Biochemical Analysis

(151) Youden, W. J., “Statistical Methods for Chemists,” New York,. John Wiley & Sons, 1951. (152) Youden, W. J., Tech. A'ews Bull. Kail. Bur. Sta...
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124 44, 2G4 (1947). Application of Statistics to Chemical Anal-

ysis. (146) Wood, E. C., J . Soc. Chem. Ind. ( L o n d o n ) , 68, 128 (1949). Organoleptic Tests in Food Industry. Statistical Considerations in Organoleptic Tests. (147) Woods, -4.P., and Taylor, C. R., Blust Purnacc und Steel Plant, 34, 847 (1940). Statistical Method and Results of a Study of Factors Affecting ODen Hearth Production Rate. Touden, W. J., A s ~ - C H E Y .20, , 1136 (1948). Multiple Factor Experinieiits in Analytical Chemistry. Touden, W. J., A S T M Bull., 166, 48 (1950). Comparative Tests in a Single Laboratory.

(150) Youden, W. J., Ind. Eng. Chenz., 43, 2053 (1951). Locating Sources of Variability in a Process. (151) Touden, \T, J., “Statistical Methods for Chemists,” Sew l-ork, John Wiley & Sons, 1951. (152) Youden, W.J., Tech. A-ews Bull. ~ V a t l Bur. . Stundurds, 33, 7 (1949). Fallacy of Best Two Out of Three. (153) Ibid., Misuse of the Average Deviation, 34, 9 (1950). (154) Tule, G. E., and Kendall, M .G., “Introduction to the Theory of Statistics,” London, Charles Griffin. 1950. R E C E I V ENovember D 5 , 1981.




C’niaersity of California, Berkeley, Culif.


li A previous review of this subject (139), the authors stressed

the fundamental differences of biochemical and ordinary chemical analysis. These differences emchasize the impoitance of the preparative as compared with the determinative phases of the analysis, the fractionation as compared a i t h the determination. Because of the great extent and nide ramifications of the subject, the subdivisions reviewed were chcsen somewhat arbitrarily and on the basis of the best evaluation available a t the time. The developments of the two intervening years have confirmed the choices made then, n i t h a few possible minor exceptions. The main topics discussed have developed in importance or have continued their importance nithout interruption. Accordingly, the topics chosen here for discussion are largely those that were included previously, along with some additional analytical techniques that were not discussed earlier. Because most of the significant techniques of the biochemical analjst are also important in other fields of chemistry, considerable duplication and repetition of other review material are inevitable. Analysis, though fundamental to biochemical progress, has received far less attention from biochemists than it deserves. Eiochemical training rarely includes sufficient consideration of analytical chemistry, because the requirements in other phases of chemistry and biology are so extensive. This deficiency of training has led to many analytical shortcomings in the biochemical literature and in practice, in both routine and research analysis. Perhaps the outstanding example is in the field of clinical analysis, which has been influenced more by the requirement for speed than for either accuracy or dependabilitj . I t s deficiencies have often been justified on the ground of a large “biological variation” which is supposed t o cover any degree of variation that happens to exist in the currently employed method in the particular laboratory. The true biological variation has probably never been determined for most constituents because methods accurate enough to determine it have been largely lacking and rarelv applied. It is a hopeful sign that renewed interest in this import a n t phase of biochemical analysis is am-akening in the form of a re-examination and evaluation of the magnitude of the problem. Thus, Belk and Sunderman (11) and Snavely and Golden (257) haveconducted surveys of clinical laboratory operation which have brought to light errors that are far larger than those usually assumed and often so large as to invalidate the utility of the results. Such studies as that of Shore and T h o m o n (661) of total error in widely employed methods are becoming more numerous and point to improvement in this matter. Perhaps a referee system such as that of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists might be established to control themore serious deviations. Unfortunately research workers, though more competent and careful than routine analysts, also have fallen into serious analytical pitfalls. Realization of these facts, and interest in their correction, may be expected to produce continued improvement.

