Bioelectrochemistry—Before and After - ACS Publications - American

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Chapter 16

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and After

M . J. Allen Biophysical Laboratories, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, V A 23284 and Department of Physiology, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom "Bioelectrochemistry" was first used as a descriptive term by the writer (1) in the early 1960s' to categorize his studies on the electrochemical behavior of biological systems. Although the "term" referred to is of recent origin, the subject matter had its birth in GALVANI's laboratory toward the end of the eighteenth century, and was continued by others in a somewhat empirical fashion to the middle of this century. At this time investigations were initiated with the objective of quantifying the electrochemical response of microbial systems to metabolisable substrates. The successful outcome of these studies led to further investigations on erythrocyte behavior. isolated organs, plant tissues and in more recent years to the electronic properties of plant and mammalian membranes. As far as can be ascertained Luigi Galvani was probably the initiator of electrochemical studies on biological systems. In 1786 he began a series of experiments in which he used a device made of copper and iron to induce muscular contractions in a frog by bringing one metal into contact with a nerve and the other with a muscle. He published his report in 1791, De veribus electricitatis in motu musculari commentarius, in which he attributed his results as due to the electricity generated by the frog's tissues. This assumption was incorrect and was undoubtedly due to his observations of the electric fish which does generate a current. Volta deduced from Galvani's publication that the current he observed was due to the two dissimilar metals in contact with the frog's tissues. This led to investigations which demonstrated that electrochemical reactions occurred between two dissimilar metals in an appropriate electrolyte. 0097-6156/89/0390-0211$06.75/0 © 1989 American Chemical Society

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Probably the first application of redox indicator as a method of studying biological phenomena can be attributed to the pioneer efforts of Paul Ehrlich. In 1885 he published reports describing his studies on the different abilities of animal organs to reduce dyes as correlated with the oxygen requirements of the organs (2). Ehrlich's findings initiated an era of tremendous progress which ultimately resulted in the development of staining techniques for microorganisms. This development too led to the period in which numerous investigators studied the redox potentials of various biological and biochemical systems by use of the indicator dyes or by direct measurement with electrodes, on metabolizing animal and microbial cell systems. Insofar as cellular systems are concerned it is believed that Potter (3) should receive credit for being the first to associate change in electrochemical potential with metabolic activity. He observed that the electrode potential of culture medium containing viable bacteria was more negative than that of a comparable sterile medium. These findings were confirmed and extended by investigators such as Cannan, Clark, Cohen, (4) and others in the 1920's who demonstrated that the potential of the medium decreases or becomes more strongly reducing as bacterial growth proceeds towards the stationary or terminal phase of the growth cycle. Thereafter a large number of investigations were performed on the potentials developed by numerous types of multiplying unicellular systems, as well as on that observed by interaction of pure biochemical systems. This was splendidly reviewed by Hewitt in 1950 (5). It wasn't until the late 50's that a renewed interest occurred in developing techniques for in vivo measurements of electrochemical phenomena (other than in areas related to ion transport through membranes). Increased refinement and the sensitivity necessary for biological studies also evolved. The interest in the electrochemistry associated with microbial metabolism came about as a result of observations made by Yudkin (6) related to the potentials developed by these systems. He came to the conclusion that the observed potentials were strictly fortuitous and they were not directly related to the activity of the bacteria. Rather, they represented the potentials developed by the secretion products of microbial metabolism. In view of the demonstrated inadequacy of these potential measurement studies were undertaken related to the determination of another electrochemical parameter, namely, the capacity factor of the system to do work, which appeared to offer a distinct advantage over measurements of potential. The more recent studies on the electronic properties were stimulated in 1941 by Szent Gyorgyi who suggested that biological systems could be investigated in terms of semiconduction mechanisms. He indicated the possibility that energy in living systems might be transferred by conduction bands (7). Application of this concept to the study of substances of biological origin e.g., proteins has yielded interesting and useful information. The fact that a vast majority of these biochemical substances were studied in a dehydrated state, made it extremely difficult to extrapolate the results to their behavior in a biological system.

