Perspective is published by the Biodegradation of American Chemical Society. 1155 Sixteenth Polymeric Mulch Films Street N.W., Washington, DC 20036 in Agricultural Soils: Publishedby byUniversity American of Subscriber access provided Chemical Society. Library Wollongong Copyright © American Chemical Society. However, no copyright
Concepts, Knowledge Gaps, and Future is published by the American Chemical Society. 1155 Sixteenth Research Directions Street N.W., Washington,
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CCO + Cmicrobial biomass (+ Cremnant polymer) 2
keyACSsteps inPlus polymer film Paragon Environment biodegradation in soils
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1 2
Biodegradation of Polymeric Mulch Films in Agricultural Soils:
Concepts, Knowledge Gaps, and Future Research Directions
4 5
6 7
Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics
ETH Zurich
8092 Zurich, Switzerland
10 11 12
Submitted as perspective to Environmental Science & Technology
13 14
*Corresponding author:
Michael Sander
[email protected] 17
Phone: +41 44 632 83 14
18 19
Number of pages: 29
Number of figures: 4
Number of tables: 0
Number of words: 4086
23 24
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25 26
The agricultural use of conventional, polyethylene-based mulch films leads to the
accumulation of remnant film pieces in agricultural soils with negative impacts for soil
productivity and ecology. A viable strategy to overcome this accumulation is to replace
conventional with biodegradable mulch films composed of polymers designed to be degraded
by soil microorganisms. However, understanding polymer biodegradation in soils remains a
significant challenge due to its dependence on polymer properties, soil characteristics and
prevailing environmental conditions. This perspective aims to advance our understanding of
the three fundamental steps underlying biodegradation of mulch films in agricultural soils:
colonization of the polymer film surfaces by soil microorganisms, depolymerization of the
polymer films by extracellular microbial hydrolases, and subsequent microbial assimilation
and utilization of the hydrolysis products for energy production and biomass formation. The
perspective synthesizes the current conceptual understanding of these steps and highlights
existing knowledge gaps. The discussion addresses future research and analytical
advancements required to overcome the knowledge gaps and to identify the key polymer
properties and soil characteristics governing mulch film biodegradation in agricultural soils.
42 43
In order to secure food for the growing world population,1,2 modern agriculture heavily
relies on the use of plastic films in diverse applications, including soil mulching, greenhouses,
low and high tunnels, and silage.3-6 The global agricultural film market is predicted to reach an
annual volume of 7.5 million tons by 2021 with mulch films having a major share (> 40%).7-9
Conventional mulch films are composed of polyethylene (PE)3,6,10 and have thicknesses
between a few to several tens of µm. When applied to agricultural soils, these films raise crop
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yields by elevating soil temperatures, conserving soil moisture, controlling weed growth, and
providing protection against severe weather and pests.6,8,11-13 Currently, China uses the most
PE mulch film, with an estimated 1.25 to 1.4 million tons of film applied annually,14,15 covering
approximately 20 million hectares or 12% of China’s farmland.14,16,17 This area equals about
five times the total size of Switzerland.
Recovery of PE mulch films from agricultural fields after use is often incomplete due to
PE film embrittlement and fragmentation caused by weathering, particularly when thin films
are used.4,16,18 Residual films enter and subsequently accumulate in agricultural soils because
PE is recalcitrant.19-21 Such accumulation is best documented for soils in the Xinjiang region
in northwest China, where intense mulch film application has led to residual PE film
concentrations in soils in the range of 120–350 kg residual film per ha and as high as 500 kg
residual film per ha.16,18,22 The accumulation of residual PE mulch films in agricultural soils
around the world has raised concerns because it decreases soil productivity by blocking water
infiltration, impeding soil gas exchange, constraining root growth, and altering soil microbial
community structures. 14,23 Besides impacting soil productivity, plastic pollution of soils is also
considered a general emerging threat to soil ecosystem health and function.24-30
A promising approach to overcome the accumulation of residual PE mulch films in soils
is to replace the conventional with biodegradable mulch films composed of polymers designed
to be degradable by soil microorganisms.31,32 As a promising technology to help overcome
plastic pollution of soils, biodegradable mulch films have also recently received increased
attention from regulators and scientists alike. In July 2018, a new EU standard was issued
specifying test methods and biodegradability criteria for biodegradable mulch films.33 Such
standards counteract commercialization of mulch films labeled as biodegradable without
scientific evidence in support of this claim (e.g., so-called ‘oxo-degradable’ PE films).19,34-38
Growing interest from the scientific community on the use of biodegradable mulch films is
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reflected in a number of recently-published reviews, policy communications, and viewpoints
that address standards and test systems for biodegradable mulch films, film properties and soil
characteristics that affect biodegradation, as well as potential effects of mulch film applications
on soil microbial ecology and overall soil function.9,12,13,39-43 A review that explicitly focuses
on the fundamental steps underlying biodegradation of mulch films in soils remained missing.
