 260 million tonnes of soybean was produced worldwide in the year 2010 (1). Soybeans are grown predominantly in North and South America (Brazil and Argentina) where 34% and 47%, respectively, of the 2010/11 world’s supply of beans was harvested (2). The recovery of oil from the bean has been done for many years but both the process and the equipment have undergone continuous evolution through this time. Currently, the most common methods are hydraulic pressing, expeller pressing and solvent extraction. Presently, the solvent extraction process is the most common process using hexane as the solvent. The oil is found as triglycerides, which are tri-esters of glycerol with the fatty acids that are listed in Table I. It should be noted that the concentration of these fatty acids in the bean varies depending on the trait of the soy, the season and the growing conditions (humidity, light, soil, etc.) (3). In general, the soybean oil contains a significant amount of unsaturation on the order of 4.6 double bonds per triglyceride. These double bonds can be used as a starting point for various chemical modifications to modify the oil and produce new derivatives and chemicals. 306 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Figure 1. Typical soybean composition.

Table I. Typical soybean oil fatty acid composition

307 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Traditionally, soybean oil has been considered as a major agricultural crop of great importance for the food and feed market. Nowadays however, it is increasingly used as a feedstock for a wide variety of industrial products including lubricants, candles, cleaning products, hydraulic fluids, paint strippers, dust suppressants, solvents and printing inks (4–6). Recently, an increasing amount of soybean oil is also being used for biodiesel (7), which has led to increase soybean oil production and consequently a need to define new applications for the soymeal. The left-over product from the oil extraction process is known as soymeal and is composed of proteins (44%), carbohydrates (36.5%), moisture (12%), fiber (7%) and fat (0.5%) (8). Most of the soymeal is processed toward animal feed primarily for poultry, swine, cattle, and aquaculture as soy flour, soy concentrates, or soy isolates. A relatively small portion is also processed for human consumption and even a smaller portion (about 0.5%) is used for industrial applications, primarily as adhesives for plywood and particle board. Some other minor applications also include additives in textured paints, insecticides, dry-wall tape compounds, linoleum backing, paper coatings, fire-fighting foams, fire-resistant coatings, asphalt emulsions, cosmetics and printing inks (9).

Figure 2. Technology platform for value-added industrial products from a soybean refinery. 308 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

In our work, we developed a multiple biorefinery processes that utilized both the oil and the meal of the soybean as the starting materials for various intermediates and industrial products. The general technology platforms are shown schematically in Figure 2. Special attention was directed toward complying with the ‘green chemistry’ principles for all the synthetic strategies that we employed. These include the use of non-hazardous reagents, solvent-less processes, and safe operating procedures. A brief description of some of these processes is described below.