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


Bioelectrochemistry—Before and After


Due to the presence of water as part of the organization of the cell in this type of system, we not only have electronic, but also ionic conduction. However, though we were not dealing with a truly solid state, but rather a fluid state, the concepts of solid state physics could be applied to a biological system.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on August 24, 2015 | Publication Date: January 1, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0390.ch016

Activity of Microorganisms;

Coulokinetic Technique

In the experiments to be described washed Escherichia coli suspended in a pH 6.7 0.1 M phosphate buffer was used. Detailed information regarding growth of these bacteria and preparation for use as well as studies on growing systems have been described elsewhere as have the electrochemical cell used in many of the studies and the details of the methods of obtaining the data (8-21). Early in these studies it was suspected that the currents developed by metabolishing bacterial systems might be due to one of several factors. The generated current could be, in part, the result of the oxidation of a microbial secretion product, or products; the direct transfer of electrons from microorganisms to the electrode surface; or both. The substrate itself was not considered to be responsible for current production, as in the absence of the bacteria essentially no current was produced. In order to define the source of the electrons available to the electrode, experiments were performed in which the bacteria were prevented from coming in contact with the electrode (22). This forestallment was accomplished by enclosing the anode in a dialysis membrane. The data from the experiments performed with membraned, as compared with non-membraned, anodes are shown in Figure 1. It can be seen from the current versus time recordings obtained with membraned and non-membraned anode systems that the current and resultant coulombic outputs are a result of electron transfer through contact of the microorganisms with the electrode surface. Therefore, it appears that this coulokinetic technique permits the direct measure of some biological activities of the microorganisms. It can be assumed that there are electrons present on the wall surface of the microbial cell. During the course of active metabolism, there is a continuous transfer of electrons from the cytoplasm to the cytoplasmic membrane and the cell wall surface. It is also probable that some of the terminal oxidative processes occur predominantly at the cytoplasmic membrane membrane surface. In either case those electrons not captured by the electrode serve to reduce the hydrogen ions, formed at the same time as the electron release, to hydrogen gas. In all probability, the microorganism makes contact with the electrode by the combined process of electrophoretic migration and the motility of the organism itself. It is of interest that the organisms do not produce a significant current (curve 5, Figure 1). Therefore, the coulombic outputs obtained with a useable substrate were due completely to exogenous metabolism. As the electron transfer appeared to occur via microorganism electrode contact, it was suspected that greater transfer potentiality could be achieved if the number of cells in the

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on August 24, 2015 | Publication Date: January 1, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0390.ch016



Figure 1. Current-time plots for various membraned and nonmembraned anode systems, (1) buffered suspension of E. coli with glucose substrate, (2) as 1 with formate substrate, (3) (inside membrane) buffered formate solution, (outside membrane) buffered E. coli suspension with formate substrate, (4) as 3 with glucose substrate, and (5) buffered E. coli suspension only. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 22. Copyright 1966 Pergamon Press.)

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on August 24, 2015 | Publication Date: January 1, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0390.ch016


Bioelectrochemistry—Before and After


solution of substrate was increased. Use of twice the number of cells resulted in approximately a two-fold increase in coulombic output. On this basis, it was anticipated that with agitation of the anolyte, the microorganisms might bombard the electrode surface at a greater rate, and thus possibly increase the current output. The reverse effect was observed, even under relatively mild conditions. Accordingly, it can be concluded that agitation removes the cells or prevents them from coming into intimate contact with the electrode. This finding was of great importance, for it indicated that not only must the microorganism make contact with the electrode, but also that the cells must remain at the electrode for some period in order to adhere to its surface. This assumption was supported by the fact that the electrode surface was coated with bacteria when examined at the termination of an experiment. A current decrease, as a result of agitation, also eliminated the possibility of the generated current being due to an oxidizable nondialysable polymeric metabolite. If this were the case, by analogy to the behavior of organic and inorganic depolarizers when stirred, an increase in current would be observed (23). To summarize, it can be said that the current produced by the metabolising microorganisms is a result of their making intimate contact with, and transferring potentially available electrons to, the electrode surface. Therefore, the observed parameters i.e., current and coulombic output, are a direct indication of the activity of the biological cell. The metabolic studies involved investigations related to the coulombic outputs obtained from various prime and intermediate substrates common to the glycolytic and monophosphate pathways i.e., glucose, fructose, gluconolactone, pyruvate, and formate (24). According to the available information, glucose was metabolised by E. coli predominantly via the glycolytic pathway (25). On this basis, one would expect to obtain the equivalent of two pyruvates for every one glucose molecule. However, if a portion of the glucose formed dihydroxyacetone phosphate from fructose-1,6diphosphate, which in turn formed glycerol, only that portion of the phosphorylated fructose which formed glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate could be further converted into pyruvate. Furthermore, pyruvate can be reduced to lactate. Under the experimental conditions used we found that lactate, as well as glycerol, was electrochemically inert. These factors would contribute to the possibility of observing electrochemically fewer than two pyruvates. It was expected that fructose could enter the glycolytic pathway via fructose-6-phosphate, and that it would then be treated by the microorganisms in a manner similar to that of glucose. Alternatively gluconolactone, by the nature of the shunt pathways would yield the equivalent of two pyruvates, or a greater coulombic output than observed with glucose. The results shown in Table 1 indicate that the original premise was reasonable in that the coulombic outputs of glucose and fructose were essentially the same as that resulting when pyruvate or formate was used as substrates. It is interesting to note that the observed coulombic output for gluconolactone was approximately twice that of pyruvate.