FRACTIONATION OF BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMS Separation of biochemical systems into their constituents remains one of the most necessary and difficult of analytical operations because of the complexity of the systems, the lability of their components, their extensive interaction, and the close similarity of the constituents of a group to each other. S n important trend has been toward determination of constituents in situ, thus avoiding the necessity of separating and altering the sample material. DIFFERENTIAL CENTRIFUGATION

The past two years have seen the acceptance in principle of t h e process of centrifugal fractionation of cell materials by biochemists, generally. The technique has remained identical in fundamentals, although more precise media and fraction evaluation techniques have developed. The separation and properties of cell components by this method have been discussed by Hogeboom (120). Developments in determination of enzyme locale have been reported ($48) and the progress in the field has been examined critically


The techniques of paper partition and column chromatography, including ion exchange, have emerged as indispensable and almost universally applicable tools for biochemical analysis ($04). Their routine and research applications are so numerous and varied a s to place detailed consideration out of the scope of this review. Several trends have become apparent: Considerable standardization of method has been achieved in the separation of common constituents such as the amino acids. Basic understanding of the processes has been furthered by fundamental research, as compared with empirical research only, though this is still the rule. New techniques, approaches, and applications have been numerous. Combinations of the chromatographic techniques with each other and with other analytical operations are becoming more common and producing highly significant results.

It is with these trends that the present review is particularly concerned. Ion Exchange. Ion exchangers have long been used for removal of inorganic ions from water and industrial solutions, but in recent years they have become a very powerful tool for biochemical separations. This development depends on the fact that many very significant components of the biological system such as proteins and their hydrolysis products, components of nucleic acid, and other organic substances are normally ions in their natural state or can be converted into ions at some practical pH. Adsorp-

. V O L U M E 2 4 , N O . 1, J A N U A R Y 1 9 5 2 tion on an ion exchange resin, followed by fractional elution, has produced separations with an efficiency unobtainable by nonchromatographic methods. Thus, three isomeric adenosine phosphates were separated by Cohn and Volkin (61). While fractionat.ion of adenosine phosphates from similar uridine phosphates may be explained in terms of charge difference, the separations of isomeric adenosine phosphates from one another implies t h a t ion exchangers, like t’he classical adsorbents, discriminate among ions of like charge but differing structure. Some additional illustrations of the wide applicability of ion ,exchange materials to biochemical analysis are given by the work of Cohn (56,67) and Cohn and Carter (59,60),who have greatly extended the knowledge of nucleotide fractionat,ion, as have also Loring and coworkers (172). A new amino acid, or-methyl-6alanine, was isolated from human urine by employment of ion exchange resin by Crumpler et al. ( 7 4 . Bergstrom and Hansson (14) purified adrenaline and histamine in this manner, while Jackel, Mosbach, and King (126) separated ascorbic acid and isolated its 2,4-dinitrophenylosazone. Cohen and Scott (55) separated pentose phosphate from 6-phosphogluconate with a strong base anion exchanger. One of the more striking applications of ion exchange was made in purifying enzymes including ribonuclease, lysozyme, and cytochrome c (117, 187, 198, 208), which could be separated and in some cases divided into more than one mco nstituent Routine application of ion exchangers in analytical separation problems might be illustrated by the work of rlpplezweig (3), hIukherjee and Gapta (201),and Jindra and Pohorsky (228),who eniployed ion exchange columns in the separation and analysis of plant and pharmaceutical materials for the alkaloids; St. John, Elick, and Tepe (2S7), who separated st,reptomgcin and mannosidostrept.omycin in fermentation broths prior to spectrophotometric determination; or Reid and Jones (229), who fractionated t h e proteins of blood plasma by reducing the ionic strength with ion exchange resins. A similar study was made by Sober et al. (658) with mixtures of egg whit,e protein, in which the ion exchange column was used in conjunction with the electrophoresis apparat,us. Marcus (185)deionized the protein-free filtrate of body fluids to remove interfering ions preliminary to the determination of lactic acid. iln interesting application of ion exchange was that.of Isbell (125),who estimated carbonyl groups by combination with radioactive cyanide, adsorpt,ion on basic ion exchange resin, elution, and measurement of the distribution radiometrically. Applications to analysis of amino acids and other biochemical constituents have been fairly common (28, 62, 64, 76, ,222). A comparison with the well validated starch column method (262) emphasized the great value of ion exchange methods for the anal>& of the amino acid composition of proteins. Fundamental studies of the more useful ion exchangers were made by Wheaton and Bauman (888), Lindsay and D’Amico (167), Hale and Reechenberg ( l o g ) , Kressman and Kitchener (115), Duncan and Lister (82), Kunin and Myers (152), and Partridge (211). The entire field of ion exchange has been well reviewed by Kunin (249-151, 153) and its general analytical applications have been covered in considerable detail by Schubert (244)and Tompkins (274). Column chromatography employing adsorbents has made notable progress but less strikingly than either ion exchange or paper chromatography. As is true also of ion exchange columns, the obvious advantage of being able t o separate relatively large quantities of material must lead to c o n h u e d employment of this type of separation. Perhaps the most notable developments in this field have been those of Tiselius and his coworkers (121,272), who have used carbon columns extensively as yell as silica gel and other adPorbents to separate adrenocorticotropic peptides (166), proteins (250),and other materials. Charcoal and silica gel have been found useful for the interesting application to separation of gases (72) which may be analyzed by thermal conductivity after


