Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment - ACS Publications - American

compounds can have a great impact on the sulfur cycle and global geochemistry ...... Gibson, J. A. E.; Garrick, R. C.; Franzmann, P. D.; Deprez, P. P...
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Chapter 13

Microbial Metabolism of Dimethyl Sulfide 1

Barrie F. Taylor and Ronald P. Kiene


Downloaded by UNIV OF MINNESOTA on August 1, 2013 | Publication Date: April 27, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0393.ch013


Division of Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, F L 33149-1098 Marine Institute, University of Georgia, Sapelo Island, GA 31327 The biogenesis of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) provides a principal input of volatile sulfur to the atmosphere. This contribution has significant effects on the sulfur cycle and on global geochemistry. Natural emissions of biogenic sulfur are roughly equivalent to anthropogenic sources of gaseous sulfur oxides. With a biotic component of such magnitude, the processes involved in the biological turnover of DMS need to be well understood. In saline environments the biodegradation of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) can generate DMS, whereas in terrestrial regions methionine and S-methylmethionine are probably the main precursors of DMS. Microorganisms produce DMS from DMSP and methionine under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. DMS is biochemically oxidized to dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) which may, in turn, be biologically reduced back to D M S . These interconversions occur in both oxic and anoxic habitats. Under anaerobic conditions where light is present, DMS may be oxidized to D M S O by phototrophic bacteria. DMSO is an electron acceptor which supports the anaerobic metabolism or growth of a variety of microorganisms, with DMS as the reduced endproduct. DMSO is also aerobically used as a carbon and energy source by some species of Hyphomicrobium. The biodegradation of DMS proceeds in oxic and anoxic environments. Aerobic metabolism supports the growth of obligate methylotrophs (Hyphomicrobium sp.) and obligate Calvin cycle autotrophs (Thiobacillus sp.). In anoxic sediments sulfate-reducers and methanogens consume DMS. At low levels of DMS sulfate-reducers outcompete methanogens for DMS, thus CO and H S are the endproducts of oxidation in marine sediments. A t higher substrate concentrations, or in freshwater sediments (sulfate absent), DMS supports methanogenesis. 2


The biotransformations of sulfur compounds by microorganisms can have largescale impacts on global chemistry. As an example, sulfate-reducing bacteria have, throughout history, formed major deposits of elemental sulfur and iron sulfides on Earth, and these processes are continuing today (1). Contemporary sulfate-reduction coupled with the oxidation of reduced inorganic sulfur c

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In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


Microbial Metabolism ofDimethyl Sulfide


compounds by lithoautotrophic bacteria, has important consequences for the mineralization of organic matter in coastal regions and the development of food chains (2-4). Similarly, the microbial generation of volatile organo-sulfur compounds can have a great impact on the sulfur cycle and global geochemistry by transferring sulfur from the biosphere to the atmosphere (5). Volatile sulfur compounds generated by microbial processes are H?S, alkylated sulfides and disulfides, COS, CS2 and S 0 . It has been calculated that the global fluxes of biogenic sulfur and anthropogenic S 0 into the atmosphere are about equal (6). Interest focusses on dimethylsulfide ( D M S ) because of its quantitative importance as a natural source of sulfur to the atmosphere. D M S is estimated to form approximately half of the biogenic input of volatile sulfur to the atmosphere, with about 75% of the D M S being generated i n marine regions (6). D M S is photochemically oxidized in the atmosphere to methanesulfonic and sulfuric acids. These strong acids contribute, along with nitric and organic acids, to the natural acidity of precipitation. Recent problems with acid rain have aroused interest in the anthropogenic and natural sources of volatile sulfur compounds (2). In addition to affecting the p H of precipitation, the emission of D M S has been linked with the regulation of global climate. Recent studies (&2) have indicated that the number of oceanic sulfate aerosols, which form cloud condensation nuclei, may be directly affected by D M S inputs to the atmosphere. Thus the rates of D M S release may influence cloud formation over the ocean, which in turn impacts on the global heat balance, thereby giving the biota a modicum of "control" over the climate (2). This intriguing hypothesis, together with concerns over acid rain implicitly point out the need for a greater understanding of mechanisms for D M S production and consumption, and how environmental factors affect these processes. This review concentrates on the microbiological processes involved m the biogenesis of D M S and its subsequent fate through biotransformation and catabolism. 2

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Biogenesis of Dimethylsulfide D M S is formed during the biodégradation of organic sulfur compounds and by the biological methylation of sulfide and methanethiol. Precursors of D M S are methionine, S-methylmethionine, dimethylsulfoniopropionate ( D M S P ) , dimethylsulfonioacetate ( D M S A ) , dimethyl sulfoxide ( D M S O ) , methionine sulfoxide and sulfone, trimethylsulfonium salts, S-methylcysteine, homocysteine, dimethyl disulfide ( D M D S ) , 2-keto-4-methiolbutyrate, and 2-mercaptoacetate (thioglycollate). M e t h i o n i n e and D M S P have been investigated most frequently as rogenitors of volatile sulfur compounds i n a variety of environments, lethionine is a ubiquitous component of proteins and D M S P is present in many algae and some plants which grow in saline environments (10.11). D M S P appears to serve as an osmolyte i n many organisms (12), although for some marine algae and plants, D M S P is less important than other solutes as a shortterm osmotic effector (13.14). D M S P probably has other metabolic functions, for example as a methylating agent (IS.16) or as a sulfur storage molecule (14).


