Biogenesis and Action of Steroid Hormones - Journal of Medicinal

Biogenesis and Action of Steroid Hormones. Leonard Axelrod. J. Med. Chem. , 1969, 12 (5), pp 963–963. DOI: 10.1021/jm00305a901. Publication Date: ...
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Book Reviews Progress in Biochemical Pharmacology. Volume 4. Recent Advances in Atherosclerosis. Edited by C. J. IIIRAS,-4.S . HOWARD, and R. PAOLETTI. S.Karger A. G., Basel, Switzerland. 106s. viii + 636 pp. 17.5 X 25.4 cm. $36.50. T h e publication 1)eing reviewed is a compilation of the papers presented at the International Sl-mposium on Atherosclerosis, Athens, 1966, organized by the European Society for Biochemical Pharmacology. \.olume 4 of "Progress in Biochemical Pharmacology" is divided into the following sections: Epidemiology, Intact Organisms, Iipoproteins, Plasma Iipids, IVhole Artery, Tissue Cultures, Hormones, Primates, S o n Primates, l'latekts, and Clinical: the discussions which followed each session are reported and references accompany most of the papers which were updated by the authors at the end of 1967. Several of the sections listed above are introduced by papers dealing with recent advances (advances, at least, as recent as the end of 1967) in the subject under discussion. This is a satisfactory approach and, considering the hriefness of the papers, the subjects are covered extremely well. FVithin the various sertions, the following papers are outstanding for their rlarity and instructiveness : Epidemiological Studies on Atheroscnlerotic Coronary Heart Disease: Causative Factors and Consequent Preventive Approaches, J. Stamler, et a/.; Recent Advances in 1letat)olisni of Plasma Iipoproteins: Chemiral Aspects, P. Alaupovir : Iipid-Fatty ;\cid Relationships in I~~lectrocliromatographic Iipoprotein Fractions, H . Peeters and \.. Blaton : Recent Advances in the 3Ietat)olism of Cholesterol, Iipoproteinr, and .\(*id 1Iuc~opolysaccharidesin S o r m a l and Atherosclerotic* \'essels, bV. Holland, et a / . ; Cholesterol Ester 1Ietabolism in Tissue Culture Cells, D. Iiritchevsky, et a/.; Estrogens and ;\therosclerosis, R. Pick, et ai.; The Cause of Cereliral Artery Thrombosis in I r a n , P . Constantinides: and Role of l'ndocrine System in the Regulation of Plasma Tipids and Fibrinogen, with Particular Reference t o the Effects of .\tromid-S, J . 31. Thorp, et ai. Although the only paper dealing with drug eft'ecats was given by Thorp, et al., the medicinal chemist in antilipemic agent research will find much of interest in this cwllec-tion of biochemical and pharmacological papers. It is expensive, but, if the reader is interested in this field and there is room on the science library shelf, it should be squeezed in. LIGDERLI; LIBOH.ITORII.;S




P L ~ RRIVI, not tissues. The 26 remaining chapters run the gamut from the chemof leprosy to the toxicology of ethanol, with considerable on hormonal and pharmacodynamic problems under active investigation. Of interest to chemists are reviews 011 iholation techniques of animal hormones and on natural prodricts from plants which increase nonspecific resistance. The whole volume is well presented, well edited, and as lip-to-date as book production permits. ALFRED BURGEK

Psychopharmacology. A Review of Progress, 1957-1967. Edited by DANIELH . EFROK,JON.%THAK 0. COLE,JEROME IJEVIKE, and J. RICH.\RD WITTENBORN. Public Health Service Publication So. 1x36. 17. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, I ) . C. 196s. xvi 1342 pp. 21.7 X 26..i cin.



The trenieiidoiis growth of the theories aiid application? of psychopharmacology hirice the mid-19X's led the National Institute of Mental Health to support a summary symposium of the American College of Neiiroprychopharniacolog!. which was