125 elution with hydrogen, or gases may be separated and detected with suitable indicators impregnated in the solid carrier (107). Adoption of alumina columns has apparently increased as compared with other adsorbents. They were found very effective for separation of steroids (228); they allowed the isolation of very small quantities of vitamin A for its spectrophotometric determination (119), the identification of most of the products of potato starch hydrolysis by malt amylase (%79),and the quantitative determination of p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid as a test for liver function (138), among many other applications. A number of interesting uses of other adsorbents have been reported; silica gel columns for separation of tetramethyl-, trimethyl-, and dimethglfructoses with a 90 to 98% recovery (240); 2,4--dinitrophenyl derivatives of amino acids an a reversed phase chlorinated rubber column (213’); and amino acids on powdered cellulose (19). Significant advances in technique or theory of column chromatography have been reported by several investigators (31, 115, f64,196),and a self-contained column or “chromatobar” has been described (193) with which the reagent used for development can be applied directly to the outside of the column t o locate bands, after which they can be separated. The adsorbent used-e.g., silicic acid-is mixed with enough plaster of Paris t o form a solid bar, reinforced by a central glass rod. I t s operation was checked by separating and identifying a number of volatile flavoring constituents of citrus fruits. Paper Partition Chromatography. This technique has become approximately as standard in biochemical laboratories as colorimetry or titration. Perhaps never in history has a technique, neglected for decades, suddenly assumed the importance and universal acceptance that has been accorded this technique. The reasons are evident; the great simplicity of the equipment and technique combined with the delicacy and reproducibility of the method and its tremendously wide application have amply justified its wide adoption. Ts review the field in detail as it affects biochemical analysis is next t o impossible. liumerous general reviews of technique and application are already availahle (24, 25, 102, 1S1, 186, 263). It is sufficient here to note some of the more important and unusual developments that may indicate the trends and the direction of increased future application. Onlv a short time ago, paper chromatography was considered almost entirely in terms of separation of amino acids, as this wa5 one of its early triumphs. This work continues on a broad front with the acquisition of more information about the occurrence of amino acids and the composition of the proteins in terms of amino acids than was conceivable just a few years ago. Analyses have been performed M ith natural products such as tissue and urine, in which new or unusual materials have been demonstrated (90, 205, 268); and correlations have been found with pathological conditions (46, 90, 231). Li and Robert? (165) determined the amino acids of mitochondrial fractions of tissues. Some otherwise difficult analytical problems of analysis have been solved-e.g., Smith and Moxon (266)separated sulfur-containing amino acids from their selenium analogs, and Butler ( 4 4 ) separated glutamine and aqparagine and determined them separately with simple technique. Polson (219) studied the separation of amino acids belonging to homologous series. Perhaps more studies have been made of amino acid and peptide-containing systems x i t h paper chromatography ( 5 , I S , 17, 18, 20, 57, 38, 75, 94,98,135-141,146, 159,195, 209, 215, 253,298) than with any other type of component. The consi5tent effort to improve the accuracy of quantitative determination of the separated components of amino acid and peptide-containing systems has continued with some success ( S S , 217, 297). Some destruction of amino acids on paper during separation and determination has been shown t o occur (36, 93), as has extraction of amino acids from plasma bv petroleum ether during removal of fat (302). Careful and useful studies of different papers and other materials and techniques for employment in separating amino acids have been made (143, 273) and an interesting technique of retention