Methionine as a Precursor of D M S . Methionine was recognized as a precursor of methylated sulfur compounds about 50 years ago (see 12 for references). Subsequent studies have shown the production of volatile methylated sulfides from methionine i n many environments. The emphasis has been on anaerobic transformation i n studies with natural samples or microcosms. Francis et al. (18) observed the production of methanethiol, D M S and D M D S from methionine i n soil incubations. The production of the volatile sulfur

In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

Downloaded by UNIV OF MINNESOTA on August 1, 2013 | Publication Date: April 27, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0393.ch013



compounds required amendment with glucose. In work with rumen fluid, Salsbury and Merricks (12) detected methanethiol and D M S when methionine was added. Carbon tetrachloride, an inhibitor of C - l metabolism mediated by Bu derivatives (20.21V blocked methanogenesis and also D M S production from methionine but had no effect on methanethiol formation. In decaying cyanobacterial mats in a hot spring the principal volatile sulfur product during organic matter degradation was D M D S , presumably resulting from methionine (22). Studies with lake sediments identified methanethiol and D M D S as the major products of methionine biodégradation (22)· More recent investigations of anaerobic transformations with salt marsh sediments have confirmed the conversion of methionine into volatile sulfur compounds with a preponderance of methanethiol production over that of D M S (24.25). The unifying conclusion from these investigations of anaerobic methionine catabolism, based on work with radiolabellea substrates and inhibitors, is that demethiolation yields methanethiol which may then be converted to D M S and/or D M D S . Sulfatereducers (but not methanogens) contribute, along with other bacteria, to the anaerobic demethiolation of methionine or its breakdown product 2-keto-4methiolbutyrate (25). D M S probably arises via methylation of methanethiol by a thiol S-methyltransferase (see below). Alternative fates for methanethiol involve metabolism by sulfate-reducing and/or methanogenic bacteria to yield CO? and C H . In freshwater sediments CH4 rather than CO2 is produced from methanethiol, even at low concentrations of methanethiol, whereas in marine environments the situation may be reversed (24.26). This observation is in accord with the dominance of sulfate-reduction in anaerobic degradation in coastal sediments (2.4). Methanethiol is a substrate which behaves similar to methanol in marine sediments being monopolized by sulfate-reducers at low concentrations but by methanogens at higher levels (27.28). Kiene and Capone (24) suggested that methanethiol is not directly attacked by methanogens but rather that it must first be converted to D M S via methylation. W i t h the exception of demethiolation, little is known of the enzymatic mechanisms for methionine degradation, particularly with respect to D M S production. A great variety of microorganisms produce methanethiol from methionine under either oxic or anoxic conditions. Bacteria capable of the transformation include species of Pseudomonas and Clostridium, strict aerobes and anaerobes respectively, with Proteus vulgaris, Enterobacter aerogenes and Escherichia coli as examples of facultative organisms; fungi are represented by species of Pénicillium, Candida, Aspergillus and Scopulanopsis. Early data on the topic was summarized by Kadota and Ishida (22) and Figure 1 outlines some of the microbial transformations of organosulfur compounds. Several investigators using cell-free systems showed that methionine was converted to 2ketobutyrate, methanethiol and ammonia (22), and there is general agreement on these as end-products of methionine catabolism, together with D M D S , by intact cells of many microorganisms. D M D S arises from methanethiol by an oxidation that probably occurs both chemically and biochemically. Segal and Starkey (12) observed variation in the relative rates of methanethiol and t ) M D S production during the growth of different bacteria. Presumably some species enzymatically catalyzed the conversion of methanethiol to D M D S . There are, also, some reports of D M S production from methionine, for example by the bread mold Scopulanopsis brevicaulis (2fl); a possible explanation is the methylation of methanethiol catalyzed by a thiol S-methyltransferase (31.32). K i e n e and Capone (24) more recently observed the anoxic conversion of methanethiol to D M S i n slurries of salt marsh sediments and concluded, from inhibitor effects, that sulfate-reducers, methanogens and other anaerobes all participated in the methylation process. Starkey and his colleagues provided good evidence for most of the steps shown in Figure 1, in both bacteria and 4

In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

Microbial Metabolism ofDimethyl Sulfide

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Methionine NH

. ^ ^ ^


2-aminobutyrate CH CH C0C00H 2-ketobutyrate \ 3


CH SCH CH C0C00H ^ ^ Y ^ 2-keto-4-methiolbutyrate A. (3 3






Figure 1. Microbial transformations of methionine which generate methylated sulfides. 1) methionine 7-lyase; 2) and 3") possible demethiolations; 4) chemical and probably biochemical oxidation; 5) thiol S-methyltransferase.

In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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fungi (1733). Only a few aerobic bacteria isolated from soil used methionine as a sole source of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur. None of the fungi grew on methionine and this was attributed to the inability of the isolates to grow on 2ketobutyrate (22). Deamination preceded demethiolation and in the fungi the second step r e q u i r e d energy and oxygen. A e r a t i o n also p r o m o t e d demethiolation by a bacterial isolate. However, anaerobic demethiolation by cell-free extracts of anaerobes and facultative anaerobes was reported by other workers (22). Except for methionine 7-lyase (see below) which catalyzes a simultaneous deamination and demethiolation of methionine, few of the enzymatic conversions shown i n Figure 1 have been characterized i n microorganisms. Deamination of methionine involves either amino acid oxidases or aminotransferases, but the enzymatic demethiolation of 2-keto-4methiolbutyrate has not been studied (21). Challenger and I i u (25) detected methanethiol and D M S production from 2-keto-4-methiolbutyrate by S. brevicaulis; direct demethiolation of 2-keto-4-methiolbutyrate may have occurred, with subsequent methylation of the methanethiol, but amination to methionine may have preceded the demethiolation step. Methionine 7-lyase, in contrast, has been purified from Aeromonas sp., Pseudomonas putida and Clostridium sporogenes Q£). This enzyme effects a 0,7elimination of methanethiol and ammonia from L-methionine with the direct formation of 2-ketobutyrate: CH SCH CH CH(NH )COOH + H 0 = CH SH + CH CH COCOOH + N H 3









