Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry

Marion Merrell Dow Research. Institute, 169,196 ... Research Institute, 169. Roswell Park Cancer Institute, ... University of Texas, 265. University o...
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Downloaded by on May 27, 2018 | Publication Date: August 13, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0639.ix001

Author Index Abouabdellah, Ahmed, 228 Asai, Tomoyuki, 83 Bégué, Jean-Pierre, 59,228 Bergmann, K., 129 Bernacki, Ralph J., 228 Bitonti, Alan J., 246 Bonnet-Delpon, Danièle, 59,228 Boros, L . G., 129 Braun, Curtis, 279 Burger, Klaus, 42 Chakravarty, Subrata, 228 Cieplak, Piotr, 143 Coward, James Κ., 118 DeCorte, B., 129 Ding, Yu-Shin, 328 Dorr, A . F., 265 Ducep, J. B., 196 Farr, R., 169 Filler, Robert, 1 Fowler, Joanna S., 328 Gandhi, V., 265 Gimi, R., 129 Gimi, Rayomand H., 228 Grindey, Gerald B., 265 Grossman, C. S., 265 Hertel, L . W., 265 Ho, Chien, 296 Huang, P., 265 Huber, Edward W., 246 Iseki, Katsuhiko, 214 Jakubke, Hans-Dieter, 42 Jarvi, EsaT.,246 Jund, K., 196 Kirk, Kenneth L., 1,312 Kitazume, Tomoya, 105 Kobayashi, Yoshiro, 214 Koksch, Beate, 42 Kollman, Peter Α., 143 Kroin, J. S., 265 Kuduk, Scott D., 228 Lesur, B., 196

Lin, J., 129 Matsumura, Yasushi, 83 Matthews, Donald P., 246 McCarter, John D., 279 McCarthy, James R., 246 McGuire, John J., 118 Mizutani, Kenji, 105 Morikawa, Tsutomu, 73 Morizawa, Yoshitomi, 83 Nakano, Takashi, 83 Namchuk, Mark, 279 Newton, M . G., 95 Nie, Jun-Ying,312 Ojima, Iwao, 228 Ourevitch, Michèle, 228 Pera, Paula, 228 Phillips, R. S., 95 Plunkett, W., 265 Podlogar, B., 169 Poulter, C. Dale, 158 Pratt, E. Ann, 296 Radomski, Jan P., 143 Resvick, Robert J., 246 Rondeau, J. M . , 169 Sabol, Jeffrey S., 246 Sarhan, S., 196 Schirlin, D., 169 Schleimer, M . , 196 Secundo, F., 95 Seiler, Ν., 196 Sewald, Norbert, 42 Sham,HingL., 184 Shibuya, Akira, 73 Slater, John C , 228 Soloshonok, V . Α., 26 Storniolo, Α. M . V., 265 Stubbe, JoAnne, 246 Sun, Chung Ming, 228 Sun, Zhen-Yu, 296 Sunkara, Prasad S., 246 Taguchi, Takeo, 73


Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Tardif, C , 169 Tarnus, C , 169 Tsukamoto, Takashi, 118 van der Donk, Wilfred Α., 246 Van Dorsselaer, V., 169 Veith, Jean M . , 228

VonTersch, R. L., 95 Welch, J. T., 129 Withers, Stephen G., 279 Yamazaki, Takashi, 105 Yu, Guixue, 246 Zimmermann, P. R., 196

Affiliation Index

Downloaded by on May 27, 2018 | Publication Date: August 13, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0639.ix001

Abbott Laboratories, 184 Asahi Glass Company, Ltd., 83 Brookhaven National Laboratory, 328 Carnegie Mellon University, 296 CNR (Italy), 95 Daikin Industries, Ltd., 214 Eli Lilly and Company, 265 Hoechst Marion Roussel, Inc., 246 Illinois Institute of Technology, 1 Marion Merrell Dow Research Institute, 169,196 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 246 National Institutes of Health, 1,312 R. W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute, 169 Roswell Park Cancer Institute, 118,228

State University of New York at Albany, 129 State University of New York at Stony Brook, 228 Tokyo College of Pharmacy, 73 Tokyo Institute of Technolgy, 105 Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 26 U.S. Naval Academy, 95 Université de Rennes, 196 Université Paris-Sud, 59,228 University of British Columbia, 279 University of California— San Francisco, 143 University of Georgia, 95 University of Leipzig, 42 University of Michigan, 118 University of Texas, 265 University of Utah, 158 University of Warsaw, 143

Subject Index A Accepting glutamate, definition, 118 Acyl donors, amino acids in peptide synthesis, 44-46 5-Adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase, inhibition, 8-10/ Ala^[(Z)-CF=C]-Pro isostere, 129-140 Aldol reactions second-order asymmetric transformations of products, 32 synthesis of enantiopure fluorinated amino acids, 26-39

D-Amicetose, synthesis, 108-110 Amide isosteric replacements, 129-130 Amino acid(s) fluorinated, See Fluorinated amino acids functions, 312 polyfluorinated analogues, 323-326 probes in membrane-associated proteins, F-labeled, See F-labeled amino acids as probes in membrane-associated proteins trifluoromethyl substituted, See oc-Trifluoromethyl-substituted amino acids in peptides ,9


Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.