This perspective aims to advance a more holistic picture of three fundamental steps
underlying mulch film biodegradation in soils: The colonization of the polymer surfaces by
soil microorganisms (step 1), enzymatic depolymerization of the polymer by extracellular
hydrolases secreted by the colonizing microorganisms (step 2), and the microbial utilization of
the oligomeric and monomeric hydrolysis products that are released from the polymer (step 3).
To this end, the perspective summarizes the current conceptual understanding of each of the
three steps and highlights existing knowledge gaps, research needs, and associated analytical
challenges. Detailed knowledge of these steps is important not only to aid design and
mechanistically interpret experimental biodegradation studies but also to help develop
materials and application strategies that favor mulch film biodegradation in soils.
Biodegradable polymers and their use in mulch films
Biodegradable polymers are synthetic or natural organic polymers that degrade under the
active involvement of microorganisms.44,45 Biodegradation under aerobic conditions results in
the conversion of polymer carbon (𝐶𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑦𝑚𝑒𝑟) into carbon dioxide (𝐶𝐶𝑂2) and microbial biomass
(𝐶𝑏𝑖𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠) (Eq. 1): 46,47
𝐶𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑦𝑚𝑒𝑟 + 𝑂2 →𝐶𝐶𝑂2 + 𝐶𝑏𝑖𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 ( + 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑦𝑚𝑒𝑟)
where 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑦𝑚𝑒𝑟 represents the carbon remaining in residual polymer as long as
Eq. 1
biodegradation is incomplete.
Biodegradability of a polymer depends on its physicochemical properties and not on the
provenance of its carbon (i.e., fossil-based vs. bio-based materials).40,45 Furthermore,
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biodegradability is a polymer trait that is specific to a given receiving environment (e.g.,
agricultural soils for mulch films).40,48-51 At the same time, polymer biodegradability varies
greatly between soils,52 demonstrating the importance of soil-specific characteristics in
polymer biodegradation.48
Figure 1a shows the chemical structures of both synthetic and natural polymers used in
commercial biodegradable mulch films.12,53,54 The synthetic polymers include the aliphatic
polyesters poly(butylene succinate), poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate) (PBSA), poly (-
caprolactone), and polylactic acid, as well as the aromatic-aliphatic co-polyester poly(butylene
adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT). Natural polymers include starch, cellulose and
polyhydroxyalkanoates. Most biodegradable mulch films are blends of two (or more) of the
listed polymers. A common chemical feature among the listed polymers is that their backbone
chains contain functional groups that are enzymatically hydrolyzable (i.e., a glycosidic bond
in starch and ester bonds in all other polymers; as shown for PBS and starch in Figure 1b).
Polyesters are widely used in biodegradable mulch films due to their desirable biodegradability
traits, comparatively low production costs and favorable thermal and mechanical
properties.55,56 Furthermore, altering the monomer composition of polyesters enables tuning of
degradability and performance traits for a particular application. For instance, increasing the
molar ratio of terephthalate to adipate increases the mechanical stability of PBAT but lowers
its biodegradability.57-59 This example highlights one of the most fundamental challenges in
developing biodegradable mulch films: balancing stability —needed for the films to fulfill their
function for the duration of the application to soils— and biodegradability —to ensure rapid
and extensive conversion to CO2 and microbial biomass once the films enter soils after use.
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Figure 1. a. Chemical structures of synthetic and natural polymers used in commercial biodegradable mulch films. The backbone chains of all polymers contain functional groups that can be enzymatically (and abiotically) hydrolyzed, a key step in polymer biodegradation. b. Depiction of the enzymatic hydrolysis of an ester bond in poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) (top) and an glycosidic bond in starch (bottom).