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Polyols by Ozonation of Soybean Oil Polyols suitable for polymerization into polyurethane resins have been prepared in the past directly from hydroxyl containing castor oil (10, 11). These early open cell foams were later improved by DuPont (12) and were made over a wide density range (2-20 lb./ft3). However, castor oil contains secondary alcohol groups and a fairly low hydroxyl number. Consequently, polyurethane resins prepared from castor oil tend to be rubbery with inferior properties and are relatively expensive due to the relatively high cost of the oil. Several methods are described in the literature that have been used to prepare polyols from soy oil. Alcoholysis of triglycerides with glycerol (13), α-methylglucoside or pentaerytol (14) has been used in the past. In this process the hydroxyl number of the product is determined by the ratio of the reagents. However, usually, this process requires an elevated temperature (250°C) and base catalysis such as sodium hydroxide (which must be carefully neutralized before adding the isocyanate to prepare the polyurethane). Problems due to premature degradation limit the use of the process. Vegetable oil polyols are commonly prepared by epoxidation (15) whereby the oil is first reacted with peroxyacid acid (e.g. peracetic acid) for several hours and then hydroxylated (16). Although significant improvements have been realized since these reactions were first proposed, side-reactions including cyclization, transesterification, polymerization and undesirable by-products also occur. More importantly, secondary alcohols are obtained by this process which are inherently less reactive than primary alcohols and can adversely impact the polymerization process. Hydroformylation of vegetable oils leads to primary polyols. Here, an aldehyde functional oil is first obtained which is then hydrogenated to yield primary alcohols (17). Polyurethanes prepared from such polyols had different mechanical properties depending on the hydroformylation catalyst that was used. Thus, rigid materials at room temperature were obtained with a rhodium catalyst while cobalt catalyzed hydroformylation led to rubbery materials. Various oxidation methods are available and all lead to primary alcohols. These methods utilize air at elevated temperatures, molecular oxygen (18), organic hydroperoxide in the presence of OsO4 and a NaBr cocatalyst (19) or ozonation followed by decomposing ozonides to alcohols using NaBH4 or similar reducing agents. Ozonation is most effective method due to the high reactivity of the ozone toward double bonds. In the past it was used to 309 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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determine the structure of olefins and identify the position of the double-bond. These analyses were based on the generally agreed mechanism (20) that the reaction occurs in several steps (Figure 3) starting with the formation of a 1,3dipolar cycloaddition product from the insertion of ozone to the double bond. This cycloaddition product eventually decomposes into a mixture of aldehydes and carbonyl oxides which can be reduced to alcohols. Currently, it is used commercially by Emery-Oleochimicals group which produces around 10,000 tons per year of azelaic acid (nonane-1,9-dioic acid) along with pelargonic acid (nonanoic acid) by ozonolysis of oleic acid (21). Industrial scale ozonolysis is carried out in pelargonic acid run countercurrent to ozone at 25-45°C followed by decomposition at 60-100°C in excess oxygen (22, 23).

Figure 3. Generalized ozonolysis reaction where carbonyl oxide and aldehyde (structure 1) recombine to yield an ozonide intermediate (structure 2) which further reacts with an alcohol to yield an ester (structure 3). Ozone, as an oxidation agent, has several distinct advantages over other oxidation agents. Since ozone is produced and used on-site, issues related to safe storage and transportation are avoided. Unreacted ozone is simply decomposed back to oxygen and no separation or removal of by products is needed as is the case with other oxidation agents. Production of ozone is fairly simple and involves passing an oxygen containing atmosphere through an ozone generator. Modern ozone generators are readily available; they are relatively inexpensive and are much more efficient than old models. However, care must be used since ozone is highly reactive and the ozonide intermediate can decompose violently. Thus, previous ozonation reactions were conducted at low temperatures (-78 °C) in dilute solutions usually with a chlorinated solvent and in small batches. We investigated this reaction and devised a continuous process that can be run safely close to room temperature to produce vegetable oil polyols (24–27). In this process, the chain-ends that are formed by the cleavage of the double 310 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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bonds are coupled with low molecular weight alcohols containing multiple hydroxyl groups (e.g. ethylene glycol, glycerol, etc.). As shown in Figure 4, the cleavage of the double bonds and the subsequent esterification reaction to yield the new chain-ends hydroxyl groups lead to a product distribution containing hydroxyl terminated short molecular weight triglycerides and linear mono- and difunctional hydroxylated species. Thus, oleic acid would be cleaved at the double bond in the 9th carbon leaving 2-hydroxy nonanoate residue on the triglyceride and 2-hydroxyethyl nonanoate (Figure 4A). Similarly, linoleic acid would be cleaved at the double bonds to yield 2-hydroxy nonanoate residue on the triglyceride, 2-hydroxyethyl hexanoate and bis(2-hydroxyethyl) malonate (Figure 4B). Linolenic acid, which contains multiple unsaturations at the 9th, 12th, and 15th positions would yield the same 2-hydroxy nonanoate residue on the triglyceride, 2-hydroxyethyl propionoate and bis(2-hydroxyethyl) malonate (Figure 4C). The saturated fatty acids (e.g. palmitic and stearic) are not cleaved by the ozone and remain intact. The statistical distribution of these polyols is shown in Figure 5 whereby 2-hydroxy nonanoate is designated as N, palmitate as P, stearate as S, bis(2-hydroxyethyl) malonate as EE, (2-hydroxyethyl) nonanoate as E1, (2-hydroxyethyl) hexanoate as E2 and (2-hydroxyethyl) propionoate as E3.

