Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry - American Chemical Society

A new stereospecific method to fluoro olefins was developed as ... this chapter we describe the synthesis of a novel nucleoside analog, MDL 101,731 ...
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Chapter 18

Design of a Fluoro-olefin Cytidine Nucleoside as a Bioprecursor of a Mechanism-Based Inhibitor of Ribonucleotide Reductase Downloaded via UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on July 11, 2018 at 12:26:06 (UTC). See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.




James R. McCarthy , Prasad S. Sunkara , Donald P. Matthews , Alan J. Bitonti , Esa T. Jarvi , Jeffrey S. Sabol , Robert J. Resvick , Edward W. Huber , Wilfred A. van der Donk , Guixue Yu , and JoAnne Stubbe 1









Hoechst Marion Roussel, Inc., 2110 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45215 Departments of Chemistry and Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139


MDL 101,731 (3) is afluoroolefin cytidine nucleoside designed as a bioprecursor of a mechanism-based inhibitor of ribonucleotide diphosphate reductase (RDPR) targeted for the treatment of tumors. The rationale for the use of afluoroolefin in the design of 3 are discussed. A new stereospecific method to fluoro olefins was developed as a key step in the synthesis of MDL 101,731. Studies showing inactivation of both theR1and R2 subunits of RDPRfromE. coli by the diphosphate of MDL 101,731 are presented, and a proposed mechanism for the process is discussed. In addition, the antitumor profile of the drug is outlined. MDL 101,731 has recently entered clinical trials for the treatment of solid tumors in the US and Japan. Ribonucleotide diphosphate reductases (RDPRs) catalyze the rate determining step in DNA biosynthesis, i.e. the conversion of nucleotides (NDPs) into the corresponding deoxynucleotides (dNDPs^i-i,). The E. coli RDPR is composed of two homodimeric subunits Rl and R2, and serves as the prototype of the mammalian enzyme. R l contains the active site for the reduction of both purine and pyrimidine substrates, additional binding sites for nucleoside triphosphates that allosterically control both the reactivity and the selectivity of the enzyme (1), and five cysteines that are required for catalysis (4). R2 contains the essential tyrosyl radical-diferric cluster cofactor (5) which is thought to generate a thiyl radical in the active site on the R l subunit by a series of coupled electron and proton transfers (2). 3

Current address: Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc., 3050 Science Park Road, San Diego, CA 92121-1102 Current address: LiUy Research Laboratories, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN 46285


0097-6156/96/0639-0246$15.00/0 © 1996 American Chemical Society

Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Design of a Fluoro-olefin Cytidine Nucleoside 247

The central role of RDPRs in metabolism have made them attractive targets for the design of inhibitors with potential use as anti-tumor or anti-viral agents. In this chapter we describe the synthesis of a novel nucleoside analog, MDL 101,731 (3), designed as a bioprecursor of a mechanism-based inhibitor of RDPR. In vivo studies with MDL 101,731 indicate potent antiproliferative activity against a wide variety of tumor cell lines, and in vitro studies with the corresponding nucleoside diphosphate show this compound to be a potent inactivator of RDPRfromE. coli. Mechanisms of Nucleotide Reduction and RDPR Inhibition A detailed understanding of the mechanism of nucleotide reduction by RDPRs is essential for the successful design of selective and potent inhibitors. Over the past decade extensive biochemical (2), molecular biological (4,6) and crystallographic studies (7,8) have provided strong support for a model for nucleotide reduction first proposed by Stubbe and coworkers in 1990 (Scheme 1) (2) Catalysis is initiated by hydrogen atom abstraction from the 3' position of the substrate by the thiyl radical on Cys439 of R l generatedfromthe tyrosyl radical on the R2 subunit (9). After elimination of the 2 -hydroxyl group as water, reduction of the intermediate a-keto radical 1 occurs by oxidation of cysteines 225 and 462 to the corresponding disulfide. Reabstraction of the originally removed hydrogen atom from Cys439 by the 3deoxynucleotide radical then produces the product and regenerates the thiyl radical on Cys439. As described subsequently, this proposed model for nucleotide reduction and the results obtained in previous studies with RDPR inactivators served as the basis for the design of MDL 101,731 as a potential bioprecursor for a mechanism based inhibitor of RDPR. Several strategies for RDPR inactivation have been previously reported (10,11). Hydroxyurea abolishes enzyme activity by reduction of the essential tyrosyl radical on the R2 subunit (12). This compound has shown clinical utility in the treatment of leukemia and malignant melanoma, but suffers from the disadvantage that relatively high concentrations are required. Thiosemicarbazones such as 2pyridinecarboxaldehyde thiosemicarbazone comprise another class of inhibitors targeting the tyrosyl radical (13,14). A different approach has been reported for the inhibition of RDPRfromherpes simplex virus, focusing on the disruption of subunit interaction. Two groups independently showed that a nonapeptide corresponding to the C-terminal residues of the R2 subunit serves as a potent inhibitor of the viral reductase by competing with R2 for binding to the R l subunit (15-17). A third class of inactivators involve nucleotide analogs as mechanism based inhibitors. The first such compounds, 2-chloro-2-deoxycytidine 5 -diphosphate (C1CDP) and 2 -azido-2-deoxycytidine 5-diphosphate (N3CDP), were reported in 1976 by Thelander and Eckstein and their coworkers (18). Subsequent studies have revealed the details of the mechanism by which these compounds (and their uridine analogs) inactivate RDPR from E. coli (2). For both compounds, chemistry is initiated by homolytic cleavage of the 3' carbon-hydrogen bond by the thiyl radical at Cys439 (Scheme 2). The substituent at the 2'-position is then eliminated as X " or X H generating the same putative a-keto radical 1 as during normal turn-over. In the case of these inhibitors, however, this intermediate is not converted into product, f







Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.













C462 & C225

















h-C0 H S—S' 2

Scheme 1. Proposed mechanism for nucleotide reduction by RDPRs. (Adapted from reference 11).

Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Design of a Fluoro-olefin Cytidine Nucleoside

reduction from top face

reduction from bottom face




dissociates from protein loss of tyrosyl radical * PPi * base(N) 0


R1 alkylation producing a new chromophore at « 320 nm

2 Scheme 2. Mechanism of inhibition of a RDPR by a nucleotide analog. (Adapted from reference 11).

Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




presumably because of a distorted geometry of the active site (19) or a subtle change in protonation state of the thiols in the active site (compare Schemes 1 and 2). Instead this radical is reduced by hydrogen abstraction from one of the cysteines in the active site. When this abstraction occursfromthe a-face (bottom) of the ribose involving either Cys225 or Cys462, the protein loses the ability to regenerate the tyrosyl radical causing inactivation (Scheme 2). Alternatively, the intermediate aketo radical can be reduced by Cys439, regenerating the thiyl radical and thus the tyrosyl radical. The 3-keto-2'-deoxynucleotide intermediate formed can then dissociate from the active site and decompose in solution by elimination of free nucleic acid base N (Scheme 2) and pyrophosphate. This produces the highly electrophilic furanone species 2 which is trapped by nucleophilic residues on the R l subunit inactivating it and giving rise to a distinctive new chromophore at 320 nm. While the former pathway is the predominant mode of inactivation with N3UDP (1922) and the latter of inhibition by C1UDP (23-25), with most mechanism-based inhibitors studied to date, inactivation occurs by partitioning between these two pathways. Recently, 2 ,2 -difluoro-2 -deoxycytidine (gemcitabine) was reported to be a bioprecursor to a mechanism-based inhibitor of RDPR (26). At present, the mechanism of its action is not well understood. This compound is currently undergoing registration review of Phase III clinical trials for treatment of non-small cell lung and pancreatic cancer (27). ,




Design of a Novel Inhibitor of RDPR f


(£)- and (Z)-2 -Fluoromethylene-2 -deoxycytidine (3 and 4, respectively) were designed as bioprecursors of mechanism-based inhibitors of RDPR based on the

(MDL 101,731)

proposed mechanisms of substrate reduction and enzyme inactivation by substrate analogs (Schemes 1 and 2) (28). A cytidine based nucleoside analog was selected because it has been shown that deoxycytidine kinase exhibits broad substrate specificity for the conversion of cytidine analogs to their corresponding 5'monophosphates (29). Thefluoridemoiety of the molecule was incorporated as a potential leaving group, anticipating that conversion of these compounds by RDPR would also be initiated by 3-hydrogen atom abstraction. Two possible modes of !

Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Design of a Fluoro-olefin Cytidine Nucleoside 251

inactivation were envisioned (Scheme 3). The fluoroallylradicalproduced in the first step would be expected to abstract a hydrogen atom from one of the cysteines in the active site. The enol produced could then generate the reactive species 7 or 8 by elimination of fluoride or cytosine, respectively. Unlike the case of C1UDP in which the electrophile 2 is generated relatively slowly in solution, the a,P-unsaturated compounds 7 and 8 would be formed inside the active site of the enzyme, and would be expected to efficiently and stoichiometrically react with an active site residue leading to rapid enzyme inhibition. A major issue that was addressed before the decision to proceed with the synthesis of the 3 and 4 was the spatial constraints for a 2'-fluoro olefin functional group on a potential nucleotide substrate (mechanism-based inhibitor) in the active site of the enzyme. Molecular models indicated that the 2'-fluoromethylene group would be accepted by RDPR since 2'-chloro-2'-deoxycytidine 5'-diphosphate is a mechanism-based inhibitor of the enzyme (2). Furthermore, the subsequent disclosure that 2'-methylene-2'-deoxycytidine S'-diphosphate (9) is a mechanismbased inhibitor of RDPR (albeit much less potent) (26) is consistent with our observations made with molecular models. NH.


Synthesis The 2'-ketonucleoside 12 (Scheme 4) was chosen as the precursor of the desired fluoro olefin since it provided a convergent route and its synthesis had previously been reported (30). The pivotal step in the synthesis of 3 involves the introduction of the fluoro olefin using thefluoro-Pummererreaction (31, 32) via the carbanion of diethyl 1 -fluoro- l-(phenylsulfonyl)methanephosphonate (11) (Scheme 4). This compound was generated starting with methyl phenyl sulfoxide (10) and diethylaminosulfur trifluoride (DAST), and oxidation of the intermediate fluoromethyl phenyl sulfide to the sulfone (33, 34). Treatment of the sulfone with one equivalent of diethyl chlorophosphate and 1.8 equivalents of lithium hexamethyldisilazane afforded the carbanion 11, which was then condensed in situ with 2'-ketonucleoside 12 to provide a 10 to 1 ratio of the (Z) and (E) isomers of the fluorovinyl sulfones 13 and 14, respectively. The step in the proposed reaction sequence that we assumed would proceed smoothly was the reductive removal of the vinyl sulfone with amalgamated aluminum (34, 35). However, this reaction gave multicomponent mixtures as determined by Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.





Scheme 4. Synthesis of 13 and 14.

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Design of a Fluoro-olefin Cytidine Nucleoside 253

thin layer chromatography. This unexpected result required us to develop a new method for stereospecific conversion of sulfones to the corresponding fluoro olefins. The reaction sequence for this new route to fluoro olefins is outlined in Scheme 5. Fluorovinyl sulfone 13 was transformed to (fluorovinyl)stannane 15 by treatment with two equivalents of tributytin hydride (Scheme 5). In addition, sulfone 14 formed stannane 16 exclusively. Watanabe and coworkers were the first to observe the conversion of vinyl sulfones to mixtures of (E)- and (Z^-vinylstannanes on treatment with two equivalents of tributyltin hydride (36). An electron-transfer mechanism consistent with the formation of mixtures of (E)- and (%)-vinylstannanes was proposed. However, 2,2-disubstituted vinyl sulfones were not studied by this group, and 2-monosubstituted fluorovinyl sulfones formed mixtures of (E)- and (Z)(fluorovinyl)stannanes. On the basis of these observations, we proposed a radical addition-elimination mechanism in which elimination is faster than free rotation resulting in exclusive ds-elimination when rotation is restricted. The mechanism is consistent with the retention of configuration of (flurovinyl)stannanes derived from less constrained 2,2-disubstituted acyclic (E)- and ^-fluorovinyl sulfones (28) and is the first report of a stereospecific radical reaction of this kind involving tributyltin hydride. (E)- and f^-2'-Deoxy-2'-(fluoromethylene)cytidines (3 and 4) were obtained as pure geometric isomers by treating 15 and 16, respectively, with cesium fluoride and methanolic ammonia. Alternately, 15 was treated with methanolic ammonia to provide 17, which upon treatment with cesiumfluoride,yielded 3. The stereospecific destannylation reaction is also catalyzed by refluxing methanolic sodium methoxide or potassium fluoride. The latter two routes are usually the methods of choice for the destannylation reaction. It should be noted that the geminalfluorineincreases the susceptibility of the carbon-tin bond to cleavage. Treatment of the vinylstannane obtained from benzophenone with MeOH/NaOMe for 16 h at reflux resulted in no reaction whereas the fluorinated vinylstannane provided l,l-diphenyl-2fluoroethylene in 91% yield (28). An improved synthesis of the (E)fluoroolefin 3 was developed and allowed the compound to proceed ahead as a clinical candidate targeted for the treatment of solid tumors. The new synthesis is outlined in Scheme 6. The key aspects of the new synthesis are as follows. The 3'- and 5'-hydroxyl groups of cytidine (18) were protected with the 1,1,3,3-tetraisopropyl disiloxane group (TIPDS), and the N-4 amino group was protected as the JV,Af-dimethylamidine by the addition of dimethylformamide dimethyl acetal to the reaction mixture. The bis-protected nucleoside 19 was isolated in high yield as a crystalline solid. The ketone 20, obtainedfromthe Swern oxidation of 19 was isolated by nonaqueous workup in over 90% yield as white crystals. This ketone was converted to the fluoro olefin 3 (MDL 101,731) by a slight modification of the original synthesis, i.e. potassiumfluoridewas used to remove both the vinylstannane and the TIPDS protecting group. The fluoro olefin 3 was obtained in an overall yield of 28% in five stepsfromcytidine (37).

Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


255 Design of a Fluoro-olefin Cytidine Nucleoside

Scheme 6. Improved synthesis of 3. (Adaptedfromreference 37).

Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Enzyme Inhibition and Biological Activity The diphosphates of MDL 101,731 (5) and the geometric isomer (6) were potent mechanism-based inhibitors of RDPR (see below). However, MDL 101,731 was substantially more active as an antiproliferative agent against HeLa cells (IC o = 58 nM) than the geometric isomer 4 (IC = 3870 nM) (28). Based on the potent antiproliferative activity of MDL 101,731 and the inhibition of RDPR by the diphosphate, additional enzyme inhibition studies and antitumor studies were performed on the diphosphate of 5. These studies are summarized below. 5


Inhibition of RDPR In vitro studies with purified RDPR from E. coli established that both geometric isomers of the diphosphate of MDL 101,731 are potent mechanism-based inhibitors of this protein. About two equivalents of these compounds were sufficient to abolish all enzymatic activity in a time dependent manner (38). The kinetics of inactivation with both inhibitors and under a variety of conditions were multiphasic due to inactivation of both the R l and R2 subunits, and thus have prevented determination of accurate kinetic parameters. Studies with [5H]-5 and [6'- C]-5 (i.e. C label on the fluoromethylene group) revealed that R l inactivation was due to stoichiometric covalent labeling, and that this label is attached to R l via the sugar moiety of the inhibitor. The inactivation of R2 resulted from rapid loss of the essential tyrosyl radical. The inactivation process was accompanied by release of 1.4 equivalents offluorideand 0.5 equivalents of cytosine. A possible mechanism to account for these experimental observations is shown in Scheme 7. Preliminary studies have indicated that these inhibitors are also potent in vitro inactivators of mammalian RDPRfrommouse. It is interesting to note that thesefluoromethylenenucleotide analogs are more potent inactivators of E. coli RDPR than the corresponding non-fluorinated inhibitor 2 -methylene-2'-deoxycytidine 5'-diphosphate (9) (26). Inhibition studies with this compound showed that about 33 equiv. were necessary to completely inactivate the enzyme (26). Furthermore, the inactivation characteristics were much different from those of 5. No tyrosyl radical loss was observed with 9, indicating that inactivation with this nucleotide analog resultsfrominhibition of the R l subunit (39). 3




Antiproliferative activity of MDL 101,731. MDL 101,731 showed potent inhibitory activity against the growth of a number of rodent and human tumor cell lines in culture. The IC values against various ascites and solid tumor cells ranged from 10-272 nM (Table I). The compound was equipotent against mouse (P388 leukemia, IC = 10-12 nM) and human (epidermoid carcinoma, IC o = 58-67 nM) multidrug resistant and sensitive cell lines. Furthermore, the compound has potent cytotoxic activity against HeLa cells as evidenced by 100% cell kill based on the survival of treated cells in a colony forming assay after 48 h treatment with 195 n M concentration of MDL 101,731 (40). 50



Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Design of a Fluoro-olefin Cytidine Nucleoside







Loss of Tyrosyl Radical

Labeling of R1 subunit

Scheme 7. Proposed mechanism for RDPR inhibition by 5.

Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




Table I. Antiproliferative Activity Of MDL 101,731 Against Rodent And Human Tumor Cell Lines* Species

Tumor Cell Line



26.5 L1210 Leukemia 10.5 P388 Leukemia 12.0 P388 Leukemia (multidrug resistant) 272 B16 melanoma Human 58.0 Cervical carcinoma (HeLa) Epidermoid carcinoma( KB) 58.0 67.0 Multi drug resistant epidermoid carcinoma (KBV1) 17 Breast cancer(MCF-7) 26 Breast cancer (MDA-MB-231) 15 Breast cancer (MDA-MB-468) 15 Breast cancer (MDA-MB-435) IC 50 = 50 % inhibitory concentration. This data was abstracted from reference (40). a

Antitumor activity of MDL 101,731 against mouse leukemias. A dose dependent increase in survival time (% T/C) of L1210 leukemia bearing animals was observed after treatment with MDL 101,731 by intraperitoneal (i.p) or oral route of administration (Table II). A maximum % T/C value of 300 with 20% cures was observed when the leukemia bearing animals were treated with the compound at 10 mg/kg, i.p, once daily from day 1-9. Oral administration of the compound at 10 mg/kg at similar schedule resulted in a % T/C value of 226-251. The optimal dose and schedule was found to be i.p administration of the compound twice daily from day 114 resulting in 60-80% cures and an increase in survival time of 400% in the rest of the animals. The compound also showed significant activity in multidrug resistant P388 leukemia which is resistant to adriamycin and vinblastine, two widely used anticancer drugs (Table II). At a dose of 10 mg/kg of MDL 101,731 an increase in survival time of 200% was observed when administered once daily by i.p, iv and oral routes of administration from day 1-9 after tumor inoculation. The most effective dose and schedule that resulted in cures of 38% and % T/C of 282 was twice daily i.p administration of the compoundfromday 1-14. These data are significant due to the fact that this tumor is resistant to widely used antitumor drugs.

Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Design of a Fluoro-olefin Cytidine Nucleoside a

Table II. Antitumor Activity of MDL 101,731 Against Mouse Leukemias Tumor



Dose (mg/kg)

once daily, day 1-9 once daily, day 1-9 once daily, day 1-9

5.0 10.0 15.0

Oral Oral Oral i.p i.p

once daily, day 1-9 once daily, day 1-9 once daily, day 1-9 b.i.d, day 1-14 b.i.d, day 1-14

5.0 10.0 15.0 2.0 3.0


once daily, day 1-9


i.p i.v Oral Oral i.p i.p

once daily, day 1-9 once daily, day 1-9 once daily, day 1-9 once daily, day 1-9 b.i.d, day 1-9 b.i.d, day 1-14

10.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 3.0 3.0

L1210 leukemia i.p i.p i.p

Multidrugresistant P388



2/10 1/5

271 280-314 290

4/5 8/14

211 226-251 271 443 408 190


1/5 6/16

207 194 200 219 287 282


This data was abstracted from reference (40). Leukemic cells (100,000) / mouse were inoculated i.p on day 0. The compound was dissolved in sterile distilled water and administered as indicated. The survival of the animals was recorded and % T/C was calculated. % T/C = 100 x Average days of survival in treated Average days of survival in untreated control Antitumor activity of MDL 101,731 against rodent and human solid tumors. The compound showed a dose dependent inhibition of tumor growth rangingfrom7197 % at doses 2.5-10 mg/kg by i.p administration from day 1-15 day (Table III). MDL 101731 showed dramatic activity against Lewis lung carcinoma as evidenced by 90% of the animals being tumorfreeand, in the other 10%, a 99% inhibition of tumor growth. Furthermore, at all the doses tested, a total inhibition of metastasis was observed (40). The compound was also evaluated against drug resistant human epidermoid carcinoma(KBVI) and ovarian carcinoma(HTB-161) in athymic nude mice. At a dose of 10 mg/kg of the compound, administered i.p once daily from day 1-12 resulted in 77-88% inhibition of tumor growth. Tumor regression was also observed by

Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




Table III. Antitumor Activity Of MDL 101,731 Against Rodent And Human Solid Tumors* Species






B16 melanoma


Once daily, day 1-15 Once daily, day 1-15 Once daily, day 1-15 Once daily, day 1-15 Once daily, day 1-14 Once daily, day 1-14 Once daily, day 1-14 Once daily, day 1-14 Once daily, day 1-15










84-100 (5/10 cures)

i.p i.p Oral Lewis Lung i.p Carcinoma(3LL) i.p l.V

Oral Human

Ovarian Carcinoma (HTB-161)

100 (9/10 cures) 10.0 95 (4/5 Cures) 30.0 88 5.0 67 10.0

Once daily, day 1-15 This data was abstracted from reference (40).