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



Table I.

Coulombic Outputs Obtained from the Metabolism to Various Substrates by E. coli at pH 6.7

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Substrate Glucose Fructose Gluconolactone Pyruvate Formate

Coulombic Output (coulombs) 12.6 14.4 22.0 11.5 11.5

In order to verify the behavior of gluconolactone it was felt necessary to examine an intermediate in the monophosphate shunt pathway. The only substrate available was L-arabinose which although not a normal intermediate, can be isomerized and phosphorylated by the bacteria to yield ribulose-5-phosphate (26), one of the intermediates in the shunt pathway. The coulombic output using arabinose yielded 20.8 coulombs as compared to 22.0 coulombs for gluconolactone. This added credence to the assumption that gluconolactone was indeed being metabolized predominatly via the shunt pathway (24). The addition of a metabolisable substrate to a suspension of bacteria will give a linear rise in current with time. The slope of this straight line differs with the nature of the substrate and is probably dependent on the rate of transport to the site of enzymatic activity. Arabinose, however, appeared to give a curve for the initial current rise with time which was concave upwards, indicating that the measured rate of oxidation was increasing with time. This suggested the possibility that induction phenomena related to the synthesis of arabinoisomerase, D-ribulokinase, or both of these enzymes were being demonstrated. In order to further evaluate the electrical characteristics of enzyme induction, a system was studied (27) which had been intensively investigated and was clearly defined, namely the 8galactosidase system. As is well known, the production of B-galactosidase can be induced in E. coli cells by growth in lactose, (28) and repressed in glucose media 029). A comparison of the initial I versus t curves observed for induced and uninduced E. coli cells demonstrated a distinct difference with lactose as an oxidisable substrate and essentially no difference towards glucose as substrate since each system will have the requisite enzymes necessary for the metabolism of glucose as shown in Figure 2. In conclusion, it is quite certain now that the measurement of potentials of metabolising microbial systems can only suggest that one system is more strongly reducing than another and that this potential is in all probability related to the products secreted by the bacteria. The coulokinetic technique, however, appeared to offer a more satisfactory alternative to the study of metabolic behavior of microorganisms, and to future studies of animal cells, because it measured the capacity factor of available free energy at the site of metabolic activity. It has been demonstrated that this electrochemical technique can serve as another tool for the

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Bioelectrochemistry—Before and After


Figure 2. Response of lactose grown E. coli to glucose and lactose (1) and glucose grown E. coli to glucose (2) and lactose (3). (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 27. Copyright 1967 North Holland Publishing Co.)

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on August 24, 2015 | Publication Date: January 1, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0390.ch016



investigation of the pathways taken by a biological system in the metabolism of substrates under both normal and abnormal physiolog­ ical conditions. Its usefulness has also been shown in the study of induction phenomena. Extension of the studies with microbial systems demonstrated that under conditions of externally imposed potentiostatic control, the rate of substrate utilization by a suspension of microorganisms could be controlled, and the growth behavior of an inoculum in a suitable medium altered to give a more rapid growth induction followed by increased yields of microorganisms (30). In the cultured growth of aquatic biosystems i.e., bacteria, algae, etc., the organisms pollute their own aquasphere by the pro­ cesses of living and dying. This pollution process undoubtedly disturbs the normal redox systems operating within the biosystem. As a result there will be a diminished response to the normal reproductive stimuli, rate of growth, and maintenance of a normal status quo in the fully grown organism. Therefore, it is reason­ able to envisage the possible advantages of imposed potentiostasis of appropriate magnitude on the metabolic behavior of useful biosystems. In this manner the growth of these systems can be enhanced, yielding more of the desired product for the same quanti­ ty of food consumed. Electrochemical Studies on Plant Photosystems The investigation of the plant photosystems was a natural extension of earlier studies with the objective of determining the possibility of obtaining a direct conversion of radiant energy into some form of an electrical output. With this information the determination of the effects of various inhibitors and potentiators on the charge transfer processes occurring within these photosystems could be established (31). As our interests were primarily with the photosystems, the thylakoid membrane components of the chloroplasts were chosen for the investigations to be described. The principal function of the thylakoid membrane system is to use light energy to decompose water. Free oxygen is evolved and the electrons are transported via a complex carrier system to form useable reducing equivalents (NADPH 2 ). Some of the free energy lost during this transport is conserved in the form of ATP (32). The methods for isolation of the chloroplasts and thylakoids and the electrochemical cell used in many of the studies have been described previously (31). The working electrode and counter electrode compartments of the electrochemical cell contained 15 cm 3 and 35 cm 3 respectively of 0.1M KH2PO4-K2HPO4 pH 6.8 buffer. To the working electrode compartment we added 0.2 cm 3 of a thylakoid suspension equivalent to 200 μg of chlorophyll. After equilibration in the dark to the circulating water temperature (20°C) the potential U R of the platinum working electrode versus the S.C.E. was determined and this null potential (UR) was imposed upon the cell with a potentiostat