Figure 4. Polyols composition of triglycerides containing (A) oleic acid, (B) linoleic acid, and (C) linolenic acid by catalyzed ozonolysis of soy oil with ethylene glycol. Several important conclusions are apparent from this statistical analysis: (1). Overall, the polyol triglyceride mixture is much more uniform than the original soy triglyceride composition since the double bonds of all the unsaturated fatty acid in the 9th position leading to a significant concentration of NNN polyol. (2). About 24 wt% of the product mixture contains triols (NNN), 13 wt.% contains diols (NNP and NNS), less than 3 wt.% contains mono functional alcohols (NPS, PPN and SSN) and only a very small component (less than 0.2 wt.%) of unreactive 311 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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triglycerides having no hydroxyl groups is present in the mixture. The very small quantity of unreactive components is very important since upon polymerization it is not reactive and thus could diffuse out of the polymer over time resulting in undesirable changes in its properties. (3). About half of the polyols product mixture is composed of triglycerides. The other half is composed of the low molecular weight diol (EE) and mono functional alcohols (E1, E2 and E3). If needed, these low molecular weight species can be removed and separated from the polyol triglycerides. However, in most cases this is not necessary as these polyols are reactive and will participate in the polymerization. It is also important to note that all these polyols are composed of primary hydroxyls, which are more desirable than secondary alcohols in the preparation of polyurethanes and polyesters.

Figure 5. Statistical distribution of soy polyols obtained by alkaline catalytic ozonolysis of soy oil with ethylene glycol. As expected, the FTIR spectrum of the soy polyol mixture is characterized by a broad hydroxyl stretching peak around 3500 cm–1, the complete disappearance of the C=C band at 3005 cm-1, and the C=C stretch at 1650 cm–1. The FTIR spectrum further indicates that at the end of the ozonolysis reaction the carbonyl stretch at 1743 cm–1 is broad, suggesting the formation of new carbonyl compounds. No absorptions around 2900–2700 cm–1 were noted indicating the absence of aldehyde groups. Further confirmation of the soy polyol structure was obtained from 13CNMR (Figure 6). The characteristic double peak of double bonds at 130 ppm, related to the unsaturated fatty acids in the soybean oil, didn’t appear in the soybean polyol spectrum, indicating complete cleavage of the double bonds. The carbonyl ester peaks (177 ppm) and the various methylene peaks (between 25 and 36 ppm) remained unchanged as did the glycerol carbons (64 and 69 ppm). Additionally, new resonance peaks appeared at 66 ppm, which were related to ethylene oxide 312 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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carbons, as well as peaks at 60 ppm, related to the new C–OH functional groups. It was apparent from the NMR data that the hydroxylation of soybean oil progressed as expected to yield the desired polyols.

Figure 6.


of soy oil (A) and soy polyol obtained by catalyzed ozonolysis of soy oil with ethylene glycol (B).

Polyols from Soymeal Only limited effort has been directed toward using the protein biomass to produce value added industrial products due to difficulties associated with processing the meal and the high sensitivity of the proteins to moisture. We avoided these problems by first hydrolyzing the meal to its individual amino acids and then protecting the carboxylic acid and converting the amines to hydroxyl terminated urethanes (28, 29). Our approach is shown in Figure 7 for L-Arginine that was used as a model compound and includes protecting the carboxylic acid by 313 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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reacting it with ethylene diamine to form an amido-amine terminated intermediate followed by reaction of the terminal amines with ethylene carbonate (30–36) to yield hydroxy-terminated urethane prepolymers. These urethane polyols can be further polycondensed to high molecular weight poly(amide-urethane)s. The use of ethylene diamine and ethylene carbonate has several advantages: these reactants are relatively inexpensive compounds, their respective reactions are well known and proceed smoothly to high yields and both reactants are readily available. The preparation process was studied and optimized using glycine and L-Arginine as model compounds. Glycine was chosen as it is the simplest amino acid composed of one amine and one carboxylic acid. L-Arginine was chosen since it is present in the soy meal at relatively high concentrations and its structure is relatively complex (e.g. it contains two primary amines, one secondary amine and one imine group). Both of these amino acids exist as zwitterions, which limit their reactivity.

