Biological demethylation of 4,4-dimethyl sterols. Initial removal of the 4

Studies on the 14alpha-Demethylation Mechanism in Cholesterol Biosynthesis. Mariza GALLI-KIENLE , Mario ANASTASIA , Giuliana CIGHETTI , Giovanni Galli...
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acidification the expected hydroxy nitronyl nitroxide 2, R = OH, was not formed, and a quantitatively reversible disproportionation occurred to give the dihydroxyurea 5 [vf:: 1680 (C=O), 3200 cm-l (OH); T 8.95 (12 H), 1.97 (2 H) (DMSO); m/e 174 (M)I2 and the stable diamagnetic orange zwitterion 6 [vf:: 1765 cm-I (C=O); A:","," 310 mp (c 3600), 424 (7800); T 8.46 (CDCl,); m/e 172 (M)].* In alkaline solution air oxidation of 5 gave back the radical anion 4, and on oxidation of 5 with lead dioxide the zwitterion 6 was formed. Quantitative reduction of 6 to the anion 4 could be achieved with alkaline hydrogen peroxide, and reduction to 5 was effected by neutral sodium thiosulfate. The action of base on 2, R = C1 or Br, likewise yields the anion 4, but much smoother substitution of the halo radicals could be achieved with acid. Thus 2, R = Br, was converted to the zwitterion 6 in 76% yield with 2 N hydrochloric acid at 25" for 30 min. Apparently nucleophilic attack by water on the halo nitronyl nitroxide is accelerated by protonation of a nitrone oxygen, and the resulting product 7 becomes air oxidized to give 6.

conclusions, the equatorial 4a-methyl group is the site of initial attack in the demethylation process at C-4. A preliminary study showed that 4,4-dimethylcholestanol (1)4 was metabolized by rat liver homogenates to cholestanol(2) with 10-20z of the efficiency with which dihydrolanosterol (3)5 was converted to cholesterol. The demethylation of each labeled substance was inhibited by a 20-fold concentration of the other in the unlabeled form, that of 1 to the extent of 86% and that of 3 to the extent of 38 %. These results are to be expected if the 4,4-dimethyl As-sterol derived from lanosterol competes with 4,4-dimethylcholestanol for the same enzyme system. On the other hand, 4,4,14a-trimethylcholestanol(4)6 was not measurably metabolized in this enzyme system. This finding implicates the A8-olefinic linkage of lanosterol in the removal of the 14a-methyl group' and shows that this latter group inhibits enzymic attack on the 4,4-dimethyl substituents.


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1,Ri RP = CH3, R3 = H Rp = R3 = H 2,Ri 4, R I = Rz = R3 = CH3 10, Ri = R3 = H ; R P = CHpOH 1 1 , R I = C H I , Rz = CH,OH, R3 = H 12,RI CHzOH, Rz = C H I , R3 = H 13, RI R3 = H , R:! = CH3

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Interestingly, in strong acids the zwitterion 6 is an exceptionally good oxidizing agent. Thus, for example, in 10% trifluoroacetic acid in methylene chloride this compound oxidized several hydrocarbons, including 9,lO-diphenylanthracene, perylene, and tetraphenylethylene, to their respective radical cations. The active oxidant is presumably the cation 8, R = OH, since the related cation 8, R = C6Hj, has also been found to have very strong oxidizing properties.6 Since no nitronyl nitroxide esr signals are observed in these acidic solutions, 8 must be reduced to a species such as 7 which can disproportionate to a protonated dihydroxyurea 5 and the zwitterion 6. Further studies on the chemistry of the 1,3-dioxy-2imidazolidone zwitterion 6 are in progress. (6) J. H. Osiecki and E. F. Ullman, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 90, 1078 (1968). (7) Synvar Postdoctoral Fellow, 196771969,

D. G . B. Boocock,7 Edwin F. Ullman Contriburion No. 6,Syncar Research Institute Palo Alto, California 94304 Receiced September 16, 1968

Biological Demethylation of 4,CDimethyl Sterols. Initial Removal of the 4a-Methyl Group

Sir : One of the unresolved aspects of sterol biosynthesis' is the sequence of oxidative removal of the 4a- and 4pmethyl groups en route from lanosterol2 to cholesterol. We herein report evidence that, contrary to earlier ( I ) R. B. Clayton, Quart. Rec. (London), 19, 168, 201 (1965). (2) J. A . Olson, M. G . Lindberg, and I