The Aeromonas and Pseudomonas enzymes have been studied i n detail. Both enzymes are very sensitive to sulfhydryl and carbonyl inhibitors and possess 4 moles of pyridoxal S'-phosphate bound in aldimine linkages to ξamino groups of lysine residues. They nave similar substrate specificities and, in articular, show about two-fold higher rates with homocysteine as compared to ,-methionine. A l s o attacked, but at slower rates, were ethionine (55% of methionine rate), S-methylcysteine (9%), S-methylmethionine (4%) and the sulfoxide (21%) and sulfone (55%) of methionine. The substrate specificity of methionine 7-lyase presents possibilities for the the environmental generation of D M S and ethyl sulfides from plant residues containing S-methylmethionine or S-methylcysteine, and their ethyl analogs. Methionine sulfone is even a good substrate for methionine 7-lyase. Enzymes similar to the S-alkylcysteinease from P. cruciviae (see below) probably account for the environmental occurrence of a variety of alkylated sulfides and perhaps the formation of methylated sulfides from methionine sulfoxide (5).


Production of D M S from S-Methylmethionine. The methylated derivative of methionine, S-methylmethionine is a sulfonium compound which is present in a variety of terrestrial plants, and is a precursor of D M S (37-39). White (4Q) also suggested that S-methylmethiomne might occur in some marine algae. S-methylmethionine is synthesized in the Jack bean via methyl transfer from S-adenosylmethionine to methionine ( i l ) . Mazelis et al., (42) isolated a Corynebacterium sp. from soil that enzymatically degraded S-methylmethionine to D M S and homoserine. The enzyme responsible for the transformation was artially purified and was specific for the L-form of S-methylmethionine. >MSP, D M S A and methionine sulfoxide were not substrates for the sulfonium lyase but S-adenosylmethionine was converted to methylthioadenosine and homoserine. The enzyme had a p H optimum of 7.8, did not require pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, and was not inhibited by sulfhydryl-blocking agents. It was also very thermostable, retaining 40% activity even after 5 minutes boiling. The


In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


Microbial Metabolism ofDimethyl Sulfide


environmental distributions of S-methylmethionine and the sulfonium lyase are unknown but S-methylmethionine may be a significant precursor of u M S i n terrestrial regions. For example, the high D M S emissions associated with corn Intents (42) is probably due the the enzymatic breakdown of S-methylmethionine

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Methionine and its S-methyl derivative, S-methylmethionine, are probably important precursors of D M S i n terrestrial regions. However, plants also produce a variety of nonprotein sulfur amino acids such as S-methylcysteine, its 7-glutamyl and sulfoxide derivatives, and djenkolic acid (44). The biosyntheses and functions of these compounds are poorly understood, and mechanisms for their biodégradation may be of more than academic interest, particularly with respect to the generation of volatile sulfur compounds. D M S P as a Precursor of D M S . D M S P is a significant precursor of D M S i n marine environments with the D M S P being released from phytoplankton by a variety of mechanisms (45.46). A n elimination reaction yields D M S and acrylate from D M S P : +





- ( C H ) S + C H = C H C O O ' + H+ 3



The reaction proceeds abiotically at p H 13 or higher but at common environmental or physiological p H values the chemical conversion is extremely slow. For example, i n seawater at p H 8.2 and 10°C the half-life for D M S P is about 8 years (47). Enzymes which promote the transformation occur i n aerobic and anaerobic bacteria (47 48). i n the red macroalga Polysiphonia lanosa (15), and in the marine planktonic dinoflagellate Gyrodinium cohnii (22). Wagner and Stadtman (4&) isolated a strictly anaerobic spore-forming bacterium, a Clostridium species, from river mud using D M S r as the main source of carbon. D M S P was converted to D M S , propionate and acetate: +





+ 2H 0 = 2

2 C H C H C O O - + C H C O O - + 3 ( C H ) S + C 0 + 3H+ 3






The organism also fermented acrylate, as do other Clostridia, to a 2:1 molar mixture of propionate and acetate. Bacteria that ferment acrylate, derived from D M S P , probably abound i n coastal marine sediments (Kiene and Taylor, this v o l u m e ) . K i e n e and Taylor ([this volume) observed that acrylate was immediately metabolized in anoxic slurries of coastal marine sediments with the appearance of a 1:2 molar mixture of acetate and propionate. The acetate and propionate were consumed by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Acetate is a quantitatively important substrate i n anoxic marine sediments (42) and D M S P may be a significant precursor of acetate in such environments. The data of Wagner and Stadtman (4£) indicated an initial enzymatic cleavage of D M S P into D M S and acrylate, even though the transformation was not directly demonstrated. Likewise, Dacey and Blough (42) did not confirm the enzymatic conversion but showed growth on D M S P with the production of D M S and acrylate. However, the enzymatic cleavage of D M S r was studied with a partially purified preparation from Polysiphonia lanosa (15) and with cellfree extracts ot Gyrodinium cohnii (22). Both enzymes required sulfhydryl groups for activity; the P. lanosa enzyme was unstable without reduced glutathione or cysteine and the activity i n G. cohnii was inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate or iodoacetamide. p H optima were on the acidic side; p H 5.1 for P. lanosa and 6.0-6.5 for G. cohnii. The enzymes may occur extracytoplasmically; the P. lanosa enzyme was membrane bound and that from