Figure 7. Preparation of hydroxyl-terminated urethane pre-polymers. In the first step, a large excess of ethylene diamine was used to react with the carboxylic acid in order to minimize possible dimerization reactions and ensure the formation of amine terminated products. NMR and FTIR were used to identify the structure of these products and provided clear indication that the amidation reaction proceeded as desired. Furthermore, end-group analyses (Table II) provided additional evidence and showed a significant increase in the amine value after the conversion of the carboxylic acid groups in the amino acid to the diamine derivative. A subsequent reaction with ethylene carbonate led to the formation of the desired hydroxyl terminated urethane prepolymers (Arg-ED-EC) as indicated by the significant decrease in the amine value and the high hydroxyl value. The reaction of amines with ethylene carbonate to yield hydroxyl terminated urethanes is well known (30–38). It should be noted here that the amine value did not decrease to zero due to the presence of the less reactive secondary amines and imine groups. 314 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

Table II. End-group analysis


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Amine value [mg KOH/g] Sample

Acid value [mg KOH/g]

OH value [mg KOH/g]































































In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Similar polyols were then synthesized from the soymeal following the same procedure after acid hydrolysis of the proteins to the corresponding amino acids. The composition of the amino acids in the soy proteins is well known and does not vary much (37). In order to minimize any degradation of the amino acids, a relatively weak HCl solution (3N) was used in the hydrolysis step. The final hydrolyzate was filtered to remove unreacted humin, treated with activated carbon to remove some of the dark brown color, neutralized with NaOH and then vacuum distilled to remove water. The amino acid mixture thus obtained was reacted with ethylene diamine and ethylene carbonate as described before to yield hydroxyl terminated pre-polyurethanes. It should be noted that instead of separating the carbohydrates already present in the meal, they were converted to reactive polyols by reacting them with propylene oxide. This propoxylation reaction is fairly fast and provided better economics since it eliminated the separation step and allowed higher yield polyols. The hydrolyzed mixture of amino acids from the soy meal (SMS) showed a marked increase in the amine value after the reaction with ethylene diamine (SMS-ED) followed by high hydroxyl value after the reaction with ethylene carbonate (SMS-ED-EC). The propoxylation reaction led to a significant increase in the hydroxyl value and a notable decrease in the viscosity making these polyols particularly suitable for rigid polyurethane foams. Indeed, water-blown pour-in-place rigid foams were prepared from these soymeal polyols by reacting them with polymeric methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (Rubinate M, eq. wt. = 135.5) targeting a foam density of 2 pcf (Table III). The foams were then evaluated against similar foams prepared with a commercial sucrose-based polyol. It was noted that the reaction of the soymeal polyols with polymeric methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) was noticeably faster than the reaction of sucrosebased polyols with MDI most likely because the tertiary amines and imines in the soymeal polyols catalyzed this reaction. The reaction profile of these foams is listed in Table IV and clearly shows that the cream time, gel time, rise time and tack-free time were all significantly shorter than the control polyol. It was noted that due to this self-catalytic reaction and the high reactivity of the soymeal polyols, no amine-based catalysts were needed to produce foams. Typical properties of rigid foams prepared from soymeal polyols with water as the blowing agent as well as with 1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluoropropane (HFC-245fa) blowing agent are listed in Table IV and compared with a control foam prepared with a sucrose/glycerin-based polyol. It was noted that the two polyols were completely miscible allowing us to prepare a series of foams with various concentrations of these polyols. However, it was noted that the physical properties (e.g. density, compressive strength, compressive strain and friability) of foams prepared with various blends of these polyols were comparable. Similarly, results of the dimensional stability in aging tests at -30°C and 70°C up to 2 weeks and flammability measured as burning rate (with no flame retardant additives) were essentially identical to the control foams.

316 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

Table III. Typical formulation of rigid foams derived from L-arginine-polyol Eq. Wt.


Foam 1

Foam 2

Foam 3

Jeffol SG-360






Argenine-based polyol











Dabco DC193





Dabco 33LV





Niax A-1

















Mix time, sec.





Cream time, sec.