(UC). The working electrode compartment was exposed to light

using a cut-off filter (WRATTEN No. 29) which transmits light

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


Bioelectrochemistry—Before and After


predominantly greater than 635 nm the most effective region for activation of photosystems I and II. A typical I versus t curve for one light-dark period of 10 and 30 min. respectively is shown in Figure 3. Coulombic outputs (millicoulombs) obtained by integration of the areas under the I versus t curves of consecutive light periods for one representative experiment are given in Table II.

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Table II.

Coulombic Outputs from a Thylakoid Suspens: on Consecutive Light Pulses

Light Pulse (10 min) 1 2 3


% of Pulse I

9.73 8.16 6.56

83.9 67.4

Although it has been found that there is considerable varia­ tion in coulombic outputs of the thylakoids from day to day de­ pending on seasonal conditions e.g., 8.5 to 11.65 mC in the summer to 5.5 to 7.5 mC during less favorable periods, the percentage coulombic output for pulses 2 and 3 as compared with that for pulse 1 remains essentially constant (82-86% for 2 and 67-73% for 3 ) . The compounds o-phenanthrolene (1 μMol.) (33) and 2-chloro-4cyanoisopropylamino-6-ethyl-amino-l,3,5-triazine (34) (CCET) are known to inhibit electron flow from water to the reducing side of photosystem II. Addition of I μMol o-phenanthrolene and 6.4 μMol CCET to thylakoid suspensions resulted in a decrease in charge 41.0 and 0.5% respectively. Their precise sites of action are not known and are probably not identical. When the thylakoids were exposed to 55° for 5 minutes their ability to split water is selectively destroyed leaving the remaining electron transfer system intact (35). In this instance essentially no activity was obtained. To further define the site, or sites, in the thylakoid photosystems which contribute the electrons to the electrode, we inves­ tigated the effect of polylysine on an illuminated thylakoid suspension under null potential conditions. Polylysines are effective inhibitors of photosystem I activity (36). Polylysine (0.3 mg MW 2600) was added to 15 cm3 buffered thylakoid suspension immediately after the first light pulse. The coulombic output from the second light pulse was 35% of pulse 1 compared with 83% from an untreated suspension. These observations with the inhibitory agents implied that the prime source of electrons was the decomposition of water and that electrons ultimately detected by the electrode came from the reducing side of photosystem I. The general procedure followed in a blind test of the validity of the method involved exposure of a buffered thylakoid suspension (15 cm3 0.1 M KH 2 PO-K 2 HP04 , pH 6.8 + 0.2 cm 3 thylakoid concentrate equivalent to 200 μg chlorophyll) to two successive light pulses of 1 minute each separated by a 15 minute dark period. In instances where a chemical compound was evaluated, 10 mm 3 of a (0.03 μmol)

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Figure 3. Current response of irradiated thylakoid suspension. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 31. Copyright 1974 Birkhauser Verlag.)

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


Bioelectrochemistry—Before and After


solution was added immediately after the first light pulse. results are shown in Table III.

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Table III:

