Biochemistry, Second Edition (Zubay, Geoffrey) - Journal of Chemical

Zubay's second edition of Biochemistry addresses the growing field in the same manner as the first edition by using several authors. Keywords (Audienc...
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J ~ h e m l s t r y Thlrd , Edltlon Raymond Chang. Random House: New York. NY, 1988. u i v 1046 pp. Figs. and tables. 21 X 26 cm. $37.00 PB.


This t e r t is a revised versionof the second edition of General Chemistry by Chang. A quick glance a t the new Table of Contents might suggest more radical changes than have actually been made. Multiple chapters in the second edition have been coalesced into single units, and chapter titles have been simplified; however, most of the same material is presented. The new organization streamlines the presentation and has the positive effect of emphasizing the eontinuity of the previously separated material. The presentation of topics is standard. Quantum theory, electronic structure of the atom, and bonding are developed after stoichiometry, thermochemistry, and gases. Chapters on oxidation-reduction reactions and kinetics are placed between ones on bonding and chemical equilibria, but these can fit into a variety of teaching sequences. Descriptive chemistry is presented in a systematic fashion in chapters devoted to main-group metals, to nonmetals and to transition metal chemistry; additional elements of descriptive chemistry are inserted throughout the text. Organic, polymer, and nuclear chemistry conclude the text. Each of the chapters contains solved problems in the text with references to similar problems in the chapter exercises. However, general problem-solving strategies are not developed in the solutions, and the student can learn to imitate the steps associated with a particular type of problem without grasping the concepts enough to apply them in anew situation. Also, few of the miscellaneous problems at the end of the chapters


appear to present such novel situations, and most would not challenge a bright, well-prepared student. The third edition features an increased use of color. For example, color plates open each chapter and introduce "tidbits" of descriptive chemistry into chapters containing primarily conceptual material. Line drawings and graphs are presented in multiple colors, rendering them more interesting visually. The enhanced use of color in the hook is effective and should help engage the interest of a generation of students reared on color television. The "Chemistry in Action" essaya contained in each chapter will also captivate the interest of the students. In these essays, the chaoter material is avolied to imoortant pmhlems such as salvaging the rcrorder tapes from the space ehurrle, Chnllenger, or used to explain the fundnmental chemistry behind many practical topics; e.g., tooth decay and acid rain. The layout of the book, together with the text, illustrations and example problems combine to make a very readsble hook. While I think this text would he a very good choice for a course offered to nonchemistry majors who require a full year of chemistry, chemistry majors with a good mathematics background may not find the contents sufficiently challenging. There are few mathematical derivations, most discussion remains at the qualitative level, and a few inaccuracies arise from simplified explanations. Students pursuing more advanced classes may find that the inaccuracies pose problems in later chemistry courses.


Juliana Boerlo-Goates Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602

Blochemlstry, Second EdRlon Gsoffrey Zubay. Macmillan: New York. NY, 1988. xxix 1266 pp. Figs. and tables. 22.3 X 28.4 cm.


Writing a biochemistry tert today is a most formidable task for several reasons. First, the field is growing explosively. Second, the field encompasses and requires expertise in several subdisciplines of biology and chemistry. Finally, there are a number of h i d e m i s t r y courses at various levels: one-semester courses requiring one- and two-semesters of organic chemistry, fullyear undergraduate courses requiring organic and physical chemistry, and graduate level courses. The audience can be just as diverse-chemistry, biology, health science, biochemistry majors or medirnl student... Zuhay's ae~ondedition of Ntmhemirrry addresses the broad and growing field in the same manner as the fi& edition by using several authors (28 in this edition) to write chapters in their field of expertise. One would suspect that with this approach the text would end up like a team-taught course in which there is little cross communication among the various instructors, hut in general the formula works in this book as Zubay seems to have coordinated the authors and their chapters very well. Each author not only contributes his or her expertise in the subject area, but also adds an enthusiasm that few biochemistry teachers can sustain across a spectrum of topics ranging from eukaryotie gene expression to bioenergetics. With the use of multiple authors, the chapters are as up-to-date as possible. The major difference between this and the first edition is the order of the topic% The first edition used s nonstandard and