Steps involved in mulch film biodegradation in soils
This perspective addresses the complexity of mulch film biodegradation in soils by
separately examining the three fundamental steps that underlie this process (Figure 2). While
discussed separately, these steps are strongly interconnected and co-occur during mulch film
biodegradation. The discussion aims at identifying general concepts that broadly apply to
biodegradable mulch films irrespective of their exact polymeric composition. For this reason,
the generic term ‘polymer’ is used in the subsequent discussion when referring to synthetic and
natural polymers used in biodegradable mulch films. While pertinent, a discussion of the fate
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of mulch film additives (e.g., UV stabilizers, plasticizers, fillers, and synthesis catalysts) in
soils is beyond the scope of this perspective.
142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
Figure 2. Three fundamental steps involved in polymer biodegradation in soils. Step 1: Microbial colonization of the polymer surface by film-degrading soil bacteria and fungi. Step 2: Enzymatic depolymerization of the polymer by extracellular hydrolases secreted by filmdegrading microorganisms colonizing the film surface. Step 3: Microbial uptake and utilization of monomers and short oligomers for energy production under release of CO2 and for biomass formation. Adapted from Zumstein et al., 2018.60
Step 1. Microbial colonization of polymer surfaces. The first step in the biodegradation
is the colonization of the polymer surface by degrading soil microorganisms that secrete
extracellular de-polymerases. Factors that facilitate colonization increase the total contact area
between microbial degraders and polymers and are thus expected to increase overall polymer
biodegradation rates.61
Conceptual understanding. Both fungi and unicellular organisms colonize the surfaces
of biodegradable polymers in soils, as shown by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
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imaging.62-67 While microbial colonization is no proof for biodegradation —microbes also
colonize non-biodegradable polymers in the environment68-71— SEM images collected on
biodegradable polymers often show enhanced surface erosion around the colonizing
microorganisms,62-65 suggesting depolymerization by secreted hydrolases in proximity to the
colonizing microbes. Figure 3 shows exemplary SEM images visualizing colonization of
PBAT films by both fungi and unicellular organisms after six weeks of soil incubation.
A number of studies have characterized the microbial communities forming on the
surfaces of biodegradable polymers during soil incubations.62,72-75 Communities on the
polymer were enriched in specific fungi (often of the phylum Ascomyceta) and had a lower
fungal diversity as compared to the bulk soils.62,72,76 These findings likely indicate a
preferential colonization and proliferation by polymer-degrading fungi,72 which is supported
by the isolation of fungal degraders from the surfaces of biodegradable polymers incubated in
soils.63,64,77,78 Bacterial polymer degraders were also identified on the surfaces of biodegradable
polymers after soil incubation.74,79 Yet, the presence of biodegradable polymers in soils had
only small effects on the bacterial community composition and abundance in bulk soils.72,73,80
Taken together, microbial community analyses demonstrated colonization of polymers by both
fungal and bacterial degraders in soils.
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175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183
Figure 3. Selected scanning electron microscopy images of the surfaces of poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) films that were incubated in an agricultural soil in the laboratory (six weeks; temperature of 25°C). The images serve to illustrate colonization of PBAT films by both fungi and unicellular organisms and to visualize hyphal growth along and into the polymer surfaces. Images in panels a and c were collected at different spots on the PBAT film surface. Panels b and d show magnifications of areas highlighted in panels a and c. Images were collected by Michael Zumstein.
Knowledge gaps and research needs. The spatiotemporal dynamics of fungal and
bacterial colonization have not been systematically investigated. SEM can be used to obtain
high-resolution images of microbial colonization —including potential co-localization patters
of bacteria and fungi— and associated (bio)erosion features on the film surfaces. SEM imaging
ought to be complemented by light and fluorescence microscopy approaches which have
potential to allow following microbial colonization dynamics in real time. Of particular interest
is fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) coupled to fluorescence microscopy69,81-83 because
this approach not only allows visualizing colonization but also provides information on the
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phylogenetic affiliation of colonizing microorganisms. FISH probes can be designed to screen
broadly for different phylogenetical affiliations of colonizing microorganisms. At the same
time, the use of FISH probes targeting specific fungal and bacterial degraders previously
identified in single culture or metagenomic studies would enable assessing their abundance on
polymer films in soils.