126 analysis on paper has been developed ($91,294). Khorana (137) employed paper chromat,ography to study end groups of peptides as the 2,5-thiazolidinedione derivatives. Some success has been reported in the separation of proteins and enzymes by paper chromatography (95, 186, 129, 268, 301 j , though ionophoresis n-ould appear t o be a preferable technique, as discussed below. Many studies of carbohydrates, glycosides, and t>heirderivatives by means of paper chromatographic separations have been made (R,S9,123,127,l 4 O , l 4 2 , 1 6 7 , 1 8 1 , 1 9 2 , 2 1 4 , 2 2 4 , 2 ~ 5 , 2 ? j , 2 8 ~ , 2 8 4 , 295, 299). Purines, pyrimidines, and the corresponding nurleotides and nucleosides have been separated by paper chromatography in several laboratories (47, 160-162, 185,197, 226, 266), t,hough with perhaps less sucress for quantitative study than by ion exchange columns. Much attention has been given to the separation and analysis of the difficultly separated organic acids (12, 27, 93, 34, 49, 105, 118, 134, 188, 222, 238, 260, 290) including keto acids (179, 180, 292). Other difficultly separated materials of biochemical interest in which the paper chromatographic technique has been uniquely useful include steroids (42, 43, 114, 147, 177,206); adrenal hormones (634, 249,284,303); nonsugar polyhydric alcohols, which coull be separated from sugars and identified (126); porphyrins (63, 204); various vitamins ,and closely relatedproducts(108, 124, 178,188,300);andalkaloids(li3, 191, 206, 245). Some part’icularly interesting uses of paper chromatography have been in separating growth factors (112); isolation of a fluorescent material from the larvae of Bombyx rnori, believed t,o be a tetrahydroflavone (81); in studying isotope-labeled antigen-antibody reactions ( 2 9 6 ) ; and in separating phosphate esters containing tracer phosphorus (2,9). Burma and Banerjee ( 4 0 ) have shown t h a t paper is not entirely passive in chromatography, but exerts some adsorptive effects t h a t can be readily demonstrated. Treatment of the paper with certain chemicals will alter its properties t o behave more like a n ion exchange material ( 2 3 6 ) . Paper, in the form of disks, pulp, or powder may be made t o operate in a column (42,306), and it is sometimes impregnated with solid adsorbents such as alumina ( 9 2 ) which impart t o it a different degree or kind of adsorptive properties. By treatment with silicone, Kritchevsky and Tiselius (148) reversed phases in paper partition chromatography, thus making i t more suitable for steroids which have very low water solubility. This might develop into a more general method for separating hydrophobic mat,erials. IONOPHORESIS

Chromatographic procedures have occasionally been weful in purification of unusually stable proteins such as ribonuclease or lysozyme. Chromatography may be used in deionization of protein solutions, and in decalcificat,ion of blood plasma. I n general, these procedures are not directly responsible for protein isolation or purification. I n efforts t o develop other techniques for protein and peptide separation, numerous attempts have been made to use electrophoresis in the presence of silica or agar gel or on paper sheets. The use of such methods in a supporting medium of silica gel (ionophoresis) has proved efficient and indispensable ( 6 2 , 63). However, silica gel interacts n-ith many proteins t o prevent the dcsired transport (103). Khile materials such as glass wool (65) and asbestos fiber ( 4 5 ) may be used in certain techniques, the use of agar gel (103, 104, 216) as supporting medium in trough or Vycor tube (216)should prove more versatile. Electrophoresis on filter paper strips or sheets has been rapidly exploited by several groups of workers, so t h a t three years have alreadq- established many features of its technique and limitations. The use of filter paper for electrophoretic separations was first demonstrated by \Tieland and Fischer (291). A variety of experimental approaches has developed, as attempts t o control variables inherent in the process have been made. Apparatus has varied from a simple suspension bridge of paper (194, 291) t o ridgepole suspension (83, 85), to flat paper strips in a closed system ( l 7 4 ) ,and flat strips or sheets between glass plates ( 7 3 , 10‘5).