In This Issue Revlewer

Raymond Chang, Chemistry, Third Edition Geoffrey Zubay, Biochemistry, Second Edition G Marc Loudon, Organic Chemistry, Second Edition F. Albert Cotton and Geoffrey Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. Fifth Edition Robert H. Crabtree, The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals Russell W. Phifer and William R. McTigue, Jr., Handbook of Hazardous Waste Management for Small Quantity Generators New Volumes in Continuing Series Monographs Textbook Announcement Titles of Interest


Journal of Chemical Education

Juliana Boerio-Goates Charles L. Bering S. Miles Wood Laurence J. Boucher

A102 A102 A104 A104

George B. Kauffman


Malcolm M. Renfrew

A106 A106 A106 A107 A107

rather awkward approach. For instance, a section on Lipids covered every aspect of lipids and membranes-structure. catabolism, anabolism, membrane functions, ete. Then the text moved on to the next macromolecule. The second edition uses a more standard topic outline. Part I (The Major Components of the Cell) discusses the structure and functions of biological macromolecules-proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. Part I1 (Catalysis) deals with enzymes and coenzymes. Part I11 (Catabolism) begins with a review of thermodynamics and an introduction to biogenergetics, then coven the energy yielding processes, including photosynthesis. The next three Parts of the teat cover Anabolism (IV), Nuel& Acid and Protein Metabolism (V), and Memhrane-Associated Reactions (VI). In his Preface, Zubay states that the text was redesigned in this manner to accommodate one term biochemistrv courses (which usually cover the first three parts, without hsving to jump from front to hack, lwing rontinuity, as in the first edition. There are many pluses to this text. As I mentioned above, the multi-author approach really does work, and the material is current. The figures are generally good, and include many of the excellent figures of Irving Geis. Some subjects are lightly covered in the text and refer to figures for a more complete understanding. In other words, students would be well advised to treat the figures as integral to the text. This seems an economical and pedagogically sound approach. The section on Catalysis discusses a number of enzyme mechanisms in addition t o the "Big Three" (lyzozyme, carboxypeptidase A, chymotrypsin). I was especially pleased with the chapter on coenzymes. Many bwks list the vitamins and eoenzymes a t this point, and then deal in a cursory manner with mechanisms in the appropriate section in metabolism. This chapter covers in a sophisticated and thorough manner the role and the mechanism of action of these coenzymes in key enzymatic processes. Chapters on metabolism then deal with metabolism, not enzyme mechanisms. Some of the pluses of this text also contribute to its minuses. This book is not for the faint of heart. I t is an advanced book and prohahly best serves senior biochemistry majors or graduate students. The use of organic and some physical chemistry and modern biology (including genetics far Part V) make it an upper level text. An Introduction gives a brief outline of chemical and biological principles needed for the text, but one assumes students have had two years of chemistry already. One cannot make that assumption regarding a student's biology background, and this introduction may be insufficient preparation for what is ahead in the text. Even though the book is thorough, this also means that it can he encyclopedic a t times. There is only so much hiochemistry that can he covered in a one-year course. If one were to conscientiously cover Parts IV, only about two lectures could he dedicated to each chapter. For a first course in biochemistry, this text could be intimidating for many undergraduates. This problem is also apparent in many of


Journal of Chemical Education

Advanced lnorganlc Chemistry, Fifth Edltlon F. Albert Cotton and Geoffrey Wilklnson. 1455 Wiley: New Yo*, NY, 1988. xvii pp. Figs. and tables. 17.2 X 24.2 cm. $44.95.