In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

Downloaded by UNIV OF MINNESOTA on August 1, 2013 | Publication Date: April 27, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0393.ch013



G. cohnii was optimally active i n 0 . 4 M N a C l , an environment similar to seawater. A n extracytoplasmic location of the enzyme would allow conservation of energy as a proton gradient during the cleavage of D M S P . With the enzyme from P. lanosa, Cantoni and Anderson (15) also reported the slow cleavage of dimethylacetothetin (dimethylsulfonioacetate or D M S A ) but no activity with Smethylmethionine, S-adenosylmethionine, betaine (trimethylglycine) or choline. This indicates that D M S P lyase is distinct from the sulfonium lyase for Smethylmethionine described by Mazelis et al. (42). Interestingly, cell-free extracts of G . cohnii catalyzed the methylation of homocysteine witn D M S P to produce methionine and 3-methiolpropionate, indicating a metabolic as well as osmotic function for D M S P . Recent work by Dacey, Wakeham and King (50) suggests a D M S P cleavage enzyme (lyase) might occur i n higher plants. The marsh grass Spartina alterniflora had high levels of D M S P and the leaves were a source of D M S whereas the sediments were a sink. Dead and moribund leaves contained acrylate, presumably left over from the enzymatic attack of D M S P . However, D M S P degradation by phyllosphere microbes was not excluded and must be considered a distinct possibility. Franzman et al., (51) ana Gibson et al. (52) recently detected high levels of D M S i n the hypersaline Organic L a k e located i n the Vestfold H i l l s of Antarctica. The highest concentrations of D M S , about 1.6 μΜ, occurred in the anoxic bottom waters with a salinity of approximately 174 o/oo. Gibson et al. (52) speculated that D M S catabolism was inhibited at high salinity whereas its biogenesis proceeded. Sulfate reducing and photosynthetic bacteria, potential consumers of D M S , were absent from Organic Lake. High levels of D M S in the anoxic monimolimnion were not correlated with algal biomass but were correlated with bacterial numbers. Gibson et al. (52) suggested that D M S was generated by bacteria. Interestingly, D M S P concentrations were high in the anoxic waters, perhaps indicating its formation by bacteria. Bacteria have not been shown to contain D M S P although E. coli will accumulate exogenous D M S P or D M S A when subjected to osmotic stress (52). The presence and persistence of D M S P at depth in sediments from unvegetated areas of coastal marshes (54) suggests that organisms other than algae may naturally synthesize this compound. Phosphatidylsulfocholine the sulfonium analog of phosphatidylcholine is present i n some m a r i n e ( C H 3 ) 2 S C H C H O H , liberated from the phospholipids may be a precursor of D M S . Sulfocholine may be oxidized to D M S A which is a substrate for the D M S P cleavage enzyme from P. lanosa. Salsbury and Merricks (12) showed D M S formation from D M S A in rumen fluid. Enzymes more specific for D M S A cleavage may occur, especially in bacteria associated with algae or plants, or in the rumen. The relationship between the recently discovered demethylation pathway, which yields 3-mercaptopropionate (58.59). and the cleavage pathway tor D M S P breakdown needs investigation i n order to understand the factors affecting or controlling the relative contributions of the different routes. A similar aemethylation pathway may exist for sulfocholine and/or D M S A which leads to the formation of 2-mercaptoethanol and/or 2-mercaptoacetate both of which have been detected i n the porewaters of anoxic coastal sediments (6Û). D M S P and D M S A may even be a source of methyl groups for methanethiol and D M S production via thiol S-methyltransferases. +



M e t h y l a t i o n of Sulfide and M e t h a n e t h i o l . A n o t h e r pathway for D M S biogenesis involves its formation from inorganic sulfide v i a methylation reactions. Interest in the enzymatic methylation of sulfide and organic sulfides was initially concerned with the detoxification of thiols i n animals (61). The

In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



Microbial Metabolism ofDimethyl Sulfide

enzyme thiol S-methyltransferase was first purified from rat liver and it catalyzed the following reactions: H S + S-adenosylmethionine = CH3SH + S-adenosylhomocysteine 2

C H S H + S-adenosylmethionine = (CH3) S + S-adenosylhomocysteine 3


A l s o active as substrates for S-methylation were 2-mercaptoacetate (thioglycollate), 2-mercaptopropionate (2-MPA), 2-mercaptoethanol, and the methyl ester of 3-mercaptopropionate (3-MPA). The Vmax values were similar for all the substrates but K m values varied from 64 μΜ and 240 μΜ for H S and CH3SH, respectively, to 8 m M for 2-mercaptoethanol. The enzymatic activity was generally detected in animal tissues that are exposed to xenobiotics (gut, liver, kidney, lungs) but was present at low levels in heart and skeletal muscle. Thiol S-methyltransferase activities have recently been detected in aerobic and facultatively aerobic bacteria, plants, a yeast (Candida lipolytica) an alga (Euglena gracilis) and the ciliate protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila ( Cell-free extracts of Tetrahymena thermophila showed similar rates of methylation with sulfide and C H ^ S H ; also the methylation of CH3SH was demonstrated with intact cells (22). In a l l the studies, animal and microbial, a single enzyme in each organism appeared to be responsible for the methylation of the different substrates, i.e. sulfide, methanethiol and organic xenooiotic thiols. The activity was also present in bacteria grown in the absence of sulfide, and some isolates even generated sulfide from sulfate for the methylation reaction (21). With bacteria the methylation of CH3SH by intact cells was not demonstrated and there have been questions about thiol methylating activity in strict anaerobes (31,641 However, strictly anaerobic bacteria undoubtedly contribute to the methylation of sulfide and organic thiols, such as the methyltnio-derivatives of polychlorinated biphenyls that have been detected in sediments (£5). Also, as noted above, Kiene and Visscher (25) and Kiene and Capone (24), observed the formation of D M S from methanethiol in slurries of salt marsh sediments. Methylation of inorganic sulfide as source of methanethiol and D M S needs investigation in various environments, as does the ability of strict anaerobes to effect these methylations.

