Biological Control of Plant Pathogens by Antibiotic-Producing Bacteria

synonyms (3, 4). The potential ... Cook and Baker (5) defined biological control as "the reduction of the amount of inoculum ... 0097-6156/95/0582-030...
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Chapter 22

Biological Control of Plant Pathogens by Antibiotic-Producing Bacteria 1

Edna Levy and Shmuel Carmeli 1


Ministry of Agriculture, Plant Protection and Inspection Services, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel School of Chemistry, Beverly and Raymond Suckler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel

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Natural biological control phenomena are very complex systems consisting of integrated biotic and abiotic factors which are influenced by seasonal changes. Mechanisms such as competition, hyperparasitism, cross protection and antibiosis, may explain the pathways of the phenomenon of biological control. Antibiosis occurs when compounds produced by certain microorganisms have harmful effects on others. Selection for antibiotic producing bacteria begins with in vitro tests but ought to be followed by in vivo experiments. Purification, identification and application of the antibiotic as compared to the application of the antagonist itself, reveals the importance of antibiosis as part of the whole antagonistic phenomenon. Isolates of biocontrol agents which lack the gene for the antibiotic and are less effective against their target pathogens, strengthen the significance of antibiosis. Unfortunately, the correlation between results of in vitro tests and of field experiments is very small. Bacteria are less resistant than other biocontrol agents (yeasts, filamentous fungi) to adverse environmental conditions such as humidity and UV radiation.

Antibiosis and allelopathy consist of biochemical warfare between organisms. Allelopathy relates to the production and release of phytotoxic metabolites by plants (7) and was regarded as biochemical interactions among various types of plants (2). The term antibiosis applies to the production and release of such metabolites by microorganisms. In other studies, allelopathy and antibiosis are considered as synonyms (3, 4). The potential of this phenomenon, as part of biological control, can be used in agriculture to minimize the presence of pathogens or undesirable weeds. Cook and Baker (5) defined biological control as "the reduction of the amount of inoculum or disease-producing activity of a pathogen accomplished by or through one or more organisms other than man". A few modes of action may explain the way biological control occurs. Competition takes place when two populations simultaneously share the same environment and have similar trophic requirements (6, 7). Nutrition, space, oxygen, water and iron are the main objects for competition when limited. Hyperparasitism is 0097-6156/95/0582-0300$08.00/0 (c) 1995 American Chemical Society In Allelopathy; Dakshini, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

22. LEVY & CARMELI Control of Pathogens by Antibiotic-Producing Bacteria


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defined as a direct attack on a pathogen by a parasite (in anthropomorphic terms - "a biocontrol agent"). One of the attack strategies of hyperparasites is the use of extracellular lytic enzymes such as proteases, pectases, lipases, chitinases, glucanases and glucose oxidase (8-14). Kranz (15) indicates that hyperparasites can be efficient as biocontrol agents in diseases with high damage thresholds and in incipient diseases with slow progress (e.g.: slow rusting diseases). Cross protection and induced resistance are also potential strategies to achieve biological control. In these cases the host's resistance towards pathogens is enhanced by exposure to the biocontrol agent (16, 17). Since bacterial antibiosis and allelopathy appear to be two sides of the same coin, a few antibiotics of microbial origin will be compared to allelochemicals produced by plants. Bacterial Antibiotics To prove the role of antibiosis in any biocontrol scenario, one has to isolate, identify and demonstrate by bioassays that inhibitory compounds are produced by one organism and inhibit another. The production of inhibitory compounds in vitro is known to be influenced by culture conditions such as medium composition, aerobic or anaerobic conditions, light, pH, etc., while natural conditions are subject to wide variations.

Agrocin 84

Despite numerous R & D efforts to develop biological materials for the control of plant diseases, only a few reached the stage of commercial application. One of the most successful applications was achieved by the use of Agrobacterium radiobacter pv. radiobacter strain K84 (producer of the bacteriocin, agrocin 84), against A. radiobacter pv. tumefaciens, the cause of crown-gall disease (18, 19). Application of a mutant strain which was unable to produce agrocin 84 and still reduced disease symptoms indicated that, possibly, competition with the pathogen on the host receptor site was also important (20). A wide range of antibacterial and antifungal activities has been found among Bacillus spp. (21-25). The most investigated is Bacillus subtilis, the producer of the antibiotic, iturin (26-29).