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY \Vhile the most efficient apparat,us for paper electrophoresis has probably not yet been developed, the trend is represented in t h e designs of McDonald (174) and Kunkel and Tiselius (1.55), with personal judgment favoring the latter. JVhile many variables received attention in previous procedures, the n-ork of Kunkrl and Tiselius would seem t’o provide a rational basis for work of this nature. These workers demonstrated that the migration of nonelectrolyte, dextran, gave a measure of electro-osmotic migrat,ion of solvent. Correct and routine determination of this migration is a prime necessity in the comparison of mobility of a given substanre on paper with the mobility in free solution. The apparatus of Kunkel and Tiselius also provides for minimal evaporat,ion of solvent, eliminates siphoning from one buffer rell to t h r other, and protects migrating material from unfavorable pH or redos conditions due to accumulation of electrode products. This protection is provided by comparative isolation of the elertrodes in distant reaches of the buffer cells. The mobility of replicate samples of human albumin, aftel, correction for electroosmosis and devious migration pat,h, agreed in order of magnitude rvith the mobility of this albumin in free solution. The various paper electrophoresis techniques have been applied to fractionation of mixtures of inorganic ions (144,158,175),amino acids (16, 64, 66, 83, 85, 88, 291, 293), proteins (73, 85)103, 104, 106, 155, 241, 242, 246, 277), and enzymes (194, 685). I t seems apparent that variations in apparat,us may be insignificant for empirical fractionation of desired solutes. The fract,ionation on the basis of charge or mobility differences with minimal chromatographic effects seems to rely chiefly on the work of Kunkel and Tiselius (165). A large element, of chromatography would seem present in the techniques of Durrum (83, 84),for example. Combinations of chromatography and electromigration have been attempted by a number of workers, in the hope that rapid and continuous separations n-ould result. Discontinuous separations on paper were effected by Haugaard and Kroner (113). Svensson and Brattsen (267)utilized a cell filled with small glass beads,,h solvent flowing continuously, for the separation of dyes. Strain (264) and Strain and Sullivan (265) have developed a controlled system of separation of inorganic ions on paper, n-ith simultaneous downward solvent flow, horizontal electrophoresis, and continuous s,ample collection. Durrum (84)has announced a similar but not identical system, using free hanging paper rather than paper between glass plates (266). Durrum’s apparatus thus provides less protection against solvent, evaporation, but isolates electrode products to a greater extent. While the fields of paper electrophoresis and vector electrophoretic chromatography are infants, it seems safe to predict that these fractionation systems will become of paramount importance in the isolation of small quantities of homogeneous protein and peptide fractions, as well as fractions of other charged “biological” molecules. COUNTERCURRENT DISTRIBUTIOK

The countercurrent dist.ribution technique of Craig has shown steadily increasing application in biochemical studies. The necessity of using special apparatus of some complexity, and considerable time consumption have been deterrents to its general adoption as compared n-ith the simpler chromatographic techniques, b u t its advantages in terms of general applicability, range of sample content, and exact interpretation argue for its increasing importance. The technique, t,heory, and some of the biochemical applications have been revieLved (66, 67, 201, 133). The application of the technique has been extended by development of improved apparatus capable of making many more transfers than in the original equipment, even automatically. Fischer and Juberman ( 9 1 ) described an all-glass apparatus with which they studied &component systems in a 30-stage device. Significant changes in design to allow more extraction stages without great increases in time and labor have been described by Craig

V O L U M E 2 4 , N O . 1, J A N U A R Y 1 9 5 2 and Post ( ? 0 ) and more recently by Craig, Hausmann, Ahrens, and Ilarfenist ( 6 9 ) ,who have developed a n automatic glass extraction train capable of performing some 800 equilibrium stages corresponding to about 150,000 individual extractions in 24 hours. The advantages claimed are the ability to determine purity of relatively complex and unstable systems as well as to obtain separation and allox quantitative determination of materials t h a t are otherwise exceptionally difficult to analyze. Significant applications of t,he technique have been made to the mniponents of insulin (111); separation of phosphoric esters of biochemical importance ( 2 1 8 ) ; preparation of high potency oxytocic material (171); molecular weight determination of gramicidin S ( 1 0 ) : separation of the natural estrogens, estrone, estriol, and estradiol-17p ( 8 8 ) ; and the elucidation of fat acid oxidation products (306). Perhaps the most significant results were those obtained in the study of several antibiotic polypeptides: gramicidin, tyrocidine, gramicidin SI and bacitracin. These results have beer1 tiiscusped and summarized by Craig, Gregory, and Barry (68). The c ~ j u n t e r c u i ~ e ndistribution t method was shown to provide soin(’ unique checks on purity and homogeneity of complex niateria1.Qof closely similar structure; in fact, to resolve systems that had not been reparated adequately by chromatrographic methods, and xere considered to be homogeneous. The study has also shown that the fundamental basis of countercurrent dist i h i t i o n > assumrd 1)y many to be closely similar to partition c,lii,oni:itoRr:r.phy, is apparently different. The two methods wrve :is wpplementary rather than competing approaches t o srj)aratioii :ind purification problems, and both may be profitably I I P P ~i l l i.oiijunction in the same stud>-.