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Reduction of D M S O . D M S O is a waste product from paper mills (66) and is used i n medicine and pharmacology as a vehicle to promote the passage of drugs across cell membranes (62). There is therefore, an anthropogenic component of D M S O occurrence in the environment, but probably not of global significance. D M S O occurs in natural aquatic environments especially surface seawater. It is generated by the oxidation of D M S (see below) derived from the enzymatic cleavage of D M S P . Levels of D M S O were reported to be equal to or greater than those of D M S in oceanic waters (63) but this conclusion needs re­ examination since the analytical method did not distinguish between D M S O and D M S P . D M S O is reduced chemically to D M S by sulfide (62) and this could occur in natural environments, especially marine sediments. M o r e likely, however, D M S O will be biologically reduced. Many microorganisms, both bacteria and yeasts, reduce D M S O to D M S under anaerobic conditions (62), and i n some organisms, but not a l l , it allows anaerobic growth (2Û). The enzymes responsible for D M S O reduction have been studied from fungi and bacteria. Normally D M S O reductases are only synthesized or expressed in the absence of oxygen. A n e x c e p t i o n to this g e n e r a l i z a t i o n concerns Hyphomicrobium EG and Hyphomicrobium S which grew aerobically on D M S O and carried out an aerobic reduction of D M S O to D M S catalysed by a D M S O reductase. This enzyme has not been studied i n detail but D M S O reductases In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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which function in anaerobes have received considerable attention. Interest in D M S O and trimethylamine N-oxide is keen because the products of their reduction, D M S and trimethylamine, are of concern to the food industry. D M S at the correct concentrations imparts flavor to cheeses and beers (21) and t r i m e t h y l a m i n e is generated d u r i n g the b a c t e r i a l spoilage o f fish. Trimethylamine N-oxide ( T M A O ) is present in the tissues and fluids of some marine fish where it fulfills osmotic functions (22). D M S O is reduced by facultative and strict anaerobes, and also photosynthetic bacteria but not by sulfate-reducing bacteria ( Kiene and Capone (24) observed that molybdate (an inhibitor of sulfate-reduction) slightly stimulated D M S production from D M S O , by slurries of salt marsh sediments, probably because use of D M S by sulfate-reducers was inhibited, whereas D M S production from D M S O was unaffected. The situation with respect to the different enzymes that reduce organic N and S-oxides is complex. In general, the enzymes have broad substrate specificities and those which reduce T M A O also reduce D M S O , and vice versa; both types usually reduce methionine sulfoxide. F o r example, a D M S O reductase from E . coli reduced D M S O at about 30% of the rate of T M A O ; methionine and tetrahydrothiophene sulfoxide were reduced at rates similar to D M S O , and the enzyme catalyzed the reduction of chlorate and a various organic N-oxides at higher rates than D M S O (25). Single enzymes that reduce both D M S O and T M A O have been confirmed i n Proteus vulgaris and Rhodobacter capsulatus (76.77). O n e exception, is the marine bacterium Shewanella sp. N C M B 400, with an inducible T M A O reductase that does not reduce D M S O , chlorate or pyridine N-oxide (28). Since T M A O and D M S O probably occur together i n many marine environments an interesting recent technical development involves N M R to follow the simultaneous use o f T M A O and D M S O by Rhodobacter capsulatus (22). D M S O and T M A O reductases are usually periplasmic and contain molybdenum (75.78.80). Molybdopterin the common molybdenum cofacter for all molybdoenzymes with the exception of nitrogenase (£1), was recently identified in the D M S O reductase of E . coli (75). Other Precursors of D M S . Several other organosulfur compounds, in addition to methionine, S-methylmethionine, D M S P and D M S O , have been reported to be involved i n the biogenesis of methylated sulfides. Early reports of these investigations were summarized by Kadota and Ishida (22). Challenger's group reported D M S production by fungi from S-methylcysteine (30.35). Bremner and Steele (5) observed the stimulation of methanethiol, D M S and D M D S roduction in soil, with either aerobic or anaerobic (waterlogged) incubation, by -methylcysteine but not by S-methylmethionine. D M S was also formed from homocysteine, probably after methylation to methionine but possibly via sulfide formation with subsequent thiol S-methyltransferase activity. More recently, Kiene and Capone (21) noted equivalent stimulatory effects on the anaerobic r o d u c t i o n o f v o l a t i l e organosulfur compounds by m e t h i o n i n e and -methylcysteine i n slurries of salt marsh sediment; methanethiol and D M S were detected with the earlier and greater appearance of methanethiol. Biochemical studies of S-methylcysteine catabolism were carried out by Nomura et al. (£2). Pseudomonas cruciviae was isolated from soil using S-methylcysteine as the sole source of carbon and energy. A n enzyme was purified 30-fold from cells grown o n S-methylcysteine which l i b e r a t e d m e t h a n e t h i o l from S-methylcysteine; it also attacked S-methylcysteinesulfoxide with the formation of methyl methanethiosulfinate:

In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.