C H - C - C - L - A s n —D-Tyr—D-Asn H O 2

N—L-Ser —D-Asn —L-Pro — L - G l n

R= Et, Pr, B u


In Allelopathy; Dakshini, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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Fluorescent pseudomonads (FPs) are considered to be the most promising biocontrol agents among bacteria. FPs are known for their ability to produce a wide spectrum of inhibitory compounds (30). The antibiotics tropolone, pyoluterin and pyrrolnitrin isolated from Pseudomonas spp. were found to be effective against phytopathogenic fungi (31-33). Phenazine derivatives are secreted by different bacteria, but most investigations were performed with pseudomonads (30, 34).

H Tropolone



Pseudomonas fluorescens, strain 2-79, was found to suppress the take-all disease of cereals caused by the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis. Its suppressive activity was attributed to the ability to produce phenazine-1-carboxyHe acid, which also inhibits, in vitro, the growth of several other fungi and bacteria (35, 36). Mutants defective in phenazine synthesis, derived from the same strain of P. fluorescens, were less active against G. graminis (37). Pseudomonas aeruginosa, strain L E C 1, a suppressor of fungal leaf diseases (caused by Septoria tritici and Puccinia recondita) is a producer of two phenazine derivatives: 1-hydroxyphenazine and chlororaphin (38, 39). Oxychlororaphine and 1-hydroxyphenazine secreted from P. aeruginosa showed strong activity against green microalgae and cyanobacteria (40).

Phenazine-1 -carboxyHe acid


1 -Hydroxyphenazine


Other effective antibiotics against phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi are phloroglucinol derivatives. Currently there is an increased interest in the compound

In Allelopathy; Dakshini, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

22. LEVY & CARMELI Control of Pathogens by Antibiotic-Producing Bacteria


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2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Phi) which shows great promise as an antibiotic (41). While Reddy and Borovkov (42) reported that Phi exhibits strong antibiotic activity against gram-positive bacteria and actinomycetes and weak activity against gramnegative bacteria, fungi and yeasts, Garagulya et al. (43) found that Phi was the best antifungal substance among ten tested pseudomonads metabolites. Levy et al. (44) demonstrated antibiotic activity of Phi against both bacteria and fungi.

2,4-Diacetyl phloroglucinol

Macrocarpal A

Phloroglucinol derivatives found in plants were reported as allelochemicals. They were isolated from Sedum sediforme flowers (45), from the ferns Dryopteris ardechensis and D. corleyi (46), and from the wood of Garcinia subelliptica (47). Recently, it was found that the phloroglucinol derivatives, macrocarpals, isolated from Eucalyptus macrocarpa, inhibit aldose reductase, a key enzyme of the polyol pathway (48) . Bacterial biodegradation of phloroglucinol was detected in a species of Rhodococcus, grown on phloroglucinol as the sole source of carbon and energy. Extracts of cells grown in such conditions showed phloroglucinol hydroxylase activity (49) . The ability to detoxify and utilize phloroglucinol is surely an advantage for this bacterium in environments where phloroglucinol derivatives are common biochemical weapons. In environmental conditions of iron limitation, certain organisms may produce organic compounds characterized by high affinity for Fe 3. These compounds, named siderophores, enable producers to obtain iron more efficiently. In such situations, iron becomes more limited and may inhibit the growth of other microorganisms, including plant pathogens (50, 51). The antagonistic effect of siderophores is lost when iron is added to the medium. The antifungal activity of 275 strains of pseudomonads was studied by using media devoid of iron or supplemented with 10 ug/mL of FeCl3 (52). Thirty three percent of the cultures showed lower activity against phytopathogenic fungi in the presence of iron. Addition of iron to phenazine and phloroglucinol derivatives (isolated from pseudomonad cultures) produced colored complexes but did not affect the antifungal activity of the later compounds. This observation might be the result of a weak bonding between iron and these compounds or of an improper stoichiometric ratio between iron and the chelating molecules, which may result in an excess of iron in the medium. However, addition of iron markedly lowered the antifungal effect of some crude, unidentified antibiotics and fluorescent pigments (52). This might be explained as hindering of the siderophoric effects of these compounds. Three siderophores have been described from fluorescent pseudomonads: aeruginoic acid (53), pyochelin (54), and (+)-S-dihydroaeruginoic acid, inhibitor of Septoria tritici and other phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria (55). Fourteen strains of Bradyrhizobium (nitrogen fixing bacteria) were divided into two groups characterized by iron requirements and siderophore production. One group produced siderophores under iron starvation, while the second group had a lower iron requirement and did not +

In Allelopathy; Dakshini, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.




demonstrate any siderophore production (56). The ability of one organism to utilize another's siderophores can be of selective advantage, as has been found in Bradyrhizobium japonicum (57).

