Biomimetic Approach to Biomaterials: Amino Acid-Residue-Specific

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Chapter 8

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Biomimetic Approach to Biomaterials: Amino AcidResidue-Specific Enzymes for Protein Grafting and Cross-Linking 1,2



Fianhong Chen , David A . Small , M a r t i n K. McDermott , William E. Bentley , and Gregory F. Payne 1,3



Center for Biosystems Research, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, 5115 Plant Sciences Building, College Park, MD 20742-4450 Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, M D 21250 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Maryland at College Park, College Park, MD 20742 Division of Mechanics and Materials Science, Office of Science and Technology, Food and Drug Administration, 9200 Corporate Boulevard, HFZ-150, Rockville, MD 20850 Corresponding author: [email protected] 2




Nature creates a range of functional materials using proteins and polysaccharides as starting materials, and enzymes as assembly catalysts. Inspired by nature, we are examining how proteins and polysaccharides can be enzymatically assembled into conjugates and crosslinked networks. Specifically, we used tyrosinase to conjugate proteins to the polysaccharide chitosan, and a microbial transglutaminase to catalyze protein crosslinking. We review results from our studies and suggest how the unique properties of the resulting biomaterials can be exploited in medical applications.

© 2005 American Chemical Society In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.



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1. Introduction Important mechanical fonctions are performed in nature by co-polymers of proteins and polysaccharides, and by crosslinked protein networks. For instance, mucins and proteoglycans are complex protein-polysaccharide conjugates that confer viscoelastic properties important for the lubrication and protection of organs and jointsf/-^). Protein crosslinking is important in functions that range from the setting of the mussel's water-resistant adhesive to the coagulation of blood(S-lO). These biopolymeric materials serve as inspirations for the generation of high performance, safe and biodegradable materials. However, methods for generating these materials in the laboratory are limited by the complexity of the system$(ll~15). We use a biomimetic approach to create functional materials. Specifically, we; (i) begin with nature-derived proteins and polysaccharides, (ii) use enzymes to generate protein-polysaccharide conjugates or crosslinked protein networks, and (iii) obtain materials with useful functional properties. The protein and polysaccharide in our studies are gelatin and chitosan. Gelatin is obtained from collagen, the predominant structural protein in mammals. Chitosan is derived from the polysaccharide chitin, which is the major structural polymer in the integument of insects and crustaceans. The enzymes in our studies are tyrosinase and transglutaminase. We use these enzymes to conjugate gelatin to chitosan, and to crosslink gelatin. The resulting materials have distinct chemical or viscoelastic properties. These properties, along with the biocompatibility of the starting materials and mild processing conditions suggest the potential of this biomimetic approach for the construction of a variety of high performance and safe materials that should be especially well-suited for medical applications. Part 2 of this review describes our results with tyrosinase, while results with transglutaminase are described in Part 3.

2. Tyrosinase-catalyzed protein grafting to a polysaccharide Tyrosinases are ubiquitous oxidative enzymes that use molecular oxygen to convert phenols into quinones. These quinones are reactive intermediates that undergo farther reactions with various nucleophiles. In nature, tyrosinasecatalyzed reactions are responsible for the browning of food(16), the setting of mussel ghxe(5-10) and the hardening of insect shdl$(17-19). Tyrosinase activity is not limited to low molecular weight substrates, these enzymes can also oxidize the phenolic moieties of peptides and proteins (i.e. tyrosine or dihydroxyphenylalanine residues). This amino-acid-residue-specific

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


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oxidation leads to the generation of quinone residues that are "activated" to undergo reactions with nucleophilies. In our studies, we generate these quinone residues in the presence of chitosan, a linear polysaccharide with nucleophilic amines at nearly every repeating unit (chitosan is a co-polymer of glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine). As illustrated by the reaction below, we use tyrosinase to initiate the grafting of peptides and proteins onto chitosan's backbone.


Tyrosyl residue 0„



P o |

« V Chitosan


s a c c n a r W e











Grafted Peptide/Protein

To demonstrate that tyrosinase initiates covalent grafting, we preformed reactions with model, low molecular weight compounds. Specifically, we reacted tyrosinase with the dipeptide Tyr-Ala in the presence of the monosacchardie glucosamine, and analyzed the products using electospray mass spectrometry. Product spectra were consistent with the formation of an adduct between the dipeptide and the monosccharide. Evidence for peptide grating to the chitosan backbone was obtainedfromphysical (i.e. rheololgical) studies (20).