T h e absorption of i,adiation in the visible, infrared, and ultraviolet portion of the spertrum, and of x-ray was considered to be of the picitest value in a variety of determinative procedures 139),rspwidly Ixcause it often is applicable without preliminary separiitioii or treatment of biological systems. This previous eniphusis o r i the value of absorptiometric method does not appear misplaced, even though it ]\-asdifficult a t the time of assessment to illustixtc. thv applirationa of infrared absorptiometry in biocheniic,:il :iiiiilyIsip; x-ray ahaorptiometry still has been little applied. Visible Range. In the visible range, most applications of light :ibsorption must t w coilfined to measurement of colored materials i’orincd :is ii r t w l t of adding appropriate reagents. This techiiique is ~tpproxiniately as old as quantitative biochemical :in:iIysk, hut significmt progress has been made within the past t w o ycx1.r. 1niprovc.d methods of measuring absorption or in~erpi.c.tiny:ibsorption &ita (50) have been developed: a new ap1)roai.h is the use of differential absorption to increase accuracy (30). T h e increasing utilization of multiplier phototubes (207)in al)ectloiitlotometry allows measurement of smaller light intensirirs and the increased use of capillai,?. absorption cells (281). This c,onibiii:ition has been developed (71) to provide submicrogram :inalysi5 of very small biological systems. .1 technique that promises to vstend grratly the utility of both visible and ultraviolet abwrptiomrtry is the subtractive method of Stearns ( 2 6 1 ) ,in \vhich thc~mntentsofthehlankahsorption cell can be continuously altered liy quantitative addition of the constituents of a mixed color 3c.m. The differential absorption of each component may be i ~ r t l u c w i individually until the relative absorption of the I)l:ink and the in known compound over the entire a-ave-length range i p niatrhed, a t which point the known composition of the blank is rqual to t h a t of the unknown. The utility of this technique is greatest \\.hen mixed absorbers show little difference in their absorption maxima. Several phases of analytical absorptiometry h i v e h e n reviewed recently (189). Infrared Radiation. Absorption of infrared radiation has perIr:ips drwloped more-spectacularly than other phases of ahsorp-

127 tiometry. Its wide employment in the petroleum industry for elucidating the structure of the difficult organic hydrocarbons made i t possible t o predict similar major contributions to the structure of biochemically interesting materials. No doubt this trend toward greater application of infrared absorption will continue, though it is now clear that some of the hopes for the technique are not realized in practice, while the equipment necessary is still scarce and expensive. Jones, Humphries, and Dobriner (150) tested the absorption spectra of 180 ketosteroids and steroid esters. They found the spectra to be characteristic of the type of carbonyl group and its position, thus clarifying to a significant extent some of the structure problems of these materials. The cis and trans configuration of peptide linkages was determined by Tsuboi (276), and Buratani (156) demonstrated absorption bands due to carbonyl vibrations in amino acids and proteins. Kuratani’s results could be explained only in terms of the “Zwitterion” structure of these substances. Infrared absorption by proteins is altered significantly by “denaturation” (280)b u t not by contractionof muscle proteins (199). Absorption by tissues has been shown to becharacteristic of the individual organ; absorption by brain tissue, for example, is altered in insulin shock ( 2 4 7 ) . Polarized infrared absorption has been valuable in the elucidation of some features of desoxyribonucleic acid structure (96), in that the absorption indicated better agreement with Furberg’s structure (99, 100), derived from x-ray analysis, than with other proposed structures. Blout and Fields (26) have shown t h a t the infrared absorption provides an excellent method for identification and differentiation of seven common purines and pyrimidines and three methylated derivatives including caffeine, while Parke et a2. (B10)succeeded in quantitatively analyzing mixtures of acetylsalicylic acid, phenacet,in, and caffeine in the presence of codeine salts and certain possible interfering compounds. The success of Thornton and Condon (270) in determining deuterium oxide over a range from 3 to 100% in water with a precision of 1% indicates the possible utility of the method in biochemical studies using deuterium. Infrared absorption is perhaps more a means of studying structure than a true analytical tool, but its sensitivity to changes in certain definit,e absorbing groups indicates its value in detecting and determining these groups, enhanced hy the fact t h a t the saniple may be measured intact and without destruction in the measuring process. This end is furthered by careful studies of quantitative application, such as those ~ i Robinson ’ (232). Ultraviolet Radiation. Absorption of ultraviolet radiation has long been a valuable tool in the analysis for compounds having aromatic rings or conjugated double bond systems. The general ext,ent of application of ultraviolet spectrophotometry to biochemical analysis has been indicated (139). General discussions o f Spectrophotometry over the visible and ultraviolet ranges are given hy \Test (287)and Brode (32). ;Z rompilat’ion of ultraviolet spectra of aromatic c:)mpounds is available (97). Perhaps the great,est utility of ultraviolet spectropliotonietry has been in identification and determiriation o f nucleic acid coniponents. It is a standard method for thr determination of the phosphopyridine nucleotides which function as redox coenzymesfor esample, see LePage (163). Rapid spectrophotometric measurements in the visible and ultraviolet are t h r 1)asia of estimation of composition of catalase-peroside intermediates according to Chance (52) and of reduced diphosphonucleotide-alcohol dehydrogenase protein by Theorell and Bonnichsen (269). T h e ultraviolet alisorpt,ion spectra of the pyrimidines and purines have been correlated with their intimate structure by Cavalieri and Bendish (61). Kunitz (154) has studied t h e kinetics of hydrolysis of desoxyribonucleic acid by deso measuring t h e optical density of acid-soluble nucleotides with ultraviolet wave lengths, -1similar method may be employed for ribonuclease assay using ribonucleic acid as substrate. T h e photochemical breakdown of nucleic acid by ultraviolet irradiation has hern Ptudied in terms of ultraviolet, absorption (225).