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Aeruginoic acid


(+)-S-Dihydroaeruginoic acid

Siderophore production has been found in higher plants as well, e.g. in Frankia sp. under iron limitation (58). Oats produced the phytosiderophore avenic acid. Interaction between six siderophore producing bacteria and two oat cultivers (a phytosiderophore producer and a non-producer) was studied. It was found that inoculation of oat roots with the siderophore producing bacteria had little or no effect on iron acquisition by the plants (59). Some other similar groups, such as phenolic compounds, quinones, peptides and volatile compounds are identified as allelochemicals or antibiotics (3, 30, 60-68). Combined Effect of Several Modes of Action It is logical that more than one factor is involved in allelopathic interactions among organisms in nature. Experiments designed to reveal a particular factor responsible for antibiosis are performed in defined laboratory conditions while in the non-controlled, natural environment these conditions usually fluctuate and change during growth. Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain L E C 1 produced, on King's medium B (69) two phenazine derivatives: 1-hydroxyphenazine (PhOH) and chlororaphin (39). In tryptic soy broth without dextrose (70) L E C 1 produced high amounts of proteases as well. The antibiotic properties of these compounds were assayed on cultures of the fungal plant pathogen Septoria tritici. Addition of PhOH resulted in decreased fungal growth, increased production of the antioxidative enzymes, catalase and superoxide dismutase, and production of melanin-like compounds. Addition of the L E C 1 proteases had no effect on fungal growth. However, addition of the antibiotic together with proteases had a synergistic effect on the fungus' production of melanin (39, 71). It was also observed that heavy melanization and loss of pathogenicity were associated events in old cultures of S. tritici (isolate ISR 398A1). The association of aging with increased melanization and loss of pathogenicity is a phenomenon known to occur in other fungi as well (72, 73). As the combination of proteases and PhOH from strain L E C 1 induced high melanin production, it seems likely that decreased virulence would also be a probable effect of this combination. These observations suggest that in certain natural circumstances this biocontrol agent may reduce the virulence of the pathogen rather then kill it. The roles and importance of extracellular enzymes, as factors in biological control, were not thoroughly investigated (with the exception of mycoparasitism). Testing the effects of enzymes from a biocontrol agent on a biocontrol target organism, in laboratory conditions, may lead to incorrect conclusions if natural stress conditions are not taken into account. For example, native proteins are usually resistant to proteolytic activity. Oxidative stress conditions like exposure to peroxides, superoxides, etc., modify proteins by increasing their susceptibility to degradation by proteases (74, 75). One of the explanations given regarding the toxicity of PhOH is that it mediates production of toxic, oxygenated metabolites (71, 76). The combined

In Allelopathy; Dakshini, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Control ofPathogens by Antibiotic-Producing Bacteria


effects of the two components produced by the same bacterium are, therefore, both toxicity (of the antibiotic itself) and enhanced proteolysis. Moreover, it was also found that phenazine derivatives induced production of peroxidases and phenolic compounds in plants (77), both of which are considered signs of induced resistance. In this case, induced resistance of the plant host may be another interaction involved in the complex relationship among plant-host, pathogen and biocontrol agent. Bacteria generally grow faster than fungi. Therefore, in humid conditions they are the first to colonize new ecological niches and may deplete nutrients before pathogens become established. In cases where antibiotics and/or lytic enzymes were considered to be the main biological control factors, competition might still be an additional, secondary factor. The resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics is greater in nutrient-rich media (66). However, in natural conditions nutrients are usually scarce. A l l those factors which seem to have small or negligible effects in in vitro bioassays, may have, in combination, additive effects in field conditions. Einhellig (78) reviewed a few environmental stress factors (temperature, moisture, mineral nutrition) that seemed to have additive or synergistic effects when combined with allelochemicals. Einhellig also mentioned that allelochemicals seldom act alone and concentrations at levels considerably below inhibition thresholds in bioassays may be biologically active under natural conditions. In nature, where conditions are rather unstable, a biocontrol agent which acts through several mechanisms stands a better chance to survive and prosper. Application Methods Understanding the modes of action by which a biocontrol agent suppresses its target pathogens is very important for developing strategies of bioformulation and application. A few studies emphasized the importance of pH in bioformulations. The antibiotic phenazine-1-carboxylie acid (PCA) produced by P. fluorescens strain 2-79 is the factor responsible for the inhibition of the pathogen Gaeumannomyces graminis and other pathogenic fungi and bacteria (35, 37). The activity of this compound is pHdependent (active only in acid media) (79). Therefore, the latter authors concluded that the effectiveness of the antibiotic depends on the pH of the soil and rhizosphere. However, it was demonstrated that certain plants extrude H through their roots. The rhizosphere acidification resulting from H+ extrusion increases the availability of limited resources such as P, Mo, and Fe (80-82). In these cases the antibiotic P C A may be active at the root surface where, in fact, the interaction between the pathogen and its biocontrol agent occurs. Thus, the whole picture, including the pathogen, its biocontrol agent and the host should be considered in the application of biocontrol agents. Addition of chitin increased the antagonistic activity of the mycoparasite, Trichoderma hamatum, whereas cellulose tended to decrease it (83). Chet (13) reviewed a few studies which demonstrated that acidification of the soil enhanced the antagonistic activity of Trichoderma spp. Biocontrol formulations usually contain, beside the. active microorganism, inert carriers, surfactants, glues, protectants, and nutrients. These materials should be tested and verified as non-stimulating factors for the pathogen (5). +