Gel time, sec.





Rise time, sec.





Tack-free time, sec.





Sample Polyol system*

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Dabco T-12 Isocyanate System Rubinate M Isocyanate Index


Reaction Profile

317 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

Table IV. Properties of rigid PU foams prepared from soymeal urethanep olyols


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Sample designation

Control polyol*

Soymeal polyol

Control polyol*

Soymeal polyol









Density, pcf

2.13 ± 0.19

1.62 ± 0.01

2.32 ± 0.03

2.03 ± 0.07

Compressive Strength, psi

23.98 ± 2.11

17.84 ± 2.06

27.65 ± 2.1

23.40 ± 2.5

Compressive Strain, [%]

6.06 ± 0.38

5.44 ± 0.31

5.83 ± 0.34

4.93 ± 0.71

Friability, mass loss [%]

5.28 ± 0.03

12.99 ± 1.88

4.41 ± 0.73

8.02 ± 0.26

Type of blowing agent Soy meal polyol [%]

Mass and Volume Change [%] with Aging and Water Immersion Tests Mass








after 1 day (24h)









after 1 week (168 h)









after 2 weeks (336 h)









after 1 day (24h)









after 1 week (168 h)









after 2 weeks (336 h)

















Aging Test @ -30°C

Aging Test @ 70°C

Water Absorption @ 25°C after 4 days (96 h)

In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

after 1 week (168 h)

















387 ± 55

380 ± 47

377 ± 35

242 ± 15

K-factor, BTUs





Density K-factor, pcf





Burning rate, mm/min

* Control polyol: Poly-G 74-376, Sucrose/glycerine-based polyol; Hydroxyl value=361 from Arch Chemical


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Mass and Volume Change [%] with Aging and Water Immersion Tests

In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Isocyanate-Free Poly(amide-urethane)s from Dimer Fatty Acids Dimer fatty acids (also known as dimerized acids) are obtained from fatty acids by a condensation reaction of unsaturated fatty acids using a combination of pressure, temperature and catalysis. These dimer acids are suitable for preparation of linear polymers by polycondensation since they are composed of two functional carboxylic acids. We have used these dimer acids to develop isocyanate-free polyurethane resins (29, 39). Polyurethanes are an important class of polymers having widespread industrial applications in automotive, construction, packaging, furniture, medicine and many other markets (40). Traditionally they are synthesized by a condensation of polyols with isocyanates. However, the use of isocyanate is problematic due to its high toxicity as well as its preparation method from the corrosive and toxic phosgene gas (41, 42). Consequently, much attention has been focused on developing procedures to synthesize polyurethanes by safer and environmentally friendlier methods that do not involve isocyanates, phosgenation or carbamates. One such method involves the reaction of cycloalkyl carbonates with aliphatic amines to yield hydroxyalkylurethanes (43–55). It is expected that avoiding isocyanate in the preparation of polyurethanes and using renewable resources in the process would offer a safe and environmentally responsible synthetic strategy which could dramatically improve the LCA profile (56) of the process. It has been shown that under certain conditions high molecular weight polyurethanes can be prepared by a urethane-exchange reaction with no need for isocyanate in the process. However, only few studies have been published in the literature dealing with polycondensation by such urethane-exchange reactions from renewable resources. One notable example is the preparation of poly(trimethylene carbonate hydroxyl-urethane)s from glycerol carbonate (57). Our work was focused on a solvent-free process to obtain poly (urethane amides) from dimer acids following the three steps described in Figure 8. In the first step the dimer fatty acid (DA) is condensed with ethylene diamine (ED) to produce amine terminated oligomers intermediates (P1). In the second step these intermediates are reacted with ethylene carbonate (EC) to yield hydroxyl terminated di-urethanes (P2). The third step involves urethane-exchange polycondensation reaction where terminal ethylene glycols ares removed and the molecular weight is increased (P3) (29, 39). The final polymer was a transparent, flexible material at ambient temperature and contained 88 wt% renewable carbon. The conversion of the carboxylic acid to amide in P1 was studied by monitoring the amine and the acid values as a function of the reaction time. It was observed that 71% of the amine groups and 95% of the acid groups were consumed after 3 hrs indicating a calculated degree of polymerization DPn=4.3 and a number average molecular weight (Mn) = 2640 g/mol (Table V). These results were confirmed by FTIR (Figure 9) where the C=O peak (carboxylic acid) at 1710 cm-1 of the dimer acid disappeared and new peaks appeared at 1640 and 1560 cm-1 corresponding to C=O deformation of amide groups and N-H deformation of amine groups, respectively. FTIR spectroscopy was also used to monitor the reaction of P1 with ethylene carbonate to yield P2 in the 2nd step of this synthesis. It is apparent from the data in Figure 9 that ethylene carbonate 320 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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was consumed as indicated by the disappearance of the peak at 1800 cm-1 and a new peak at 1695 cm-1 appeared corresponding to the C=O deformation of the urethane groups. The completion of this reaction was further confirmed by a significant decrease in the amine value to 4.0 mg KOH/g and a corresponding increase in the hydroxyl value to 32.5 mg KOH/g, suggesting that 90% of P1 chain-ends were reacted with EC in this step. The calculated Mn was 2570 g/mol, which was in good agreement with the experimental value determined by GPC.