128 Ultraviolet absorption spectra of iodinated amino acids, iodocasein, and thyroglobulin have been determined (184). T h e photochemical breakdown of proteins and amino acids by continued irradiation with ultraviolet light was studied in terms of the change of absorption by McLean and Giese (176, 177). Hydrolysis of peptide bonds m-as found to increase ultraviolet extinction coefficients (277, 239). Constituents of cerebrospinal fluid have been investigated regarding ultraviolet absorption (259, 266), as ultraviolet spectrophotometry is suited to the determination of certain drugs, poisons, and abnormal constituents often determined in this fluid. The important work of Caspersson (48) on the ultraviolet light absorption by components (chiefly nucleic acid and protein) of cells (SO) has led to extenFions of his general technique in similar studies of infrared absorption, fluorometric behavior, and specific combination of cell components TF ith absorbing or fluorescent reagents (190). The microphotometer has been the indispensable instrument which can operate with the ordinary microscope, the quartz microscope, or the reflecting microscope in these studies. This subject is still comparatively new but may be expected to assume increasing importance as the techniques are developed. The closely related field of noncellular fluorometry, long the analytical basis for determination of certain vitamins, should receive mention because it is beginning to provide analyses of other biochemical compounds. One such extension of likely importance is the determination of natural estrogens (8, 9). TITRATION METHODS

While work of biochemical nature has not yet appeared using newly developed automatic titrators, it is evident that such titration equipment can serve in many routine analyses of chemical mixtures of biological origin. Careful fractionation procedures followed by semiautomatic analysis of individual fractions using a common reaction or pioperty are certain to accelerate biochemical investigations. Automatic analysis ai. applied to fractions separated by various chromatographic techniques has been accomplished using refractive index changes (671) and interferometry (64). Work is in progress with flow cell spectrophotometry (58) and coulometric titration t o a p H end point (78). Automatic instruments have been described for p H or potentiometric titrations (7, 168, 260, 233, 289) and for coulometric titrations (169, 170). At least three automatic p H titrators are available commercially in this country. The coulometric analysis procedures using electrolytic generation of reagent in the titration vessel (89, 169, 170, 205, 223) are unlikely to have widespread application in biological mixtures because of interference from electrolytic side reactions. The recent development of external generation of titrant ion by DeFord et al. (79, 80) eliminates indiscriminate electrolytic reactions, and greatly increases the versatility of such coulometric methods. Automatic systems for the titration of volatile sulfur compounds by electrolytically generated bromine have been described (6,248). The processes employed are examples of reagent generation in situ. DeFord, Johns, and Pitts (77) have developed an automatic coulometric titrator, using their previously described external generator (80). Electronic devices are employed to stabilize electrolysis currents and to terminate the titration at a given end point. For titration of an acid, the anode arm of the generator delivers sodium hydroxide at a constant rate, the equivalents delivered being calculable from the current-time relationships. The titrations are initiated by the operator but terminated automatically. Termination conditions may be chosen by the operator; in this case, the desired pH end point is chosen by setting a Beckman Model G pH meter. Presumably, amperometric end points, derivative polarographic end points ( H O ) , and perhaps high frequency end points (1, 21-23, 110) can be used in analogous fashion as terminators.