Control CCET

BS6 BS7 BS8 BS9 BS10


Blind Study of Agents Inhibiting Electron Flow in Plan Photosystems

Coulombic Output % Pulse 1

Corrected for % Decrease of Control

95.4 29.1 87.1 66.9 21.1 79.1 86.9

80.5 91.2 70.1 22.1 82.9 91.0

% Inactivation

Activity Fraction CCET




1.0 0.1 0.4 1.1 0.2 0.1

8.8 29.9 77.9 17.1


The electrochemical results obtained were in agreement with those obtained by evaluation of total plant behavior under greenhouse conditions. During the course of earlier studies it was found that imposing more positive or less positive conditions by potentiostatic means prior to illumination under null potential conditions resulted in the measurement of significant alterations of the parameters. Similar abnormal effects were noted when the thylakoid system was examined under oxygen-saturated and anaerobic conditions (31). These results suggested that under circumstances wherein more positive conditions exist, the photosensitizers might in their more oxidised state--being hyperactivated receptors--increase the rate of water decomposition, resulting in concurrent increase in electron release. Conditions less positive than the null state result in an opposite effect. Results of investigations using catalase as a radical scavenger, suggested the formation of •0H (ads) as a product of the oxidation of water by the irradiated thylakoids. This conclusion was verified by irradiation of a thylakoids suspension containing allyl alcohol. At the end of the irradiation period glycerol was detected by gas chromatography (37). Polarography of Red Blood Cell Suspensions The purpose of this study was to determine if any electrochemical parameters could be related to metabolic activity, to correlate these parameters with the age of stored RBC in acid citrate dextrose medium (ACD), and finally, to correlate the behavior of normal and diseased state cells. A Tast-polarographic system was used (Radiometer P04 Polariter and a E65 mercury drop electrode) with a 1 s drop time with a 0.5 s drop life. The collection and preparation of the RBC for a Tastpolarography as well as the experimental details and findings have been reported (38). A summary of this work is presented here.

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



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Results of initial voltammetric studies on washed suspensions of intact human RBC in a pH 7.4 isotonic phosphate buffer suggested that at a dropping mercury electrode (D.M.E.) there was an inter­ action between the electrode and the sulfhydryl groups associated with the membrane. This conclusion was based on the findings that the observed wave (U1/2 = -0.220 V versus S.C.E.) was not present when using a rotating platinum or glassy carbon electrode, or with the D.M.E. after exposure of the RBC to a sulfhydryl blocking agent (i.e., N-ethyl-maleimide). The presence of reduced sulfhydryl groups in RBC is essential for the maintenance of the integrity of the RBC membrane and the numerous enzyme systems associated with the cell, as well as the integrity of the haemoglobin molecule, and the normal concentrations of methaemoglobin. Reduction of nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide (NAD) to NADH and of NAD-phosphate (NADP) to NADPH occurs as a result of the metabolism of glucose via the glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathways. The availability of NADH and NADPH is responsible for maintaining the sulfhydryl groups in their reduced form. On this basis I investigated the effect of the metabolism of glucose by the RBC under sterile aerobic conditions for 18 h at 37°C. A comparison of the polarographic waves obtained before and after incubation in this medium with those obtained in the absence of glucose is shown in Figure 4. The difference between the polarographic limiting currents before and after incubation is given the symbol ΔId and represents the change in the quantity of sulfhydryl groups detected by the measured polarographic limiting currents. From a comparison of the two sets of curves the control shows a small negative value of ΔId after incubation, whereas the RBC in the presence of glucose shows a significant positive value of ΔId. The RBC performs its many functions optimally at pH 7.4. Therefore, it was not unexpected to find that a negative value of ΔId was obtained when washed RBC were incubated in a pH 7.0 phos­ phate buffered glucose medium. Similar behavior was noted with a haemolysed sample of RBC in a pH 7.4 buffered glucose solution. Its non-haemolysed counterpart gave the usual positive value of ΔId. Although there is generally no significant deterioration of individual enzymes as a result of haemolysis, there is a destruc­ tion of the enzymatic transmission network. As a result, the normal sequence of metabolic events cannot occur and a negative value of ΔId might be expected. The association of the +ΔId with active metabolism was further confirmed by experiments in which the glucose substrate was replaced by fructose (as fructose-6-phosphate) and gluconolactone (as 6-phosphogluconolactone) which are intermediates in the glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathways respectively. Pyruvate was also incorporated into this series to determine what effect this intermediate, which precedes the formation of the terminal product of metabolism, namely lactate, would have on the ΔId value. It was expected that pyruvate, because of its position in the metabolic scheme, would show either no effect or manifest an adverse effect on the metabolic behavior of the RBC. The adverse

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Bioelectrochemistry—Before and After


Figure 4. Comparison between washed RBC from single source donor, (a) in pH 7.4 buffer, (b) after incubation 18 hr 37°C, (c) in buffer containing 0.04 M glucose, and (d) after incubation. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 38. Copyright 1971 Coll. Czech. Chem. Commun.)

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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effect might occur owing to the absence of sufficient NADH to accomplish the reduction of pyruvate to lactate. Normally the production of NADH accompanies the oxidation of glyceraldehyde-3phosphate to 1,3-phosphoglyceric acid obtained as a result of the metabolism of a substrate such as glucose by either the glycolytic or the pentose phosphate pathway. As a consequence of the NADH deficiency, the sulfhydryl groups could conceivably serve as electron donors to accomplish the requisite reduction. The per­ centage change in ΔId of RBC after incubation with glucose, fruc­ tose, gluconolactone, and pyruvate were found to be 188, 158, 123, and 79% respectively of a substrateless control. The U1/2 values obtained from these polarographic waves were within the range mentioned earlier. This suggested that regardless of the substrate used, a particular sulfhydryl species was apparently being quantitated in all instances. The low value obtained with pyruvate indicated that this substrate does have an adverse effect on the RBC. The metabolic activity of red blood cells from stored whole blood was evaluated and found to deteriorate rapidly for the first 10 days and then more slowly for the balance of the normally accepted useful life of the stored pack. Application of the technique to studies on patients with various metabolic disorders also indicated significant differences from the norm as shown in Table IV. Table IV.