Figure 8. Representation of the general approach for the synthesis of poly(amide urethane)s from dimer fatty acids.

321 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Finally, P2 was polymerized in the bulk by the urethane exchange reaction and the molecular weight increased as ethylene glycol was removed and the hydroxyl value decreased. The final hydroxyl value was 12.7 mg KOH/g corresponding to calculated Mn = 8330 g/mol in fairly good agreement with the GPC results (Mn = 7700 g/mol, Mw = 14000 g/mol). The polyurethane P3 exhibited a Tg at -10 °C and a melting point at +73 °C with a corresponding melting enthalpy at 0.04 W/g. TGA under nitrogen atmosphere showed the onset of degradation at 288 °C followed by a main degradation at 465 °C. These new poly (amide urethane)s contain high biomass content, yet, they can be formulated and used as coatings, adhesives and elastomers similarly to conventional polyurethanes prepared from fossil resources.

Figure 9. FTIR spectra of dimer acid (A), P1 (B), ethylene carbonate (C), P2 (D) and P3 (E).

322 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

Table V. Molecular parameters of P1, P2 and P3



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Calc. DPn

Calc. Mn (g/mol)

Exp Mn (g/mol)

Exp Mw (g/mol)




1) 720

1) 880

1) 1.22

2) 2810

2) 3370

2) 1.20

1) 1660

1) 1770

1) 1.06

2) 4220

2) 4890

2) 1.16








Coatings from Silylated Soybean Oil It is well know that vegetable oils have been used as important components in alkyd resins. The cured coatings obtained from such resins were noted for their anticorrosion properties, excellent water barrier, enhanced chemical protection and high wear and UV resistance. The “drying” character of these oils is achieved by air oxidation when the double bonds in the fatty acids undergo cross linking upon exposure to oxygen. The presences of certain metal salts in trace, such as cobalt naphteneate, are used as a catalyst to accelerate the cure time. Similarly, linseed oil is known as a fast drying oil due to the high unsaturation content and is widely used in coatings but its use is limited due to high costs and limited availability. In practice, curable oils must be diluted in an organic solvent or emulsified in water. If solvents are used as diluents, they are considered as volatile organic content (VOC) and will evaporate upon application to pollute the air. When the oil is dispersed in water as a suspension, the use of surfactant stabilizing agents is required. These surfactants remain in the finished coatings and tend to degrade the physical properties of the coating as well as its aesthetic appearance (58). A more convenient approach, that we have developed in our work as part of the soybean refinery concept is a one-component moisture activated cure. This cure strategy is based on a well known limited hydrolytic stability of alkoxy silanes that is widely used in various silicone sealants (27, 59–62). Our work was based on grafting vinyltrimethoxysilane (VTMS) onto the unsaturation sites of the fatty acids in the triglycerides of the oil by the well known as ‘Ene-reaction’ as shown in Figure 10 (62). This reaction is catalyzed by peroxides and is based on the fact that VTMS does not undergo free radical polymerized like other vinyl monomers due to the stabilization of the free radicals by the silicon atom. Furthermore, this one-step addition reaction does not require a solvent and no by-products are produced that require neutralization or purification at the end of the reaction. Since only small concentrations of VTMS are needed for crosslinking, the physical properties of the modified oil remains unchanged. Most notably, the product is a low viscosity oil that requires no solvent or diluent and it can be applied by any common technique such as brushing, spraying, dip-coating or casting using conventional equipment. The success of the grafting reaction and the structure of the silane modified oil were determined by FTIR, GC and NMR. Representative 1H-NMR spectrum (Figure 11) clearly shows that the grafting reaction was successful. Figure 11 323 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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(A) represents the partial 1H-NMR spectrum