Complementary microscopy techniques can be used to systematically investigate the
effects of soil properties on microbial polymer colonization dynamics. Among these properties,
soil nutrient availability likely is of particular importance. Because the polymers used in
biodegradable mulch films are solely composed of C, O, and H (Figure 1), colonizers need to
acquire nitrogen (N) from the surrounding soil for growth. Therefore, colonizers may
experience N limitations in nutrient-poor soils and/or on the surfaces of rapidly depolymerizing
polymers that supply excess carbon relative to N to microorganisms. Compared to bacteria,
fungi may be less susceptible to N limitations. First, fungi have higher biomass C:N ratios of
approximately 15 as compared to 5 for bacteria, implying that fungi require comparatively
lower amounts of N for growth.84 Second, fungi can also use the cytoplastic current in their
hyphal network to direct N from nutrient rich microenvironments in soils to cells located on
the polymer surface.85 Limited N availability in specific soils may thus favor colonization by
fungi and possibly also heterotrophic nitrogen-fixing bacteria.86
Besides the stoichiometry considerations above, fungi have the additional advantage that
they can use directed hyphal growth to colonize film surfaces.63 Because hyphae can grow
across air gaps between soil particles and the film surface, fungi do not require direct contact
of soil with polymer films to initiate colonization. By contrast, unicellular bacteria likely
colonize the polymer surface primarily from soil-polymer contact points and through cell
division. The smooth and apolar film surfaces likely impair the formation of water films of
sufficient thickness and continuity required for bacterial motility as a means of
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colonization.58,87-89 However, it is conceivable that motile bacteria use the hyphal network on
the polymer surface for colonization (expressed in the ‘fungal highway’ concept).90,91 Based
on the above considerations, a testable hypothesis for future studies is that soil fungi (and
possibly also actinobacteria with filamentous growth92) outcompete unicellular bacteria in film
Step 2: Enzymatic depolymerization of polymers. Microbial colonizers secrete
depolymerases to cleave the hydrolyzable bonds in the polymer structure, resulting in the
release of microbially-assimilable, low-molecular weight (i.e., < 600 Da)93 mono- and
oligomers (Figure 2). Abiotic hydrolysis of these bonds is typically much slower than
enzymatic hydrolysis under the temperature and pH conditions that prevail in soils.50,94,95
Enzymatic depolymerization is commonly considered the rate-limiting step in polymer
biodegradation in soils. This is supported by much faster microbial utilization of oligo- and
monomers when directly added to soils than of the corresponding polymers in the same
Conceptual understanding. Enzymatic polyester hydrolysis has been extensively studied
because of its relevance to both polyester biodegradation in natural environments and polyester
recycling in engineered systems.97,98 To study this reaction, numerous analytical approaches
are available that quantify the release of hydrolysis products or protons into solution (one
proton is released per hydrolyzed ester bond at circumneutral pH),99-103 or increases in solution
fluorescence resulting from enzymatic co-hydrolysis of fluorogenic ester probes embedded
into the polyester.104 Enzymatic polyester hydrolysis has also been studied at the nanometer-
scale using atomic force microscopy105 and quartz-crystal microbalance measurements.106,107
Among several polymer properties controlling its enzymatic hydrolyzability,
crystallinity arguably is the most important.59,98,108-114 Polyesters used in biodegradable mulch
films are semi-crystalline and thus contain both amorphous and nm-sized crystalline
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phases.115,116 In the amorphous phases, polyester backbone chains are disordered and have a
higher mobility, favoring binding and hydrolytic cleavage by esterases. Contrastingly, the
polyester chains in crystalline phases are in highly-ordered arrangements with strong chain-
chain interactions. The resulting low mobility of the chains impairs their binding to and
hydrolysis by esterases. The importance of crystallinity is reflected in findings of decreasing
enzymatic hydrolysis rates of polyesters as their melting temperatures (Tm; temperature at
increase.59,100,101,104,108,112,117-119 The propensity of polyesters to form crystalline phases
primarily depends on their chemical structure and molecular weight distribution100,112,116,119,120
but is modulated by their thermal and mechanical exposure history.102,121-123
A number of fungal and bacterial esterases that hydrolyze aliphatic and aliphatic-
aromatic co-polyesters have been identified.59,99,120,124 These esterases include cutinases and
lipases. The natural substrate of cutinases is cutin, a complex plant bio-polyester composed of
hydroxylated fatty acids125 with some chemical resemblance to synthetic polyesters. Some of
the identified cutinases hydrolyze semi-crystalline polyesters with high Tm, including
PBAT59,120 and non-biodegradable polyethylene terephthalate.126-132 Esterase activity on
polyesters needs to be assessed case-by-case given that several enzyme-specific factors play a
role (e.g., the tertiary structures and polarities of substrate binding sites and active sites that
can be determined from esterase crystallographic structures).