2.1. Grafting of an open chain structural protein (gelatin) to chitosan To examine the potential of tyrosinase to react with higher molecular weight substrates, we studied the common industrial protein gelatin. Gelatin is derived from the mammalian structural protein collagen and consists of a large number of Gly-X-Y tripeptide repeats. These repeats allow individual random coil gelatin chains to associate to form triple helices. This coil-to-triple helix transition occurs at low temperature (typically less than 20° C) and leads to the physical network junctions that are responsible for gelatin's ability to undergo thermally-reversible gel formation. Interestingly, there are only a small number of tyrosyl residues in gelatin (0.3% of the total residues) and these residues appear to be exclusively located in the telopeptide regions(21,22). We anticipated that these tyrosyl residues would be accessible for tyrosinasecatalyzed oxidation because gelatin has an open chain structure. Initial studies demonstrated that gelatin's tyrosine residues can be oxidized by tyrosinase, and the "activated" quinone residues undergo further reaction with

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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110 chitosan(25,). When tyrosinase is added to a blend of gelatin and chitosan, two changes are visually observed as illustrated in the left-hand image of Figure 1. First, the color of the solution changes from colorless to pink indicating that tyrosinase can oxidize gelatin's tyrosine residues. Second, the gelatin-chitosan blend undergoes a transition from a solution to a viscoelastic gel during the course of the tyrosinase-initiated reaction. The "control" on the right in Figure 1 shows that in the absence of tyrosinase, the gelatin-chitosan blend remains a colorless solution. The qualitative results in Figure 1 are supported by more rigorous chemical and rheological measurements that indicate tyrosinase can initiate the covalent grafting of gelatin onto the chitosan backbone^.?/

Figure L Tyrosinase-catalyzed gel formation ofgelatin-chitosan mixture. The "Reacted" sample contained gelatin (5.0 wt%), chitosan (0.5 wt%) and tyrosinase (60 Ό/ml) and was reacted at 35°Cfor 30 min. The "Control" contained gelatin and chitosan but no tyrosinase.

In nature, branched co-polymers of proteins and polysaccharides organize to form networks with distinct viscoelastic properties. The complexity of nature's protein-polysaccharide conjugates has impeded their structural characterization and limits our understanding of their network structures. Similarly, the structure and network organization of the gelatin-chitosan conjugates are unknown. In Scheme 1, we propose a network structure for the tyrosinase-catalyzed gelatinchitosan gels. Specifically, we believe gelatin chains are grafted to the chitosan backbone at a single point. Single-point attachment is consistent with the fact that an average gelatin chain has less than 1 tyrosine residue. We propose that the grafted gelatin chains can interact with a second chitosan chain to form network junctions through either entanglements or physical associations (e.g. hydrophobic or electrostatic interactions). One aspect of the network structure proposed in the left of Scheme 1 is that chitosan is integral to the network. The importance of chitosan is demonstrated

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


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by separate experiments. In one experiment, reactions were performed with gelatin and tyrosinase (but not chitosan) and we observed a change in color consistent with tyrosinase-catalyzed oxidation of gelatin - but no gel network was formed. In the second experiment, we incubated gelatin and chitosan with tyrosinase to form a gel, then further reacted this gel with the chitosanhydrolyzing enzyme, chitosanase, and observed that the network was immediately broken.

Scheme 1. Proposed network structure of tyrosinase-catalyzed gelatin-chitosan gels and possible explanation for their transient nature.

A second aspect of the proposed network structure is that the grafted gelatin chains appear to retain substantial mobility. In fact, the tyrosinase-catalyzed gelatin-chitosan gels are observed to break spontaneously over the course of several hours or days depending on temperature and composition. Dynamic light scattering studies indicate that both gel formation and gel breakage follow a power law behavior consistent with percolation theories(2^). We propose in Scheme 1 that gel breakage occurs because the intermolecular physical associations responsible for network crosslinking are replaced by intramolecular associations between the grafted gelatin chain and its chitosan backbone. A potential medical application for tyrosinase-catalyzed gelatin-chitosan gels is as an emergency burn dressing. The ability to generate these gels in situ over the course of 20-30 minutes suggests that such dressings could be formed directly on the damaged tissue. The hemostatic and antimicrobial activities of chitosan, as well as the ability of gelatin to promote cell attachment may facilitate healing. Finally, the transient nature of the network allows the gel to "dissolve" and may eliminate the need to "change" the dressing - thus avoiding further tissue damage.