Within the past two years, biochemical methods based on the use of isotopes have augmented rapidly. Isotopes are now well established as highly specific biochemical tools (116). T h e use of isotopes in analytical procedures is not increasing markedly, although isotopes may be used to define the best conditions of analytical techniques. The chief value of isotopes, especially those of carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus, resides in their ability to distinguish between compounds already present and those compounds formed after supply of isotopes was initiated. For example, serine formed b y enzyme systems from C14-glycinemay be identified as to origin by its isotopic carbon content, even in the presence of unlabeled serine of other origin. Thus the use of isotopes is increasing in studies designed to outline major pathways of metabolism in biological systems. Greater discrimination in the use of isotopes is apparent, with increased availability of C14-labeled intermediates. Thus, orotic acid is used to trace nucleic acid synthesis, as this compound is incorporated as uracil and cytosine in pentose nucleic acid (4, 221, 227, 286). This work may be contrasted with earlier work using the P32isotope. The results from the work with phosphorus were less specific and conclusive, since the transformations which organic phosphates undergo in the cell are so numerous that complex fractionations are necessary. I n this regard, the recent use of p-iodophenylsulfonyI (pipsyl) derivatives to test purification schemes is interesting. The pipsyl chloride reagent may be synthesized containing either the iodine or sulfur isotope. The 1127-labeledpipsyl chloride may be used in preparation of derivatives from natural sources, while the Salabeled pipsyl chloride may be used in preparation of standard derivatives of expected compounds. Thus the fractionation of an unknown mixture containing one standard derivative should result in one fraction containing a constant ratio of radioactivity where iodine-labeled and sulfur-labeled pirsyl derivatives accompany each other (278, 282). I n this way it is possible to identify a compound definitely, test its purity precisely, and apply t h e technique to quantitative determination. Radioactivation by placing a sample in a neutron pile, later determining isotopes produced, is a sensitive method for detection of small amounts of elements present (36, 200, 254). However, this technique is available a t present to a very limited number of biochemical analysts. The method has great potentialities for assessing the importance of biochemical trace constituents. A new and possibly useful development is the increased utilization of tritium as a radioactive tracer for hydrogen (15,87). General introduction to the use of tracers is provided by a number of monographs, that b l Kamen (132) being the most recently revised. The large number of metabolic and pathx-ay studies that have been performed by means of heavy or radioactive isotopes will not be discussed here. The recurring theme in recent biochemical analyses has been upon carefully devised fractionation schemes coupled Rith rapid and reasonably accurate determinations using “family” properties or reactions. The trend has been less toward the develop ment of new individual analyses or instruments and more toward the intelligent use of existing instruments. LITERATURE CITED (1) .Indemon, K., Rettis, E . S., and Revinson, D., ASAL. C H F M , 22, 743 (1950). (2) Annison, E. F., James, A. T., and Morgan, TT. T. J., Biochem. J . , 48, 477 11951). (3) Applesweip, S . , U. S Patent 2,509,051 (May 23, 1950). (4) Arvidson, €I., Eliasson, S . A , , Hammersten, E., Reichard, P.,

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[End of Review Section]

Automatic Operations in Analytical Chemistry GORDON D . PATTERSON, J R . ~ ,WITH M. G. MELLON, Purdue Cniuersity, Lafayette, Znd.


\.ear’s review of progress in the automatization of chemical analysis follows the general form and content of the previous ones ( 2 1 7 ) . h s before, complete coverage of the literature is not intended. T h e references cited are actually only half of the t o t d collected during the preparation of this paper. Those to he included were select,ed on the basis of representing significantly new developments or 11-ider applications of previously described developments. There seen1 still to be many cases where only part of the ideal of 1007, automatization of a chemical analysis has been achieved. Thus the breakdown of analytical procedures into unit operations (ranging from obtaining the sample to recording the data), any one of which may be automatized, is continued as a logical method of classification. General trends and comments are firpt cited, 1 Present address, Terkes Research Laboratory, E. I. du Pont de S e 1iiour.j R- C o . , Inc., Buffalo 7 , 5 . Y.

followed by brief descriptions of specific automatic operatioil.; on the sample and on the desired c-onstituent. .Is previously emphasized, the magnitudes of physical properties that can be measured electrically are those moat useful in automatic analyses. GEVERAL T R E S D S

Sources of Information. The commercial literature continues to provide one of the most revealing sources of progress in this field. S e w instruments and applications fi.equc~ntlyare announced first in this type of literature. While the clainis made n u s t often he taken with a “grain of salt” and basic theory may be described in fine print a t the bottom of the page, much of this information appears to be factual and educational. Bulletins and trade journals should be used to the fullest extent by teachers and others interested in keeping up n.ith the latest developments. Only a few representative examples \\.ill be cited. h c k m a n