Knowledge gaps and research needs. While past work identified polyester properties and
esterase characteristics affecting enzymatic polyester hydrolysis, there are several knowledge
gaps related to this reaction in the context of biodegradable mulch films in soils.
Only a few studies have attempted to link polyester biodegradation in soils to soil esterase
activities.133,134 While esterase activities and PBSA-film degradation rates in eleven soils
correlated with the relative abundance of PBSA degrading fungi isolated from these soils, there
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was no strong direct correlation between PBSA degradation rates and soil esterase activities.134
This finding suggests that the substrate used in the soil esterase activity assay, p-nitrophenyl
valerate, was hydrolyzed by a broad set of soil esterases and, therefore, not sufficiently specific
to the much smaller subset of soil esterases capable of hydrolyzing PBSA. Soil esterase activity
assays are thus needed that employ substrates that are highly selective for soil esterases that
hydrolyze a specific polyester of interest. Such assays have potential to directly relate polyester
biodegradation rates in soils to soil esterase activities and to use soil polyester-specific esterase
activities to predict biodegradability of polyester-based mulch films.
Levels of esterase expression and secretion by polyester-colonizing microorganisms
remain unknown but are likely controlled by a number of factors. First, nitrogen-limited
microorganisms may not produce esterases given that their secretion and subsequent hydrolysis
of polyesters does not increase N-availability. Second, the general availability of carbon
substrates may regulate esterase production in colonizing microorganisms. For instance, the
production of a cutinase in Fusarium solani in culture studies was shown to be suppressed by
glucose135 (but induced by hydroxylated C16 fatty acids, the products of cutin hydrolysis.135,136)
Similarly, glucose and fructose suppressed the hydrolytic activity of an isolated PBAT-
degrading fungus grown on PBAT.76 Determining levels of and controls on esterase expression
and secretion requires novel analytical approaches to quantify esterase activities and to
characterize the extracellular proteome, including esterases, on the surface of polyester films
after soil incubation.
Past work studied enzymatic hydrolysis primarily of pure polyesters. Going forward, the
enzymatic hydrolyzability of commercial biodegradable mulch films — both in their pristine
states prior to field application as well as in weathered states after field application — needs to
be systematically studied for a number of reasons. First, biodegradable mulch films typically
contain more than one polymer. Enzymatic depolymerization of these blends may require more
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than one hydrolase and likely exhibit more complex dynamics as compared to those of single
polyesters.65,137 Second, most research on enzymatic polyester hydrolysis has been conducted
on unprocessed polyesters and not on polyester mulch films produced by blown film extrusion.
Because this processing step is expected to largely affect the physical properties of the
comprised polyesters, it is preferable to assess enzymatic hydrolyzability (and biodegradability
in soils) on the final, processed films.121 Third, future work needs to assess the extent to which
weathering of biodegradable mulch films during field application affects their enzymatic
hydrolyzability. In particular, the effect of photoirradiation-induced changes in the chemical
structures of aliphatic-aromatic co-polyesters67,138,139 on enzymatic hydrolyzability warrants
systematic investigation.
Step 3: Microbial utilization of polymer carbon. The last step in mulch film
biodegradation is the microbial assimilation and utilization of monomers and oligomers
released from the polymers through enzymatic hydrolysis. Microorganisms utilize the
hydrolysis products as substrates for both respiration and synthesis of biomolecules (Figure
2). The most direct approach to study utilization therefore is to follow the conversion of
polymer-derived carbon into CO2 (also referred to as ‘mineralization’) and into microbial
biomass.48 Indirect approaches —including monitoring of polymer mass loss, detecting shifts
in the polymer molecular weight distribution towards smaller masses, and visually assessing
polymer physical disintegration— provide no direct evidence for microbial utilization of
polymers during soil incubation.
Conceptual understanding. The mineralization of polymer carbon into CO2 during soil 140-142
incubations can be directly quantified by respirometric analyses of the formed CO2.