Correlation of RBC Activity in Normal and Pathological State


No. of Patients

Normal Folate deficiency Muscular dystrophy

18 10 4 (Age 6-9 yr.) 6 (Age 11-14 yr.) 5 (Age 20-23 yr.)

ΔId(μA) +0.315 +0.012 +0.345 +0.244 +0.156

to to to to to

+0.422 +0.139 +0.370 +0.316 +0.203

Isolated Heart Studies These investigations were carried out in the early days of heart transplantation in humans. It was then thought that one of many problems to be solved was the determination that a metabolically viable organ was available for a successful, long-term transplant. Rabbit hearts were used in these studies. After rapid removal from the animal and appropriate preparation, the organ was transferred to a modifier Lindburgh perfusion pump (39). The pump modification consisted primarily of adapting the organ chamber to permit introduction of a plantinum-saturated calomel (S.C.E.), or any other suitable electrode system for the measurement of the potential of the efflux medium, and the various electrodes required to obtain electrocardiographic and frequency of ventricular beat data. In addition, a heat exchanger was inserted as part of the ascending connection from the medium reservoir to the organ chamber to permit maintaining predetermined perfusion temperatures.

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Bioelectrochemistry—Before and After


All normal hearts used demonstrated ventricular contraction prior to introduction into the pump. As soon as perfusion started with the NCTC 135-new born calf serum medium, it immediately induced strong rapid ventricular contractions (130 to 160 beats per minute). The perfusion fluid was introduced into the aorta at 37°C with pressures of 120/80 mm Hg and a pulse rate of 60 per minute. Prior to passage through the heart the medium was aerated with a mixture of 95% air and 5% CO2 in the course of pump operation. The purpose of the CO2 was to maintain the pH of the medium essentially constant at 7.4. Relevant potential versus time data for the efflux perfusion medium were obtained with a suitable recorder. Electrocardiographic data and frequency of heart beat were obtained with a A103 amplifier and A107A cardiotachometer (Lexington Instruments, Corp., Waltham, Mass.). Plots of the potential versus time recordings demonstrated an abrupt change in potential from approximately -122 mV to -69 mV versus S.C.E. starting at about 230 to 360 min and continue to beat for an additional 270-380 min. The characteristics of the ECG QRS complex changes significantly within 30-60 min after the rapid potential decrease. In the absence of an organ the medium demonstrated a potential of approximately -50 mV versus S.C.E. for the same period. Therefore, the initial higher negative potential of the perfusing organ suggested that the heart was oxidizing various components of the medium e.g., glucose, which resulted in electron contribution to the platinum anode of the Pt-S.C.E. electrode system. The abrupt change in potential suggested that at some point in the life of the perfused organ there is a drastic change in the metabolic activity. At this point only 12% of the total quantity of glucose initially present in the medium had been used. As the medium is quite complex it may be that one or more critical constituents were completely used up, which limited the normal metabolic behavior of the organ, or that the enzyme systems required to accomplish the oxidative processes have deteriorated. In order to determine what effect a damaged heart would have on the observed efflux potential, experiments were performed using hearts which had been subjected to anoxic conditions for 10 minutes at 25°C prior to perfusion. The potential versus time recordings in these instances demonstrated an abrupt potential change from about -130 mV to -100 mV versus S.C.E. at 150-170 minutes and was followed within a matter of 5 to 10 minutes by a very rapid deterioration in amplitude and heart beat frequency. Electronic Properties of Biological Membranes A. Plant Systems. A system of null potential voltammetry was developed for investigating the effects of biocides and surfactants on the transport properties of leaf epidermal membranes. These membranes were obtained by a procedure which was found suitable for a wide variety of plant species. A residual translucent membrane composed of epidermal cells and the associated cuticular surface was exposed by gently rubbing the abaxial surface of the leaf with a moistened cotton-tipped applicator until all of the green material was removed. In these studies advantage was taken of the