Future Prospects Although bacteria, due to their impressive antibiotic production, seem to be wonderful candidates for biocontrol, very little success has been achieved in the field. In comparison to other microorganisms, (yeasts and filamentous fungi) bacteria (except spore forming ones) are less resistant to hostile environmental conditions such as high temperature, U V radiation and moisture. Blakeman (84), in his review on the ecological succession of phylloplane microorganisms, pointed to bacteria as the first colonists of the phyllosphere in temperate climates. Second in succession are yeasts

In Allelopathy; Dakshini, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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that continue to colonize leaves even under prolonged periods of high temperatures and absence of rain (85). Filamentous fungi are found particularly at the end of the season. Considering on one hand the fore mentioned advantages of bacteria as biocontrol agents, and on the other hand their susceptibility, especially to the unsteady conditions of the phyllosphere, bacterial bioformulations should be developed with built-in protective ingredients. Until such appropriate bioformulations are developed, biocontrol attempts with bacterial agents should concentrate on controlled environments like greenhouses and plastic tunnels, to enhance their survival. Schroth & Hancock (86) suggested that diseases where the plant hosts are susceptible for a short period of time are the ideal ones for biocontrol. For example, blossom blights of mango and citrus, caused by the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, occur during blossom (87, 88). Fire blight of pear and other Rosaceae, caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora, also occurs primarily at blossom time (89). Following the suggestion of Schroth and Hancock these diseases are ideal to suppress by biocontrol agents including bacteria which are known as poor survivors. Success was achieved using the bacteria Erwinia herbicola and Pseudomonas fluorescens as biocontrol agents of fire blight (89, 90). Seedlings attacked by damping off pathogens also need protection for a short period time that can be achieved by bacterial biocontrol agents (32, 33, 91). Fluorescent pseudomonads are distributed in the phyllosphere, rhizosphere and aquatic environments. Their widespread distribution and colonization potential apparently stems from their ability to produce antibiotics. This hypothesis, concerning the role of antibiotics is still in controversy. It is difficult to believe that such energy wasting mechanisms survived evolutionary pressures without having useful functions. There are thoughts to create "super antibiotic producers" by genetic-engineering manipulations. Turner & Messenger (34) demonstrated that mutant strains of P. phenazinium, that lost the ability to produce phenazine, grew larger colonies and remained viable longer than the phenazine-producing wild types under laboratory conditions. On the other hand, in mixed cultures the wild type population overcame the mutants. To extrapolate from these experiments, hypothetical "super producers" might have a shorter life span than the wild type. It is logical to assume that antibiotic production and viability are in a certain equilibrium. Antibiotic production from zero to a certain optimum increases the producer's antagonistic potential, while further increase decreases its viability due to self intoxication. The work done by Howell and Stipanivic (92) with a superproducer mutant of Gliocladium virens appears to corroborate the above mentioned hypothesis. They found that the superproducer grew slower and had no higher antagonistic effect than the parental strain in in vivo tests. If this superproducer had a shorter life span (as it was found in P. phenazinium strains), then such mutants are not fit for long term defence strategies. These hypotheses should be tested with each new "super producer". Acknowledgment The contributions to the preparation of this manuscript by Dr. Israel S. Ben-Ze'ev are acknowledged and greatly appreciated. Literature Cited 1. 2.

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In Allelopathy; Dakshini, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

22. LEVY & CARMELI Control of Pathogens by Antibiotic-Producing Bacteria

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