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


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2.2. Grafting of a compact protein (GFP) to chitosan Unlike gelatin, many functional proteins (enzymes or antibodies) have more compact (e.g. globular) conformations. Potentially, these compact proteins may have few surface tyrosine residues that are accessible for tyrosinase reaction. Here, we examined Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) as a model protein with compact structure. Figure 2 shows that GFP has nine tyrosine residues but only three are present on the surface and potentially accessible for the tyrosinasecatalyzed oxidation. We specifically studied two GFP fusion proteins. One GFP fusion contains a hexahistidine tail at the Ν terminus (His) -GFP. The (His) tail is routinely used in biochemistry to facilitate protein purification. The second GFP fusion contains both (His) tail on the Ν terminus and a pentatyrosine tail on the C terminus (His) -GFP-(Tyr) . This (Tyr) tail was designed to increase the number of accessible tyrosine residues on GFP surface. 6






Figure 2. Three-dimensional structure of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)

To examine whether GFP was covalently conjugated onto chitosan, we added (His) -GFP fusion proteins into chitosan solution at pH 6. After tyrosinase was added and the solution was incubated at room temperature over night, a slight brownish color was observed indicating reaction of the Tyr residues. To demonstrate that the oxidized Tyr residues react with chitosan to generate a covalent conjugate, a series of experiments were designed as shown in Scheme 2. After incubating the "Sample" with tyrosinase, the pH of the solution was raised to 8 (shown in the lower part of Scheme 2). At this pH, chitosan becomes insoluble. Presumably, if GFP is covalently grafted onto the chitosan chain, this conjugate will also precipitate at the higher pH. We examined the fluorescence intensity and observed that only 27% of the original fluorescence remained in the supernatant. The precipitate (or pellet) was extensively washed 6

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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and then re-dissolved in an acetic acid solution. The re-solubilized pellet was observed to have substantial fluorescence. A "Control" experiment (shown in the upper part of Scheme 2) was conducted with chitosan and GFP (but not tyrosinase). After raising the pH of the "Control", over 90% of the original fluorescence was observed to remain in the supernatant. Little fluorescence was observed in the re-solubilized pellet for this control. This result indicates that any physically-bound GFP can be removed by washing the chitosan precipitate. Comparison of the results from the "Sample" and "Control" indicates that tyrosinase-initiates the covalent grafting of the GFP fusion protein to chitosan. Further experiments showed that when we introduced a (Tyr) tail to the (His) GFP fusion (i.e. (His) -GFP-(Tyr) ), the grafting efficiency was nearly doubled presumably because more Tyr residues are accessible for tyrosinase-catalyzed oxidation^Jj. 5




Scheme 2. Experiment to demonstrate that tyrosinase-catalyzes the grafting of GFP to chitosan

The GFP-chitosan conjugate has interesting pH-responsive properties characteristic of the polysaccharide chitosàn(25). To demonstrate this pH sensitive property, we dissolved GFP-chitosan conjugate in a pH 5 solution. Figure 3 shows that as the pH of the solution was increased from 5 to 6, the GFP-chitosan conjugate began to precipitate from solution, and the supernatant began to loose fluorescence. When the pH was raised to 7.2, most of the conjugate was precipitated and the supernatant had little fluorescence. One potential application for a pH-responsive protein-chitosan conjugate is as an injectable gel for controlled release of a protein drug. Conceivably, a

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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Figure 3. Tyrosinase-catalyzed grafting of GFP to chitosan confers pHdependent solubility to GFP conjugate of a protein drug and chitosan could be injected as a moderately acidic solution. Upon contact with body fluids of higher pH, the conjugate could form a gel matrix that immobilizes the protein drug at the localized site of injection(26J. Over time as chitosan is degraded, the protein drug should be gradually released.

3. Transglutaminase catalyzed protein crosslinking Transglutaminases are acyl-transfer enzymes that catalyze transamidation reactions between the glutamine and lysine residues of proteins to yield Ν-ε-(γglutamyl)lysine crosslinks(27,2S,). Mammalian transglutaminases typically require calcium for activity, are present in various tissues, and perform a range of functions. For instance, the blood factor XHIa is a transglutaminase that catalyzes the fibrin crosslinking reactions in the last stages of the blood coagulation cascade(29,36t). A calcium-independent microbial transglutaminase (mTG) recently became available and has been investigated in various food applications (31-33). mTG may be appropriate for a broader range of applications because its calciumindependence makes it more convenient than tissue transglutaminases. mTG is known to react with gelatin chains to yield covalently crosslinked networks^,). In previous studies, we observed that the addition of chitosan to gelatin solutions accelerated transglutaminase-catalyzed gel formation and resulted in stronger gels, although we have no direct evidence that the gelatin and chitosan are covalently \\ν\αεά(35).