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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electrical activity of irradiated plant thylakoids by using it as an indicator (40) . As a result of this work it was decided to attempt an approach which might bring to light some of the elec­ tronic properties of "normal" and abnormal membrane systems under various conditions of physical and chemical stress. In the initial studies with plant membranes, Arrhenius plots of conductance vs 1/T at 20-50°C demonstrated discontinuities which were consistent with a change in the activities of transport proteins and the lipid constituents (41). The behavior of these membranes toward various biocides also brought to light many interesting phenomena, especially those related to the action of Paraquat and Diquat, two extremely active bipyridyl herbicides (42). The effects of pressure on these membranes resulted in potentiation in charge transfer which was attributed to a compres­ sion of intermolecular distances and energy barriers. An equiva­ lent circuit was also developed to describe the observations (43). Investigation of the effects of low frequency electronic excitation on the discharge related behavior which varied with the frequency duration of exposure and plant species (44) . The results also sug­ gested that the differential responses to positive and negative going voltage pulses might produce genetically related behavioral patterns from leaf membranes of different plant varieties. The detailed performance of experiments has been described (45). The results obtained are shown in Table V. Table V. Charge-Energy Relations ∫Q/uc ∫E/uJ Plant +:E/Q* +:120:202 738:1933 Ia 0.64 1:2.62 1:1.68 541:1060 89:124 Ib 0.70 1:1.96 1:1.39 646:802 117:93 Ic 0.63 1:1.24 1:0.79 692:2508 121:295 0.67 Id 1:3.62 1:2.44 421:494 3386:2582 1.54 Ha 1:1.17 1:0.76 2033:2153 246:417 1.59 IIb 1:1.06 1:1.69 140:460 1169:2243 1.71 IIc 1:1.92 1:3.29 661:1440 102:197 0.86 IIIa 1:3.55 1:2.93 97:285 665:2365 0.82 IIIb 1:2.93 1:3.55 80:114 581:1016 0.81 IIIc 1:1.42 1:1.74 I a B. napus (Pridaora); b (Victor); c (Elvira); d b. rapa (Just right); II a V. faba (Longpod); b (Aq. claudia); c (Imp. white Windsor); III a P. vulgaris (Canadian wonder); b(Masterpiece); c (Panamanian) * E/Q from negative ratio values. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 44. Copyright 1983 Abacus Press.)

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Bioelectrochemistry—Before and After


It is quite apparent from a comparison of ∫Q and ∫E + :- ratios for each of the varieties within each species and within a particu­ lar genus, as is the case with Brassica, that significant differ­ ences will be noted in relating one variety to another. These dif­ ferences at the moment, can only be attributed to the genetics of the variety. However, it is likely that these genetic differences between varieties are reflected in differences in protein structure and lipid composition. This may more specifically account for the dissimilar results obtained between varieties within each genus. The E/Q factor obtained from the negative portion of the E and Q ratios indicates a distinct categorisation with average values of 0.66, 1.61, and 0.83 respectively for each genus studied. This suggests that this factor is related to the similar genetic founda­ tion which exists within each of the genus studied. Additional studies on a number of other types of plant systems appear to verify this assumption. It is of interest to note that it was found possible by the method described above to differentiate the behavior of an F-1 variety as compared to its parent varieties and similarly their responses to low temperature (46). B. Mammalian Systems. Investigations of the electronic properties of plant systems served as an excellent entree into the examination of mammalian membranes using the techniques already developed. Because of the writer's long-time interest in muscle physiology, this tissue was chosen for exploration with the objective of obtaining more intimate information regarding muscle behavior. In these studies, the diaphragm muscle tissue used was ob­ tained from mice. The isolated tissue was equilibrated to Hank's solution, a defined nutrient media, for a minimum of 6 hours at 4°C. It was found that this tissue retained its viability for at least 24 hours stored in this fashion. A section of the membrane was plated on a platinum electrode previously treated first with 50% aqua regia and then with nitric acid, both maintained at 50°C. The "plated11 electrode was mounted on a temperature block consisting of a thermoelectric refrigeration unit in combination with a pulsitile heating unit. This unit is controlled by a Eurotherm Model 818 control temperature indicator, which has a range of -15 to +50°C and is programmable for a sequence of temperatures, charge and dwell periods. The mounted electrode is then enclosed by a Perspex compartment containing a 3 mm diameter opening for exposure of the membrane, and a channel for admission of the reference electrode bridge containing Hank's solution. A small platinum counter electrode is added and is covered by another Perspex plate. The total system is then bolted together as shown in Figure 5. After equilibrium to temperature and potential vs. S.C.E. (10 min), voltage clamp conditions are imposed with a potentiostat and the muscle membrane is exposed to potential ramps of +300 or -300 mV for each membrane sample from a diaphragm obtained from the same animal. Each sample is exposed to a total of six 5 s ramps inter­ cepted by 5 m recovery periods. The average current and voltage passing between the membrane 'plated' electrode and the counter

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Figure 5. Cell for electronic studies, (A) thermo-electric temperature block 5x7.5 cm, (B) silicone rubber gasket with centrally located 0.3 cm diam. window, (C) Perspex compartment 5x7.5x0.45 cm with 0.3 cm diam. window and 0.3 cm channel for introduction of reference electrode bridge-G, (D) silicone rubber gasket with 0.3 cm diam. window, (E) Perspex cover plate, (F) Pt counter-electrode, and (H) membrane plated Pt electrode.

