Biochemical Preparations

exo-Bicyclo [2.2.1 ]-5-heptene-2,3-dicarboxylic acid imide (m.p. 163.5-164°.Caled, for C9H9NO2: C,. 66.24; H, 5.56. Found: C, 66;06; H, 5.46), pre- p...
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dicyclopentadiene (m.p. 176-177.5’. Calcd. for C16H18C1NO&: C, 57.77; H , 5.52. Found: C, 57.56; H, 5.83) identical with the product obtained by addition of hydrochloric acid t o the norbornylene double bond of the benzenesulfonamide of amine 111. Hofmann degradation of amine IV yields N-methylamine VI (b.p. 80-51” (15 mm.). Calcd. for CIOHl6N: C, 80.45; H, 10.13. Found: C, 80.61; H, 10.04), t h e structure of which is confirmed by synthesis from the N-methyl imideg by lithium aluminum hydride reduction as well as from t h e endo amine 111 by methylation. exo-Bicyclo [2.2.1]-5-heptene-2,3-dicarboxylic acid imide (m.p. 163.5-164”. Calcd. for CgHSN02: C, 06.24; H, 5.56. Found: C, 66:06; H , 5.46), prepared from the corresponding anhydride,I0yields 2aza- 1,2-dihydro-exo-dicyclopentadiene (b.p. 73-74” (9) 11. W. Arnold and N. E. Searle, U. S. Patent 2,.1(32,835(19.19). (10) 11. Craig, THISJ O U R H A L , 73,4889 (1951).

Vol. 81

(7.5 mm.). Calcd. for C9H13X: C, iO.95; H, 9.69. Found: C, 79.55; H, 9.89) upon reduc-

tion with lithium aluminum hydride. The exo amine forms a benzenesulfonamide (m.p. 112113”. Calcd. for ClsHliN02S: C, 65.42; H, 6.22. Found: C, G5.26; H, 6.26) and treatment with 48yo hydrobromic acid gives 9-bromo-2-azatetrahydro-exo-dicyclopentadiene(b.p. 94-95” (0.2 mm.). Calcd. for C9H14BrN: C, 50.01; H , 6.53. Found: C, 50.01; H , 6.74) which is dehydrohalogenated readily by alcoholic potassium hydroxide t o regenerate the exo amine. The partial support of this research by a Grantin-aid from the Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation is gratefully acknowledged. DEPARTMENT O F CHEMISTRY DUKE UNIVERSITY PELHAM \VILDER,JR. DCRIiAM, XORTH CAROLISA CHICITAF. CULBERSON RECEIVED JANUARY 29, 1959

BOOK REVIEWS Surface Chemistry. Theory and Applications. Second Edition. Revised and Enlarged. By J. J. BIKERMAN, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Academic Press Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, S e w York 3 , N. Y. 1958. x 501 pp. 16 X 23.5 cm. Price. $15.00. T h e change of title from “Surface Chemistry for Industrial Research” does not appear t o be justified and one reviewer does not believe t h a t i t is a suitable book for students and teachers. A much less sketchy treatment of many of the topics is necessary for t h e future student, who should, by preference, receive a more thorough and rigorous treatment of a smaller range of topics. T h e book may he considered as a source-book in surface chemistry and allied subjects. As such, i t can fill a useful purpose for the industrial research worker with a large number of examples of and references to the importance of surfaces in technology. T h e enthusiasm of the author for his subject is evident throughout, b u t discrimination is not so obvious. WOODROW WILSONNATIONAL




Biochemical Preparations. Yrilunic 6. CARLS.VEsnm(:, Editor-in-Chief. John Wilcy and Soils, Inc., 440 Fourth Avenue, New York 16, N. T. 1958. i s f 105 pp. 15.5 X 33.5 cm. Price, $ 5 . 2 5 , T h e sixth volume of “Biocliemical Preparations” has been published. I n the fine tradition of the “Organic Syntheses” series, t h e “Biochemical Preparation” series has reached t h e point where it no longer seems necessary t o review each book. The usefulness of “Biochemical Preparations” f6r biochemical research workers and for students is obvious. T h e biochemist still faces problems in obtaining sufficient :irnounts of good materials. I t is the purpose of this series t o present procedures which 1i:ive been checked and which will be useful in demonstrating research techniques. “Biochemical Preparations” emphasizes isolation procedurrs :ind new methods which :ire simpler and therefore rnorr s:itisfactory arid are coiist:iiitl:~being developed. The etiit(irs of this series do iiot hesitate t o replace older methods which have been published in earlier volumes wit11 improved methods for the same material. Escellent exaniples of this policy are prescritctl in v o l u n ~ e G . Tile isolation for cytciclirvinr c was prcsciitctl i n volunlc

2, a n addendum was added in volume 5 and a new procedure is presented in the present volume 6. T h e procedure for the preparation of crystalline muscle phosphorylase has also been modified from the procedure published in a n earlier volume. This volume also presents methods for obtaining deoxyribonucleic acid, 2,3-dipliosphoglyceric acid, L-a-glycerophosphorylcholine, 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid, 8-hydroxy-/% methylglutaric acid, insulin, lanosterol, leucine aminopeptidase, a-methylserine and bis-(hydroxymethy1)-glycine, crystalline horse oxyhemoglobin, old yellow enzyme, crystalline papain and benzoyl-L-argininalnide, phosphoserine, ribonucleic acid, ribulose diphosphate and ~ ~ - t r y p t o p h a n 7a-Cl‘. T h e properties and purity of the products of each procedure are described and alternate methods for obtaining each product are referenced. There is a cumulative index and a list of compounds of biochemical interest which have appeared in “Organic Synthescs” through volume 38. DEPARTMENT O F BIOCHEMISTRY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY MARTINMORRISON UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER ROCHESTER 20, NE\\’ YORK

Conference on Extremely High Temperatures. Boston, Massacliusetts, March 18-19, 1958. Sponsored by Electronics Research Directmate, Air Force Cambridge Research Center. Editors: I ~ E I NFISCHER Z and LAWRENCE C. MANSUR. John \Vile?. and Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth .4venue, S e w York 16, S.I-. si + 258 pp. 22.5 X 28.5 cm. Price, $9.75. For purposes of this conference, extremely high temperatures were taken to mean the range from just below a million degrees t o above a hundred million degrees Kelvin. The first portiun of the conference was devoted t o methods of production o f these high temperatures using magnetic acceleraticm, various t y p e s of electric arcs, and other elcctricnl inrthiitls. Electricnl currents of millions of amperes were required for most inethods. The next section of the conference was devoted to the measuring of temperature l)y vnri