+ H 0 = CH SH + CH COCOOH + N H 2



2CH S(0)CH CH(NH )COOH + H 0 = CH S(0)SCH 3







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Microbial Metabolism ofDimethyl Sulfide


+ + 2NH


The enzyme resembled methionine γ-lyase in requiring pyridoxal phosphate for activity but it did not attack methionine. The enzyme was described as an Sa l k y l c y s t e i n a s e b e c a u s e it u s e d a r a n g e of S - a l k y l c y s t e i n e s a n d S-alkylcysteinesulfoxides as substrates. Similar rates of attack were obtained with methylated and ethylated substrates whereas with propyl, butyl, isobutyl, allyl, amyl and isoamyl derivatives of cysteine the rates were between 40% and 75% lower. Wagner et al. (82) isolated Pseudomonas M S which grew on trimethylsulphonium salts as a sole source of carbon and energy, with the evolution of D M S . A partially purified enzyme preparation catalyzed the transfer of a methyl group from trimethylsulfonium chloride to tetranydrofolate. Neither S-adenosyl­ methionine nor D M S P functioned i n the methyl transfer reaction. The methyltransferase was devoid of vitamin B , had a molecular weight of about 100,000 with a p H optimum of 7.8. Challenger and L i u (25) found that 3-methiolpropionate or 3-mercaptopyruvate caused D M S formation by Scopulariopsis brevicaulis. Labarre and Éory (Si) observed the conversion of 2-mercaptoacetate to a mixture of H j S and methanethiol by Clostridium oedematicus but mechanisms were not investigated; probably a thiol S-methyltransferase catalyzes methanethiol synthesis from sulfide or via an S-methyl derivative of 2-mercaptoacetate. 1 2

Catabolism of Dimethylsulfide D M S is degraded aerobically and anaerobically by microorganisms and its catabolism by pure and mixed cultures, or consortia, has recently been studied. Anaerobic Catabolism. Anaerobic D M S degradation has been examined with samples from freshwater, estuarine, alkaline/hypersaline and salt marsh sediments (25-27.541 Zinder and Brock (26) using sediments from Lake Mendota, observed the predominant conversion of D M S to C H with little formation of C O j . They were, however, unable to secure methanogenic e n r i c h m e n t s u s i n g D M S and three pure cultures o f methanogens 4

(Methanosarcina barken, Methanobactenum ruminantium, M. thermoautotrophicum) did not metabolize either D M S or methanethiol. In salt marsh sediments, and a variety of other sediments, D M S at low concentrations was converted primarily to C 0 by sulfate-reducing bacteria (25.27.541 Only at high substrate levels, similar to the situation with methionine (methanethiol) metabolism in salt marsh sediments, was methanogenesis stimulated by D M S . It should be noted that sulfate reducers which use D M S have yet to be isolated in pure culture. D M S c a t a b o l i s m by pure cultures o f m i c r o o r g a n i s m s has b e e n predominantly examined with aerobes; there are two reports of growth on D M S by anaerobes. One is the methanogenic isolate of Kiene et al. (2Z) and the other is the anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium of Zeyer et al. (85) (see below). Kiene et al. (22) isolated a pure culture of a methanogen, from an estuarine sediment, that grew on D M S . The organism was obligately methylotrophic and grew on D M S , methanol or trimethylamine but not on H plus C 0 , formate, acetate, methionine or D M D S . N o growth occurred on methanethiol, even though it was postulated as an intermediate i n D M S metabolism, possibly 2



In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



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because of toxicity problems. The biochemistry of D M S conversion to methane still needs investigation as it appears to be different than that of methanol or trimethylamine (86). Aerobic Catabolism. Isolates which grow aerobically on D M S have proved to be either strictly methylotrophic species of Hyphomicrobium or strictly autotrophic species of Thiobacdlus (£2). There was a report of methanethiol oxidation catalyzed by methane monooxygenase (88) but the possible metabolism of methylated sulfides by aerobic methanotrophs has not been further investigated. Hyphomicrobium S was obtained from a batch enrichment with D M S O as sole carbon and energy source, and the only substrates it grew on were D M S O and D M S (82). Hyphomicrobium E G was later isolated from a chemostat enrichment on D M S O , and it also grew on D M S , methylamine, dimethylamine, and trimethylamine N-oxide ( T M A O ) and weakly on formate or trimethylamine (2Q). Unlike many hyphomicrobia neither organism grew anaerobically with nitrate, nitrite or fiimarate as an electron acceptor (2Q). The catabolic pathway for D M S O and D M S metabolism is shown i n Figure 2. A D M S O reductase was formed under aerobic conditions and functioned better with N A D H than N A D P H in Hyphomicrobium S whereas in Hyphomicrobium E G the preferred coenzyme was N A D P H (89 90). The subsequent pathway was the same in both organisms with oxidation of D M S by a monooxygenase to give methanethiol and formaldehyde. A methanethiol oxidase generated sulfide and formaldehyde, with the sulfide being further oxidized to sulfate. N A D dependent formaldehyde and formate dehydrogenases catalyzed the oxidation of formaldehyde to C O ^ . Carbon assimilation was probably at the level of formaldehyde via the serine pathway (21) as indicated by the presence of high levels of hydroxypyruvate reductase and low levels of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (89.92). The methanethiol oxidase of Hyphomicrobium E G was purified and studied i n detail (21). The enzyme catalyzed the following reaction: CH SH + 0 3