Respirometric data is typically plotted as the cumulative amount of formed CO2 —corrected
for CO2 formation in polymer free control incubations and expressed in percent of the polymer
carbon added to the soil— versus incubation time (depicted for three cases of mineralization
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in Figure 4). Resulting mineralization curves are the foundation of biodegradation standards
that stipulate conversion of a specified amount of the polymer carbon to CO2 over a defined
incubation time.40,141
Mineralization curves provide information both on the rates and extents of polymer
conversion to CO2. At the onset of the incubations, the mineralization curves commonly show
a lag phase, presumably reflecting time required for microbial colonization of the polymers
and the subsequent onset of enzymatic depolymerization. Incubations showing fast rates and
high final extents of mineralization imply extensive biodegradation of the polymers in the
studied soils (Figure 4, case 1). Incubations showing slow rates and incomplete final extents
of mineralization (Figure 4, case 2) are more difficult to interpret as slow utilization may be
the result of polymer properties (e.g., crystallinity), soil characteristics (e.g., nutrient
availability), or the incubation conditions (temperature and soil water content). Identifying
causes of slow utilization would require additional incubation experiments specifically
targeting individual system parameters hypothesized to constrain mineralization. However,
systematic studies on the effects of polymer- and soil-specific factors on microbial utilization
remain sparse.52,143 One of these studies demonstrated that polymer utilization in 19 field soils
increased with increasing soil nitrogen contents and with increases in the cumulative time
period over which temperatures at the field sites were above 10°C.52
Additional difficulties in the interpretation of mineralization curves arise because the
non-mineralized fraction remaining in soils typically is not characterized. This fraction may be
present both as residual polymer or associated with soil microbial biomass (Equation 1). The
extent to which microorganisms incorporate carbon into their biomass is described by the
carbon use efficiency (CUE; i.e., the ratio of carbon used for growth to the sum of carbon used
for growth and respiration). The CUE is species- and substrate-specific144,145 and strongly
dependent on incubation conditions, including nutrient availability. As a consequence, the
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conversion of polymer carbon into microbial biomass cannot be accurately quantified by
determining the increase in the amount of microbial biomass extractable from soils over the
course of polymer incubations.
346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353
Figure 4. a. Schematic of polymer mineralization experiments in soils in which the formation of carbon dioxide (CO2) is followed over time. b. Schematic of mineralization curves for three polymer-soil combinations resulting in fast and complete mineralization (case 1), slower and incomplete mineralization (case 2), and no mineralization (case 3). Based on only respirometric data, the relative contributions of remnant polymer and microbial biomass to the nonmineralized fraction in case 2 remain unknown.
Knowledge gaps and research needs. To characterize the nonmineralized fraction of
polymers in soils, it is critical to develop analytical methods that allow quantifying the amount
of remnant polymers in soils. Existing gravimetric analysis methods are poorly-suited because
they rely on completely recovering the remnant polymer from the soil and effective cleaning
of the polymer prior to weighing. Instead, solvent-extraction methods, such as Soxhlet and
accelerated solvent extraction, to recover residual polymer from soils are more promising.146,147
The amount of extracted polyesters could subsequently be quantified by gel permeation
chromatography or nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Efficient extraction methods of
polyesters from soils would aid the interpretation of laboratory incubation studies but also
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allow to screen for remnant polyester in field soils to which biodegradable mulch films were
previously applied.
Currently-employed incubation systems with respirometric measurements have two
major limitations that impair detailed mechanistic studies on polymer utilization. First, these
systems only allow for measure of polymer mineralization but not for the closure of mass
balances on the polymer carbon added to the soils.148 Second, they offer no information on the
incorporation of polymer-derived carbon into soil microbial biomass. These limitations can be
overcome by using carbon isotope-labeled instead of unlabeled polymers in soil incubations.