Multidrug resistant epidermoid carcinoma (KBV1)





Once daily, day 1-15 Once daily, day 1-15


% Inhibition


93 (tumor regression) 62-75

77-88 (tumor regression)

Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Design of a Fluoro-olefin Cytidine Nucleoside 261

following the tumor volume measurements (40). Treatment of established ovarian carcinoma tumor at a dose 5 and 10 mg/kg, once daily from day 1-23 resulted in 67% inhibition at the lower dose and caused tumor regression at the higher dose of 10 mg/kg (40). Antitumor activity of MDL 101,731 against human breast tumor xenografts. Human breast tumor xenografts implanted subcutaneously in nude mice were very sensitive to MDL 101,731 when drug was administered i.p five days/week for 5-6 weeks (Table IV). The estrogen dependent MCF-7 tumor responded with complete regressions in several mice treated with 5.0 mg/kg; lower doses were ineffective. Regressions were observed after approximately three weeks of treatment. M D A MB-231 tumors were exquisitely sensitive to the effects of MDL 101,731. Complete regression of all tumors was obtained with 1.0. 2.0, and 5.0 mg/kg MDL 101,731. A dose of 0.5 mg/kg MDL 101,731 caused approximately 50% reduction in growth and complete tumoristasis in some mice, but lower doses were without effect. A second estrogen independent tumor, MDA-MB-468, was found to be somewhat less sensitive than MDA-MB-231. While approximately 50% inhibition of growth was obtained using 2.0 and 5.0 mg/kg MDL 101,731, 10 mg/kg gave only 50% tumor regression. No complete regressions were observed. Toxicity on nude mice was generally mild with doses and regimens utilized except for some mice with 10 mgkg which exhibited some loss of body weight (41). Conclusion MDL 101,731 (3) was designed and synthesized as a bioprecursor of a mechanismbased inhibitor of RDPR. The fluoro olefin incorporated into the 2'-position was the key functional group in the design of the inhibitor. A stereospecific method to terminal fluoro olefins was developed for the synthesis of MDL 101,731. About two equivalents of the diphosphate of MDL 101,731 (5) was sufficient to completely inactivate E. coli RDPR in a time dependent manner. RDPR inactivation is due to inhibition of both the R l and R2 subunits with the release of about 1.4 equivalents of fluoride. MDL 101,731 is a potent antitumor agent against a number of solid tumors including B16 melonoma, Lewis lung carcinoma in mice, human ovarian, epidermoid carcinoma and breast tumor xenografts in athymic nude mice. MDL 101,731 is currently undergoing clinical trials in the US and Japan for the treatment of solid tumors. Acknowledgments We thank Dr. Philippe Bey for his support and interest in this project, Dr. Shujaath Mehdi for early discussions on the enzymology and Dr. Rich Donaldson for his enthusiastic work and collaboration on the process and scale up of MDL 101,731. In addition, we thank Tracey Hill for typing the manuscript.

Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Table IV. Antitumor Activity of MDL 101,731 Against Human Breast Tumor Xenografts" Tumor MCF-7

Type Estrogen dependent

MDA-MB-231 Estrogen independent

Schedule daily, 6 weeks

Dose Summary of (mg/kg) Effects no growth inhibition 1.0

daily, 6 weeks daily, 6 weeks

2.0 5.0

daily, 5 weeks


daily, 5 weeks daily, 5 weeks

0.2 0.5

no growth inhibition significant regression, some complete no growth inhibition

no growth inhibition >50% growth inhibition complete regression daily, 5 weeks 1.0 daily, 5 weeks 2.0 complete regression daily, 5 weeks 5.0 complete regression MDA-MB-468 Estrogen daily, 6 weeks 2.0 ~ 50% growth independent inhibition daily, 6 weeks 5.0 ~ 50% growth inhibition ~ 50% growth 10.0 daily, 6 weeks regression Tumor pieces were transplanted into nude mice and allowed to grow to approximately 100 mm before drug treatments began. MDL 101,731 was administered intraperitoneally, 5 days/week. This data was abstracted from reference (41).



Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Design of a Fluoro-olefin Cytidine Nucleoside 263

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Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.