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on August 24, 2015 | Publication Date: January 1, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0390.ch016


Bioelectrochemistry—Before and After


electrode is used to obtain the various electrical parameters which represent the electro-kinetic behavior (EKB) of the system. Initially, a series of Arrhenius plots of conductance versus 1/T were obtained which demonstrated transitions at about 15°C and 30°C. These coincided with the change in lipidity of the membrane in the first instance and at the higher temperature, the activation of calcium ATP-ase. Examination of two different strains of mice, namely the CDI and ICR strains, was made to determine if the genetic differences would become apparent. Both strains were male animals of 35 - 38g in weight. The results obtained are presented in Table VI.

Normally a preponderance of negative charges would be expected due to the fact that the sarcolemma membrane consists of a superficially located "basement membrane" and a plasma membrane which contains an abundance of negatively charged free or protein bound mucopolysaccharide material with specific affinity for calcium. Negatively charged phosphorylated proteins superficially located in the sarcolemma membrane also act as binding sites for calcium. It became apparent that it would be of interest to examine a number of the "Group A" calcium antagonists. Compounds in this group inhibit 90 to 100% of the slow inward Ca 2+ current without concomitant influence on transmembrane Na+ conductivity (47). To determine if electronic difference could be observed, the compounds of Group A were divided into two subgroups - those soluble in Hanks or Hanks containing 0.03% ethanol (Group Al, Table VII) and the other soluble only in Hanks containing 1.0% ethanol (Group A2, Table VII). The reason for this division was the observations which suggested that the use of a 1% ethanol had a synergistic effect on the action of these compounds in the experimental system. The structures of the compounds examined together with the results obtained are described in the table on the following page.

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



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Group Al Calcium Antagonists

Group A2 Calcium Antagonists

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



Bioelectrochemistry—Before and After

Table VII Continued: Effects of Group A2 Calcium Antagonists EKB-MD + Antagonist vs. EKB-MD Control (CDI Strain)

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Relative Behavior + Pulsing μS μC μJ


- Pulsing μS μJ

All Controls at Unity







10-5M Nifedipine in Hanks - 1.0% Ethanol 20° 37°

3.224 1.546

2.572 1.469

3.883 1.622

0.589 0.690

0.712 0.848

0.970 0.963

10-5M Nimodipine in Hanks - 1.0% Ethanol 20° 37°

0.736 1.197

1.016 1.140

0.604 1.243

0.220 0.225

0.687 0.616

0.866 0.369

10-5M Nitrendipine in Hanks - 1.0% Ethanol 20° 37°

0.611 0.576

0.654 0.845

0.571 1.027

0.796 0.061

0.880 0.031

1.088 0.891

The behavioral differences noted are undoubtedly due, in part, to the dissimilar chemical structures of the antagonists within each of the groups described. These results suggest, as one possibility, that these agents have varied affinities for the binding sites within the superficial basement membrane and the internal plasma membrane. One also cannot overlook the fact that these substances may have other physiological effects which contribute to the overall electrical behavior of the membrane. Continuing studies in this area may give a more defined explanation for the differences noted. Conclusion More than two decades ago some studies on the electrochemical behavior of microbial systems using some rather novel approaches were presented (48). The author ended his paper with a quotation by Winston Churchill: "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps the end of the beginning." Since then the investigations of microbial systems were continued and extended to the electrochemical and electronic behavior of plant and mammalian tissues. Therefore, now one can say that we are really in the midst of it all. Undoubtedly life might sometimes appear simpler if research activities were restricted to isolated biochemical systems incorporated into artificial membranes. Unfortunately it is almost impossible to extrapolate these findings

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



to that which might exist in a living system. Therefore, studies must be done by those who persevere, on the viable organism. Acknowledgments

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The author wishes to thank Gwen Geffert, Deborah Donati, and Jeanne Roberts for their kind assistance in the preparation of this manuscript. The supply of the calcium antagonists by Miles Laboratories and McNeil Pharmaceuticals is greatly appreciated. Literature Cited 1.


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RECEIVED August 3, 1988

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.