of soybean oil. The resonance peaks with a chemical shift near 5.25 ppm are associated with the proton atoms located in the unsaturation linkages of soybean oil. Figure 11 (B) shows the 1H NMR spectrum of the intermediate product soybean oil-VTMOS reaction product. It is clear that the proton atoms located in unsaturation linkages in VTMOS exhbitis a group of resonance peaks near 6.0 ppm. We can also notice that the shape of the resonance peak changed because of the reaction proceeding. The final consumption of unsaturations present in VTMOS by ene reaction was supported by the partial 1H-NMR presented in Figure 11 (C). It clearly showed the disappearance of 6.0 ppm resonance peak associated with the proton atoms located in the unsaturation linkages in VTMOS. Further confirmation of the structure was obtained by 13C-NMR and iodine number titration. Moreover, the extent of the grafting reaction was found to directly proportional to the reaction time and the reaction temperature (11, 58, 62).

Figure 10. Grafting VTMS onto soy oil.

324 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Figure 11. 1H-NMR of (A) soybean oil, (B) the intermediate soybean oil-VTMOS reaction product, (C) the final silylated soybean oil.

Upon exposure of moisture, hydrolysis of the alkoxysilanes readily takes place to yield silanols which are condensed to form stable siloxane crosslinks as shown in Figure 12. The rate of cure is proportional to the relative humidity, the temperature and the presence of any cure accelerators (for example, dibutyltin diacetate). exhibits the partial spectrum of final cured product. The properties of the protective coating is largely controlled by the crosslink density and the type of silane used. This cure system is very convenient as it does not require mixing different components prior to curing and, essentially, has an infinite shelf life as long as it is stored away from moisture. The major drawback of this system is the fact that the cure is controlled by diffusion of moisture into the bulk and diffusion of the by-product alcohol out of the bulk. Thus, the thickness of the sample is critical, making this system particularly suitable for coatings or adhesives that require only thin layers. 325 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Figure 12. Moisture activated cure mechanism of soybean oil grafted with VTMS.

These coatings exhibited excellent adhesion to steel, concrete, wood, paper and glass. The hardness of the coating was greatly enhanced when the oil was formulated with fine particle size silica. Formulation with silica is particularly affective since good interface is obtained between the filler particles and the matrix through silanol interactions between the surface of the silica and the oil grafted silanes. It was shown that these coatings can be used as a moisture barrier to protect substrates such as wood, paper and concrete against water.

Conclusions This work provides a few examples of our biorefinery concept where the oil and the meal of soybeans were used to produce useful intermediates for industrial products. In all cases safe processes were used following the ‘green chemistry’ principles. These examples include: 326 In Green Polymer Chemistry: Biocatalysis and Materials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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New polyols from soy oil prepared by continuous ozonation process that can be further used in the synthesis of polyesters and polyurethanes. New hydroxyl terminated urethane prepolymers prepared from soymeal that were obtained by converting the amine in amino acids to urethanes. These high hydroxyl value polyols were further used in rigid polyurethane foams. A new class of poly(amide urethane)s were prepared from dimer fatty acid by isocyanate-free polymerization. The properties of these polymers make them suitable for coating and adhesive applications. We have also successfully demonstrated a novel moisture activated cure of soy oil by grafting onto the oil reactive silanes. Upon exposure to moisture the low viscosity oil is cured into a transparent film that provides excellent protective coating over a wide range of substrates.

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