+ H 0 = HCHO + H S + H 0 2




with the direct involvement of molecular oxygen. The molecular weight of the enzyme was 40-50,000; there was no obvious coenzyme as judged by spectral characteristics, and no metal requirement. The enzyme is of particular interest because methanethiol and all the products (sulfide, H C H O , peroxide) are toxic molecules. The importance of the enzyme in the physiology of the organism is apparent from the fact that it constituted 8-10% ot the total cellular protein. In addition to methanethiol the enzyme also catalyzed the oxidation of ethanethiol (Km 18 μΜ) and sulfide (Km 60 μΜ) but not methanol or methylamine. Experiments with Hyphomicrobium E G growing in a methylamine-limited chemostat proved that the organism gained energy from the oxidation of sulfide or thiosulfate. However, both Hyphomicrobium S and Hyphomicrobium E G depended on a methylated substrate for cellular carbon, i.e. they are strict methylotrophs. In contrast to this situation the bacteria isolated aerobically on D M S , and D M D S , by K e l l y and his colleagues have proved to be strict autotrophs, fixing CO? via the Calvin cycle and possessing high levels of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (87.94 95). Thiobacillus thioparus T K - m was derived from a strain of Thiobacillus thioparus that was isolated from activated sludge (94). The organism only obtained energy from the oxidation of the sulfur moiety of D M S which is probably equivalent to sulfide (Figure 2). The pathway for D M S catabolism resembles that employed by the hyphomicrobial isolates (82; Figure 2).

In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


Microbial Metabolism ofDimethyl Sulfide


(CH ) SO Downloaded by UNIV OF MINNESOTA on August 1, 2013 | Publication Date: April 27, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0393.ch013



H S0 2




Figure 2. Aerobic catabolism of methylated sulfides (adapted from Kelly, 1988). 1) D M S O reductase (Hyphomicrobium sp.); 2) D M D S reductase (Thiobacillus s p . l 3) trimethylsulfonium-tetrahydrofolate methyltransferase (Pseudomonas sp.); 4) D M S monooxygenase; 5) methanethiol oxidase; 6) sulfide oxidizing enzymes; 7) catalase; 8) formaldehyde dehydrogenase; 9) formate dehydrogenase; 10) Calvin cycle for C 0 assimilation (Thiobacillus sp.); 11) serine pathway for carbon assimilation (Hyphomicrobium sp.). 2

In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Smith and Kelly (25) isolated bacteria from a variety of habitats (soil, peat, freshwater and marine sediments) which grew on D M D S as a sole source of energy and carbon. A l l of the isolates were thiobacilli that grew on D M D S , D M S , and inorganic sulfur compounds, and were strictly autotrophic, showing no heterotrophic or methylotrophic growth. There was variation i n the inorganic sulfur compounds oxidized; all used thiosulfate, tetrathionate and sulfide but not all grew on elemental sulfur or thiocyanate. One organism grew on thiourea but none used D M S O . Smith and Kelly (25) examined one isolate Œ 6 ) i n detail. Cells grown on D M D S oxidized D M D S , sulfide, thiosulfate, formaldehyde and formate in accord with the operation of a similar pathway to that proposed for Hyphomicrobium. However, D M S was not oxidized thereby indicating a lack of involvement of a D M S oxidase, with D M D S metabolism probably via a reductive cleavage to methanethiol. Support for catabolism by a pathway with methanethiol as an intermediate was further provided by a sensitivity to a catalase inhibitor, 3-amino-l,2,4-triazole (AT), during growth on D M D S , as noted for Hyphomicrobium E G (22). Sensitivity to A T can be ascribed to Η Ο ο produced during the action of methanethiol oxidase (22). Chemostat growth studies with isolate E 6 indicated that energy was derived from the oxidation of formaldehyde or formate but, unlike Thiobacillus versutus (26), the organism did not grow autotrophically on these organic compounds. A requirement for a reduced inorganic sulfur compound by the isolate may indicate an inability to assimilate sulfate as noted for some photosynthetic sulfur bacteria. 2

O x i d a t i o n o f D M S to D M S O and D M S O . D M S is c h e m i c a l l y and biochemically oxidized to dimethylsulfoxide ( D M S O ) . Mechanisms for the in situ oxidation of D M S to D M S O in seawater have received little attention, even though this may be an important sink for D M S . Hydrogen peroxide occurs in surface oceanic waters (22) and is produced by marine algae (2S). It may participate in a chemical oxidation of D M S , since peroxide oxidizes sulfides to sulfoxides (22). Photochemical oxidation of D M S to D M S O occurs in the atmosphere and D M S O is found in rain from marine regions (68). D M S is also photo-oxygenated in aqueous solution to D M S O if a photosensitizer is present; natural compounds in coastal seawater catalyzed photo-oxidation at rates which may be similar to those at which D M S escapes from seawater into the atmosphere (100). In addition to chemical and photochemical processes, the formation of D M S O from D M S may be enzymatically catalyzed i n aqueous environments. The anaerobic oxidation of D M S to D M S O by a photosynthetic purple sulfur bacterium, probably a species of Thiocystis, was recently reported (25). Nothing is known about the mechanism of the oxidation although it cannot involve a molecular oxygen. Biochemical mechanisms requiring molecular oxygen can generate sulfoxides and sulfones f r o m organic sulfides (101). T h e transformations are performed by monooxygenases that catalyze the following general reaction: ;

RSR + N A D P H + H


+ 0


= RS(0)R + NADP+

+ H 0 2

Two different enzyme systems have been described, one uses cytochrome P-450 to activate oxygen whereas the other employs flavin adenine dinucleotide ( F A D ) . Both the cytochrome P-450 and the flavin monooxygenase systems have broad substrate specificities and oxidize and oxygenate a variety of organic nitrogen or sulfur compounds. The enzymes have a widespread distribution and have been detected i n animals, plants, fungi and bacteria. Their function appears to be primarily one of detoxification of xenobiotics. Microbial enzymes