book through five editions over 25 years has kept pace with the rapid maturation of inorganic chemistry. Thus, the single volume format has been maintained with the addition of considerable new material only by elimination of much of the theoretical material included in previous editions. For erample, ligand field theory and simple ideas ahout bonding are not discussed. The authors assume, quite correctly, that the student will have been exposed to the theoretical background necessary to understand modern descriptive inorganic chemistry in lower level texts. With this in mind, the authors extensively use arguments based on molecular orbital theory to rationalize experimental results throughout the hook. In addition to the new material added, several sections and many chapters have been rearranged and reworked. Part One, Survey of Principles, contains two brief chapters: Concepts of Stereochemistry and Bonding and Introduction to Ligands and Complexes. The previous format is retained with 14 chapters on the Chemistry of The Main Group Elements in Part Two: Hydrogen; Group M I ) ; Group IIA(2); Boron; Group IIIA(13); Carbon; Group IVA(14); Nitrogen; Group VA(15); Oxygen; Group VIA(16); Group VIIA(17);Group VIIIA(18); Group IIB(12) and with 5 chapters on The Chemistry of the Transition Elements in Part Three: Survey of the Transition Elements; First Transition Series; Second and Third Transition Series; The Lanthanides, also Scandium (IIIB,3) a n d Yttrium (IIIB,3); Actinium, Thorium, Protactinium and the Actinide Elements. Part Four has been extensively augmented, especially the eight chapters devoted to various aspects of organometallic chemistry of the transition metali: Transition Metal Carbon Monoxide Compounds; Metal-ta-Metal Bonds and Metal-Atom Clusters; Transition Metal Compounds with Bonds to Hydrogen; Compounds with Transition Metal Single, Double, and Triple Bonds to Carbon; Compounds of Transition Metals with Alkenes and Delocalized Hydrocarbon Systems; Oxidative-Addition and Migration (Insertion) Reactions; Homogeneous Catalytic Synthesis of Organic Chemicals hy Transition Metal Complexes. Chapters on Reaction Meehanisms of Transition Metal Complexes and Bioinoraanic Chemistry complete Part . Four. The general format of the b w k is similar ta the fourth edition in that it contains no exercises or study problems. The specific and additional references are current, mostlyfrom mid-1979 to mid-1987. Older work is only referenced in previous editions. The appendices have been revised with deletion of sections from the fourth edition on atomic orbitals, quantum states and magnetic properties and with addition of sections on ionic radii and molecular svmmetrv (moved . from the h d y uf the text in previou~editrons). Happily, the index ha3 been expande d s i ~ i f i c a n t l yfrom 30tu45pages. Anuther improvement in the hook is the typography; on the stark white paper the type is dark, clear, and easy to read.

Reviews of the previous four editions of this classic comprehensive text on inorganic chemistry have appeared in this Journal 1963,40,230; 1967,44, A240; 1973,50, A347; 1981, 58, A204. The development of the

(Continued on page A106)

the Selected Readines listed a t the end of each chanter. Some &soter references are u, sperralmd monographs or serlrs that may not be found at many four-year under graduate colleges. Some references are not very specific;for instance, to all 131volumes of Methods in Enzymology. Of course, this is an impartant series that students should know about, but they would benefit more from specific Scientific American or Annua l Reuiews of Biochemistry articles. Some authors do list references from these more readily available sources. In summary, this is s h w k that no hiachemist or biochemistry teacher should be without. For biochemistry majors with a strong chemistry and biology background, or graduate students, it is certainly one of the best texts on the market. But I would think twice before using it in a first course in biochemistry with a varied audience. Charles L. Bering Clarion Unlverslty of Pennsylvania Clarion, PA 16214


rganlc Chemistry, Second Edltion G. Marc Loudon. BenjaminlCummings: Menlo Park, CA, 1988. 1259 pp. Figs. and tables. 20.8 X 26 cm.

In this text the selection and organization of subject matter places organic chemistry most naturally in (the whole of) science subject matter. Use is made of information learned in chemistry prerequisite. Through the employment of clear, concise, and accepted mechanisms G. Mare Loudou's Organic Chemistry (second edition) presents subject matter in a moat understandable manner, while a t the same time it provides a framework for users (professors and students) to include new information as it becomes available from experimentation. Explanations are improved by excellent diagrams and pictures. Data and examples necessary for problem-solving experience abound. A large number of problems of different levels of difficulty are included. I believe the text itself would have been improved had answers to some of the prohlems been included in it. Indices and appendices are well done with many clarifying features. No explanation of the cover diagram can he easily found within the text. S. Miles Wood Rmevelt University Chicago. IL 60605