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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The networks generated from transglutaminase-catalyzed crosslinking are different from those obtained by either cooling gelatin solutions or reacting gelatin and chitosan with tyrosinase. To gain insights into the various networks generated in our studies, we blended gelatin (5%) with chitosan (0.32 %) and formed gels by cooling, or by reacting the blends with either tyrosinase or transglutaminase. The solid squares in Figure 4a show the storage modulus (G') of gelatin-chitosan blend as it is cooled from 37 °C. At the higher temperatures, G' is small but as the temperature is lowered near gelatin's coil-to-triple helix transition temperature, G ' is observed to increase markedly. By cooling, these gelatin-chitosan blends undergo a sol-gel conversion with the triple helices serving as the physical network junctions. The solid squares in Figure 4b show how G ' varies as the blend is heated above gelatin's helix-to-coil transition temperature. The drop in G ' upon heating illustrates that the triple helix network junctions are "melted" and the blend returns to a solution state.

Figure 4. Thermal behavior ofgelatin (5%) and chitosan (0.32%) blends. Some blends were reacted with tyrosinase (Tyr; 60 U/ml) or microbial transglutaminase (mTG; 10 U/g-gelatin). A gelatin (5%) solution reacted with mTG was also analyzed. Oscillatory tests were performed with a controlled stress of 0.5 Pa and a frequency of 0.1 Hz. (a) Cooling test. -0.3°C/min. (b) Heating test. 1 °C/min.

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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As discussed previously, when tyrosinase is reacted with gelatin and chitosan, a hydrogel is formed even when temperatures exceed gelatin's coil-tohelix transition temperature. This is illustrated in Figure 4a by the fact that this sample (designated Blend w/ Tyr) has a significant G ' even before cooling. The proposed network structure for this gel is illustrated in Scheme 1 where a grafted gelatin chain forms a physical interaction that serves as a network junction. Figure 4a shows that the tyrosinase-catalyzed gelatin-chitosan gel is strengthened upon cooling below gelatin's coil-to-helix transition suggesting that this strengthening is due to the formation of additional triple helix network junctions. Figure 4b shows that heating above gelatin's transition temperature weakens, but does not break, the tyrosinase-catalyzed gelatin-chitosan gel. Presumably, heating "melts" the triple helix network junctions without destroying the physical junctions formed with the grafted gelatin chains. The above behavior indicates that tyrosinase-catalyzed reactions do not disrupt the ability of gelatin chains to undergo thermally-reversible coil-to-helix transitions. When the gelatin-chitosan blend is reacted with transglutaminase, a strong gel is formed, and the triangles in Figure 4 show that the gel's properties are largely independent of cooling or heating near gelatin's transition temperatures. Similar behavior is observed for gels formed by reacting gelatin with transglutaminase in the absence of chitosan (circles in Figure 4). This behavior is consistent with mTG catalyzing a covalent crosslinking reaction that destroys the ability of gelatin chains to undergo further coil-to-helix transitions. The results in Figure 4 also show that chitosan contributes to strengthening the network generated from the mTG-catalyzed crosslinking of gelatin. One potential application of mTG-catalyzed crosslinking is as a biomimetic soft tissue adhesive analogous to fibrin sealants. Current fibrin sealants employ protein components derived from blood and utilize the transglutaminase activity of factor XHIa to catalyze protein (i.e. fibrin) crosslinking. It may be possible to develop an alternative soft tissue adhesive based on gelatin and mTG that avoids the need for blood proteins. A second potential application is for tissue engineering where mTG could be used for entrapping cells within a crosslinked gelatin network. In initial studies, we inoculated Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacterial cells into standard growth medium with gelatin (10%), and then added mTG. Gel formation occurred over the course of a couple hours and Figure 5 shows cells entrapped within this crosslinked gelatin matrix. The entrapped cells are viable and can grow and respond to their environment. Additionally, the crosslinked protein matrix can be degraded by proteases and the cells can be released (36) .

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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Figure 5. SEMphotograph ofE. coli cells that had been entrapped in mTGcatalyzed gelatin gel matrix.

In summary, we have shown that nature-derived polymers can be enzymatically modified to generate materials with interesting chemical and mechanical properties. The benign nature of both the raw materials and the enzyme-catalyzed reaction steps illustrates the potential for creating safe and environmentally-friendly materials that offer unique performance attributes (e.g. stimuli-responsive solubility or mechanical strength). We have attempted to highlight this potential by suggesting a range of possible medical applications.

Acknowledgements Financial support was provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (2001-35504-10667) and the National Science Foundation (grant BES-0114790).

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