In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


Microbial Metabolism ofDimethyl Sulfide


have received little attention with respect to their sulfoxidizing activities or potential. D M S is a substrate for the purified flavin monooxygenase from hog iyer with a K m value of 8 μΜ (102). The enzyme also converts D M S O to dimethylsulfone but there is doubt about the role of the enzyme i n sulfone formation in vivo, because of the high concentration of D M S O required (102). Sulfones are, however, produced during normal metabolism and, tor example, urinary excretion in man amounts to 4-11 me per day of dimethylsulfone (1031 W o r t h noting w i t h respect to dimethylsulfone p r o d u c t i o n i n natural e n v i r o n m e n t s is the o x i d a t i o n o f D M S O to d i m e t h y l s u l f o n e by a chloroperoxidase enzyme from the fungus Caldariomyces fumago (104). This observation may have particular relevance to the oceans because of the common presence of haloperoxidases in marine microorganisms (105). The active species i n the oxidation of organic nitrogen and sulfur compounds by flavin monooxygenase is probably a peroxyflavin, as is the case in the luciferinluciferase system of luminescent marine bacteria (106). Luminescent bacteria abound i n seawater 107) and they might conceivably contribute to a biochemical oxidation of D M S to D M S O .

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Summary and Conclusions Microorganisms can both generate and consume D M S . Enzymes that catalyze the cleavage of methylated sulfides from organic sulfur compounds are compiled i n Table 1. Figure 3 summarizes current knowledge about the catabolism and biotransformations of D M S . The production of D M S in the biosphere is balanced by losses to chemical and biological oxidation as well as by emissions to the atmosphere. The relative amount of D M S that escapes to the atmosphere, compared to that formed biologically, is unknown and w i l l probably be the suoject of considerable research in the years to come. In order to assess the roles of microbes as global consumers of D M S more knowledge is needed about the biochemical pathways of catabolism under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Also, the ecological factors which influence the distribution of D M S degraders and their activities. Parallel studies on D M S biogenesis are also needed. The comparative importance of various precursors must be unequivocally established in different environments (i.e. soils, forests, sediments, lakes, oceans). Since the bulk of D M S arises from plant-derived molecules, some interesting questions remain concerning why some species p r o d u c e s i g n i f i c a n t q u a n t i t i e s o f D M S p r e c u r s o r s (e.g. D M S P , S-methylmethionine), whilst others of similar taxonomic background or ecological niche do not. Implicit to interest i n the transformations of sulfur compounds in Nature is the question of human activities promoting the production of sulfur species (or their precursors) which have undesirable environmental impacts. A wellestablished example, albeit on a relatively small scale, is the leaching of mine dumps causing local problems with acidity and metal toxicity. O n larger scale, the burning of sulfur-containing fossil fuels, has affected the global sulfur cycle by injecting huge amounts of previously sequestered sulfur into the atmosphere. Tne effects of the combustion era are now being seen in the form of acid rain. The global nitrogen cycle has been altered by the use of fertilizers and cultivation of nitrogen-fixing legumes. This has contributed to problems of eutrophication and groundwater contamination with nitrate. Increased nitrogen inputs with higher algal and plant productivity may also affect the sulfur cycle. Elevated inputs of organic matter into salt marshes, estuaries and nearsnore regions will promote anoxia and stimulate sulfate reduction and the sulfur cycle in general; probably resulting in greater releases of volatile sulfur compounds.

In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



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Table 1. Enzymes that Generate Methylated Sulfides from Organosulfur Compounds Enzyme



D M S P lyase



Methionine 7 -lyase

Methanethiol Methionine HoS Homocysteine S-methylcysteine Methionine sulfoxide Methanethiol Methionine sulfone S-methylmethionine (weak)


S-methylcysteine S-methylcysteine sulfoxide

D MS Methanethiol Methyl methanethiosulfinate

Thiol S-methyltransferase

Sulfide Methanethiol Thioglycollate

Methanethiol DMS

Sulfonium lyase

S-methylmethionione S-adenosylmethionine

DMS Methylthioadenosine

Trimethylsulfoniumtetrahydrofolate methyltransferase

Trimethylsulfonium salts


Dimethyl sulfoxide

Dimethyl disulfide

(CH ) SO




Methanethiol CH SH



C0 + CH + H S

Dimethyl sulfone (CH ) S0 3







co + so 2



Figure 3. Summary of D M S transformations. 1) aerobic and anaerobic bacteria; 2) chemical and probably biochemical oxidation; 3) aerobic and anaerobic bacteria; 4) thiol S-methyltransferase; 5) sulfate reducers and methanogens; 6) aerobic bacteria (hyphomicrobia and thiobacilli); 7) chemical and biochemical (aerobic and anaerobic); 8) chloroperoxidase; 9) mechanism unknown; 10) aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.

In Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment; Saltzman, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


Microbial Metabolism ofDimethyl Sulfide 217

The microbial biogenesis and catabolism of DMS, as well as other biogenic sulfur compounds, and the environmental factors affecting these processes deserve attention in order to understand the relationships between acid rain, climate and the global cycle of sulfur.

Acknowledgments Financial support from the National Science Foundation (Grant OCE-8516020) is gratefully acknowledged. Contribution No. 623 of the University of Georgia Marine Institute. Downloaded by UNIV OF MINNESOTA on August 1, 2013 | Publication Date: April 27, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0393.ch013

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