While early studies have successfully employed
mineralization in soils,149,150 the use of this radioisotope is often impractical due to regulations
and safety measures. Instead, the use of stable
conversion of 13C-labeled polymers into 13CO2 during soil incubations can be quantified either
by gas chromatography coupled to isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) or 13CO2-sensitive
cavity ring down spectroscopy.60,151,152 The use of
possibility to quantify the amount of polymer-derived 13C that remains in soils at the end of
incubations, for instance by soil combustion coupled to quantification of formed
IRMS. By combining the quantified amounts of non-mineralized 13C remaining in soils and of
polymer-derived 13CO2 can be delineated from CO2 formed in the mineralization of soil organic
matter, mineralization studies with
arise if polymer addition increases or decreases the mineralization of soil organic matter (i.e.,
so called positive or negative ‘priming effects’).153,154
polymers to follow their
labeled polymers is more viable. The
polymers also opens the
mineralized, it is possible to close the mass balance on added polymer
polymers are not susceptible to artifacts that
In addition to enabling mass balance determinations, using 13C-labeled polymers further
enables tracking of polymer carbon into soil microbial biomass. For instance, microbial
biomarkers (such as phospholipid fatty acids) from soils can be extracted and their 13C-content
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can be quantified.155,156 Quantifying
provide valuable insights into the relative importance of bacteria and fungi in utilizing
polymer-derived carbon.157 Alternatively, the incorporation of polymer-derived
polymer-colonizing microorganisms can be directly imaged using
microscopy techniques, including Nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) or
Raman microspectroscopy.158-160 A recent study used NanoSIMS to unequivocally demonstrate
incorporation of
in signature bacterial and fungal biomarkers would
carbon from labeled PBAT into the biomass of colonizing soil
The analytical advances outlined above —involving soil incubation of both unlabeled 13C-labeled
polymers— would enable systematic studies on the effects of polymer
properties and soil characteristics on the CUE of microbial polymer degraders. Determining
the effects of N availability on CUEs and on mineralization rates and extents is particularly
pertinent. CUEs of soil microorganisms are known to decrease from around 0.3-0.5 for
substrates with low C:N to much smaller values for substrates with high C:N ratios.161 Because
polymers used in biodegradable mulch films (Figure 1) fall into the latter category, increasing
N availability in soils likely increases CUEs and overall polymer biodegradation.
Concluding thoughts
Using biodegradable mulch films instead of conventional PE-based films promised to
improve the sustainably of agricultural food production by overcoming deleterious economic
and ecological impacts resulting from the accumulation of remnant PE films in agricultural
soils. To ensure the safe application of biodegradable mulch films —including their desired
biodegradation in soils— requests that their fate in soils is well studied and understood at a
mechanistic level. This perspective highlights research and analytical developments required
to advance a more fundamental understanding of the key steps involved in mulch film
biodegradation in soils. This understanding will be beneficial to establishing transferability of
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results from polymer biodegradation studied in laboratory batch and mesocosm incubations to
biodegradation in agricultural soils directly in the field, determining the relative importance of
(specific) soil fungi and bacteria in film biodegradation, assessing and adjusting mulch film
biodegradation in field soils, creating tools to predict biodegradability based on site-dependent
soil characteristics and climatic factors, and to further refining standards and test methods for
the biodegradation of mulch films in soils.
M.S. thanks Gordon Getzinger, Michael Zumstein, and Taylor Nelson for critical
feedback on the manuscript and Rebekka Baumgartner, Michael Zumstein, Taylor Nelson,
Mattia Cerri, Kristopher McNeill (all ETH) and Hans-Peter Kohler (Eawag) for an inspiring
collaboration over the past years on the fate of biodegradable polymers in soils. Parts of the
content of this perspective reflects discussions with them. The SEM images in Figure 3 were
collected by Michael Zumstein using equipment maintained by the Center for Microscopy and
Image Analysis, University of Zurich.
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Michael Sander is a senior scientist in Environmental Chemistry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland. Michael Sander received his M.S. degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Bayreuth, Germany, in 2000 and his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering (Environmental Engineering Program) from Yale University, USA, in 2005. Following postdoctoral research from 2005 to 2007 in Environmental Chemistry at ETHZ, Michael Sander was promoted to research group leader in 2008 and to his current position in 2017. Michael Sander’s research group is active in three areas: environmental organic chemistry of micropollutants, redox (biogeo)chemistry, and environmental macromolecular chemistry. Research in the latter area is directed towards advancing a fundamental understanding of the environmental fate and activity of (bio)macromolecules, including enzymes, plant-incorporated protectants, viruses, and biodegradable synthetic organic polymers. The work from Michael Sander’s research group has received several awards including two Best Paper Awards from Environmental Science & Technology (categories Environmental Technology in 2016 and Environmental Science in 2009) and an Excellence in Review Award from the same journal in 2013.
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